Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1164 Red Emperor's Words

Meng Xiyue looked at the picture of the back that Zhuo Bufan took out, with surprise in her eyes.

The back view is Meng Chanyi's only painting, and it is also the most outstanding painting.

Meng Chanyi had never given this picture of the back to anyone, and even Meng Xiyue had never received one.

However, if it was Zhuo Bufan who brought it out, then Meng Xiyue would be able to understand.

The senior sister must have handed it to Zhuo Bufan quietly.

"You mean, you learned the sky-repairing technique from the back view?"

Meng Xiyue seemed a little calm because she had basically guessed everything.

It must have been senior sister Meng Chanyi who incorporated the Heaven-Mending Technique into the back view and handed it over to Zhuo Bufan.

"It seems that this man is indeed the person that Senior Sister has been waiting for."

Since Zhuo Bufan is the person Meng Chanyi is waiting for, Meng Xiyue will not embarrass Zhuo Bufan.

"I just want to meet the person who painted this painting. Is that okay?"

Zhuo Bufan took the picture of the back and looked at Meng Xiyue.

After hearing this, Meng Xiyue shook her head helplessly and said.

"Sorry, you may not meet the owner of this painting."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned.


"Because she is not in Mazu Mountain now, I will not tell you other things. I will naturally explain it to you when the empress comes back."

After hearing Meng Xiyue's words, Zhuo Bufan felt a little regretful.

He didn't expect that the person he wanted to see was not in Mazu Mountain.

You know, Zhuo Bufan made up his mind to meet Meng Chanyi.

"Is it possible that you are avoiding me on purpose?"

Zhuo Bufan thought so in his heart.

He thought that Meng Chanyi didn't dare to see him, so he asked Meng Xiyue to say these words.

Now, Emperor Wa was not here and Meng Chanyi could not be seen. Zhuo Bufan really didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, Meng Xiyue said on the side.

"Master Zhuo, I have offended you so much just now. Now please follow me to the Palace of the Saint. I have asked my junior sisters to prepare some wine to express my apology."

After being inexplicably beaten by Meng Xiyue, Meng Xiyue now began to apologize to him.

This made Zhuo Bufan look confused.

But since Emperor Wa asked him not to leave Mazu Mountain for the time being, Zhuo Bufan is not the kind of person who doesn't follow the rules.

He followed Meng Xiyue obediently to the Holy Lady's Palace.

On the way to the Holy Lady's Palace, Zhuo Bufan asked Meng Xiyue about the situation in Mazu Mountain.

Meng Xiyue told Zhuo Bufan that there are only eight saints in Mazu Mountain responsible for guarding the mountain.

These eight saints, including Meng Xiyue, and -

Dream of blowing snow, dream of long song, dream of no hatred, dream of early rain, dream of Yanling, dream of Fangxiu, dream of calligraphy and painting

All the saints in Mazu Mountain have Meng as their surname, and they are all named by Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi's name was actually given by Luo Tian.

Meng Chanyi has always regarded the children she took in as her spiritual sustenance.

Even the name expressed her longing for Luo Tian.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan followed Meng Xiyue to the Holy Lady's Palace.

The Holy Lady's Palace is located on a huge spiritual tree. The spiritual tree stands in the clouds. Above it is filled with fairy mist, the precious light is shining, the spiritual flowers are everywhere, the cranes are flying, and the water is gurgling.

Zhuo Bufan followed Meng Xiyue to the spiritual tree, and suddenly the spiritual tree spoke.

"Tree slave Lingdang, I have met the second senior sister!"

After hearing this, Meng Xiyue replied.

"Bell, take us up."

After Meng Xiyue finished speaking, two tree vines suddenly hung down from the spiritual tree, and then the tree vines were woven into two rattan chairs, carrying Zhuo Bufan and Meng Xiyue up to the clouds.

"Bell, what a special name."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but smile.

"It was named by the senior sister, because the bell was planted by the senior sister with a bell, and the soul was given by the senior sister using the sky-repairing technique. So the senior sister named it Bell."

Zhuo Bufan understood instantly after hearing this.

After all, he has also practiced the Sky-Mending Technique and knows that the Sky-Mending Technique has the ability to bestow souls. Not to mention a tree, even a stone can give it a soul.

Meng Chanyi used a bell as a seed to plant this tree, which is not surprising at all.

Soon, under the leadership of Ling Dang, Zhuo Bufan and the others slowly ascended above the clouds.

Arriving on the clouds, Zhuo Bufan saw the palace wrapped in clouds.

Outside the palace, there was a dream-like barrier. Under the guidance of Meng Xiyue, they easily broke through the barrier and entered the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace, seven fairy-like beings came into view.

They are the twelve saints who sat down before Emperor Wa.

The third disciple, Meng Chui Xue, is dressed in a flawless snow-colored gown, giving off a cold and noble feeling.

The fourth disciple, Meng Changge, was dressed in red mink velvet, like a warm flame.

The fifth disciple Meng Wuhen, with his body like a colorful phoenix and a frown on his eyebrows, looked at the visitor quietly with a pipa in his arms.

The sixth disciple, Meng Chuyu, was dressed in silver fir, draped in stars and moons, and wore a veil on his head. It was difficult to see the lineup.

The seventh disciple, Meng Yanling, was dressed in mysterious clothes like ink, and his eyes were full of tenderness. Seems easy to get along with.

The ninth disciple, Meng Fangxiu, was wearing a yellow dress and preferred a sunflower. Amidst the stability, Fangfei appears alone, and her every frown and smile warms people's hearts. The tenth disciple dreamed of calligraphy and painting, holding a paintbrush in his hand, wearing long black and white clothes, and his brows were full of heroic spirit.

Zhuo Bufan simply glanced at the seven saints present and was attracted by their temperament.

Each of these saints has a different temperament.

Some are cold, some are gentle, some are charming, some are indifferent, some are elegant, some are sweet, some are cute, some are black-bellied...

Zhuo Bufan can feel that the temperament of each saint comes from the same person, that is, Meng Chanyi.

Because these eleven saints were brought up by Meng Chanyi since childhood.

So whatever temperament they have is more or less influenced by Meng Chanyi.

Looking at these saints, it seems as if I saw the shadow of Meng Chanyi.

"Mr. Zhuo, Mr. Zhuo, please take a seat!"

Meng Xiyue's calls woke up Zhuo Bufan who was in a trance.

Zhuo Bufan felt that he was a little rude, so he quickly corrected his attitude and sat down.

"By the way, aren't there twelve saints in Mazu Mountain? Why are there only eight now?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Meng Xiyue answered after hearing this.

"Eighth Junior Sister Meng Wuqing went to Jietian Mountain some time ago and has not returned yet."

"Eleventh Junior Sister Meng Ziyi and Twelfth Junior Sister Meng Jiangmi went to Butian City."

"So today only the eight of us sisters are hosting you, please don't think we are being rude."

Zhuo Bufan waved his hand when he heard it.

"No, no! The saints are the descendants of the Queen Wa. Each of them is a goddess believed by the world. It is a great honor for me to meet one of you, not to mention being able to drink with the eight of you, which is simply a lifetime of no regrets."

Zhuo Bufan expressed respect and appreciation for the eight saints out of politeness.

However, the aloof third senior sister Meng Chuxue snorted coldly.

"Slippery, I really don't know why Senior Sister would take a fancy to him."

As soon as this was said, Meng Xiyue on the side hurriedly shouted.

"Chuixue, don't be rude."

"Mr. Zhuo is our guest of Mazu Mountain, and Queen Wa has also told us to treat Mr. Zhuo well."

Meng Xiyue's scolding made Meng Chuxue shut up and said no more.

But Zhuo Bufan could see that many saints present seemed to know about him.

Or in other words, he was not popular here.

"Mr. Zhuo, please don't mind. After the meal, I will take you to see someone who may answer some questions in your mind."

Meng Xiyue's attitude towards Zhuo Bufan also changed 180 degrees.

Ming Xiyue had fought with Zhuo Bufan in Jinghu before.

But now, she actually cared about Zhuo Bufan very much.

Zhuo Bufan felt uncomfortable in this place.

So, Zhuo Bufan just finished his meal in a hurry and then left the Saint Palace.

He could see that he didn't seem to be so welcome here.

But he will have to stay here for a long time in the future, so Zhuo Bufan must think carefully about how to get along with these saints.

"Mr. Zhuo, please don't mind what Junior Sister Chuixue said. Next, I will take you to see someone."

After Meng Xiyue saw Zhuo Bufan walk out of the Saint's Palace, she followed him.

Today, Zhuo Bufan has met the saints of Mazu Mountain.

The next more important thing is, who will Meng Xiyue take Zhuo Bufan to see?

"Is it Meng Chanyi?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed.

If it is Meng Chanyi, then what is the first sentence he will say after seeing her?

Zhuo Bufan followed Meng Xiyue, and he was secretly calculating in his heart.

He was practicing what topic to talk about if he met Meng Chanyi.

However, when Meng Xiyue took Zhuo Bufan to a small hut at the foot of the mountain, Zhuo Bufan realized that the person he wanted to see was not Meng Chanyi, but a little old man.

The old man, standing at the door, seemed to have been waiting for their arrival.

"Meet Saint Xiyue."

The old man saluted immediately after seeing Meng Xiyue.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned after seeing the other party.

"It's you? Aren't you in Fengyu Villa in Kaitian City?"

That's right, the old man in front of him was the owner of Fengyu Villa.

He was also the one who gave Zhuo Bufan the back view picture.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the person Meng Xiyue wanted to take him to see was actually this old man.

"You guys chat first, I have something else to do."

Meng Xiyue found an excuse casually and turned to leave the scene, leaving Zhuo Bufan and the old man, you look at me, I look at you.

"Haha, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

The old man was the first to speak, and Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing it.

"Who are you? What do you mean when you say you are my master?"

After the old man gave Zhuo Bufan the back view picture, he fought with him again.

After the fight, the old man took away the thirty-two powerful virtual beasts from Zhuo Bufan.

Finally, the old man left a message that he was Zhuo Bufan's master.

Seeing the old man again, Zhuo Bufan naturally had a lot of questions to ask.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's confused look, the old man laughed and said.

"Boy, didn't your master tell you about a person called Feng Yan?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment when he heard the name.

"Feng, Fengyan?"

After hearing this, the bad old man laughed heartily.

"Yes, it's been a long time since I heard this name. I used to be a venerable person in that world!"

Zhuo Bufan remembered what he had heard from his master Emperor Xuan when he was in the Yin and Yang world.

The name of the Red Emperor is Feng Yan.

"You, you are the Red Emperor?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the old man in front of him in disbelief.

Emperor Xuan once said that the Red Emperor was not dead, but was taken away by Emperor Wa in the sky.

The Red Emperor is one of the four emperors of the Yin and Yang world, and Zhuo Bufan also knows him very well.

Because Zhuo Bufan once benefited from the inheritance of the Red Emperor and gained faith in cultivating the divine way.

It can be said that Red Emperor is half of his master.

"You, are you really the Red Emperor?"

Zhuo Bufan thought of the red skeleton in the cave, which suppressed the ancient beast.

Red Emperor Fengyan, that man who lived in legend, never thought that one day, he would actually be able to see him again.

"Hehehe, boy, are Xuanji and Bai Shu okay?"

Red Emperor Fengyan asked Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly replied.

"Fortunately, they are fine. Master and Mistress are now the patron saints of the Yin and Yang world."

"Red Emperor, I didn't expect that I would really be able to see you again."

Zhuo Bufan was so excited that he even knelt down on one knee towards the Red Emperor.

"Disciple Zhuo Bufan has met the Red Emperor."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan about to kneel down, Feng Yan quickly grabbed him.

"There is no need to pay such a big courtesy."

"Is your boy worshiping Emperor Xuan as his disciple again?"

Chidi looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked with a smile.

The reason why I added the word "you" is because Zhuo Bufan's previous life was also a disciple of Emperor Xuan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and replied.

"The relationship between my disciple and my master is unbroken. It is truly a blessing to be his disciple again in this life."

"Very good, very good. Get up quickly and tell me whether Emperor Xuan and the others are doing well, and what is the situation in that world now."

Although Red Emperor Fengyan has been in Daluotian for two hundred thousand years, his yearning for the Yin and Yang world has not changed at all.

He misses that world very much, misses his junior brothers and sisters, misses his former followers, misses every flower, every grass, every stone and every tree in that world.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan did not refuse the Red Emperor's request.

He began to sit down with the Red Emperor, and then had a long conversation, unconsciously telling the Red Emperor everything that had happened in the Yin and Yang world in the past twenty years.

For Zhuo Bufan, being able to see the Red Emperor again was like meeting a relative.

The so-called meeting an old friend in a foreign land, if Zhuo Bufan can find the Red Emperor in this lonely Daluotian, that means he has found his family.

Zhuo Bufan was guided by the Red Emperor and was able to reach the present step by step.

In a certain way, Red Emperor and Xuan Emperor were both extraordinary masters.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan seemed a little excited when he saw this master whom he had never met before for the first time.

He began to talk about every detail of these years, and the world slowly passed by while reminiscing about the past...

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