Because he suspected that Zhuo Bufan was taken to Mazu Mountain by Queen Wa, Ni Cangqiong and Meng Wuqing rushed over.

However, when they arrived at the gate of Mazu Mountain, they were stopped outside by the third sister Meng Chuixue.

"Little Eight, you have played enough outside, and you are finally willing to go home?"

Meng Chuixue looked at Meng Wuqing and said.

Meng Wuqing frowned slightly when she heard it.

She knew that the third sister was very strict on weekdays. She must have made her angry because she had not returned for such a long time.

So Meng Wuqing quickly admitted her mistake.

"Third sister, Wuqing knows that he is wrong. Wuqing should not be greedy for the human world. Wuqing is willing to be punished. It's just..."

"No buts, since you are willing to be punished, then go to Tianhan Cave for ten years!"

Meng Chuixue should be called Meng Wuqing.

She was cold and iron-faced, and the sisters were very afraid of her.

After hearing this, Meng Wuqing felt a little wronged, but she did not dare to refute.

"Yes, Wuqing will obey the order. Wuqing will go to Tianhan Cave now."

However, Ni Cangqiong on the side grabbed Meng Wuqing's hand.

"Wait a minute, Senior Sister Chuixue, she went to my Jietian Mountain because Senior Sister Chanyi asked her to. Why, is Senior Sister Chanyi's order so useless in Mazu Mountain?"

As soon as Ni Cangqiong finished speaking, Meng Wuqing's face froze and he shouted.

"Shut up, how can you, a prodigal son, comment on the senior sister. Although the senior sister asked Xiao Laoba to go to Jietian Mountain, she was reluctant to leave. Wuqing, Wuqing, have you forgotten the skills you practiced?"

Meng Chuixue is not a bad person, on the contrary, she just belongs to the strict side of Meng Chanyi.

She already has the kindness of Meng Chanyi, and everything she does is for the junior sisters.

Ni Cangqiong still refuses to accept this.

"She just followed my master's order and stayed a few more days as a guest in Jietian Mountain. What? Are you blaming my old man for not knowing the rules?"

Ni Cangqiong was arrogant and he could call Pan Huang an old man, so his words seemed a bit aggressive.

Meng Chuxue had no good feelings for Ni Cangqiong, because Ni Cangqiong was the one who hurt Meng Wuqing the most.

So, if Meng Wuqing wanted to be with Ni Cangqiong again, she might be the first to oppose it.

Faced with Ni Cangqiong's arrogant words, Meng Chuxue was slightly angry.

She looked at Meng Wuqing in front of her with her eyes like torches, and then said.

"Jietian Mountain has its own rules, and Mazu Mountain has its own rules. Little Eight, do you know what rules you broke?"

Seeing that Meng Chuxue was already a little angry, Meng Wuqing apologized quickly.

"The world calms down, Wuqing knows his fault, and Wuqing is willing to be punished."

"Wait a minute, we will be punished together. Isn't it just confinement? I will be confined with her."

Ni Cangqiong stood up again.

Anyway, he also wants to enter Mazu Mountain, so this way, he can kill two birds with one stone.

However, Meng Chuxue refused to follow his wishes.

"Mazu Mountain does not welcome you, please go back!"

Meng Chuxue directly rejected Ni Cangqiong's application to enter.

Ni Cangqiong was angry. He looked at Meng Chuxue in front of him and wanted to fight with her.

"What do you mean, woman? Can I enter Mazu Mountain? Do I need to ask you?"

"Then you can try."

After Meng Chuxue finished speaking, pure white spirit rings appeared on his body and wrapped him up.

Seeing this scene, Ni Cangqiong knew that Meng Chuxue was serious.

Meng Wuqing on the side quickly persuaded.

"Third Senior Sister, please be calm, Wuqing knows his mistake. Wuqing will go to Tianhan Didong to apologize now."

Meng Wuqing knows very well how powerful Meng Chuxue is.

Meng Chuxue is the most powerful person in Mazu Mountain besides Wahuang and Senior Sister Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chuxue is now at the peak of Shengyuan Realm, and is only one step away from Daoyuan Realm. Even the previous Xuhuang would not be Meng Chuxue's opponent.

Ni Cangqiong wants to fight Meng Chuxue, which is obviously looking for abuse.

Seeing Meng Chuxue preparing to attack, Meng Wuqing was frightened and begged for mercy.

However, Ni Cangqiong is a fool. He knew that he was not Meng Chuxue's opponent, but he still accepted the challenge.

"Since Third Senior Sister wants to test my skills, don't blame me for being rude."

After Ni Cangqiong finished speaking, he rushed directly towards Meng Chuxue.

However, as soon as he rushed in front of Meng Chuxue, Meng Chuxue disappeared in the next second.

Not only Meng Chuxue, but also Ni Cangqiong disappeared.

Meng Wuqing, who saw this scene, frowned.

"Oh no, it's the Frost World of the Third Senior Sister!"

"Time doesn't exist in this world."

Meng Wuqing knew Meng Chuxue's Frost World very well. It was an absolutely frozen world.

In this world, nothing could move, even time had been frozen.

In this world, except Meng Chuxue herself who could sense the existence of time, anything else that entered this world would be completely frozen.

Ni Cangqiong almost rashly rushed into Meng Chuxue's Frost World.

As a result, he became a lump of ice in Meng Chunxue's Frost World in the next second.

Not only could he not move, but even his consciousness disappeared.



Just when Meng Wuqing was extremely anxious, a lump of ice suddenly flew out of the air.

That lump of ice was Ni Cangqiong.

Along with Ni Qianqiong, Meng Chuixue appeared.

Meng Chuixue almost killed Ni Qiong instantly.

When she came out of her frost realm, it meant that Ni Qiangqiong had been defeated.

In fact, Ni Qingqiong was completely defeated. He was defeated directly without even being able to take a single move from Meng Chuixue.

Seeing Ni Qingqiong who had turned into a lump of ice, Meng Qingqing sighed helplessly.

"Sister, let him go! I will follow you into the mountain."

Meng Chuixue looked at Meng Wuqing who looked helpless, and finally couldn't help but sigh.

"Silly girl, why are you doing this? When you decided to practice Taishang Wangqinglu, you were already ready soon?"

Everyone in Mazu Mountain knows about Meng Wuqing.

It was because of Ni Qingqiong that Meng Qingqing decided to practice the most painful Taishang Wangqinglu.

Once you practice this skill, there is no room for regret.

Once you become emotional, all the cultivation skills you have cultivated will be lost.

And not only that, she may even fall into an eternal love disaster.

Meng Chui Xue knew very well that Meng Qingqing had already had an emotional heart. If she didn't stop her, Meng Wuqing would be really ruined.

So Meng Chuixue's purpose in doing this was actually to save her.

Meng Qingqing knew her senior sister's good intentions, so although she was extremely reluctant to give up, she had to follow Meng Chuixue into Mazu Mountain in the end.

In the end, only Ni Cangqiong, a piece of ice, stayed in place and became a door god outside Mazu Mountain.

After knowing that Meng Qingqing and the others had completely left, Ni Qingqiong broke free from the shackles of the ice.

When Ni Qianqiong regained his consciousness, he found that Meng Qingqing and Meng Chuixue had disappeared, and he couldn't help but howl.

"Why? Why? Why did you leave me again?"

Ni Qingqiong hit the barrier outside Mazu Mountain over and over again, but with his ability, it was like a fly shaking a tree.

Ni Qiong may have deserved this disaster.

His life has been too smooth, and he has not encountered too many setbacks along the way.

Now being frustrated in Mazu Mountain may be of great benefit to his life.

Now, Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong have arrived at Mazu Mountain.

It's just that Ni Cangqiong was not welcome, so he had to stay outside Mazu Mountain in depression.

And Zhuo Bufan is obviously much better off than Ni Qingqiong.

Zhuo Bufan now found the Red Emperor and learned some of the truth about that year.

It turns out that Ji Xuanhao was also the apprentice of the Red Emperor.

This is why the Red Emperor said that he was Zhuo Bufan's master after seeing him.

Chidi entered because he was chasing Emperor Wa. After entering Daluotian, he stayed with Emperor Wa and became a follower of Emperor Wa.

"It seems that you should know your identity now."

Chidi looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked.

"About me being the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao?"

"Not only that, you should already know that you are not just the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao."

Scarlet Emperor's words made Zhuo Bufan unable to hide it anymore, so he could only smile.

"It seems that nothing can be hidden from His Majesty the Red Emperor. Yes, I do already know about my three reincarnations."

Zhuo Bufan is not only the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao, he is also the reincarnation of Luo Tian.

He reincarnated three times just to change the world.

When the Red Emperor heard this, he nodded slightly.

"If that's the case, then I should be able to tell you something."

What the Red Emperor is going to say next is obviously very important, as it will be related to Zhuo Bufan's mission.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan did not dare to neglect.

"Please ask the Red Emperor for advice."

Although Zhuo Bufan knew that he was the reincarnation of Luo Tian and Ji Xuanhao, he knew very little about the mission.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan didn't realize what kind of mission he should have at all.

After coming to Daluotian, he has been aimlessly searching for memories about his previous life, but so far, he doesn't know much.

After hearing this, Chidi began to speak seriously.

"Then let me tell you first what you want to do when you come to Daluotian!"

"You should know very well that the current host of Heavenly Dao is the incorporeal body of your first-generation Luo Tian."

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

He knew this.

"Yes, I know a little bit about this matter."

"That's enough. You have to know that the current host of Heavenly Dao is a virtual body. It is not a complete Heavenly Dao."

"The way of heaven is ruthless and looks at all living beings with cold eyes. However, its host has distracting thoughts. As the incorporeal Luo Tian, ​​it hates human beings in its heart."

"Fortunately, with the presence of the Three Emperors, Incorporeal Luo Tian does not dare to carry out a large-scale cleansing of human beings."

"However, Xuhui Luotian has always had a goal, which is to re-strengthen the Xu clan. He wants to let the Xu clan dominate this world again. Let humans become their slaves again."

"Of course, as long as the Three Emperors are around, it will be impossible for Incorporeal Luotian to hide his wish."

"However, the Three Emperors are not eternal. In fact, the era of the Three Emperors and the virtual body Luo Tian may end soon."

"The power of Heaven comes from the common people. The more prosperous this world is, the stronger its power becomes. Today's Three Emperors can only barely suppress the power of Heaven."

"But if one day, the Three Emperors can no longer suppress it, then the end of the entire Daluotian will come. The Void Luotian will cleanse the human race mercilessly. Then let the Void people dominate this world again."

"At that time, not only the entire Daluotian. All human beings in the three thousand planes and countless worlds located under the Daluotian may be enslaved."

"Because humans are a threat to Heaven, and he will no longer allow creatures like humans to exist. Even if they may exist, they can only be pushed back to the bottom of the food chain."

"This is the problem we are facing now, do you understand?"

Chidi analyzed the current problem to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

He actually knew something about this issue beforehand.

We also know what kind of baptism the Incorporeal Luotian will have on this world once he breaks away from the shackles of the Three Emperors as the host of Heavenly Dao.

"So, in order to solve this problem, the Three Emperors thought of two ways!"

Chidi continued.

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly after hearing this.

"any solution?"

Zhuo Bufan could guess that this method must be related to him.

The Red Emperor's answer also confirmed his guess.

"These two methods are actually related to you."

"The first way is to re-establish a world suitable for human survival. A world on the same level as Daluotian. This world is no longer under the jurisdiction of Daluotian, so even if Daluotian Dao carries out a great purge in the future, it will not It will affect the lives in the new world, do you understand?"

Chidi's words made Zhuo Bufan immediately think of the earth world inside his body.

That world is a world created by Ji Xuanhao using the chaotic energy of Tianwaitian. It is not under the jurisdiction of Daluotian, and its level is the same as that of Daluotian.

Daluotian also used the power of chaos to create the world.

"You should be very clear about the first method. Because your previous life, Ji Xuanhao, created such a world that meets the requirements."

"It's just that this world is still too small. Compared to Daluotian, it's pitifully small. We may not be able to wait for it to develop and grow."

"So now, we have to look at option two."

What the Red Emperor knew was obviously told to him by Emperor Wa.

Emperor Wa asked Chidi to deliver these words to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan naturally asked quickly.

"What's the second option?"

After hearing this, Chidi replied.

"The second method is also related to you. Because the current host of Da Luo Tian Dao is the virtual Luo Tian, ​​which is incomplete."

"According to what Emperor Wa and the others want, if you are allowed to fuse with the incorporeal Luo Tian, ​​and both of you can become hosts of the way of heaven and become complete, perhaps we can prevent the catastrophe from happening."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned after hearing this.

"Let me become the new host of Heavenly Dao?"

Zhuo Bufan has never thought about it. It can be said that this idea is extremely crazy.

Becoming the new host of Heavenly Dao and becoming the true master of Daluotian is Zhuo Bufan's mission.

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