The Tower of Mystery is a real 'game', neither mobs nor bosses will drop any equipment, unless after defeating the boss, pick up the armor and weapons of humanoid monsters, decompose the bodies of non-humanoid monsters, and create weapons by yourself.

They will only produce a huge amount of experience points, and it is easier to improve their combat skills in the battle. In addition, defeating it will also obtain a kind of "Demon Sealing Silk" that players call contribution points.

I don't know the function of this kind of 'Sealing Demon Silk'. It may be used at higher levels, or it may be used after clearing the mysterious tower, but it must be a good thing.

And the reason for players to get through higher levels is to get more treasures and higher levels - the level of players is restricted and cannot be higher than the current highest level of 20, that is to say, before level 50 is cleared, level 70 is already It's the limit.

"No matter whether the players have conflicts or not, they will work together and make their greatest contribution when attacking the boss. From the investigation of the boss before the battle, to the assembly of the attacking team, the maintenance of equipment, and then to the discussion of tactics, the attacking team The composition basically takes three days to one week.”

When I met Ji Xing again, Argo introduced to him: "Our Treasure Hunting Mouse Guild can only participate in the pre-war boss investigation and equipment maintenance. The group message I sent through the communication crystal before is to get everyone to take action."

"Boss investigation?" Ji Xing asked: "How to investigate, to test the skills of the boss?"

"How is it possible?!" Argo repeatedly shook his head and said, "Even if I am the highest level in the guild, I will definitely be dropped by the 50th floor boss in seconds. According to previous experience, the boss does not necessarily appear out of thin air and has no origin. of.

Ask the NPCs on the 50th floor or adjacent floors one by one, and even some intelligent monsters, there is a chance to get some information about the monsters...Of course, there is only a chance. "

Speaking of this, she raised a finger proudly: "This is the first thing I discovered, and it started my reputation as the Argonaut of the Rats."

It's just that in the last dozen or so floors, everyone's level can't keep up. I'm not familiar with high-floor NPCs. I haven't gained anything for a long time. The name of Argo the Rat is not so loud...

Sighing inwardly, Argo looked up at Ji Xing again: "Speaking of which, did you learn Qi or spiritual power? How many levels are you now?"

"After learning Qi, I'm already level 41." Ji Xing said, "The skill level doesn't improve much."

"... How much? Level 41?!"

Argo froze for a moment, then stared suddenly, I'm only level 56, okay? You, a newcomer who has just entered the game for a month, are catching up soon? !

"Did you find someone to take you?"

"No, that's too slow. I just spawned alone." Ji Xing said with a smile, "Thanks to the information you gave me, I found some monsters that are easy to spawn."


Don't make trouble, even if other people get a detailed strategy, they can go up to level 21 in a month without sleep, it's amazing, you are level 41? !

She wanted to be skeptical, but most players kept their cards for the lower rating, so what's the use of bragging?

If the cowhide is blown, it will kill people.

Recalling Ji Xing's appearance when he killed the wolf neatly, Argo believed most of it, his lips squirmed, and he hesitated to speak. In a few months, when he cleared the 52nd and 53rd floors, this guy will not become the main force of the clearing team right? What on earth does he do in reality, special forces king of kings?

"...Good, good, keep going."

She squeezed out a sentence: "The skill level is more important. It's useless to only brush the character level, and the relationship between them must be arranged reasonably."

Forget it, no need to remind me, I am an intelligence businessman, how can I compare with such an elite player who is obviously outstanding in the strategy group?

"Then do you continue to level up or collect information with me? According to the information shared by the strategy team, the guard boss this time is a pair of brothers, brother Huyu Lu and brother Huyu Lu, humanoid monsters, who can find information The chances are great."

Hearing the familiar name suddenly, Ji Xing's eyes flashed a strange color, and he thought it was reasonable. With the fantasy sea already in place, wouldn't it be reasonable for Brother Huyu and Lu to be a gatekeeper Boss?

Their strength is the same for Ji Xing, probably not as strong as Ant King, but in Yuyu Hakusho, Brother Toyu Lu is just a B-level monster. If the 50th floor is this pair of brothers, the subsequent 50th floor will not appear. Xianshui Ninja, or even a demon king like Huang Quan, right?

Even Lei Chan? !

Unlike the full-time hunter, the highest level in Yuyu Hakusho is S, which is a world with more expressive and destructive power. Perhaps Lei Chan, who is in full bloom, has a place in the five-star world.

He thought for a while and said, "Then I won't delay you, a professional, in collecting information. Just call me when there is excitement."

"OK~ Be careful when leveling."

"Don't worry, I won't let you lose money. I will also investigate the boss information in my spare time. After all, I am also a member of our 'Treasure Hunter'."

Argo smiled and didn't take it seriously.

While watching her leave, Ji Xing thought deeply. Although I plan to brush up the skill level in this mysterious tower, I will definitely have to pass the level in the end. It is normal for these players in the sword to not be able to pass the level for ten years or even forever.

He must come to break some barriers himself.

This 50th floor boss, he didn't plan to come by himself before, after all, it took the players almost four months just to find it. ? But facing Brother Huyulu...

Ji Xing was afraid that the players would die.

There are many people and great power, and players will be needed to level up in the future, and they are all 'starlight carriers'.

"Provide a little help, and wait and see the level of the first echelon players today. If there is too much difference, there is no way. I will fight for you."


Time passed, four days later.

The news that the boss on the 50th floor has finally been found has spread among the players, but the investigation of the boss's intelligence is not going smoothly.

"Brother Huyulu? I've never heard of it. If I've seen one with such obvious features, I'm sure I won't forget it."

"Okay, thank you."

Coming out of a fur shop politely, Argo shook his head lightly.

I also finished asking about this area, but still found nothing. Is the "backstory" of the boss this time also in the future floor?

Take out the communication crystal, which has accumulated a lot of messages, all of which are members of the guild.

"President, there is no one in the third south area on the 47th floor."

"The inquiry of the North Second District on the 48th floor is completed."

"Ah, I'm so pissed off. The village head of Yabe Village on the 49th floor gave me a lot of nonsense. I thought I could get something out of it. It turned out that the boss's relationship line on the 48th floor, even an ugly monster like that. Love?! I haven't... and I have nothing to do with Brother Huyulu on the 50th floor!"

"I found the boss information."

"It's a serious question. The intelligence team of Shooting the Sun Arrow asked me about this area. The NPC is a little impatient. I can't ask any more. It's easy to lose the 'favorability'..."


In the failure communication, the successful sentences were short and not obvious, and Argo blinked blankly after listening to several more.


Who found it? Is my Treasure Hunting Mouse Guild going to be famous again? Although Boss information cannot be sold for money, there is contribution compensation, and the strategy team must at least take us up a few levels! Follow up the progress of the non-combatants being left behind!

Well done, thanks, big thanks!


After a moment of silly laughter, she went back to find the unusual communication, but soon she was taken aback, and she couldn't help but blinked again blankly.

"... Ji Xing?"

The communication crystal was connected, and it was quickly connected. Argo asked eagerly: "Ji Xing, didn't you go to level up? How do you say you found the boss information?!"

"Good luck, I caught up." Ji Xing's voice on the opposite side was calm: "The one who knows about Brother Huyulu's information is Grandma Huanhai, but she doesn't want anyone to disturb her anymore, so I trouble the president to keep it secret. The message is relayed to you."

Grandma Huanhai... the mentor of the spirit?

The key NPC on the first floor? !

Argo, who is 1.6 meters tall, looked up and imagined Ji Xing, who was 2.1 meters tall, standing beside him, with thick arms thicker than his thighs, and a slap bigger than his buttocks. He punched a wolf and started from scratch in a month. After reaching level 41, an indescribable sense of frustration filled his heart.

"How did you think of Grandma Huanhai?"


The player town on the 45th floor is also known as the army town because the high-level army is stationed here.

When Argo came here, his pace was brisk again. No matter how outrageous he is, didn't I lead the way when he first entered the game? Did you choose to join the Treasure Hunting Mouse Guild because I, the president, am very charismatic? Wasn't I the one who brought Grandma Huanhai to see her in the first place?

Rounding off, this is not much different from my personal investigation of the it not much different?

"Argo? Long time no see!"

While walking towards the center, there was a sudden enthusiastic voice calling, Argo turned his head in a daze, and waved enthusiastically: "Liz, Asuna? Long time no see, why are you here? Shopping? Where are Kirito and the others?"

The two girls who came not far away were both outstanding in appearance. One had lovely pink hair and a few small freckles on the bottom of each eye, and the other had long golden hair tied into a fishtail braided princess head, with an exquisite appearance. , outstanding temperament.

"What shopping? I just finished my work and helped the strategy team maintain the weapons." Liz spread her hands and said, "Asuna came out to get some air, and Kirito and the others are still suffering inside."

"...breathing? Suffering?" Argo wondered.

Asuna returned a helpless smile.

Liz suddenly shrunk her cheeks, artificially created two dimples, and said in a strange tone: "From the appearance of this Boss, it is enough to analyze a lot of things. Obviously, the elder brother lying on the younger brother is relatively short , must be sensitive. When we configure the team, we must prevent him from cutting into the back row and fighting with long-range shooters.

As for the younger brother standing on the ground, he should be in the shape of strength. His force must be very outstanding, but he probably lacks sensitivity and combat strategies. He needs his elder brother to strategize and arrange tactics. As long as you find a way to solve your brother, this battle will be easy! "

Asuna burst out laughing.

It sounds like a normal analysis, but coupled with Liz's imitation and Asuna's smile, Argo suddenly understood what was going on, and said amusedly: "This time the strategy meeting is hosted by that annoying General Yugu again? "

There is a pair of brothers in the military named You Gu and You Jin. The older brother You Gu holds military and political power, while You Jin is outstanding in personal force, ranking among the best in the entire Tower of Mystery.

Apart from being arrogant and looking down on the weak, Eugene has nothing wrong with him, but his brother You Gu... It would be an exaggeration to say that he is useless. Let's talk about something, but there really isn't much.

Just like this analysis, it looks superficial, but isn’t it actually boasting there?

The abilities of monsters can't be seen with the eyes, and there are not one or two monsters that can be abnormal or even transgendered. Embarrassing myself, I didn't feel embarrassed at all. Anyway, Asuna was embarrassed after listening to it for a while.

"Yes, it's him again." Liz shook her head.

Argo turned his eyes and said with a smile: "I have a way to give you some relief, come here..."

The two were startled.

"Argo, you can't be..."

"That's the one that won't."

"...It's amazing! It's been four days since I discovered the Boss, and I still haven't collected any relevant information. As expected of you, Argo!"

Hearing the praise from the two old friends who were two and a half years old, Argo raised his head in satisfaction, and the three of them walked towards the center of the town together.

"Where did you find the information?" Liz couldn't help but tiptoe and asked along the way.

"This has to be kept secret, because I don't want to be disturbed by providing NPCs. It's not that I don't trust you, Asuna, Liz, you know, if the money is enough, I will even sell my own information, but I have to keep the information business certain rules of..."

"Yeah, I understand, I understand."

"It's okay, Argo, but it's better not to offend Yugu..."

"I have counted, don't worry."

All the way to the army's "headquarters", although there are soldiers guarding, but the top player Asuna's face is enough for them to let them go.

Entering the building, familiar faces came into view, the presidents of the major guilds, the strategy group Gao Wan... Argo, who was used to seeing big scenes, was not stage-frightened, and greeted: "Good afternoon, everyone."

There are merchant players in every major guild, but they are only a small part of the guild. Among the specialized merchant guilds, Treasure Hunter can indeed be number one, and Argo can always find all kinds of channels.

Seeing this famous intelligence merchant in the mysterious tower at this time, everyone who was drowsy in the meeting was refreshed. Argo appeared at the strategy team meeting at this time...

"Good afternoon, Argo the Rat." A friend greeted back, and the man in armor sitting in the center smiled and stood up, "It seems that we have good news? Have you found the information on the boss?"

Argo looked over, and the man in armor with thin cheekbones made her instantly think of the impersonator Liz, and she almost burst out laughing.

"Yes, General You Gu."

She nodded heavily, and replied: "I have found information on Boss' abilities and a small amount of past information. Among Huyulu brothers, the one who needs to be extremely vigilant is Huyulu brother. I am afraid that he is surprisingly strong. Compared to him, his brother is just It's just a pendant!"

You Gu was slightly taken aback.

The surrounding air was quiet for a moment, and many people had strange expressions.

Argo didn't seem to realize it, and continued: "Brother Huyu Lu was originally a human being..."

4k, still available today, will be later.

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