Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1142: Leader's Light

Zhuo Bufan's test has ended. He lived up to expectations and passed Ni Qianqiong's difficulties and got his paper crane.

But Zhou Peng and the others are still struggling in the Ziyang Realm.

At present, Zhou Peng and the others encountered a fire dragon.

Among them, there is a paper crane hidden on the chest of the fire dragon.

They didn't know whose paper crane it was, but under the leadership of Zhou Peng, everyone fought with all their strength.

Although these Xuanyi disciples are not as good as Zhuo Bufan, they are still selected by Pan Huang, and they are all people with their own abilities.

Although they went through a hard battle, with everyone's concerted efforts, they killed the fire dragon and obtained the paper crane in the fire dragon's chest.

"Bu Chen! Who is Bu Chen?"

Zhou Peng took the paper crane and shouted to the person behind him.

At this time, I saw a thin man walking up the mountain, raising his hand and nodding.

"I, it's mine."

That Bu Chen got the paper crane, not to mention how happy he was.

"Thank you everyone for helping me get the paper crane, thank you."

Bu Chen thanked everyone.

Some of those who didn't get it looked a little disappointed.

But at this time, Zhou Peng said.

"Okay everyone, we can only pass this level by working together. Next, let's continue to work together!"

"Bu Chen, you are willing to continue helping us, right?"

Zhou Peng looked at Bu Chen.

After hearing this, Bu Chen nodded and replied: "Of course, you all helped me get the paper crane. I will not burn bridges by crossing rivers. I will do my best to help everyone next."

After hearing what Bu Chen said, the disappointment in everyone's hearts disappeared.

But at this moment, a beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and fell on Bu Chen.

The next second, Bu Chen disappeared.

"Congratulations to Bu Chen for passing this level. Keep up the hard work!"

At this time, Zi Yang's voice came from the sky, and for a moment, everyone present was stunned.

"What do you mean? Will you leave here on your own after getting your own name?"

"So, there will be fewer and fewer people in the future?"

"If whoever gets his name first can leave here first, then why should we help the other party get his name?"

Someone raised such a question.

Zhou Peng also frowned. He didn't expect that the rules of the last level were like this.

Originally, he planned to lead everyone to collect all the paper cranes, and then leave here together.

But now it seems that this idea is obviously not feasible.

The person who obtains the paper crane will be taken away from this world immediately.

In this case, there will be fewer people toward the back, and the last person will even have to face a strong enemy alone.

And as the battle escalates, physical strength and mental energy are constantly being consumed, which means that the closer to the end, the less likely it is to pass the test.

As a result, everyone present fell silent.

Now they began to have the intention to refuse cooperation.

If you cooperate at first, you may be busy for a long time and just make wedding dresses for others.

Secondly, constant fighting will greatly weaken their strength.

If they really encounter a monster with their own name, they will be unable to fight.

In short, what should we do next? Everyone looked at Zhou Peng with their own thoughts.

Zhou Peng has become the backbone of everyone's minds.

But even so, if it was for profit, they might betray Zhou Peng in the end.

Zhou Peng looked at the crowd, and instead of saying words of encouragement, he said.

"I guess you all have already made a plan in your heart!"

"The question now is, do we want to continue to cooperate?"

Zhou Peng looked at everyone.

At this time, a person came forward and said, "I'm sorry, Senior Brother Zhou, I decided to find my name myself."

"After all, everyone is sensitive to paper cranes with their names written on them. It shouldn't be difficult to find your own paper crane."

After hearing this, Zhou Peng said: "But you may not be able to get your own name just by relying on your own strength."

After hearing this, the man said: "That's better than working hard all the time and drawing water from a bamboo basket in vain."

After listening to the man's words, Zhou Peng nodded.

"What you said makes sense. If you want to leave, I won't stop you. Anyone else who plans to leave can leave now."

Zhou Peng knew very well that he was now fighting for profit.

To be honest, he is not a noble person. When faced with interests, he will choose interests.

He also wanted to get his name quickly and leave this hellish place.

However, after everyone has been together for so long, Zhou Peng has a new perspective on this kind of friendship that he has never felt before.

Just because these people call him Senior Brother Zhou, Zhou Peng is willing to help them.

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, everyone present began to leave one by one.

"Senior Brother Zhou, I'm sorry!"

"Senior Brother Zhou, take your leave."

"Senior Brother Zhou, I wish you good luck."

"Senior Brother Zhou..."

The original team of twelve people ended up with only five people left, including Zhou Peng, there were only six people.

"You won't leave?"

Zhou Peng looked at the remaining five people and said, among these five people was Ling Shuang.

Ling Shuang stepped forward and replied: "Senior Brother Zhou has been helping us along the way. If it hadn't been for Senior Brother Zhou, everyone would have been unable to pass the Eighth Senior Brother's puppet test!"

"We believe in Senior Brother Zhou, so we are willing to continue to follow Senior Brother Zhou."

Ling Shuang's eyes were as charming as silk, and she looked at Zhou Peng lovingly.

This girl unknowingly fell deeply in love with Zhou Peng.

After hearing this, Zhou Peng nodded and said: "Okay, since you all believe in me, then you must all listen to me. Can you do it?"

"If not, you can leave now."

Zhou Peng finally made the decision to lead everyone out of this world.

After hearing this, Ling Shuang was the first to agree: "No problem, we trust Senior Brother Zhou and ask Senior Brother Zhou to take full command."

Others echoed.

At this time, Zhou Peng took out five small pieces of wood, and after writing them in order from one to five, he finally shuffled the order, covered them, and placed them on the ground.

"There are five wood chips here, you choose first."

Zhou Peng didn't say much and just let those present make their choice.

Ling Shuang chose to believe Zhou Peng without hesitation, and then grabbed a wood chip almost without thinking.

Seeing this, the others also divided the remaining wood pieces.

At this time, Zhou Peng said.

"Now take out the wood chips you chose and let me take a look. Next, we will look for the names in order from one to five."

At this time, a junior sister smiled in surprise.

"I'm the first."

She was very lucky and got first place.

Zhou Peng nodded after hearing this.

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Mu Ling!"

"Is it a wood spirit? Well, let's find the name of the wood spirit first."

"Then who's second?"

At this time, another fat man stood up with wood chips and said.

"I am second, but my name cannot be equal!"

Next, Zhou Peng arranged everyone's names in order.

Third, the king must know

Fourth, Qi Ji

Fifth, Ling Shuang

Zhou Peng looked at Ling Shuang, who was fifth, and frowned slightly. He didn't expect Ling Shuang to be fifth.

"Oh, it seems I'm really unlucky!"

Ling Shuang smiled.

Her smile was bright and she didn't seem to feel bad about being ranked fifth.

"By the way, what about you, Senior Brother Zhou? Could it be that you..."

Ling Shuang suddenly thought that Zhou Peng had no choice, which meant that Zhou Peng might want to be the last one in line.

"I'll be the sixth one! After I find all your names, I'll look for mine."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, everyone present looked at him with admiration.

"Senior Brother Zhou, you don't have to be like this. Otherwise, you can be in the fifth place and I can be in the sixth place! In fact, I can't pass this test, so it doesn't matter."

Ling Shuang knew very well that it was almost impossible for the last one to get a name. After all, helping so many people would definitely consume a lot of strength.

Ling Shuang really wanted Zhou Peng to pass this test, because she felt that only Zhou Peng was the most worthy of winning this test.

You know, this is likely to be related to whether you can eventually become Panhuang's personal disciple.

Zhou Peng just smiled indifferently at Ling Shuang's affection.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. There are only five paintings of you. I should be able to survive until the end and get my name."


Ling Shuang wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Zhou Peng.

"Okay, as I said before, all actions will be subject to my command. If you don't obey, I will have no choice but to ask you to leave."

Zhou Peng's words did not take into account the previous feelings at all.

After hearing this, Ling Shuang did not dare to say anything more.

"The wood spirit, start sensing your name!"

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, the wood spirit began to sense the direction of the paper crane with her name written on it.

At this moment, outside the Ziyang realm.

Zhuo Bufan, who had just passed the test, also became one of the spectators.

At this time, the other senior brothers on the side looked at Zhou Peng's performance in Ziyang Realm and nodded.

"This kid is really good. Don't talk about his talent, at least his character is very good."

"I really hope he can pass the test. In this case, we will have another junior brother."

"Do you think he is Xiaojiu or Xiaotwen?"

"It must be Xiao Twenty. Junior Brother Zhuo must be Xiao Nineteen."

"Yeah, I almost forgot about our Junior Brother Zhuo. Junior Brother Zhuo is so good, he will definitely become our little Junior Brother."

A group of people looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

The talent and strength displayed by Zhuo Bufan are unparalleled.

Being able to compete with Ni Qiong in the battle, based on this strength, he is already qualified to become Panhuang's disciple.

However, whether Zhuo Bufan can become Panhuang's disciple is not something they and other outstanding people have to say. Panhuang must agree.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan on the side responded calmly.

"Brothers and sisters, I'm so impressed. It's great to be a disciple of Panhuang, but if it doesn't work out, I won't regret it. I was able to come to Jietian Mountain once and get a life-saving sword. Zhuo has already It’s a great honor.”

Zhuo Bufan actually didn't think much about his identity as Panhuang's disciple.

For him, being Panhuang's disciple may not be an honor, but may become a fetter.

"I really hope that Zhou Peng can become Panhuang's disciple."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhou Peng, and he had a feeling that Zhou Peng would definitely become a figure in the future.

He brought him out of Jiangmicheng, and they agreed to see the big world together.

It can be said that it was Zhuo Bufan who opened Zhou Peng's horizons.

Zhuo Bufan is also looking forward to how far Zhou Peng can go in the future.

As for Zhuo Bufan himself, no one can take the path he wants to take.

This road is destined to be lonely.

The scene returns to the Purple Sun Realm.

Under the leadership of Zhou Peng, the wood spirit found her name.

The one who carries her name is a giant crocodile in fire.

The ferocious crocodile was rolling in the magma, and the hot magma could not hurt it at all.

"I will contain it, and Ling Shuang will be responsible for support and treatment. Wang Xuzhi, Qi Ji, if you are good at fighting, you will be responsible for the attack. Mu Ling and Feng Buping will be responsible for the side response. Let the battle begin."

After Zhou Peng quickly issued the order, he was the first to rush forward.

He quickly landed on a few hills near the giant crocodile, and then installed the puppet mechanism.

At the same time, he summoned another spider puppet and attacked the giant crocodile.

The moment they saw the spider puppet, everyone outside the world looked at Han Fei.

When Han Fei saw this, he waved his hands quickly.

"Hey, hey, don't look at me! I really didn't give this spider puppet to him, he made it himself."

Han Fei was telling the truth. This spider puppet was a masterpiece he watched Zhou Peng complete.

And it was improved on his spider puppet, and now it is no longer afraid of salt.

The battle continued, after Zhou Peng used the spider puppet to contain the giant crocodile.

On the other side, Wang Xuzhi and Qi Ji, one with a gun and the other with a sword, came out to kill.

The king should know that his marksmanship is so impressive that although it is not as good as Ni Qiong's Ni Shen Spear, it is caused by the spear. It is like a dragon, sweeping across all directions.

Qi Ji's swordsmanship was not weak either. He slashed with his sword a few times, and his sword energy struck the giant magma crocodile's body.

Bang bang!

Several explosions sounded on the back of the giant crocodile, but the giant turtle remained motionless and unscathed.

"Such a tough skin!"

Qi Ji and Wang Xuzhi stared at the giant crocodile in stunned silence.

Zhou Peng shouted loudly when he saw this.

"Get out of the way, I'll do it!"

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he stood on the back of the spider puppet, and then controlled the spider puppet to fall from the sky.

Eight spider legs were inserted into the back of the giant crocodile.

These spider legs are made of Kobelco steel and are indestructible.

The giant crocodile's back was directly pierced by the spider's legs.

The giant crocodile howled, then began to roll in death, taking Zhou Peng and the spider puppet into the magma lake.

"Not good, Senior Brother Zhou."

Ling Shuang, who saw this scene, flew towards Zhou Peng.

However, it was over. Zhou Peng and the spider puppet were dragged into the magma lake by the giant crocodile.

"No, Senior Brother Zhou, Senior Brother Zhou."

Ling Shuang looked at Zhou Peng, who was already submerged in the magma, and shouted heartbreakingly. .

At this moment, there was a sudden cracking explosion in the magma lake.

Immediately afterwards, a black light rushed out from the magma lake and fell on a stone pillar nearby.

Everyone looked around and saw Zhou Peng holding a paper crane in his hand and standing calmly on the stone pillar.

"Senior Brother Zhou! That's great, that's great. You're fine."

Ling Shuang cried with joy.

Others also rushed towards Zhou Peng.

At that moment, Zhou Peng seemed to be exuding a unique brilliance, the light of a leader shining.

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