Zhou Peng escaped death with Mu Ling's name.

After receiving the name from Zhou Peng, Mu Ling couldn't help but throw herself into her arms and cried with emotion.

"Thank you, Brother Zhou, thank you, Mu Ling will never forget your kindness."

In this battle, Mu Ling didn't fight at all. She got her name entirely thanks to Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng didn't say much, returned the paper crane with Mu Ling's name on it to her, and then said.

"Congratulations, you passed this level. You go first!"

Mu Ling held the paper crane and hesitated.


"No buts, since you are the first, then you should be the first to leave. Let's go!"

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, a beam of light fell from the sky and descended on the Mu Ling.

"Congratulations, Mu Ling, for passing this level!"

The next second, Mu Ling disappeared from the spot.

For a moment, everyone present stared at the sky blankly, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

It would be a lie to say that they were not envious, even Zhou Peng was very envious.

The more people are in the front, the more chances they have to pass this level and leave here.

If it weren't for Zhou Peng and the others' help, it might be impossible for that Mu Ling to get her own name.

And now, she has successfully passed this level, which is a kind of luck.

"Okay, the second Feng Buping, right? Hurry up and sense your name. You have to work harder in the next battle."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, Feng Buping clasped his fists and responded.

"Yes, Senior Brother Zhou."

Next, Zhou Peng led everyone to find a name for Feng Buping again.

This time, Feng Buping took the initiative to ask for a fight, and Zhou Peng and the others were only responsible for resources.

After all, they are Xuanyi disciples, and they all have their own pride. They don't want to transfer all the pressure to Zhou Peng.

So in this battle, Feng Buping put in twelve points of effort and fought desperately.

His opponent was a fire bull living in a magma lake.

After a desperate fight, Feng Buping finally killed the fire bull himself and got his own name.

After Feng Buping got his name, he was also taken away from this world by the light of heaven.

In this way, Zhou Peng's team was left with only four people.

Then, Zhou Peng helped Wang Xuzhi and Qi Ji get their own names.

The two were very grateful to Zhou Peng. After all, if it weren't for Zhou Peng's painting, they would never have gotten their own names.

At the end of the battle, they were all exhausted.

Especially Qi Ji, when he got his name, he was already unable to fight.

It was almost entirely thanks to Zhou Peng that he got that name.

"Brother Zhou, I can't repay this favor. I Qi Ji will remember it in my heart. If Brother Zhou comes to my Qi in the future, take out this order, and I Qi Ji will come at your call."

Qi Ji took out a token and handed it to Zhou Peng. Zhou Peng took a look and said in surprise.

"Grandpa of Daqi, thank you."

He didn't expect that Qi Ji was actually the prince of Daqi, one of the three super dynasties in Panhuang Territory.

In this regard, Qi Ji did not deny that he was indeed the prince of Daqi.

At this time, Wang Xuzhi on the side also took out a token and said to Zhou Peng.

"Brother Zhou, if you come to Longcheng, Wei State in the future, take this token to Longcheng Mansion, and I, Wang Xuzhi, will do my best to be the host."

Wang Xuzhi's identity is not simple either. He is the son of the general of Longcheng, Wei State. Although his identity is not as noble as Qi Ji, he is also a dragon among men.

Zhou Peng did not hesitate to take their tokens and said.

"Okay, it's almost time, you go first!"

Zhou Peng returned their names to them, and then the two of them left Ziyang Realm with their own names.

For a while, Zhou Peng and Ling Shuang were the only ones left in the original group of six.

"Brother Zhou, thank you for your hard work."

Ling Shuang looked at Zhou Peng and said.

Zhou Peng smiled after hearing this.

"It's everyone's hard work. In this way, everyone passed the test. It's great."

Zhou Peng looked very weak. After all, they had fought four consecutive battles, and Zhou Peng was almost the main force in every game.

Ling Shuang's face also looked a little pale. Although she had been only assisting Zhou Peng in the battle, she had also paid a lot of energy for it.

It can be said that among the six of them, except Zhou Peng, Ling Shuang was the most tired.

However, in order to help Zhou Peng, Ling Shuang never complained in front of Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng was like her spiritual pillar, always supporting her to fight.

"Next, it's your name."

Zhou Peng looked at Ling Shuang on the side and said.

After hearing this, Ling Shuang frowned.

"Brother Zhou, I think I should find your name first. In fact, I don't care whether I find my name or not. I didn't intend to pass this test."

"Brother Zhou, it is my greatest luck to meet you in Jietian Mountain. I have no other request."

For Ling Shuang, meeting Zhou Peng is the biggest gain of this Jietian Mountain practice trip.

Ling Shuang was originally a princess of Dayu Country and a noble noble of Dayu Country.

From the moment she was born, she was destined to be not an ordinary person.

Her practice was not only for herself, but for the whole country.

Until she met Zhou Peng, she found that she was completely attracted by the personality charm of this man.

Zhou Peng unknowingly touched her heart.

She could see that Zhou Peng in life must be a well-rounded man, kind, reliable, brave and just.

Zhou Peng may not be good-looking, short and fat, but he has a personality charm that ordinary people don't have, and he is very happy to welcome the princess of the Rain Country.

Therefore, Ling Shuang fell in love with Zhou Peng, a fat guy.

Of course, Zhou Peng didn't feel anything unusual about Ling Shuang's feelings for him at all.

After all, this damn fat man only likes one person. To be precise, he is not a human being, just a puppet.

Faced with Ling Shuang's decision, Zhou Peng rejected her.

"No, we should have already agreed, in order, I will be the last one. Next, I will look for your name."

"You don't need to say more, there are no buts. I hope you understand that I am not doing this for myself or you, but for everyone and for the promise."

"Since it is something I promised, I will definitely complete it."

"I have agreed to help everyone find their names, so I will definitely do my best."

"No more words, hurry up and sense where your name is. I'll take a break and reply."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he sat cross-legged on the stone pillar, and then began to restore his physical strength.

On this side, Ling Shuang saw Zhou Peng's determined look, and finally had no choice but to compromise.

"Okay then, but Senior Brother Zhou, let me be the main force in the next battle!"

"Senior Brother Zhou just needs to support me from the side."

Ling Shuang couldn't bear Zhou Peng to continue fighting.

"If I encounter any danger, please give up on me as soon as possible and continue looking for your name."

Ling Shuang continued, but this time, Zhou Peng didn't say anything more. Instead, he sat quietly and continued to meditate.

Seeing this, Ling Shuang also calmed down and began to sense the location of his name.

After a while, she suddenly felt that her name was not far away from them in the east.

By this time, Zhou Peng had almost recovered.

Zhou Peng looked at Ling Shuang and asked, "Have you found it?"

Ling Shuang nodded.

"Okay, let's go."

After saying that, Ling Shuang took Zhou Peng and rushed in the direction of her name.

When the two came to the next lava lake, they stood on the stone pillars on the lake, and then looked at the hot lava lake.

At this time, Zhou Peng suddenly frowned.

"Be careful, something is flying up quickly."

Zhou Peng's perception was stronger than that of Ling Shuang, and he could sense that the powerful existence under the magma lake was quickly rushing out of the lake.


During the conversation, I saw a giant red shadow flying out of the lake, and then hovering in the air.


Above the purple sky, a high-pitched scream roared.

Zhou Peng looked up and saw a huge flame bird flapping its huge wings in the air.

On top of its head, there is a paper crane wrapped in a Yuanli ball, which is Ling Shuang's name.

"found it!"

Ling Shuang was slightly excited.

But at this time, the flame bird suddenly flapped its wings, and countless fires flew towards Zhou Peng and the others from under its wings.

"I come!"

Before Zhou Peng could react, Ling Shuang rushed out immediately.

Ling Shuang held the Rain Flower Divine Sword in hand, drew a water waterfall in the air, and rushed towards the flame divine bird.

The moment the wall of fire collided with the waterfall, countless water mist was stirred up.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The water mist filled the air, and for a moment, the entire battlefield was completely enveloped, blinding Ling Shuang's sight.

However, Ling Shuang didn't take it easy. The Yuhua Divine Sword in his hand suddenly released an absolute chill.

Immediately afterwards, all the water mist began to solidify into ice, freezing the entire battlefield. Even the boiling lava lake was instantly frozen.

Zhou Peng frowned slightly, and then he realized that Ling Shuang was not a simple person. Her strength was not weak, and she was already a very powerful being in the Tianyuan realm.

"Shuanghan, kill!"

Ling Shuang jumped up and flew into the sky.

The flame bird was frozen by Ling Shuang's frosty air. Naturally, Ling Shuang would not miss such a good opportunity.

She lowered her sword and cut it off from the top of the Flame Bird's head. Then with a clang, the Flame Bird was chopped into two halves, turning into two lumps of ice from the air and falling down.

Bang bang!

Along with the fall of the Flame Bird, Ling Shuang also fell from the sky.

However, she was obviously out of strength. The set of moves just now consumed her few yuan energy.

Just when Ling Shuang fainted with blood, Zhou Peng quickly ran over and supported Ling Shuang in his arms.

"you are great!"

Zhou Peng couldn't help but praise.

After hearing this, Ling Shuang blushed shyly and said.

"Senior Brother Zhou is joking, Ningshuang doesn't dare to compare with Senior Brother Zhou."

Ling Shuang said politely.

But at this moment, Zhou Peng suddenly discovered that the bodies of the two flame birds that fell from the sky began to move.

"No, they're not dead yet!"

Zhou Peng said immediately.

At this time, Ling Shuang also came to her senses, and she discovered that not only was the flame bird not dead, but it also split into two and turned into two flame birds.

"How can it be?"

Ling Shuang looked at the two flame birds in disbelief, with a look of despair on his face.

"It seems that they are not ordinary beings. Leave the rest to me, and you will be responsible for supporting me from the side."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he took out a sword from his Najie.

Facing one of the flying flame birds, he quickly pierced the opponent's throat with his sword.

Zhou Peng's behavior was like a moth flying into a flame.


Before Zhou Peng could react, the flame bird spit out a ball of terrifying flames towards Zhou Peng and flew him away.

"Senior Brother Zhou!"

Ling Shuang shouted from the side.

"do not come!"

He stopped Ling Shuang, who was about to rush over, and then threw a paper crane at her with his backhand.

"Here's your name, take it and get out of here."

It turns out that Zhou Peng's move just now was not to defeat the enemy, but to help Ling Shuang get his name back.

"I'll hold them back, you run."

Zhou Peng shouted towards Ling Shuang.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to summon a huge bird-shaped mechanical puppet, and then flew towards the two flame birds.

Zhou Peng thought for a moment, and then took out a few black fist-sized crystal balls from his ring.

These crystal balls are marked with some marks that only Zhou Peng can understand.

"Man in the Mirror!"

Zhou Peng grabbed one of the crystal balls, poured his own energy into it, and then smashed it into one of the flame birds.

For a moment, the space around the flaming bird began to shatter, like a mirror.

Then, he was like a bird trapped in the mirror, struggling to escape.

Zhou Peng saw this scene and smiled confidently.

"Sure enough, my guess was correct. These are not ordinary beings, they are incorporeal bodies. Normal means cannot kill them at all, they can only be sealed."

"Next, seal the second one."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he took out the second crystal ball and threw it at the other flame bird.

"Ice City!"

This time, the moment the crystal ball was smashed out, an infinite ice waterfall was produced.

Zhou Peng planned to use ice to seal the flame bird.

However, the second flame bird obviously became much smarter. After seeing the crystal ball thrown by Zhou Peng, it instantly pulled away and attacked Zhou Peng and Ling Shuang.

This time, the flame bird divided into more than a dozen flame birds.

Each flame bird spit out terrifying flame rays, and then shot towards Zhou Peng.

"Senior Brother Zhou, let me help you!"

After all, Ling Shuang did not choose to escape, but came back to fight alongside Zhou Peng.

"What are you doing back?"

Zhou Peng was angry, but he had no time to get angry because the second round of the Flame Bird's strong attack had already struck.

At this critical moment, Zhou Peng threw another crystal ball.


The moment the third crystal ball person came out, it immediately exploded into a new singularity in the air, and then began to create a huge black hole.


While Zhou Peng threw the crystal ball out, he turned around and hugged Ling Shuang and fled the battlefield.

The black hole possesses such powerful devouring power that it swallows everything within a kilometer radius, including the differentiated flame birds.

Zhou Peng hugged Ling Shuang, looked back at the gradually weakening black hole behind him, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

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