Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 617 Entering the game

In the evening, Nanpisi Hotel, top floor.

In Ji Xing's room, Melody stood nervously opposite Ji Xing, nodded slightly to indicate that she was ready, and used Ning.

In her powerful hearing, she could feel that Ji Xing's heartbeat was always calm and reassuring, but there were still unavoidable emotional fluctuations.

"Maybe it will hurt a little, bear with it."

"Yeah." Melody responded softly.

Ji Xing on the opposite side drew out a knife, the golden color was dazzling under the setting sun.

This is the lot that Ji Xing just won the auction two days ago. The pure gold execution knife in the Youlu National Treasure Museum is not only a precious antique, but also a pure gold decoration and weapon.

This was the first time it was used, and the golden knife that had not been stained with blood for a long time seemed to flash scarlet.

But this time there is no chance for it to be bloodied.

"Let's brighten the blood strip."

During the activation of the ability, a long blood bar of 100 drops appeared above Ji Xing's head, while Melody on the opposite side got 120 drops of blood from a threat level of 6 because he mastered the flute chapter of the Demon King's Sonata!

‘We should develop another 1v1 mode. The threat level is obviously 10:6, but I suffer from blood volume, which is unreasonable. But this time it was just right, so I don't have to worry too much about accidental injury. '

While thinking about it, another blood bar with only 80 points appeared on the top of Melody's head, making her seem to have two bloods, and this second bar is exactly the idea of ​​transforming her into such an afterlife!

Ji Xing slashed down.

The attack that could have beheaded Melody didn't cause any damage to Melody, only caused the two blood of Melody to drop 12 drops.

In an instant the room became dark.

A rush of aura surged out of Melody, like a blazing day before the launch of a flying tank, and she faintly formed the appearance of a blonde girl with her fangs and claws, which made Melody suffer from both mental and physical aspects.

"Aida..." Melody whispered.

This is exactly the friend who played the song of the devil after drinking. As expected, the song itself has no lethality, and the thoughts triggered by the song are the main culprits that make the melody look like this!

The girl named Aida was not originally a person with nostalgia ability, but she exhausted all her vitality while playing the Demon King Sonata, leaving behind a powerful after-death idea, killing other people present, and turning the melody into this Second appearance.

Now that it is manifested, Ji Xingdao is ready.

A powerful thought gushed out, filling the entire room in an instant, and the thought of after death was also suppressed, and then the golden knife swung in the air, cutting out countless afterimages, and the phantom of the blond girl screamed unconsciously, frantically Pounce on Ji Xing to resist!

Ji Xing didn't stop until Melody's HP dropped to 88, and After Death's HP dropped to 1 HP.

Because the mind after death does not have the ability to 'return blood', as the blood volume decreases, she becomes faint and weak visibly with the naked eye. At this moment, the ferociousness fades away, replaced by panic and pleading.

Ji Xing moved her fingers, and she obediently retracted into Melody's body without any movement.

Melody let out a long sigh of relief, and said softly, "Thank you, I feel much more relaxed."

It was an agreement reached before not to completely kill the thought after death. After all, that thought was not the effect of the 'transformation technique', but destroyed the melody from its original appearance to the current level.

Complete beheading will not restore the melody on the spot, and requires follow-up treatment, which may bring certain risks. This is why Ji Xing said before that medical personnel should be there to watch over him.

But in the afternoon, after the rich man Batra came to the door, Ji Xing got some information about the Greedy Island game before he had a new idea.

"Prop No. 004, the fountain of beautiful skin, can solve any skin problems by soaking it for 30 minutes a day. You should try it first after entering the game." Ji Xing said: "If it doesn't work, go and collect the rarer No. 017. The breath of an angel."

"Well, I remember."

Ji Xing looked up at his health bar, and there were 95 drops of blood remaining, which is not bad. The posthumous thoughts transformed by an ordinary person under the Sonata of the Demon King can catch up with one-third of a brigade.

After waiting for half a minute, Ji Xing left the battle to cancel the blood bar, and he only felt a little exhausted, while Melody's complexion turned slightly pale, but it was fine.

The two walked out of the room, and Kurapika who was waiting outside the door received a light nod from Melody, and showed her a happy expression: "That's great."

At the same time, Xiaojie yelled from the next door: "Really? Qiya, you don't need to go home? That's great!"

"Well, let's go play a game together!"

In the afternoon, after Ji Xing parted ways with the Beating Enemy Hakka Team, he told Qiya that his family had arrived in Youkexin neatly, and Xiba also waited for Qiya, and the father and son found a place where no one was there. We talked for half an afternoon.

Judging from Qi Ya's tone, he probably got a compromise result, not too satisfied, but he didn't insist on going home now.

Ji Xing pushed open the door of the next room, looked at Xiaojie, Qi Ya and Bi Siji, and said, "It seems that everyone is ready to enter the game?"

"Hmm! Ji Xing, Kurapika, is sister Melody okay?" Xiaojie happily replied.

"Okay." Ji Xing smiled and said, "I will probably enter the game in three or four days. Don't forget our deal, Xiaojie."

"No." Xiaojie shook his head: "I will work hard to earn the rings used in the game, and provide Ji Xing with everything you need to play the game. This is the reward for the game I took with you!"

Kid, you have no idea what this deal means. Bi Siji glanced sideways at Xiaojie and Ji Xing with an expression of watching the excitement. With this guy's strength, he can eat and cry you.

But it is also a kind of practice.

She looked around the team in front of her, and her satisfied eyes passed over Kurapika and Xiaodi standing silently in the corner. As for the two little devils, Xiaojie and Kiya... it's okay.

After all, this trip to Youkexin City was not in vain, and a good team was assembled, and the strategy game to get the blue planet is just around the corner!

Then everyone entered the game one after another, disappeared before Ji Xing's eyes, and disappeared in the hotel.

Ji Xing was the only one left, and his surroundings became quiet. He looked at the unplugged but still running game console, and thought, "It really is the teleportation effect, and the vibration of the teleportation is very low when teleporting them, which proves 'greedy'. The island's location is probably not too far from Youkexin City."

He has no idea of ​​exploring the real location of Greed Island, but is very interested in this method of making games, so that thoughts can exist on an object for a long time like thoughts after death. The secret should lie in what can be felt under the domain Those special words located inside the game console.

Fairy Tail magic text, death god spiritual text, one-man talisman, nothing more!

"Among them, the game console cannot be destroyed by conventional means. Even in my ability to brighten the blood bar, there will be 40 points of blood... it should be this."

Ji Xing's brain was running at high speed, and he raised his hand to condense into ink, and quickly wrote special words on the door in front of him, imprinting them deeply.

Then punch it out!


A heavy muffled sound broke out, and the surrounding walls were cracked with fine lines, but the door of the room that had suffered Ji Xing's punch on the front was not damaged at all!

Ji Xing nodded in satisfaction, opened the door and walked out, went to the banquet hall to have a meal before coming back to further research.

During the Youkexin Auction, the banquet hall of the Nanpisi Hotel provides a flowing banquet, and there will be food whenever you go.

And when Ji Xing arrived, the host, Ajun, was holding a red wine glass, with a high-spirited expression, pointing the country to the leaders of the gangsters in front of him.

Compared with the previous few days, he seemed to have finally relieved the depression brought about by the Phantom Brigade's attack, and he had a feeling of extra joy.

"Beating the enemy Hakka wanted to assassinate the ten old man, and to inquire about the location and arrangement of the objects, it really was him as the organizer." Ji Xing was neither surprised nor cared.

Seeing Ji Xing's arrival, whether it was Ah Jun or the other gang leaders, they all changed to respectful expressions and stepped forward to greet and welcome them.


Three days later, on September 9th, the penultimate day of the Youkexin auction.

In the same dim room, around the same round table, ten old men sat around.

"The pure gold execution knife in the Ulu National Treasure Museum is 10.7 billion, the Greedy Island game is 24 billion, the secret treasure Puxi jade that can make people sleepless and tired for a long time is 19.5 billion, and the three-year-old Wangcheng White Banquet with the most rare ingredients in the world appears. The qualifications for the judges are 35.5 billion, and Gumibu Red Dragon Blood is 17.3 billion per liter."

"The total is 107 billion, which is 7 billion more than his original limit of 100 billion. He expressed his apology, but he didn't mention that he would pay the excess amount by himself, so I transferred 107 billion to his account."

Edge Hill, who has been in charge of direct communication with Ji Xing, said: "As for the treasures stolen by the Phantom Troupe, he said that they cannot be recovered, so we don't need us to help him sell them."

The other nine heard this quietly, and finally someone couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"This guy...does he really think of himself as Nitro?!"

"Nitero doesn't act so ostentatious!"

They were very dissatisfied with Ji Xing's 'ripping off' behavior, and even felt a little meddling in the fact that the Phantom Troupe was destroyed by Ji Xing.

In this incident, their gangsters can be said to have become a complete background board. They were incompetently robbed of a large number of auction items by the Phantom Troupe, and they had to rely on the twelve branches of the Hunter Association to recover them!

The bigger and louder the phantom brigade's prestige, the more shameful they will be.

I have to thank Ji Xing!

"Let's just leave it like this this time, so as not to spread the word and make people think that we don't follow the rules. If we dare to have a next time...huh!"

"Also tell that boy, Ah Jun, to stop dealing with Ji Xing! No matter how strong your personal force is, can you still defeat artillery shells and missiles?!"

"If you have a little strength, just show it like this. Sooner or later, someone will teach him a lesson for us! A child who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth?" At this moment, a strange voice suddenly came between them. Yiermi held a chanting needle in her left hand, and gently pressed Echihill's shoulder with her right hand, and said, "I did it three days ago. Having been educated with this word by my grandfather, who knows the heights of the heavens and the earth?"

Under the light of the candlelight, his pale face was sinister like a ghost, and cold sweat instantly drenched Aichi Hill's forehead, and the others stood up in shock.

"Who are you?! How did you get in?!"

"Guards! Where are the people?!"

They looked around and saw only three shadows under the dim candlelight, standing quietly in each exit passage, looking at this side.

Then a strange voice sounded: "Il fans, hurry up, don't have this bad habit of playing with targets."

"Yes, I see~"


At the same time, the wall of the room was covered with enhanced 'reading text', and he made some explanations to the maid Mint. Ji Xing made the final preparations to enter the Greedy Island game, attached his hands to the game console, and poured his own into it. read.

With a bang, the figure disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared in a vast white space. A door without walls opened in front of him like a cutscene in a game. Ji Xing looked around, walked in, and came to a room with walls like cassette patterns, which was very technological.

Behind a console, a cute little white-haired girl wearing big headphones looked at him and said, "Welcome to G·I Games, are you Mr. Hiroshi Sidibe? Next, I will play this game." Do you want to listen to the game's instructions?"

Ji Xing saw that this was a real person, probably the GM of the game, and smiled and said, "Don't bother, I learned the rules before entering."

He raised his hand and said, "BOOK!"

With a bang, Ji Xing held a book with a pattern that looked like a magic book as if being psychic. When he opened it, he saw that it was full of blank card slots with numbers ranging from 000 to 099.

Greedy Island is essentially a card collection game. As long as you collect 100 kinds of cards through various tasks of different difficulty and insert them into your own card collection book, you will be considered as clearing the level.

There are 10 levels of difficulty in getting cards, from the most difficult SS level to the easiest H level. In addition to these 100 types of cards, there are 40 types of spell card function cards, and some extra cards.

There are many more specific things, but Ji Xing doesn't pay much attention to it, he didn't come here to play games.

After reading BOOK again, he nodded to the little GM girl, turned around and walked into the downward staircase, officially entering the game.


Thousands of miles away.

"Really? Has he entered the game? Don't worry, Yida, he should not be a random person."

Kim Fulishi laughed while holding the phone: "It's also the twelve branches of the Hunter Association, I really want to meet him, but... what?

No, no, how is it possible, how could I be worried about meeting Xiaojie, ah, there is a little bit, just because looking for me is a test for Xiaojie, yes, that's it. "

"Really? I thought you didn't know how to face Xiaojie because you didn't fulfill your parenting obligations. Speaking of which, that child really resembles you, Jin." The GM girl on the opposite side said in a surprised tone.

"How could it be?! Uh, Yida, your mouth has become a bit poisonous." Jin Knocked and said, "It's not as cute as it used to be."

"That's really sorry. So... do you want to go back to the island?"

Jin was silent for a while, and said: "Let me think about it a little more, alas, it's really embarrassing."


Standing beside the original hut, on the endless grassland, Ji Xing looked up at the clear sky.

"It really is a good place."

There are quite a few peeping eyes around here, and most of them are obviously malicious. Sure enough, even in this kind of game, there will still be old players who want to trick new players.

Just a thousand meters away, there were indeed a few 'old players' peeping at Ji Xing through the telescopic equipment.

Spell cards can only be defended with spell cards, so novices are irresistible.

Use a 'tracking' card on the newcomer, and wait for the newcomer to gain something, and then use the 'pickpocket' card or the 'expropriation' card to seize it, which is much faster than doing the task honestly. Lesson learned a lesson.

"This guy... is a bit tall."

"It doesn't look weak."

"Won't you get into trouble, is he in a situation where he enters the game alone?"

"What are you afraid of, we have a lot of people!"

"Hey, what is he doing?"

The few people were startled, and found that Ji Xing, who was in sight, inhaled deeply and for a long time, and even his chest was unnaturally bulged by the airflow.

"What are you looking at?!!"

The next moment, thunder exploded!

As if a thunderbolt from the clear sky passed by their ears, several people fell to the ground in an instant, their brains buzzing and shaking, they were muddled and lost consciousness!

"Strange, monster?!"

After a few seconds, someone touched his ear in a daze. It was stained with blood, and his face was extremely frightened. Regardless of the "companions" around him, he scrambled and ran towards the distant city, and even forgot to use the spell card to complete the move.

Soon, the rest of the people did the same.

Their worries are unnecessary.

Ji Xing, who yelled, ignored these guys a long time ago, and walked to the depths of the grassland alone, to the distant city.

"A new round of practice has begun."

Where else could it be more undisturbed than in this game, where there are all kinds of food, props, and monsters that can be refreshed to assist in cultivation?

Ji Xing is going to spend the rapid improvement period after breaking the shackles of people who strengthen their mind abilities here!

"First of all... go to Xiaojie to collect debts. I don't know how many days the child can earn me for food in three days."

The debt collector Ji Xing is online, and the time is long.

Soon, two months passed.

Studying the setting of Greedy Island, a bit small, 4k6, sorry, it has been sorted out, there must be two updates tomorrow.

However, there is not much worth writing about the Island of Greed. The growth chapter is probably only a few chapters, and the focus is on the ants.

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