Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1091 Wuji Breathing Method

The night is like ink, the moon is like a string, and the stars are like a river!

Qinglian is at the bottom, and the two sides are proudly independent.

Zhuo Bufan is dressed in white, which looks even brighter under the moonlight.

Yu Zhiji, on the other hand, was dressed in purple clothes and holding a flute in his hand.

After the two sides exchanged blows, Yu Ziji was deeply surprised. He did not expect that Zhuo Bufan's skills in the early stage of the Yuan Realm could be as good as his.

You must know that Yu Ziji is a master in the late stage of the Earth Yuan Realm, ranking ninth in Linzi Peak. Guys in the Human Yuan Realm are no match for him.

However, his opponent is not an ordinary person, but an extraordinary person!

Zhuo Bufan is the most powerful genius in the Yin and Yang world, the second generation reincarnation of the legendary Luo Tian.

Regarding Zhuo Bufan's identity, even if it takes three days and three nights to write, it may not be possible to finish it.

After spending half a year, Zhuo Bufan was completely transformed.

He observed all things in the world, evolved the universe, and finally created his own breathing method.

When Yu Zhiji saw Zhuo Bufan again, he obviously found that Zhuo Bufan's Yuan Power was even more powerful.

"Come again! You have to be careful."

Zhuo Bufan was eager to find out his own strength, so he chose to fight Yu Zhiji.

Yu Zhiji had no choice but to sacrifice his life to accompany Junzi.

Before Yu Zhiji could react, he saw Zhuo Bufan already raising his hand.


The two sides slapped each other again.

And with this palm, it was obvious that Zhuo Bufan had the upper hand.

"What a powerful Yuan Power. I'm afraid this Yuan Power is more than what I have been practicing for a year."

Yu Zhiji was shocked. You must know that he practiced the fifth-level breathing method, which was already considered a high-level breathing method.

Zhuo Bufan didn't explain too much to him because he needed to fight to understand where his current cultivation level was.

Just when Yu Zhiji was losing his mind, Zhuo Bufan regained his energy and slapped Yu Zhi Ji on the chest.

"not good!"

Fish Roe Ji saw that the situation was not good and prepared to retreat.

However, just as he was retreating, Zhuo Bufan in front of him suddenly showed a smile.

"Want to leave? Come back here."

A black vortex suddenly appeared in Zhuo Bufan's palm.

When Yuzi Ji saw the gods, he was shocked because the vitality was colorless and pure as air.

But in Zhuo Bufan's palm, there was a black vortex of vitality, and the black vitality seemed to have extremely terrifying suction power.

"Suck palm!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted loudly, and an inexplicable name of the technique surprised Yu Zhiji.

Seeing himself being sucked back, Caviar Ji knew that he could not escape now. So he took the initiative to fight.

"Since you want to fight me, then I'm serious!"

"Please do your best."

"Be careful!"

Zhizhiji didn't want to go all out, but faced with Zhuo Bufan's continuous attacks, Ziziji also felt strong pressure.

So he turned his eyes and showed a serious expression.

"Shadow Minions!"

Caviar Ji suddenly stretched out his hand towards Zhuo Bufan. While his body was flying towards Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan discovered that the shadow of Caviar Ji on the ground began to materialize.

A huge black claw tore towards Zhuo Bufan.


Just when Caviar Ji's shadow minions were about to catch Zhuo Bufan, suddenly the black vortex in Zhuo Bufan's palm turned into a white vortex.

And the direction of rotation also changed from clockwise to counterclockwise.


As Caviar Ji's body flew less than two meters away from Zhuo Bufan, a strong suction force suddenly turned into a strong repulsive force.

Only a huge explosion was heard, and Yu Zhiji's body was ejected like a cannonball. Then he fell heavily to the ground.

However, Roe Ji reacted in time, and the shadow minions on the ground grabbed the ground in time, leaving five hideous and terrifying ravines on the ground.

Yu Zhi Ji also used his shadow minions to stabilize his figure.


However, his internal organs suffered an extremely heavy blow, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, then knelt on the ground on one knee.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan was even more shocked than Yu Zhiji.

He quickly flew towards Yu Zhiji and helped him up.

"Sorry, it's my first time to use this trick. I have no idea how powerful it is."

Zhuo Bufan used the sucking palm and repelling palm for the first time!

He thought it was just a simple trick.

However, when he saw Yu Zhiji, who was seriously injured by his Dacheng, Zhuo Bufan realized that the two tricks he had invented in a flash were powerful enough to defeat the strong men of the Earth Yuan Realm.

Yao Ji was even beaten to death by this move!

"Ahem! You're serious."

Yao Ji coughed up blood.

"Sorry, I did take it seriously, but I didn't expect this move to be so powerful."

Zhuo Bufan quickly explained.

While explaining, he transferred his vitality into Yu Ziji's body, and then helped Yu Ziji reconcile his internal organs.

That palm just now may have messed up Yu Zhiji's internal organs.

Fortunately, Yu Zhi Ji also carried medicine with him. He quickly took out a medicine bottle from his arms, only to find that the medicine bottles were smashed into pieces and the pills were turned into dregs.

"No, breathing method!"

Yu Zhiji suddenly reacted and quickly took out the Whale Swallowing Breathing Technique that he had fortunately stolen from the library.

It turned out that the bamboo slips had been completely damaged.

"Hey, this is the fifth level breathing method!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he felt a little ashamed.

"Is this breathing technique given to me?"

Caviar Ji nodded and replied.

"No. I saw that you had no clue about creating the technique, so I specially stole this technique from the library for you. Now it's better, but you destroyed it yourself."

Caviar Ji didn't blame Zhuo Bufan, he just felt it was a pity.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied apologetically.

"If it were given to me, it would be really troublesome for you. However, now I no longer need the breathing method. Because my breathing method has been successfully created on my own."

When Zhuo Bufan said that he created his own breathing method, Yu Ziji was shocked.

"What? Your self-created breathing method is really successful?"

Seeing Yu Zhiji's excited look, Zhuo Bufan smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it was actually successful a month ago. But in the past month, I have been repeatedly confirming whether there is any problem with this breathing method."

Zhuo Bufan has indeed created his own breathing method. And looking at his satisfied look, it was obvious that the quality of the breathing method was not low.

"Awesome, you really succeeded!"

"What kind of breathing method is it? How many levels can it reach?"

"Wait a minute, don't tell me yet, let me guess. I guess it should be seventh or sixth grade, right?"

"No, no, no, it should be the fifth level, otherwise you wouldn't be able to turn a blind eye to the fifth level breathing method I gave you."

Yu Ziji guessed that Zhuo Bufan's self-created breathing method was the fifth level.

After all, the whale-swallowing breathing method I gave him was of the fifth level. If Zhuo Bufan's self-created breathing method was lower than the fifth level, he would have been very heartbroken just now.

However, faced with Caviar Ji's speculation, Zhuo Bufan just smiled and shook his head.


Yu Zhiji frowned, and then his eyes suddenly widened as if he thought of something.

"No way. Did you create your own fourth-grade breathing method?"

"This fourth-grade breathing method cannot even be invented by the master of our Jie Yin Sect."

"Gu Yanshang, the strongest person in our Linzi Peak, only practices the fourth-level breathing method."

Yu Zhiji looked at Zhuo Bufan with slightly disbelieving eyes.

However, Zhuo Bufan still had such a calm face.

He smiled and shook his head, indicating that he was not at the fourth level.

Yuzi Ji saw Zhuo Bufan and shook his head, sighed at the end and said.

"So, is it eighth or ninth grade?"

Caviar Ji didn’t dare to guess above the third grade.

The third-grade breathing method is definitely not something that ordinary people can create.

Yu Zhiji still remembered that a teacher told him that their ruler of the country of Jing had created a third-level breathing method a hundred years ago, but it turned out to be only a defective product.

That breathing method has not been fully developed until now.

You must know that the Lord of the Kingdom of Jing is a middle-ranking god in the Saint Yuan Realm, and he created his own small universe.

The king who can even create a small universe cannot even create a third-grade breathing method.

This shows how difficult breathing techniques are to create on your own.

Therefore, it is impossible for Yu Zhiji to believe that Zhuo Bufan would create a breathing method above the third level.

Therefore, he could only believe that Zhuo Bufan's self-created technique was eighth or ninth grade.

"You don't have to be discouraged. Even the eighth- and ninth-level skills are already powerful enough. You can create your own breathing method, which is already comparable to almost all the students on Linzi Peak."

Even if it was an eighth- or ninth-level skill, Yu Ziji admired Zhuo Bufan. After all, not everyone could create their own skills.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan's palm just now shocked him.

The power of that palm that could severely injure him was definitely not simple.

Yu Zhiji didn't remember Zhuo Bufan ever practicing such strong martial arts.

Obviously there is only one possibility. This technique was created by Zhuo Bufan himself.

That's why Yu Zhiji was surprised at what kind of genius Zhuo Bufan was, who could even create this kind of technique.

"The sucking palm and reprimanding palm just now were also created by you?"

Zhuo Bufan did not deny this, but nodded and smiled.

"You are so powerful. Not everyone can create such a powerful move."

Yu Zhi Ji sincerely admires Zhuo Bufan.

"By the way, what kind of breathing method are you practicing?"

Yu Ziji asked for a long time, but still didn't understand what Zhuo Bufan's breathing method was.

In the end, it could only be answered by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan raised his brows, with a confident look in his eyes, and then said proudly.

"Wuji Breathing Technique, inhale ten times and exhale one breath, first-grade breathing method!"

When Zhuo Bufan told him the level of his breathing technique, Yu Zi Ji was stunned and didn't react for a while.

"Wait a minute, say it again, I didn't hear clearly. What you just said was suck ten and spit out one? Didn't you suck ten and spit out seven?"

Caviar Ji obviously doesn't believe it.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to know that the other party would react this way, so he said it again.

"The breathing method I practice now is the Wuji Breathing Method, inhale ten times and exhale one breath, a first-grade breathing method!"

"First grade?"

Caviar Ji screamed in fright.

He didn't believe it, and he wouldn't believe it even to death. Zhuo Bufan's self-created breathing method turned out to be a first-grade breathing method.

"You can feel it!"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Yu Ziji didn't believe it, so he suddenly took a deep breath.

When Zhuo Bufan inhaled, Yu Ziji was shocked to find that all the energy around him was surging into Zhuo Bufan's body.

This breath was equivalent to ten breaths of others.

Not only that, when Zhuo Bufan exhaled, Yu Ziji found that he could hardly feel a trace of energy.

In other words, most of the energy absorbed by Zhuo Bufan was absorbed by his body.

"Oh my God, are you kidding! Have you really practiced the first-grade breathing method? Oh no, you created the first-grade breathing method yourself?"

If practicing the first-grade breathing method can be called a peerless genius, then what is the person who created the first-grade breathing method?

"Don't use this expression, I don't need to lie to you."

"The Wuji breathing method I created is the first-grade breathing method."

You can clearly see the joy in Zhuo Bufan's heart from his tone and expression.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan spent half a year to create the peerless breathing method, which is the Wuji breathing method.

"Wuji Breathing Method! Inhale ten and exhale one, first-grade!"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, this can't be true!"

Zhuo Bufan created a first-grade breathing method. If this news spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole Daluotian.

That's right, not the entire Wahuang territory, but the whole Daluotian will be shaken.

"It's a pity that it's still a little short, otherwise it can achieve a god-level breathing method."

Zhuo Bufan said with a little regret.

His Wuji Breathing Method has almost reached the peak of the first grade, and it's just a little short of the god-level breathing method of inhaling ten without exhaling.

You know, throughout the whole Daluotian, there are only four god-level breathing methods!

They are——

Mazu Breathing Method, Wahuang Breathing Method, Panhuang Breathing Method, Fuhuang Breathing Method!

These four skills are the most powerful god-level breathing methods in Daluotian today.

And there are only these four god-level breathing methods.

Below the god-level breathing method is the first-grade breathing method.

And there are only twelve first-grade breathing methods!

Now Zhuo Bufan has created one, which shows how awesome he is.

"Don't be ridiculous, who else can create a god-level breathing method except the three emperors?"

Yu Ziji found that his brain was no longer enough.

He thought he was hallucinating, but he didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan's ultimate goal was to create a god-level breathing method.

Because of failure, he created this first-class breathing method.

That's all!

That's all!

Yu Ziji sat on the ground with some doubts about life.

They are both human beings, and they are both people who have ascended from the lower world to this world.

He didn't understand why the gap between him and Zhuo Bufan was so big.

Oh no, to be precise, the gap between Zhuo Bufan and the whole world is that one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

"The inhalation and expulsion palms were also my own martial arts when I was creating my own breathing method, based on the human body's breathing."

"When you inhale, you inhale. When you exhale, you expel your palms!"

"Breathing is originally one yin and one yang, one positive and one negative, one inhalation and one exhalation."

"After I figured out the mystery, combined with the true meaning of our yin and yang world, I realized the true meaning of the two yin and yang returning to Tai Chi, and Tai Chi returning to Wuji. Finally, I created the Wuji breathing method."

"This is the origin of heaven and earth, the purest breathing method, and the purest breathing method in the whole world."

"It's a pity that it's a little short, otherwise it must be god-level."

Zhuo Bufan showed his talent without hesitation.

His ambition is actually to create a god-level breathing method, comparable to the three supreme gods and the legendary Mazu.

It's a pity that he's a little short, and he doesn't know what that little short is.

But it is undeniable that Zhuo Bufan succeeded in creating his own breathing method, and it's a peak-level first-grade breathing method!


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