Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1258 Shepherd God [Subscribe]

The giant race where Titan is located is one of the best fighting races in the Eternal Star Territory.

However, the giants are weak in reproduction and technology.

Their personal strength may be very strong, but their overall strength is far inferior to the two giants, Mufa Star and Original Body Star.

If a war really breaks out, the giants obviously cannot be the opponents of the Mufa Stars.

Under the catastrophe of Mufa Star's Skynet, Titan was bombarded with holes.

Seeing that Titan, under the catastrophe, may encounter the power of disintegration,

Yu Ji on the side frowned deeply.

Obviously, she was dissatisfied with the soldier's behavior.

But at the same time, she was also surprised by the power of Mufa Star.

If she had rejected Mu Faxing's request before, maybe the mermaid tribe would be the one to suffer this world-shattering disaster now.

Of course, no matter what, Yu Ji was very dissatisfied with Mu Faxing's behavior.

"Okay, don't you want to conquer the giants?"

"If you wipe out the entire giant race, you will only gain more than you lose."

Yu Ji said to the soldier.

After hearing this, the soldier smiled and looked at Yu Ji.

"Haha, if the giants hadn't taken the initiative to attack us just now, do you think I would have fought back?"

"I, Mu Faxing, have always believed that I will not offend anyone unless they offend me! If someone offends me, I will repay him a hundredfold."

"Of course, you don't have to worry too much about them. The giants have extremely powerful vitality, and this little damage is not worth mentioning to them."

"And the Titans are a warlike race. They only obey the strong."

"I had no intention of making peace with them from the beginning."

"Do you think my fleet is specially used to deal with you mermaids?"

The implication of this soldier was that the reason they brought such a large group of troops this time was precisely for the giants.

As for the mermaid tribe, they did not intend to conquer by force at first.

As he spoke, mountains suddenly shot out from the Titan below.

These mountains were like flying fireballs, smashing into the fleet in the sky.

It has only been meteorites landing before, but I have never seen meteors flying into the sky.

For a time, many battleships were blown to dust on the spot and smashed to pieces.

Zhuo Bufan was deeply surprised when he saw this scene.


Now he had to believe that the giants were all terrifying war kings.

"Have you seen it now? This is the strength of the giants."

The soldier looked at his destroyed fleet and said calmly.

He seemed to have guessed this outcome.

"Zuo Chen, release the antimatter energy black hole, and at the same time issue a faun's declaration to these militants who only know how to fight."

If they continue to resist, they will be killed directly without mercy.

As one of the nine divine envoys under the Shepherd God, the Soldier Envoy naturally plays the role of a general.

Leading troops to fight was originally his task and mission.

Now facing the stubborn resistance elements of Titan, he did not hesitate to start the battle.

After hearing this, the subordinate named Zuo Chen immediately opened the antimatter energy black hole according to the soldier's request.

For a time, pieces of black hole nebulae covered the entire sky of Titan.

The giant peaks that flew out from Titan were all absorbed by the black hole, and then they all fought back.

Bang bang bang bang!

For a time, the entire Titan was buried under countless artillery bombardments.

At this time, Mu Faxing still released a lot of small computers and began to issue their so-called Mufa Declaration to the giants of Titan.

"Listen, giants, now you have only one choice, to submit to our God of Shepherding."

"Since you giant gods admire the strong, you should know that we, the gods of animal husbandry, are the strongest beings in this star field."

"Now, you have no choice. You should follow the holy will of your race and obey our great God of Shepherd."

"The God of Shepherd promises that as soon as the war is over, the Titans will be appointed as the superior race of the Eternal Star Territory."

"Furthermore, the Goddess of Shepherd will promise you, the Titan Clan, that he will give you the most valuable knowledge and the most powerful equipment and power."

Announcements from Planet Mufa continued to sound over the sky of Titan.

They wanted to use this method to make the giant gods surrender.

However, the Titan Tribe can become a famous and evil fighting nation in the Eternal Star Territory, so it is impossible for them to give in so easily.

Seeing that Titan gradually began to be destroyed under this bombardment.

At this moment, suddenly, a streak of loess and dust rose into the sky above the Titan.

It was an earth-shattering sandstorm that swept across the entire Titan.

Even the warships close to the sky of Titan were burned in an instant.

"It's Giant King Huck!"

"Let everyone retreat quickly!"

Seeing the sandstorm sweeping across the sky, the soldiers immediately ordered their fleet to retreat.

However, it is obviously too late to retreat now.

Because the sandstorm was simply heaven-defying, completely covering the sky.

It has even touched the command battleship where they are located.

Through the glass window of the battleship, Zhuo Bufan could clearly see that there were heavy sandstorms surrounding the Titan.

And the sandstorm is still spreading.

From the sandstorm, a big hand covering the sky would appear from time to time.

The hand that covered the sky clenched a finger and easily blasted a warship.

This scene stunned everyone present.


All the warships opened fire,

Trying to escape from this troubled place as soon as possible.

However, it was too late to run now.

Above the sky, the yellow sand turned into a thousand-handed Buddha.

Countless Buddha hands fell from the sky and attacked the warships of the Mufa people.

In just an instant, the warships of Mufa were completely defeated.

On the giant screen of the command warship, only pieces of warships were destroyed.

"Damn, this ungrateful guy."

After seeing this scene, the soldier was furious.

His fleet was almost destroyed in half in an instant.

Such a powerful force is simply shocking.

"So strong, this person has obtained the will of the stars, and is the master of this star. His strength is not inferior to mine."

Yu Ji, the star master of Blue Water, could not help but marvel after seeing the domineering power of the giant king Hake.

The giant king Hake is also the star master of the Giant God Star.

At this moment, he has merged with the will of the Giant God Star, and the shocking fighting power he has burst out is shocking.

Of course, this is not the most terrifying.

In this state, the giant king swept through thousands of troops like a roll of cloth, and no one dared to fight.

"Monkeys from the Mufa Star, if you want me to submit to you sincerely, then show your skills!"

"I, the Giant God Clan, only submit to the strong, not monkeys."

As soon as the giant king Hake finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved, and rows of warships were once again set on fire.

Compared to the giant king, the warships of the Mufa Star are just like ants, and they can be destroyed by waving their hands.

For some reason, Yu Ji, who saw this scene, was actually a little happy.

Seeing the arrogant Mufa people being humiliated, she was obviously very happy.

The soldier of Mufa was furious.

Without saying a word, he turned into a beam of light and flew out of the warship, and then flew towards the giant king Hake.

The staff in his hand released infinite light, lighting up the dark void.

At this time, in the sandstorm, a figure emerged.

"Bug, you are finally willing to come out."

When the giant king saw the soldier, he did not attack him immediately.

Instead, he made waves of mocking sounds towards the soldier.

The giant king was indeed qualified to laugh at the soldier.

Because the soldier might be the opponent of the giant king.

The soldier was not even better than Yu Ji, and fighting with the giant king was tantamount to seeking death.

Therefore, even Yu Ji did not understand why the soldier rushed out!

"Is he looking for death?"

Yu Ji said coldly.

She knew the strength of the soldier very well, and he was much weaker than herself.

Yu Ji could feel that she was inferior to the Giant King.

So it was almost impossible for the soldier to fight the Giant King.

However, this soldier seemed to be fearless and had no fear at all.

He held the staff in his hand and shouted at the Giant King.

"Giant King Hake, since you don't want to drink the wine, let the Lord Shepherd God punish you personally!"

As soon as the soldier finished speaking, the staff in his hand suddenly released a black halo.

Then, a golden figure walked out from the black halo.

When the golden figure walked out of the air, the whole void trembled.


"What a powerful energy!"

Zhuo Bufan was secretly shocked.

He felt the extremely terrifying energy from the person who walked out of the void.

"Is this person the Shepherd God?"

Yu Ji next to him also felt the horror of the man in gold.

"That's right, he must be the God of the Shepherd Star, the most powerful God of the Mystery in the Eternal Star Domain."

Yu Ji has never seen the Shepherd God, but she has heard of his power.

The Shepherd God of the Shepherd Star and Yuan Zun of the Primordial Star are the two most powerful beings in the Eternal Star Domain.

Among them, Yuan Zun controls the physique and energy.

And the Shepherd God controls the mystery and the law.

They are all beings that can sweep across the star domain.

It can be said that the two of them can even fight against the will of the Heavenly Dao in the Eternal Star Domain when they join forces.

This is the same as the Three Emperors in the Three Emperors Star Domain, where the three emperors trapped the Daluo Heavenly Dao.

The power of a person can go against the sky, which is the similarity between the Eternal Star Domain and the Three Emperors Star Domain.

Of course, the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun are still a little worse than the Three Emperors, or even a lot worse.

The Three Emperors are the strongest humans in the void.

Not to mention in the Daluo Heaven, even in the entire chaotic void, they are one of the best.

And the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun are only invincible in this Eternal Star Domain.

Of course, being invincible in the Eternal Star Domain is enough.

And dealing with the Giant King is more than enough.

When the Shepherd God walked out of the air,

the Giant King was obviously shocked. Even the Giant King who had just swept undefeated felt the energy of fear at this moment.

"Shepherd God, you finally came out!"

Although the Giant King felt a strong threat.

However, he did not show his fear, but still showed his domineering majesty.

The Shepherd God is infinitely heroic and a stunningly handsome man.

Facing the Giant King's provocation, he seemed very calm.

"Giant King, I only have one move."

"If you can accept it, I will immediately retreat thousands of miles away, and promise that from now on, Mufa will never set foot on Titan."

"If you can't take it, take me as your master, become my sharp sword, and win this eternal kingdom for me."

The faun is very domineering.

These two simple sentences showed his extremely domineering aura.

After hearing his words, the Giant King was obviously silent for a moment.

After a moment of silence, the Giant King laughed.

"Shepherd, you are indeed as arrogant as the rumors say."

"In this case, let me add another condition."

"If I accept your move, you will consider me your master. If I cannot accept it, I will become your servant! This is only fair! Right?"

The Giant King is obviously very confident, confident that he can take the decisive blow from the Shepherd.

After hearing this, the Shepherd showed no expression on his face.

He said calmly.

"As you wish, accept the move!"

After the Shepherd finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his finger.

I don't know what he said in his mouth, but his fingers flashed with infinite golden light.

That kind of light makes people afraid to look directly.

At the moment when Zhuo Bufan felt that his eyes were about to be blinded, he saw the law chain flashing on the finger of the Shepherd.

"The power of law?" Zhuo Bufan recognized at a glance that it was the power of law from the God of Shepherd.

"He is worthy of being the most powerful god of mysteries in the Eternal Star Territory. Can you have the power of law at your fingertips?"

The light of law fills the entire starry sky.

For a moment, all the creatures were under this light and silently closed their eyes.

"Is this the power of the faun?"

At this moment, Yu Ji also felt the powerful power of the Shepherd.

She finally understood how weak the mermaid tribe was in the eyes of this god of animal husbandry.

Now Yuji is very happy that she made the right choice.

If she really decided to lead the mermaid tribe to fight to the death, then death would probably be waiting for them.

Facing such a powerful Shepherd, Yu Ji unconsciously felt fear and admiration in her heart.

Soon, after the light passed, darkness swept in again.

There is no earth-shattering explosion, no divine power that bombards the world, and no energy that destroys the galaxy.

Everything was as if nothing had happened and it became extremely quiet.

"what happened?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and asked.

Yu Ji on the side shook her head after hearing this.

"I don't know, but it seems that the faun won."

After Yu Ji finished speaking, she pointed at the Titan.

Titan, which was originally as huge as a star, disappeared into the sky.

What shocked Zhuo Bufan was that the fingertips of the shepherd actually held a bead as big as an eyeball.

That "bead" is none other than Titan.

The Goddess of Shepherd actually shrunk the entire Titan into something in the palm of his hand.

Zhuo Bufan was completely dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"This, this is too outrageous."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He knew that the Shepherd was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

Not to mention the giant king, even the giant star became a projectile.

This is the power of the God of Mufa Star.

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