Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1039: Sun God of the Underworld

Zhuo Bufan listened to Xuan Su's suggestion and came to the Sun Palace in the underworld.

When he was in the virtual world, he had met the moon gods of the virtual world, and knew that these gods who had practiced the way of cultivating the gods were all good gods.

Because they must bless the earth before they can be worshiped by people and have enough divine power.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what the situation was like with the sun god in the underworld.

But to be recognized by Xuan Su, he must be a reliable god.

If Zhuo Bufan wants to challenge the Yin Emperor in the future, it is essential to obtain the support of the Sun God.

However, when Zhuo Bufan came to the Sun God Palace where the Sun God was.

Before entering Floating Mountain, he was attacked by a powerful force.

"Trespassing to Sun God Palace, seeking death."

There was a burst of thunder in the sky.

The next second, a beam of light wrapped with intense energy fell from the sky and hit Zhuo Bufan heavily.

"Space barrier!"

With a thought in Zhuo Bufan's mind, a space barrier appeared above his head, cutting off the beam of light.

Zhuo Bufan had just used a space barrier to cut off the energy.

The next second, an arrow packed with destructive power flew out from the Sun Palace and shot towards Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows.

"Triple space barrier."

Zhuo Bufan immediately set up three space barriers to block the arrow light.

However, the arrow light directly penetrated the constraints of the three dimensions.

Finally, less than half an inch away from Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows, he was grabbed by Zhuo Bufan.

"Does this guy want to kill me?"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly angry.

Before even seeing the sun god, this guy gave himself a blow.


Zhuo Bufan crushed the Sun Arrow in his hand.

Before he could finish his anger, Sun God's third attack followed.

The third attack was from the Sun God himself.

He drove a divine fire chariot and carried a golden holy sword, killing Zhuo Bufan.

The Sun God Sword in his hand burst out with the power to destroy the world.

What's even more horrifying is that the sword caused it to turn into ashes, and with a wave of his hand, even the space was destroyed.

After all, the Sun God is the most powerful god besides the World God.

His power is absolutely comparable to Zhuo Bufan, who only possesses half of the world's power.

Therefore, facing such a powerful sun god, Zhuo Bufan could only struggle to parry.

The opponent's sword is decisive and ruthless, every sword is like a life and death enemy, without any mercy.

As the opponent kept slashing down with sword after sword, Zhuo Bufan felt strong pressure.

"Damn it, Sun God, if you are so arrogant and unreasonable again, don't blame me for being merciless."

Zhuo Bufan originally didn't want to fight the sun god for Xuan Su's sake.

But the other party didn't give Zhuo Bufan face at all, and both swords and swords were his trump card.

"Show your true ability! I want to know what ability you have that can make Xuan Su fall in love with you so much."

"Xuan Su, the only woman I love, why should I marry you?"

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that Rishen already knew that Xuan Su was married to him.

"I see, are you not convinced?"

It turns out that Sun God is so irritable and cruel precisely because he loves Xuan Su deeply.

But he didn't expect that the person he loved would not marry him in the end.

"It seems that there should be a battle between us."

Zhuo Bufan also realized that he and Sun God must have a battle.

Otherwise, the other party will not sincerely rely on you.

This made Zhuo Bufan think of the relationship between Emperor Xuan, Emperor Bai, and Emperor Qing.

Now Zhuo Bufan is Emperor Xuan, and Xuan Su is Emperor Bai. And Sun God is the infatuated Qing Emperor.

Back then, the Qing Emperor also fought several life-and-death battles with the Xuan Emperor for the sake of the White Emperor, and even did not hesitate to destroy the Holy World.

But in the end, Emperor Qing still stood by Emperor Xuan and helped him protect the world of cultivation.

They are still close friends who will never die.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan believed that Sun God was a man of great righteousness.

This battle can be regarded as an explanation for him.

"Okay then, let's fight!"

In order to respect the sun god, Zhuo Bufan stopped being secretive.

"Wuliang, come out."

Zhuo Bufan flipped his palm, and the Infinite Sword appeared out of the sky.

The power that the innate artifact Wuliang Sword can exert is even more unimaginable after Zhuo Bufan's cultivation has been promoted to the Great Sage Realm.

When the Sun God on the other side saw this, he slashed with his sword without saying a word.

The sword energy cut through the space and appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan instantly.

Zhuo Bufan raised his sword to block.

The infinite sword in his hand buzzed.


The moment the two swords collided, thunder burst out, shaking the whole world.

The sound wave suddenly spread over a hundred miles, flattening the sky.

"Infinite Sword, obliterate it!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted loudly, and Wuliang Sword began to use the innate law on the Sun God Sword in the hand of Sun God.

In just an instant, the Infinite Sword completely wiped out the power of the Sun God Sword in the hands of the Sun God.

The divine sword instantly turned into iron, then turned into a piece of iron ashes and disappeared into ashes.

Seeing the destruction of the Sun God Sword in his hand, the Sun God suddenly descended with boundless divine power, clenched his fist, and turned into the Sun God Fist.


He heard him shout loudly, and the Sun God Fist struck Zhuo Bufan in the face.

Zhuo Bufan raised the Infinite Divine Sword in his hand and blocked it.

Hoo ho ho!


There was another earth-shattering collision, and the Infinite Sword was too late to erase the power of Sun God's punch.

Caused Zhuo Bufan to be blown away.

"Chaos Bell, come out!"

Just as Zhuo Bufan flew backwards, he summoned the Chaos Bell to float above his head.

The Chaos Bell dropped the Chaos Qi, wrapped him inside, and blocked all the remaining power of the Sun God Fist.


The sound of chaos sounded, Zhuo Bufan raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Old Zhong, you seem to have become stronger."

Zhuo Bufan smiled.

According to the resistance of the Chaos Bell, it could not block the Sun God's punch before.

However, now, the Chaos Bell easily blocked it.

"Boy, it's Bai Su, she gave up the ownership of the other 70% of my power."

"Now, you can fully exert my power."

"Fully exert?"

Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

He didn't expect Bai Su to give up the right to use the Chaos Bell.

Originally, when the contract was signed, because Zhuo Bufan was too weak.

So only 30% of the power of the Chaos Bell was given to Zhuo Bufan, and the remaining 70% of the power was always in Bai Su's hands.

However, now, Bai Su has given the remaining 70% of her power to Zhuo Bufan, which means that Zhuo Bufan has almost mastered all the power that the Chaos Bell can use.

However, the power of the Chaos Bell itself is incomplete, so the current Chaos Bell is not the strongest form.

In any case, the Chaos Bell that Zhuo Bufan is using now will be even more powerful.

"Come on, Old Bell, let me see your true strength."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised his hand to the sky.

"The power from chaos! Devouring the dazzling light! Extinguish this burning sun."

Zhuo Bufan chanted passionate words.

The Chaos Bell above his head suddenly aimed at the Sun God in front of him.

Then, a darkness instantly invaded the entire world.

The next second, the Chaos Bell began to devour the light in front of it crazily.

Like a black hole, it completely extinguished the energy of the sun.

The Chaos Bell burst out his true power.

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