Unexpectedly, the condition for the Qianyu clan to agree to cooperate with Zhuo Bufan was to kill the God of Fire.

As for the reason, the Lord Qianyu did not tell him.

They just said that they would fully support Zhuo Bufan in killing Vulcan.

In any case, Zhuo Bufan now has the support of the Qianyu clan after the Yin Beast clan.

"Don't worry about the God of Fire. Once I become the God of the World, I will be the first to destroy the God of Fire."

"Of course, maybe I will kill him before the war starts. But when the time comes, you must support me."

Zhuo Bufan agreed to the request of the Qianyu Clan, and similarly, he also asked the Qianyu Clan to support him.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan already has the support of two major races.

Of course, this is not enough.

After all, there are thousands of races in the underworld, and each race has its own god.

And the Yin Emperor’s supporters are countless.

It is really not easy for Zhuo Bufan to kill the Yin Emperor in the underworld.

"In this case, I have to look for other companions. I will inform you when the war officially starts."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he left the Sea of ​​Thousand Royals.

After floating in the air for a while, Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of something.

"Ask Xuan Su!"

He quickly used the Emperor Wa's Love Seal to contact Xuan Su.

"Husband, are you okay?"

Before Zhuo Bufan could speak, Xuan Su quickly asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Don't worry, everything is going well so far."

"Dragon God went into seclusion, I didn't see him."

"But now that I have the support of the Qianyu Clan, I have made some progress."

Zhuo Bufan reported the situation on his side to Xuan Su.

After hearing this, Xuan Su frowned slightly.

"Dragon God is in retreat? That's not right! He hadn't gone into retreat when I left."

"Well, it seems that the Dragon God may have known that I was going to find him, so he hid on purpose!"

Zhuo Bufan realized something.

In fact, he had already felt that something was wrong with Dragon Palace.

At this time, Xuan Su continued.

"Then husband, please don't go to the Dragon God for the time being. Now that you have the support of the Qianyu Clan, it can be considered a big help."

"Next, you can go to the Sun God Palace and seek help from the Sun God."

"Sun God is my friend, he should support you."

"Sun God?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"That's right, when the Yin Emperor and I divided the place where the underworld belongs, the Sun God was the first person to support me."

"Yeah, then I can try it."

Zhuo Bufan actually wanted to ask Xuan Su which gods were worth fighting for.

After all, when he goes to war with the Yin Emperor, the power of these gods will be indispensable.

As one of the three supreme gods in the underworld, the Sun God is second only to the Yin Emperor and the Yin Queen.

If he can get his support, Zhuo Bufan's voice in the underworld will be even higher.

"Husband, do you need me to return to the underworld to help you? If I were here, it might be easier to talk."

"No, never. Now that you have no divine power, it will be easy for the Yin Emperor to deal with you. If he threatens me with you, I will be completely defeated."

Zhuo Bufan's words made Xuan Su feel very warm inside.

Zhuo Bufan's implication is that Xuan Su's position in his mind is very important.

He didn't want Xuan Su to return to the underworld, which would only allow the Yin Emperor to take advantage of him.

"Well, if you have any difficulties, you must tell me in time. Although I am no longer the queen of the underworld, I believe there will still be people to support us."

"Yes, I believe it too. So don't worry! Leave the affairs of the underworld to me, no problem."

"As for you, how are you doing at home? How are you getting along with the children? And Susu, the things in the real world must be a headache for her, right?"

After hearing this, Xuan Su answered one by one.

"Don't worry, husband, I'm fine."

"Sister is very busy these days, busy settling down the people of the ancient clan. Zifan also went to help."

"I stayed at home to take care of the two children. But Nian Nian went to practice Qigong."

"I'm playing with Yaya right now, making a snowman!"

"By the way, husband, what do you think I found?"

"What?" Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but ask after hearing Xuan Su's surprised voice.

"It's Yaya. I discovered that Yaya actually controls the power of the world."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned by Xuan Su's words.

"What? Yaya controls the power of the world?"

"Didn't your husband realize it? Yaya, this child, has the ability to speak and follow the rules, and has the power to realize all things."

"She said she had few friends, so she made two snowman dolls for herself. Unexpectedly, the two snowman dolls came to life. They are playing with her in the yard now!"

Xuan Su said and looked at Yuanzi.

In the garden, Yaya was really playing with two snowman dolls.

The two snowman dolls really came to life and were jumping around.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Su was quite surprised at first.

Only later did she realize that the power Yaya possessed was not the same world power she had mastered before.

Follow your words and your wishes will come true!

Xuan Su said this.

Zhuo Bufan also remembered.

When Yaya and he were building an altar in Tianxuan Tower, Yaya pinched a mouse and named it Zhizhi.

Unexpectedly, the mouse came to life and ran very fast.

Also, what Yaya doesn't want to do is useless no matter what.

For example, Zhuo Bufan once wanted to take Yaya into the Meicheng of the Xuangu Ring.

Yaya was unwilling to do so, so Zhuo Bufan couldn't take her in.

At first, Zhuo Bufan thought that the Xuangu Ring was ineffective for Yaya.

But later, Yaya was able to go in again.

Now that I think about it, it's because Yaya has the power of the world.

Her thoughts and will can be realized.

What she wants can be realized.

What she doesn't want will never exist.

Say what you want and make it come true! This is the power that only the world god has.

"Yaya is the world god? Oh my god!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"This girl is actually the world god? Which world is she the world god of? Could it be that she is the world god of hell?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed.

Now among the five worlds of Yin Yang Qian Kun, Zhuo Bufan only has the world tree of the hell world missing.

Now that I think about it, maybe the world god power that Yaya has is the world of hell.

And Zhuo Bufan also thought of

Ji Xuanhao in the previous life, that is, Feng Jun. In fact, he had merged the power of the world god of hell.

But where did this power go after he died?

There is only one answer, he merged this power into the body of his newly born daughter.

After all, the hell world is the smallest of the five worlds.

The power of this world is not strong, but it can guarantee Yaya's safety.

Let Yaya spend tens of thousands of years in peace until he reincarnates back.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan figured everything out.

The world god power that Yaya possessed was Feng Jun in the previous life, who merged the hell world, that is, the boundless power, into her body.

This can also explain why Yaya has no cultivation, but can live for tens of thousands of years.

Because Yaya is originally a world god.

"So that's how it is. It seems that I have already arranged everything in my previous life."

"Well, Xuansu, you take good care of Yaya for me first. I will find out more about it when I go back."

"If Yaya is really the world god of hell, then I will be closer to my goal."

"Okay, husband, please be careful. If you have any problems, please tell me in time."

"Okay, I'll do this! I'll go find the sun god now."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he cut off the connection with Xuansu.

Then he looked at the sun in the sky and flew away...

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