Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 651 Boss on the 50th Floor

Tower of Mystery, Level 33.

In a deep forest, the ancient trees are towering, covering the sky and the sun, and the vines among the trees are entangled, as if covered with layers of large nets, making it difficult for sunlight to penetrate, making this place particularly eerie.

Under the ancient trees with a height of 100 meters, a team of five people was walking through.

There were three men and two women in the team, all in their 20s. Four of them looked relatively relaxed. Only the girl who was faintly surrounded in the middle had obvious tension in her expression and movements.

Walking directly in front, a young man in cyan armor noticed this, turned around and spread his hands easily: "Don't be nervous, Wuzi, I said that the 33rd floor is the floor that has been 'fully explored' by the player."

The so-called complete exploration of the floor means that the players have walked through every position of this floor in a carpet style, knowing the distribution of monsters in each place, and excluding all dangerous floors.

"I, I know, Brother Yoshiyuki." The girl named Wuzi had a baby face, folded her hands on her chest, and responded with a delicate voice and expression.

Kawaii ~ Yoshiyuki Negishi suddenly shouted in his heart, his lips turned up and his nostrils enlarged, revealing an expression of an idiot, and he returned to normal in a flash.

Not noticing the rolling eyes of the other three members of the team, he waved his hand while walking backwards: "If you want to talk about the strategy of this level, it must have happened a year and nine months ago, I still remember this The boss on the first floor is a humanoid tiger with a height of more than five meters, the white tiger, I was in the strategy group at the time, and I shaved his beard with a few knives..."

Art processed his past experience, Negishi Yoshiyuki said: "The forest we are in is also called the 'Great Forest', it is the place where monsters spawn most on the 33rd floor, and it is also the only place in the mysterious tower above the 20th floor that you don't need to worry about poisonous insects." forest.

Just like the trees, only some huge monsters will be refreshed here, and there are not no huge monsters that are thirty or forty meters high. So we don't need to worry about sneak attacks, those behemoth actions will make a huge noise.

Also because those giant beasts have thick skin and blood, very few people come here to level up, so there is no need to guard against some annoying guys. There are four players from our strategy group leading Wuzi to level up with you. It won't take long to reach level 30 here! "

"Well, thank you, Brother Yoshiyuki."

"You're welcome." Negishi Yoshiyuki smiled, and raised a finger: "Oh, there is another point that must be remembered, besides monsters, there will also be a poisonous mushroom called 'Dream Mushroom', which has many Strong hallucinogenic properties, even if you just touch it, you may fall into a 'beautiful dream'."

Speaking of this, he heheed twice, lowered his voice, and said a little closer to Wuzi: "Although dreams are really beautiful, we can't be greedy. If we are addicted to dreams, we will be turned into A dead body covered in mushrooms..."

Wuzi shrank her neck with a pale face.

Negishi Yoshiyuki, who was aroused to protect him, was waiting to be appeased, when Wuzi stretched out his slender fingers and pointed gently behind Negishi Yoshiyuki.

Negishi Yoshiyuki, who had been walking backwards, suddenly stopped walking, and turned around in confusion.

In an instant, an extremely stench came over his face, and his mouth was less than 30 centimeters away from his head!


His face paled instantly, and Negishi Yoshiyuki swung his sword at the fastest speed in his life. A gust of blue ice sprayed out in a fan shape, directly freezing a large area of ​​ground in front of him, and smashed a body over 20 meters long and half a diameter in diameter. M's python freezes!

"Huh...huh..." He took a few breaths and made sure that it was all right, then he turned around and gave the girl Wuzi a handsome smile: "You should be more careful, I was almost attacked by this beast.

Did it scare you, Wuzi, it's okay, we are all in the strategy group, and even fought a lot of bosses, this little thing... Uh, huh? ! "

Where is my partner? How did this python get so close to me? He looked back in a daze, and saw three companions standing on both sides of his frozen ground, smiling like they had succeeded in a prank.

Looking at the frozen giant python again, he found another problem. Although the python's mouth was wide open, there was no sign of life. There was an obvious huge gap in the snake's seven inches, which shattered the snake's heart.

His face suddenly turned green and white: "I said why didn't I hear any movement, and you actually killed a python quietly to scare me?!"

"We are afraid that you will scare Wuzi." Another girl in the team smiled and said, "Do you think I will not tell Wuzi about the situation here last night? Don't be too enthusiastic, Brother Yixing."

Negishi Yoshiyuki blushed a little, and defended in a low voice: "It's never wrong to remind more..."

"But we didn't kill the python." Another young man said, "When we found it, it was already a corpse."

"Ah?" Yoshiyuki Negishi was stunned, and he moved closer to inspect the wound of the giant python. It became clearer in the frozen state, and he frowned and said, "Well, it seems that the sharp claws are torn, and they are powerful and crisp. It's fatal, it's probably a monster like a giant ape, it won't be far away, everyone be careful."

"That's right. Brother Yixing is quite serious when he is serious." The girls in the team laughed.

Yoshiyuki Negishi was impressed. He glanced at Misaki and found that he was looking at him with admiring eyes. He immediately puffed up his chest and got excited: "Where is the snake corpse found? I'll go and have a look."

After a while of analysis, the team that continued to go deeper slowed down their pace, and soon found a... dinosaur lying on the ground.

The gigantic beast, which may be nearly 50 meters in length, is extremely intimidating, but Yoshiyuki Negishi smiled awkwardly: "Hey, the giant ape may have been driven away by this dragon beast... (Embarrassing, I looked in the wrong direction ?)"

"Xiaochun, you protect Wuzi, when we beat him to the brink of death, let Wuzi make up for it!"

As an arrangement, he rushed towards the dinosaur first, rushed all the way to a position 20 meters away from the dinosaur, and then stopped suddenly.


"What killed it?!"

The other two teammates exclaimed in unison. When they approached, they realized that the huge dinosaur-like monster had a deeply sunken head, as if it had been crushed by some kind of huge force. Like a giant python, it had already been lost. life.

The three of them approached to check, and found that the two girls who were wrong also approached, and their faces gradually became a little heavy. Isn't this layer fully explored? Why can't I figure out which monster caused this?

player? The guys with the hammer?

"...It's okay." Seeing Wuzi's expression became more tense, Negishi Yoshiyuki patted his chest: "There may be a mutant monster, why haven't we players in the clearing team seen it? Wuzi, don't be afraid!"

The team moved forward at a slower speed, spent more than ten minutes in the oppressive atmosphere, and stopped again.

The scene in front of them made the four players of the clearing team stand there stunned, and Negishi Yoshiyuki didn't respond even when Kiriko grabbed his arm in fear.

He had never seen this scene before.

The corpses of more than a dozen giant beasts were piled up on the ground in front of them, and the towering ancient trees fell one after another.

Among the corpses of giant beasts, there is a 20-meter-tall rooster with its claws poking into its chest, and a giant ape with its head twisted 180 degrees. There are giant tigers nailed to the ground by a tree that embraces two people, and there are also four-dimensional creatures that have been broken into two sections.

Brutal, bloody!

Their death methods are different, but the same thing is that they all die very cleanly!

"In the end what happened?"

"Has the army come to sweep up?!"

"Don't be kidding, the army doesn't have such abilities, right? This is a bunch of high-level monsters around level 40 on the 33rd floor!"

"Brother Yixing, how about... let's go?"

Negishi Yoshiyuki swallowed, turned to look for Yuzi, only to find that she was sticking to him, so he swallowed again: "Cough, that's it..."

Ding~ The sudden prompt from the information panel made him stagnate, who was half-stretched, he opened the inventory to take out the communication crystal, and instilled spiritual power to activate it.

A calm male voice came from among them: "Boss coordinates on the 50th floor have been found, hurry up to the 45th floor to gather!"

Negishi Yoshiyuki's expression suddenly relaxed, he let out a long breath, and said: "Tsk, there is no way, the boss is important, and the raid team can't do without me. The 33rd floor is a small situation, and we will wait until we get through the 50th floor boss." Come back and cook!"

The five looked at each other, turned around, and ran in the direction they came from!


It is more than ten kilometers away from here.

In the forest clearing, next to a firewood cauldron, Ji Xing was stirring the boiling soup with a large spoon.

While the ingredients in the soup are tumbling, the most essential parts of some creatures or the most tender pieces of meat can be faintly seen. There are also many brightly colored mushrooms, green vegetables, green onions and ginger as seasoning ingredients.

Feeling that the pot of 'Shiquan Dabu Soup' was almost gurgling, Ji Xing took a spoonful of it.


While savoring with his eyes closed, Ji Xing had a hazy feeling of embracing Hui Ye, and shook his head: "This fantasy mushroom is quite powerful, and quite unscrupulous."

At this time, it has been a month since he entered the mysterious tower, and he has basically understood the situation of this ruled place that was born due to overlapping worlds.

Hunter's Dark Continent, Sword Art Online's SAO game, and Yuyu Hakusho all blend together in a harmonious and outrageous way.

For example, this kind of 'dream mushroom' is probably a disaster that can be ranked around the D-level danger in the Dark Continent. At the same time, for some life with strong mental resistance, it is also a treasure for training.

And through the Argo's Treasure Hunting Mouse Guild, Ji Xing also learned about the disaster treasures that appeared in the 49th floor that the players have already conquered, or the 29th floor from the 21st to the 49th floor.

Nothing familiar, about CDE-level dangerous small things, the first fifty floors are obviously just the beginning for the mysterious tower.

Only the 'immortal disease' on the 46th floor is an exception. Although this dangerous virus listed in the five major disasters is easy to isolate, it is very deadly. However, there is something different in that the treasure that accompanies the immortal disease is not the alchemy plant Metarion, but something called Resurrection Grass.

Because the place was tightly sealed by the army, Ji Xing didn't go there for the time being.

He is not in a hurry, even though the time ratio here is 1:1 with that of the Demon Continent, but since Ji Xing has no other worlds to invade, the remaining seven years from the change in the Demon Continent can be thrown away. Here, after all, digital and hierarchical rules are a good thing.

During this month, Ji Xing has been improving his own strength, and he has been promoted smoothly.

Now his mind ability (person), mind ability (qi) and absolute strength have each been raised by one or two levels, and his strength has improved to a certain extent.

The level has come to level 41.

Level: Level 41 (220,000/10 million)

When the strategy group was about 60+ level, Ji Xing maintained this speed of killing monsters along the way, and it would be almost the same in two more months. After all, there was a fundamental gap in the speed of killing monsters.

As for the 41 skill bars at level 41, Ji Xing has installed 40 of them. During the interval of practice, other skills that Ji Xing thinks can be used in the Demon Continent and other invading worlds in the future, he is also practicing and improving.

Like cooking.

Cooking: Super (Level 1) (70,000/200,000) → Super (Level 2) (116,000/400,000)

This pot of Shiquan Dabu soup is cooked, and thousands of experience points are recorded in the account. He can use ingredients that are difficult for ordinary chefs to squander and improve. The calculation and use of ingredients are becoming more and more sophisticated with in-depth research. A grain of salt!

Big mouthfuls of meat, big mouthfuls of soup.

There were not even fantasy mushrooms left, all of them turned into energy and entered Ji Xing's stomach.

Standing up and doing a set of punches, his physical strength and mental ability gradually increased. Ji Xing skillfully cleaned the pot and put everything into the inventory.


Just when he finished this set of daily operations, a prompt sound came from the information panel, and Ji Xing took out the communication crystal from the inventory.

The imprint on this kind of communication crystal is obviously the character of God, and Ji Xing will also make it.

He activated the communication crystal and found that it was a group message from his 'chairman'.

Argo the Rat: "The latest information, finally a team from the strategy team found the coordinates of the boss on the 50th floor, and the strategy team is gathering on the 45th floor. As before, immediately contact the high-level players you are familiar with, such as senior blacksmiths, tailors, chefs, etc. Professions can also voluntarily choose to go to the 45th floor!"

Is it the boss on the 50th floor?

Ji Xing has already learned that it has been almost four months since the players landed on the 50th floor. Compared with the previous average progress of one level per month, this 50th floor just took several times longer to find the boss.

Many people feel that the half waist of this 100-story mysterious tower may be unusual.

At this time, there was another ding, and there was a request for a private chat from Argo the Rat.

"Ji Xing, where have you been to level up these days? Why is there no news?"

Ji Xing replied: "You don't know? It seems that the intelligence work is not done properly."

"I'm investigating what you are doing, and I can't sell it for a koel." Argo said angrily, "You heard what I said just now, if you plan to go around the 45th floor, come with me. Your appearance is too Eye-catching, I'm afraid some people will invite you, and you can't tell the narrow-minded guy."

"That's it." Ji Xing thought for a while, and said, "I'm planning to go to the 45th floor, but I won't see the players in the strategy team first, so please tell me about the situation of the boss remotely? The first one to enter the mysterious tower Boss, I'm quite interested."

"...It's okay, I'll save trouble."


At the same time, the five Negishi Yoshiyuki who flew out of the forest and teleported to the 45th floor saw the friend who sent them a message.

As if he had left the fear of the 33rd floor behind him at this moment, he calmly asked, "What's the situation? Which guild found the boss?"

"Arrow that shoots the sun." The friend answered him, and glanced at Wuzi: "A new member?"

"Well, Wuzi is one of his own."

The friend nodded, swiped from the inventory, and took out a stack of photos: "It's no wonder that the Boss is so hard to find this time, he's not in any building, but opened up a place like a competition ring deep in the bushes .”

Looking at the photos one by one, Yoshiyuki Negishi had a weird expression on his face: "This seems like we've been there before?"

Several people in the team around me looked at each other, and shook their heads with some impressions. Their eyes focused on the last photo, the two silhouettes captured in the distance.

"Humanoids, and they are very ordinary humanoids. There are only two of them. There are no mobs. It's even more difficult to find. No wonder."

Appearing faintly in the photo is a tall man with sunglasses and a meticulous expression, and on his shoulders is a much thinner man.

Judging by past experience, this is obviously a boss combination.

Yoshiyuki Negishi's friend nodded, and said: "The person who shot the arrow of the sun lost the investigation, this is a pair of brothers. The person on the shoulder is the elder brother, brother Toyu Lu, and the one standing is the younger brother, brother Toyu Lu!" "

"Brother Toyulu?" Negishi Yoshiyuki took a closer look: "It looks... an ordinary look."

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