Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 616 Beating the Enemy and Alluka

The Phantom Brigade gave him an assassination commission on his deathbed, but Ji Xing really didn't expect it, let alone the five generations of Qi Ya's family who came.

Great-great-grandfather, it must be grandpa's grandfather, the content that Shake Shake doesn't teach, because most people can't live to that age, but he can still have 6 points of threat to himself when he is over a hundred years old, which proves that this old man is not necessarily young. Weak to Ji Xing.

"I've listened to most of the conversation you guys had just now. Are you going to kill me or old man ten? If it's the latter, please be a little late, and they still owe me some money." After a brief silence, Ji Xing And said to four people.

Yi Ermi scratched her head: "Actually, we haven't discussed much, can you please wait for us for two minutes after you arrive at the door?"

"No." Ji Xing said.

He simply silenced Yiermi, he hesitated for a moment, and took a step back, because the current situation was beyond his control, and Maha was also silent.

Although he is the oldest, in fact Ma Ha has already retired to the second line of killers. Only when encountering very difficult and troublesome commissions, he will help the younger generation, or even take action directly, so at this moment he just quietly looks at the tall and tall Ji Xing .

Now Jeno and Shiba are in charge of the Dadike family. After thinking about it, Jeno smiled and said, "Is Qi Ya okay?"

This is the answer, Ji Xing nodded: "It's good, he and Xiaojie are taking Bisiji's practice class, and they are improving quickly...Have you heard of Bisiji's name?"

Geno nodded: "A disciple of Xinyuanliu, one of the few descendants of Nitero who has the ability to exercise her body to a perfect level, she is better than us in teaching. Qiya has what she and you can teach , we are also relieved."

Shiba followed: "Sorry to bother you this time, we will complete the assassination of the ten-year-old man in three days, on September 9th, please get your full reward before then."

"Okay." Ji Xing said: "In addition, there is one more thing, since I saw it, I will mention it by the way. Qi Ya said that he has a twin sister, and because of something committed, your family..."

Up to this point, he stopped suddenly, because Ji Xing noticed that the auras of the four people in front of him had changed.

Originally, the two sides had already 'reconciled', but at this moment, the four of them showed unrestrained killing intent, and their eyes were fixed on Ji Xing, as if a thunderbolt would strike at any moment!

"Huh?" Ji Xing immediately understood something, fell silent, shook his head and said, "This is not like the reaction of a qualified killer. Your control of emotions is not qualified. If you do this, even if it was an accident, now I will I already know that the situation with Sister Qi Ya will be a little special."

"Kill him." Yi Ermi said: "It seems that Qi Ya's stylus was removed by him. After killing him, I will re-seal Qi Ya's memory."

"It revealed more things." Ji Xing said: "It turns out that the recitation of the needle is not only to make Qi Ya run fast to save his life in the face of the strong, but also to seal Qi Ya's memory of the twin sister to a large extent. ?”

"But there is one thing, you must not misunderstand." He stretched out his index finger and tapped Yiermi: "I like that kid Qiya, and he should also value his family. So if you want to do something, I will I will only kill him one, and I will release you three once, but only once."

There were no special ups and downs in the words, and a deep breath surged from Ji Xing's body.

It is different from the murderous aura, it has a sense of majesty, and in an instant, the murderous aura of beating the four members of the enemy's Hakka family disappeared like a breeze!

Xiba and Jie Nuo stared slightly, and Yiermi was about to speak again, but Ji Xing said ahead of time: "From now on, don't say a word, adults communicate, and juniors don't interrupt, or you will die."

grown ups? Junior? The 24-year-old Yier fan looked straight at the 19-year-old Ji Xing, and Shiba beside him shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Keep silent, Yier fan."

Yi Ermi was silent, quietly pierced his upper and lower lips with a needle, and made a suture gesture, his mouth was forcibly pursed together, and he took a step back after two murmurs.

At this time, Maha said hoarsely: "Twelve hunters, do you want to help?"

At this juncture, the old ancestor who beat the enemy Hakka finally accepted the words, Ji Xing nodded and said: "Yes. But to be honest, if there is no relationship with Qi Ya, just relying on your status as killers and the fact that you came to test me, It's time for me to do it.

If you want to join hands again, you have to tell me about the situation of Qi Ya's twin sister after the end. I'm a little curious about this matter now. This is your compensation, isn't it fair? "

"You can ask Qi Ya directly."

"He might make up nonsense."

"……indeed so."

After a brief silence, Maha moved.

He didn't directly attack Ji Xing, but took a step to the side, and walked slowly with his skinny short legs, but as if a frame was dropped, afterimages were drawn behind him!

This is called 'Limb Curse', and it is an extremely high-end assassination technique. Through the change of pace and rhythm, it will bring visual dislocation to the opponent, to the point of confusing the audience, and it is even more so when used by Maha, the ancestor of the assassin world. Brilliant.

In just two seconds, the stairwell seems to be filled with Maha's figure walking slowly, and the high-end concealment is applied. I'm afraid even Hisoka's level has to be discerned.

Ji Xing looked at it and then moved.

Taking one step forward, Shiba and Geno were a little surprised, because they recognized that Ji Xing was also flexing his limbs, could it be that Qi Ya taught him?

The next moment, the afterimages spread, causing the two of them to change color slightly.

How can it be? Ontology... what?

It would be embarrassing to say it. As experts in the killer world, the two of them lost Ji Xing's body without blinking an eye. They didn't use Yuan, but only by naked eyes, and they couldn't find it for several seconds!

In other words, Ji Xing just now had countless chances to attack the two of them! Where is the (great) grandfather? He can't be thrown away, can he?

Maha was indeed not thrown off, or it could be said that he was not thrown off by Ji Xing. Ji Xing's body is right next to Maha, and the rhythm changes with Maha using limbs, without a single mistake!

So at a certain moment, the afterimage that almost filled the stairwell disappeared, and Maha looked up at Ji Xing, his right hand was already in the shape of a knife, but he didn't stab the knife out, only shaking his head slowly.

After all, some wrong judgments were made because of their age. After all, although the Phantom Brigade is not weak, there is still a big gap compared with the most famous killer family, the Beat Enemy.

Even he came out in person, never thought about the possibility of not being able to win Ji Xing, and felt that the only evaluation to be done was whether it was worth it, not whether it was possible.

Of course, he doesn't feel that his side will definitely lose now. This is the self-confidence accumulated over the years, but Yierfan is indeed still a little immature. If he protects Yiermi and fights, it will be very uncomfortable.

More importantly, it's not worth it.

"That's enough. Shiba, tell him about Alluka. Anyway, it's not like no outsiders know about Alluka. That old Nitero will definitely treat him as a treasure. Sooner or later, he will Got it," he said.

Xiba nodded slightly, and looked at Ji Xing: "Please keep it secret for beating the Hakka enemy."

"En." Ji Xing only responded.

"First of all, Aluka is not Kira's twin sister. In terms of gender, he is male."

Ji Xing was a little surprised. It seemed that Qi Ya should spank his ass, and he was talking nonsense with him in terms of gender...Twin brother?

"Secondly, Alluka isn't considered Kiya's younger brother, nor is he part of our family. He comes from...the... darkness of another continent."

"...Dark Continent?" Ji Xing asked.

"You really know where it is." Sheba nodded and said, "I don't know the specific origin, but it should be related to my grandfather Jaeger. He once explored the Dark Continent with Netero. What, and why did it appear in my bloodline in another generation."

Yiermi, Geno, and Maha were all listening quietly, watching Ji Xing's expression, Shiba paused slightly, and continued: "Aluka has a unique ability, which is different from the power of reading.

As long as his three requests are met, he can fulfill one of the other's wishes, and the range of wishes... Judging from the current understanding, it may be all! "

Ji Xing squinted, did he have the prerequisites for reusable Dragon Balls? There is such a thing?

"In other words, if you make a wish to him to kill me, I will die too?"

"Yes." Shiba replied directly: "But please rest assured, we will not do that. The harder it is for Alluka to fulfill her wish, the harder it will be for the next request to be fulfilled, or it will not be possible at all. And if If he refuses or fails to complete his four requests, the person requested by him will die, and according to the size of the previous wish, some related people will be killed according to certain rules.

In other words, if you use Alluka unrestrainedly, the Dadike family may perish at any time, and even all mankind will be implicated! "

Is it similar to the strange story of the rules?

It turns out that the water in the Hunter World is really deep, and the deep water area is the Dark Continent.

Ji Xing did not forget that the "Hunter x Hunter" he invaded was evaluated by Seven Star Pearl as one of the strongest worlds among four stars, very close to five stars.

And just looking at the combat power in contact with now, this is just a three-star. Even if there are many kinds of mental abilities and advanced human technology, it can't be pushed to four stars, let alone the peak of four stars.

As for Shiba's fear of Alluka and the Dark Continent in his words, it was nothing in Ji Xing's eyes. The mechanism of requesting a wish was indeed very special, but that was the case for him.

The so-called wish that can be fulfilled is 'all', and it is limited to knowledge and imagination, but for people in this world, it is indeed very dangerous. Ji Xing does not intend to play with fire for the time being, lest it cause irreparable disasters.

But the Dark Continent must go, wait for him to raise his strength to the level of truly invincible!

Huh, no. Thinking of this, Ji Xing suddenly discovered a loophole. If this is the case with Alluka, why would Qiya plan to save him with his kind nature?

Pay more attention to relatives and friends than others? That's Xiaojie.

With such doubts, he heard Shiba on the opposite side say again: "That kid Kiya has the best relationship with Alluka, but Alluka is banned to beat the enemy family, and even all human beings."

If you want to participate in this matter, even if you don't want to fight with the enemy, you have to separate yourself.

Hearing the meaning, Ji Xing was silent for a moment, and said with a smile: "I can ignore my business, you can settle your own affairs, just don't put a needle in Qiya or ground him directly."

Yi Ermi's eyes flickered slightly, and Zeno directly agreed: "That's no problem, we are more happy to see Qi Ya's growth than you."

Two more 6k, continue tomorrow.

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