Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1137 Puppet Master's Trial

In the Shenji Hall, Zhou Peng and the other ten Xuanyi disciples complained bitterly under Han Fei's training every day.

Han Fei is worthy of being the strongest puppeteer. Each of the puppets he trained has the strength that is not weaker than the Tianyuan Realm.

There are ten mechanical puppets in the square of the Shenji Hall.

These ten mechanical puppets have different forms.

There are spider forms, mantis forms, magic wolf forms, snake forms, etc.

Each mechanical puppet has its own unique skills.

They form a strong puppet wall.

After so many days of training, the eleven of them did not even pass this puppet wall.

According to Han Fei's requirements, they can only pass Han Fei's level if they pass the puppet wall and enter the main hall of the Shenji Hall.

However, Han Fei is obviously too much.

Among the eleven Xuanyi disciples, Zhou Peng has the highest cultivation.

And Zhou Peng is only in the Tianyuan Realm.

Among these ten mechanical puppets, the strength of any one of them can easily suppress Zhou Peng.

So, it is almost impossible for the eleven of them to pass through this puppet wall.

"Hey! I don't want to play anymore. This is simply too bullying. This is not an impossible task at all."

"That's right, Jie Tianshan clearly doesn't want us to enter the mountain gate."

"Forget it, let's go back! I think it's a complete waste of time."

Many black-clothed disciples have begun to give up.

Because they know very well that with their abilities, it is impossible to pass the puppet wall.

Zhou Peng also thinks that Han Fei's test is too difficult.

To pass this puppet wall, unless they have the strength of Zhuo Bufan.

However, even if this test is almost impossible to complete, Zhou Peng does not intend to give up.

Because he knows very well that if it is Zhuo Bufan, he will definitely be able to pass this level easily.

"Hey, brother. Who is Zhuo Bufan who came with you? Why don't we call him over? Maybe we can pass this level."

Just as Zhou Peng was adjusting his breath, several black-clothed disciples came towards him.

There were three men and two women who came. They didn't know each other, but it was obvious that they were all gathered together for the same purpose.

They all wanted to seek Zhuo Bufan's help.

After all, Zhuo Bufan was a cultivator in the Yuanshen realm. If it was Zhuo Bufan, maybe they could pass this level.

Faced with their inquiries, Zhou Peng decisively refused.

"I won't call him over. Even if he comes, Senior Brother Han won't let him participate in the battle."

"This is our own test. With the help of external forces, even if we pass, it will not be recognized."

Zhou Peng said what he really thought in his heart.

After hearing this, the others answered one after another.

"We all understand what you said, but you also saw that it has been three days. We have been attacking for three days. Now everyone is wounded and can't pass."

"Yes, senior brother. If it weren't for the help of that senior brother, we would not be able to pass this level."

These people are still expecting Zhuo Bufan's help.

Zhou Peng was angry about this.

"You are all people selected by Pan Huang, and you are geniuses recognized by Lord Pan Huang. Do you want to prove that Pan Huang's vision is wrong?"

"Sorry, if you really think you can't pass this level, then quit! I believe in myself and Pan Huang's vision."

"Since Tianzun recognizes me, it means that I have the strength to pass this level."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he suddenly stood up again and stepped into the barrier of the square.

Afterwards, Zhou Peng dragged his seriously injured body and rushed towards the puppet wall in front of him again.

The one who faced Zhou Peng was a huge spider-shaped mechanical puppet.

The moment Zhou Peng appeared, the spider puppet suddenly jumped onto the ring.

Then, countless sharp metal threads came out of the mouth of the mechanical spider. .

This is not an ordinary metal thread, but a thread made of refining steel.

Refining steel is a very rare metal for refining tools, and it is a precious material that can be used to create god-level weapons.

As a puppeteer, Zhou Peng naturally knows how rare this refining steel is.

Zhou Peng once spent a lot of effort to get a fingernail-sized bit of this refining steel.

He integrated the refining steel into Zhuoyue's current body.

This is why Zhuoyue's body is so hard now.

It can be said that refining steel is one of the hardest things in the world.

If you touch it a little, your skin will be torn apart, and even gods can be refined.

The refining steel spider silk spit out by the mechanical spider covers the entire square.

These steel threads are almost invisible to the naked eye, and you can only rely on your perception of Yuanli to discover their existence.

It can be said that this is a test of a person's Yuanli sensing ability.

Relying on his Yuanli perception, Zhou Peng can only barely discover some spider silk around him.

However, his opponent, the giant mechanical puppet spider, was able to walk easily on these steel wires.

This is the mechanical puppet invented by Han Fei, which has unique abilities.

"Although the mechanical puppet does not have a puppet core, it has an energy core. Do you want to destroy the energy core?"

"No, this spider puppet can spit Kobelco as spider silk at will, so it is certain that his energy core must be placed in a box made by Kobelco."

"Then with my current ability, it is impossible to destroy the box made of Kobelco, let alone destroy the energy core."

"Hey, what should I do?"

Zhou Peng fell into deep thought.

But his opponent, the spider puppet, didn't give him a chance to think.

The spider puppet's method is other than the spider silk made by refining Kobelco.

There is another trump card.

Those are eight spear-like spider legs also made of Kobelco.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

The eight spider spears made a harsh sound as they rubbed against the spider silk.

Suddenly, the spider puppet jumped up, six of its feet stepped on the invisible spider silk, and then the other two spider spears stabbed Zhou Peng's head.

When Zhou Peng saw this, he immediately took two steps back.

"not good!"

In desperation, Zhou Peng forgot about the existence of spider silk.

He immediately sensed two intersecting spider threads behind him.

However, under the emergency situation, he could only barely avoid one, and he could barely avoid the other.

But in the end, it still slipped on his arm.

This stroke directly scratched off a layer of his skin.

The spider silk was so sharp that it broke hair and cut iron like mud.

Fortunately, although Zhou Peng was injured, he escaped the fatal blow of the spider puppet.

"No, we must think of a way to clear the level immediately."

"Since I am the one chosen by Panhuang, I should be able to get through this."

Zhou Peng believed in himself that he could pass Han Fei's test.

He regards Han Fei as his idol, and he is more determined to surpass Han Fei.

"Spider puppet, a puppet designed based on a spider?"

"Spiders are the best insect hunters, and I am now the prey in its web."

"Quickly imagine Zhou Peng, the puppet designed based on the spider, what shortcomings will there be."

Zhou Peng endured the pain on his shoulder and tried his best to stimulate his brain. He had to rely on his puppetry to solve this problem.

"By the way, if you use a spider as the prototype to design a puppet, you cannot design it as a heavy puppet. You can only design an agile and light puppet body."

"Kobelco is a very heavy thing with extremely high density. Even a fist-sized Kobelco can weigh as much as one ton of ordinary steel."

"Judging from its size, the Kobelcoil spider silk in its body should be about one ton. Judging from the pressure it holds on the spider silk, its overall weight should be about five tons."

"The Kobelco steel used in its eight spider legs should be three tons. In addition, its energy box may be Kobelco steel, which accounts for at least about half a ton of weight."

"In other words, the remaining half a ton should be the weight of the spider puppet's body."

"Ordinary steel definitely weighs more than this. In that case, the spider puppet's body may be made of other materials."

"According to this body shape, what materials should be able to do it? Think about it quickly, Zhou Peng, think about it quickly."

Zhou Peng was awkwardly avoiding the attack of the spider puppet.

The other side is constantly thinking about coping strategies.

Soon, his eyes lit up and he couldn't help shouting.

"It's black mulberry wood, it's black mulberry wood!"

Zhou Peng's voice reached Han Fei's ears in the hall.

Han Fei, who was drinking tea, couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, he showed a satisfied smile.

"This boy is really good! I even tried to cover it up, but I didn't expect you to still find me?"

"Thankfully, you kid can even recognize the black mulberry tree."

Han Fei had long known that Zhou Peng was a master puppet master.

So at this level, he was looking forward to Master Zhou Peng very much.

Zhou Peng did not disappoint him, showing superb basic knowledge of puppetry.

"Beiming Xuanmulg, there is a black-hearted sacred tree, like duckweed on the water. Although it is as light as a feather, it is indestructible. It is only afraid of salt!"

Zhou Peng thought of the black mulberry wood and knew how to deal with this wood.

The black mulberry tree is not so much a tree as it is a special creature.

But the living thing is a kind of fungus, and when they are accumulated together, they will form black mulberry.

They are light enough to float on water, so they are as light as a feather.

But it has extremely strong toughness. Even a sword made of Kobelco cannot be easily cut through.

"What a genius, what a genius!"

"He is indeed the most powerful puppet master in history, and he actually uses black mulberry wood as the material for making puppets. This idea is a genius."

As a puppet master, Zhou Peng saw a puppet made of black mulberry wood for the first time.

"Fortunately, fortunately, you Xuanmulangmu has a fatal weakness."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, his right hand suddenly passed over a ring on his left hand.

Then there was a handful of white salt in the right hand.

Xuan Mulberry wood is composed of countless Xuan Mulberry fungi.

This Hyoscyamus fungus is very powerful, a creature comparable to a water bear. It can survive even in a vacuum.

However, like slugs, they are extremely afraid of salt.

Therefore, it is impossible for this kind of creature to survive in the sea. The trees they form will only grow on the edges of freshwater lakes.

After Zhou Peng knew this weakness, he took out a handful of broken words from the storage ring, and then threw them at the spider puppet.

The white broken promise emitted a crystal light in the air, and finally hit the spider puppet.

The next second, the body of the spider puppet began to melt rapidly.

The joints of the eight spider legs began to break directly. After all, only the top part of the spider legs was made of refining steel, and the rest were made of Xuansang wood.

And not only the spider legs, but also the body of the spider puppet was made of Xuansang wood.

As a result, the body of the spider puppet began to collapse and decay.

Soon, the mechanical core inside was exposed.

The whole spider puppet fell to the ground with a clang, leaving only a skeleton and a black box.

The black box naturally contained the energy core.

Seeing the spider puppet fall, for a moment, everyone present looked at Zhou Peng in astonishment.

"Fallen? This guy killed a mechanical puppet?"

Everyone present seemed a little unbelievable.

"How did he do it? That spider puppet is the most difficult puppet to deal with!"

"Incredible, is what he said true? We are all chosen by Pan Huang, do we have the strength to pass the level?"

Seeing the people leaking out of the black box, seeing the spider puppet knocked to the ground.

The others present finally regained their courage to fight.

"It can be done, since he can do it, we can do it too."

"Everyone, let's pick up our weapons again and continue fighting, we will definitely break through this level."

Because Zhou Peng defeated the spider puppet, for a while, the morale of the black-clothed disciples was high.

Everyone seemed to see hope at that moment.

After all, everyone was chosen by Pan Huang, how could they be easily defeated for so long?

At this moment, everyone regained their confidence and rushed to the battlefield.

After seeing this scene, Han Fei in the hall also walked out of the hall.

"Haha, have you regained your faith in fighting? That's great."

"Then the new generation of young people! Keep going!"

After Han Fei finished speaking, scarlet light was released from the eyes of all the mechanical puppets.

Then, these mechanical puppets rushed towards the black-clothed disciples on the battlefield.

"Everyone be careful, don't fight these puppets head-on. Each puppet has his weaknesses."

"If you believe me, just listen to my instructions."

Zhou Peng shouted to the remaining black-clothed disciples present.

After hearing this, almost all of them agreed without hesitation.

"Brother Zhou, I'll trouble you. We all listen to your command."

"That's right, Brother Zhou, we believe in you, let us fight side by side!"

Seeing everyone regain their confidence, Zhou Peng nodded happily.

"Thank you for your trust, then please don't fight these puppets head-on, hold them back, I will be responsible for finding their weaknesses."


After receiving Zhou Peng's instructions, everyone began to deal with those mechanical puppets.

At this moment, Zhou Peng suddenly heard a sweet voice.

"Let me treat you!"

After hearing this, Zhou Peng suddenly turned around and looked at the other party.

Under the black cloak, a beautiful face appeared in front of Zhou Peng.

The woman did not pay attention to Zhou Peng's gaze, but started to treat Zhou Peng directly.

Seeing this, Zhou Peng said gratefully: "Thank you, girl!"

After hearing this, the girl smiled and said: "You can call me Lingshuang."

"Lingshuang? Thank you, Miss Lingshuang."

It was the first time that Zhou Peng talked so much to a woman other than Nana, and he seemed a little uncomfortable.

Lingshuang seemed to see that he was not good at communicating with others, so she said.

"Okay, then Brother Zhou, what do you need me to do next?"

"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou!"

After Lingshuang called again and again, Zhou Peng came back to his senses from his trance.

"Oh, let's go deal with the mantis puppet first. You'll be responsible for holding it back, and I'll find its weakness."

After hearing this, the other party took out a lightsaber and smiled at Yanran.

"Brother Zhou, let's go!"

After saying this, Ling Shuang rushed towards the mantis puppet.


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