Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1136: The Enemy of the Sky

When Zhuo Bufan heard the familiar voice, he couldn't help but reveal a smile that he had expected for a long time.

This guy who was locked up in the cave was the person Zhuo Bufan had been searching for since he came to Daluotian - Ni Qingqiong.

"Junior brother, please talk slowly and we won't interrupt you."

After Ziyang finished speaking, he left with the other brothers and sisters.

Zhuo Bufan was left alone, facing Ni Qingqiong who was being imprisoned in the cave.

Ni Qingqiong was still as arrogant as ever. After seeing Zhuo Bufan, the corners of his grin never dropped.

"Zhuo Bufan, you made it easy for me to wait!"

Ni Qingqiong looked at Zhuo Bufan. When he learned that Zhuo Bufan might be his calamity, he had been looking forward to meeting Zhuo Bufan.

Even later, there was an even bigger disturbance.

Ni Qingqiong wants to verify it himself whether Zhuo Bufan is his fault.

Seeing Ni Qianqiong's expectant eyes, Zhuo Bufan just smiled.

"Ni Qiong, you also made it miserable for me!"

After Zhuo Bufan came to this world, he began to look for Ni Qiong.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan came here after searching for Ni Cangqiong all the way.

After Ni Qiangqiong heard this, he laughed.

"Very good. If that's the case, then Zhuo Bufan, let's have a fight!"

It can be said that Ni Qingqiong has been holding back these words for a long time.

This guy dreams of having another fight with Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he looked at him with faint eyes.

"are you serious?"

Zhuo Bufan also didn't expect that Ni Qingqiong was so impatient to fight him.

Ni Qingqiong could not hide the excitement in his heart.

His mouth was almost split to the corners of his eyes.

"Hahahaha, of course, of course, of course I am serious, very serious."

"Zhuo Bufan, you guy, you actually defeated the possessed Eighth Senior Brother."

"What on earth have you experienced? You have been in Daluotian for less than a year!"

"I'm excited, I'm really excited."

"It seems that Master is right. This calamity on my body must be broken by you."

"I'm going to kill you. After I kill you, this calamity on my body will be broken."

Ni Qiangqiong is naturally fond of fighting, and he lives for fighting.

He likes challenges, especially challenging the strong.

However, Ni Qingqiong was the only person he met who was weaker than him, and he defeated him.

Zhuo Bufan, this name was like a red iron, imprinted on his soul.

He really dreamed of fighting Zhuo Bufan again.

Originally, he had no such plan before this.

Although he knew that Zhuo Bufan had come to Daluotian, it would only take a year or two at most for Zhuo Bufan to come to Daluotian.

In a year or two, at best, it can only grow from an ant to a cockroach.

However, Ni Qianqiong never expected that in just two years, Zhuo Bufan would grow from an ant to an unparalleled powerhouse in the Yuanshen realm.

If it were only in the Yuanshen realm, Ni Cangqiong wouldn't be a big deal.

For him, the Yuanshen realm can be easily eliminated.

However, Zhuo Bufan defeated the eighth senior brother Zhou Wuwo.

Moreover, Zhou Wuwo is completely possessed.

Zhou Wuwo, who is completely possessed by the devil, is enough to be on par with Ni Qianqiong.

Ni Qingqiong saw the battle where Zhuo Bufan An Zhou Wuwo fought, and saw Zhuo Bufan's final victory.

So, Ni Qiong went crazy.

He was completely crazy, and his desire to fight Zhuo Bufan was beyond words.

This is what he desires most right now.

"Zhuo Bufan, fight with me, I can't stand it anymore, I want to kill you with my own hands!"

Defeating Zhuo Bufan was more exciting for Ni Qiong than defeating his senior brother Zi Yang.

After all, Ziyang is the person he will surpass sooner or later.

Ke Zhuo Bufan is obviously much weaker than him now, but he is able to shake his position.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan is the person Ni Qianqiong wants to defeat the most.

However, Zhuo Bufan was not as eager as Ni Qingqiong.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan after Ni Qiongqiong, he was actually very calm.

"Are you going to fight and kill each other as soon as we meet?"

Ni Qiong nodded repeatedly.

"Don't you want it? You can gain a lot by fighting a strong man like me."

Ni Qingqiong was so excited that he patted his chest and said.

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing this.

"Hahaha, are you considered a strong person? In my eyes, Panhuang is the strong one. And you are just an opponent that I will surpass sooner or later."

Zhuo Bufan's extremely arrogant words were like a fuse that ignited the powder keg in Ni Qianqiong's heart.

"Ah ah ah, Zhuo Bufan, I want to fight with you, I want to have a big battle with you."

"Quick, let me fight you!"

Ni Qingqiong frantically begged Zhuo Bufan to fight with him.

He wanted to step on Zhuo Bufan's mouth with his own foot. He wanted to see if Zhuo Bufan would be so arrogant after being defeated by him.

However, Zhuo Bufan looked at Ni Qingqiong and said with a proud smile.

"Sorry, I don't want to fight you!"

Zhuo Bufan rejected Ni Qiong.

For a moment, Ni Qianqiong was stunned.

"You, what did you say?"

"I said, I don't want to fight you."

Zhuo Bufan repeated it again, and this time Ni Qianqiong screamed even more crazily.

"why why?"

"You coward, I let you fight me!"

After Ni Cangqiong finished speaking, he suddenly rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

However, just when Ni Cangqiong rushed to the cave entrance, he was indeed bounced out by a powerful energy.

Obviously, Pan Huang set up a supreme barrier in this cave. With Ni Cangqiong's ability, it is obviously impossible to break this inherent barrier.

"Ah, Master, let me out, I want to fight this guy for three hundred rounds! Master, Master!"

Ni Cangqiong was hitting the barrier frantically, but the barrier remained unmoved.

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan showed a calm smile.

"Why are you doing this?"

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. There is no need to fight as soon as we meet!"

"And you are a strong man in the Saint Yuan Realm. Bullying me, a Yuanshen Realm, do you have any shame?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to fight with Ni Cangqiong, so he refused bluntly.

After hearing this, Ni Cangqiong snorted coldly.

"Zhuo Bufan, you defeated my eighth senior brother. Do you think you can hide your strength?"

"I can feel your strength that can rival mine."

"You must fight me, let me fight you."

Ni Cangqiong was too eager to fight with Zhuo Bufan.

For him, Zhuo Bufan was his nemesis, the one he must defeat.

However, facing such a hysterical Ni Cangqiong, Zhuo Bufan remained indifferent.

"Hehe, you think too highly of me. You are the eldest brother. I am really not your opponent. I admit defeat. Just admit defeat, okay!"

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand to admit defeat.

He felt that it was very interesting to watch Ni Cangqiong's chaotic appearance.

At this time, Ni Cangqiong was like a little devil who loved to act like a child because he couldn't get candy.

It was funny and fun.

Zhuo Bufan just wanted to play with this guy.

Who made this guy ravage the land so much when he was in the cultivation world.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan didn't play with him, Ni Cangqiong went crazy.

He grabbed his hair fiercely with both hands and howled.

"Coward, cowardly rat. I overestimated you, Zhuo Bufan."

"I thought you were a strong man, but I didn't expect you to be a coward. Ahhhh!"

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry. I'll bite you to death, bite you to death."

Ni Cangqiong was so angry that his teeth were shaking. He grabbed a stone and chewed it in his mouth.

The hard stone in his mouth was like chocolate that broke into pieces with one bite.

He treated Zhuo Bufan as a stone and bit the stone into pieces.

"Hahahaha, the great Nishen, it turns out to be so ridiculous!"

"Or you squat in the corner, draw a circle and curse me. Maybe I will really die suddenly."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Ni Cangqiong's ridiculous behavior, without any emotion.

"Get out, get out!"

"If you don't want to fight me, get out."

Ni Cangqiong roared at Zhuo Bufan.

This guy was not satisfied, and he was so angry that he was embarrassed.

Zhuo Bufan saw this, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Okay, I'm not kidding you. Since I finally found you, let's talk!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly showed a serious look.

As a result, Ni Cangqiong was still angry and roared.

"Get out, I don't want to listen to you, get out as far as you can."

Zhuo Bufan saw this and couldn't help shaking his head.

"Hey, why are you like a mad dog?"

"Can't you talk properly?"

"Do you really want to fight me?"

Zhuo Bufan said.

Ni Cangqiong heard it, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he pounced in front of Zhuo Bufan, and really wagged his tail like a dog.

"Boy, do you agree? You agree to fight me, right?"

There is no temptation now, which is more important than fighting with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan shrugged and said after hearing it.

"I can fight you, but you have to get out of this place first!"

"Okay, I'll ask Master to remove this restriction now, you wait."

Ni Cangqiong said impatiently.

But Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and said.

"Don't be impatient, can you wait for me to finish speaking?"

"I can fight you, but you have to do me a favor first."

Zhuo Bufan didn't come to Ni Cangqiong for nothing.

Ni Cangqiong frowned after hearing this.

"I know you have bad intentions, what do you want me to do?"

Looking at Ni Cangqiong's thief-like appearance, he smiled.

"Don't be nervous, I just want you to do a small favor. Have you heard of the Jieying Gate?"

Zhuo Bufan has not forgotten what happened to the Jieying Gate.

He suffered a great loss there, and even read a file for it.

Ni Cangqiong frowned after hearing this.

"Jie Yin Men? What the hell is that? I've never heard of it."

"Haha, you bullshit Ni Shen, you don't even know about Jie Yin Men. Forget it, let me explain it to you!"

Zhuo Bufan hit him without any hesitation.

"Jie Yin Men is a force located in Butian City in the Wahuang Territory. This force is openly claiming to absorb ascenders from all walks of life and unify the training of flying bodies. In fact, it is an evil organization behind the scenes."

"There is a force of the Void Clan behind them, which specializes in making the ascenders into props."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Ni Cangqiong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Now that you mention it, I remember that there seems to be such a force."

"But this force has been operating in secret, and even the Three Emperors are difficult to find. How did you find it?"

Zhuo Bufan said after hearing this.

"You don't have to worry about this. Anyway, I want you to help me destroy this force."

"In fact, maybe I can do it without your power. But if you want me to fight you, you have to wait until I destroy this damn Jieying Gate."

Zhuo Bufan hated the Jieying Gate in his heart.

Moreover, he never forgot what he had experienced in the Jieying Gate.

He never forgot Yu Ziji in the Jieying Gate.

He must rescue those ascenders, not only for revenge, but also to allow these ascenders to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's request, Ni Cangqiong frowned for a moment, and then said.

"Okay! I'll wait."

"Then I will destroy this Jieying Gate with you first, and then have a big fight with you! I want to kill you with my own hands, and you can only be killed by me."

In order to fight with Zhuo Bufan, Ni Cangqiong agreed to Zhuo Bufan's request.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"Then I'll wait for you to kill me, but I'm not trying to hit you. It's not that easy to kill me."

"Just like you said, I can now defeat Senior Brother Zhou who has been possessed by the devil. I believe that I will be able to abuse you like a dog in a short time."

Zhuo Bufan was not polite to Ni Cangqiong at all.

After hearing this, Ni Cangqiong laughed.

"Little bastard, you are so greedy. Just wait, when the day comes for us to fight, I will tear your mouth off as a collection."

Zhuo Bufan laughed and said, "Really? Then I'll wait. I will beat you to the ground when the time comes."

Ni Cangqiong looked at Zhuo Bufan with gritted teeth and shouted.

"Boy, has anyone told you that people who are arrogant in front of me, Ni Shen, will die miserably."

"Then should I be afraid? Ni Shen is right in front of me now. If you have the guts, come out!"

These two are completely like you don't let me, I don't let you.

Look like an eternal enemy, but feel like a friend of life and death.

In short, the relationship between Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong is a bit strange.

At this moment, in the distant Jietian Palace, a group of senior brothers and sisters, watching the tense situation between Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong, all found it amusing.

"Hahaha, big brother, I didn't expect that such a rude person would come to our Jietian Mountain."

"Finally, someone who can subdue the little junior brother has come. Big brother, this junior brother Zhuo is really a wonderful person, we must keep him."

"Yes, speaking of it, our Jietian Mountain has not had a new disciple for almost ten thousand years! I think this junior brother Zhuo can become the old nineteen."

"This junior brother Zhuo is not simple. With his ability, let alone our Jietian Mountain, I'm afraid that people from Futian Mountain will also compete for him!"

"I heard that the person from Fengyu Villa in Kaitian City has contacted this junior brother Zhuo. It seems that not only Futian Mountain, but even Mazu Mountain, which has never accepted male disciples, is very interested in this junior brother Zhuo."

"So, this junior brother Zhuo is really a treasure! It is indeed necessary to fight for him."

Several senior brothers and sisters have a strong interest in Zhuo Bufan, the new junior brother.

Of course, they don't know that there is a more powerful existence behind Zhuo Bufan, who has been paying attention to him secretly.

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