Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1092 The Secret of Creation

"I created the First Grade Breathing Technique, and I hope you can keep it a secret!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to expose his trump card now.

Once someone knows that he is practicing the first-grade breathing method, it is very likely that these people will be detrimental to him.

Yu Zhiji nodded.

"Don't worry, I won't tell others. It's just that your breathing method is too subtle. Some experts may be able to feel it from your breathing."

The breathing method is mainly practiced through breathing, so it is impossible to hide the breathing in daily life. Zhuo Bufan can only weaken his breathing as much as possible to prevent interested people from noticing.

"Then don't worry too much."

"How about I teach you this breathing technique?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly said this to Caviar Ji.

When Yu Zhiji heard this, he looked at Zhuo Bufan in surprise.

"You want to teach me the breathing method? Oh my god, this is a first-grade breathing method. No one in the world can learn it even if they want to. None of our disciples in the Jie Yin Sect can practice the first-grade breathing method, or even the second-grade breathing method. No student in Fadu has ever practiced it.”

"The breathing method is the foundation of a sect. With this breathing method, you can completely establish your own sect and start a sect."

Yu Zhiji was right. Although the breathing technique is only the most basic technique on the path of cultivation.

But the most basic one is also the most important.

It determines a person's growth level.

Just imagine, a person who practices the first-grade breathing method is compared with a person who practices the ninth-grade breathing method.

A year later, the two were completely different.

Not to mention the improvement in other realms, just the improvement in Yuan Li, the number of people who practice the first-grade breathing method is eight times that of the people who practice the ninth-grade breathing method.

Arguably, breathing techniques are the most important.

Therefore, many sects have kept precious breathing techniques. Breathing techniques above the fourth level cannot be learned from scriptures.

It can only be taught by your predecessor personally, and you will also set rules when teaching it. You cannot pass this skill on to others at will.

Once the person being taught this skill passes it on to others, the forbidden wine in his body will be opened, causing him to expose himself to death.

It can be seen that the importance of this breathing method

Zhuo Bufan created this breathing technique himself. He can use this technique to start a sect and become his strongest bargaining chip in the world.

However, now, Zhuo Bufan actually chose to pass this technique on to Yu Ziji.

Therefore, Yu Zhiji was a little flattered, even frightened.

But Zhuo Bufan was obviously more open-minded than him.

After all, he is a person who can comprehend and create his own first-grade breathing technique. He understands that the technique needs to be passed down to have its value.

Zhuo Bufan is not stingy with his breathing technique, and he is willing to pass this breathing technique on to people in the world who are destined to do so.

"It's one thing if I teach it to you, but another thing is whether you can learn it. My Wuji Breathing Technique is not easy to practice."

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said to Caviar Ji.

He really wanted to pass this technique on to Yu Zhi Ji.

On the one hand, it is a way to repay the help during the Caviar Season, and on the other hand, it is also a way to win people's hearts!

However, after hearing this, Yu Zhiji smiled lightly, shook his head and refused.

"Thank you Brother Zhuo for your kindness, no!"

"The Peak Master said that my talent can only cultivate the fifth level breathing method at most. Any higher level is beyond my reach."

Yu Zi Ji doesn't want to practice more advanced techniques, but practicing breathing techniques requires talent.

Most of the disciples of the Jie Yin Sect can only practice breathing techniques of the fifth and lower grades. This is not because the Jie Yin Sect does not share advanced breathing techniques with everyone, but because of the high-grade breathing techniques, if you are not talented enough, you will not be able to practice them. Cultivation.

Among the 863 students who have taken over the Nine Peaks, there is currently only one man named Guan Canghai, who practices the third-grade breathing method.

He is also the strongest man in the world now.

However, Zhuo Bufan does not believe in the theory of talent. If only the most talented people can practice the strongest breathing method, then who does he, who created his own first-class breathing method, count?


No, it's a monster, it's an evildoer.

It's just that Yu Zhiji said so, and Zhuo Bufan couldn't force it.

"You make your own choice! My technique is indeed more difficult to practice than the ordinary breathing technique. Even if you use the curse seal technique to assist, you will need at least eighteen curse seals."

"Thank you, Brother Zhuo, for looking up to me. I think my current breathing method is very good, and it fits well with the exercises I am currently practicing. And with your previous on-demand training, I have now created a set of exercises of my own." , called the Shadow Secret Technique.”

"The secret technique of shadow, is it the one just now? It is indeed very powerful."

Zhuo Bufan remembered the shadow claw move that Yu Zhiji launched against him before, which materialized the shadow on the ground and formed a huge sharp claw, integrating offense and defense, very powerful.

"Maybe you are right, the one that suits you is the best."

"I feel that I will be able to hit the realm of Earth Element soon. By then, I won't be able to hide my cultivation. I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with Hong Dieyi's side."

Zhuo Bufan's words made Yu Zhiji stunned.

"What? Are you about to break through the Earth Element Realm?"

"No, it's been less than a year since you came to Linzi Peak! Do you know that there are people who have been here at Linzi Peak for hundreds of years and have yet to break through to the Earth Element Realm."

"Da Luotian, the lifespan of an ordinary human can reach seven to eight hundred years. You have broken through the Earth Element Realm this year, which is simply unbelievable."

Yu Zhiji saw too much shock in Zhuo Bufan.

It can be said that the more he gets to know Zhuo Bufan, the more Yu Zhiji discovers how amazing Zhuo Bufan is.

"Haha, I'm not as powerful as you say!"

"It's just a slight realization."

Zhuo Bufan felt that there seemed to be a force helping him.

For some unknown reason, Zhuo Bufan became more and more integrated with this world.

He finds himself becoming more and more integrated with the world.

"Is it because of Da Luotian?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed so.

The current master of Daluo Tiantian Dao is none other than Luo Tianxu. And Zhuo Bufan himself is Luo Tian's second-generation reincarnation.

So Zhuo Bufan guessed that maybe it was for this reason that he became more and more integrated with the world.

The fact that this breathing method could be created so easily by him has a lot to do with it.

"Okay, it seems you don't need this anymore, so I'll take it back."

After Yu Zhiji finished speaking, he took the breathing technique he stole and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he suddenly turned around and said.

"I forgot to congratulate you for creating your own magical skill. I am looking forward to your future more and more."

Seeing Yu Zhi Ji handing over to him, Zhuo Bufan returned the greeting.

"Thank you. Don't worry, I won't let you down. You can go back and take good care of yourself. I hope you can forgive me for what happened today."

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to compete, but he didn't expect to injure Yu Zhiji. He was really ashamed.

In response, Yuziji just smiled faintly, then he stuffed the broken bamboo slip into his arms, then turned and left.

Watching Caviar Ji leave, Zhuo Bufan slowly lowered his head.

"I don't know if I will be discovered by Incorporeal Luo Tian if I do this."

"But even if you find out, you probably won't dare to take action easily!"

"It's been almost a year since they came to this world. The Three Emperors and Luo Tian are really calm! They must be paying attention to me now and use me as a chess piece to make their own plans!"

Zhuo Bufan said, looking up at the sky.

Zhuo Bufan is the world god of the Yin and Yang world. As a world god, he obviously knows that as soon as he comes to Daluotian, he has already attracted the attention of the most powerful people in the world.

Even Luo Tian, ​​the virtual body, had obviously noticed him.

But now, none of the parties are taking action.

This surprised Zhuo Bufan.

"Is it because I came too suddenly and these big guys haven't reacted yet?"

"Forget it for now, at least now if no one cares about me, I can grow up in a vulgar way."

"I just hope that when I meet the incorporeal Luo Tian in the future, I will be able to fight with him."

Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to be a pawn on someone else's chessboard, he wants to become a chess player.

As the reincarnation of the human body Luotian, he suddenly came to Daluotian from the Yin and Yang world, which would obviously stir up some troubles in Daluotian.

Originally, the situation in Daluotian was relatively tense now.

There are checks and balances between the three emperors and the way of heaven.

The Void Clan and the Human Clan are even more at war with each other, and there will be a full-scale attack at any time.

If Zhuo Bufan enters Daluotian at this time, I am afraid it will change the current inherent balance.

So until now, no one has taken the initiative to contact Zhuo Bufan.

None of them wanted to break that balance, so they let Zhuo Bufan stay at the entrance gate of Emperor Wa's territory for a whole year.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan could bear his temper.

He can't just be a chess piece.

He is the reincarnation of Luo Tian in the human body, and Luo Tian had already laid out his plan before reincarnation.

Now, his reincarnation body has returned with extraordinary cooperation, which means Luo Tian's situation is on the move!

Zhuo Bufan is not a chess piece, he is the layout person and the chess player who Luo Tian uses himself as a chess piece.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

Zhuo Bufan just needs to feel at ease now and grow up. The rest will be left to time.

After sending away Caviar Ji, Zhuo Bufan returned to Qinglianju.

Then he sat directly on the ground and began to close his eyes silently.

"The time has come to enter the Earth Element!"

Zhuo Bufan finally decided to enter the realm of Earth Element!

He has now practiced Wuji Breathing Technique, his body can accept the vitality of heaven and earth, and his body also has the ability to store vitality.

Then he can now enter the Earth Element Realm to practice.

Cultivation in the Earth Yuan Realm is based on the Human Yuan Realm and supplemented by absorbing the Earthly Evil Energy from the earth.

People have their heads in the sky and their feet on the ground!

Just relying on your own breathing to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth is not enough.

A powerful monk who can mobilize the earth evil energy in the earth at will is a strong person in the earth element realm.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhuo Bufan prepared to enter the Earth Element Realm.

"According to the book, there is Tiangang vitality in the sky of Daluotian, and Earthly evil energy exists in the earth."

"By refining the two kinds of energy into the body and then integrating it with your own body, you can cultivate the small world inside your body."

"This is also the force of creation."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly as he integrated this knowledge.

"Is there something wrong with this cultivation method?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized something.

"Vital energy has no attributes, how can it be divided into Tiangang vitality and Earthly evil energy?"

"Also, the small world created by inhaling the Tiangang Yuan Qi and Earth Evil Yuan Qi in Da Luotian can only become a subsidiary world of Da Luotian."

Zhuo Bufan's guess led him to discover a secret.

That is, all the small worlds created by the cultivators in Daluotian are actually just worlds under Daluotian.

Because these worlds are cultivated using the Tiangang Yuanqi and Disha Yuanqi of Daluotian.

Rather than a world made of pure Yuanqi.

It can be understood that Daluotian divides Yuanqi into Tiangang Yuanqi and Disha Yuanqi, and regards these two Yuanqi as the main Yuanqi of its own world.

There is an inclusive relationship here.

That is, the world of Daluotian is created by Yuanqi.

In other words, Yuanqi is higher than Daluotian. Although the two are not the same concept, if Yuanqi is used to create the world directly, then the created world is the same level as Daluotian.

But if the Tiangang Yuanqi and Disha Yuanqi in Daluotian are used to cultivate and create the world, then the created world is inferior to Daluotian.

In other words, no matter how many worlds the cultivators in Daluotian create, these worlds are all under the rule of Daluotian.

If Zhuo Bufan also uses this method to create the world, then this world will only become a subsidiary world of Daluotian.

If one day, Zhuo Bufan really wants to fight against the sky, then the world he created is likely to become a time bomb.

"No, I can't practice with the practice method of this world."

"I need to change and find a new practice method."

Zhuo Bufan thought for a long time and finally decided to give up entering the Earth Yuan Realm.

In order not to be a puppet under Daluotian in the future, Zhuo Bufan decided to find a new way to practice.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan has to create a new practice system by himself.

But, how easy is this!

He can create a new breathing method by himself, because he is a genius, a monster, and a demon.

But now, he has to create a new practice system, which is no longer a monster.

"There must be other practice methods, there must be."

"My first life must have realized this, so he should have left some method."

Zhuo Bufan believes in himself and believes in his first life Luo Tian.

Luo Tian's death was originally very strange.

Luo Tian's virtual body chased Luo Tian's human body for hundreds of years, but he was unable to kill him.

However, one day, Luo Tianren died suddenly and entered the cycle of reincarnation.

Now, Zhuo Bufan suspected that Luo Tianren might have discovered that there was something wrong with the cultivation method of this world, so he committed suicide and entered the cycle of reincarnation.

But Zhuo Bufan also believed that he must have planned everything in his first life before choosing to die.

"While I have not yet started to practice in the Earthly Realm, I must find a way to find a new way to practice."

"This Linzi Peak has trapped me for too long. I will never get out of here if I stay here. I must find a way to leave here."

Zhuo Bufan can't enter the Earthly Realm now, but he also wants to leave Linzi Peak and the Jieying Gate immediately to seek opportunities in the wider world outside.

"Go ask Yu Ziji tomorrow, and we can move forward with our plan."

Zhuo Bufan decided to leave Linzi Peak in advance.

There is no point in staying in this place any longer.

Now even if there are thousands of difficulties and dangers outside, it can't stop his determination.


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