Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 467 Interview and Yufu Haruki

Friday, April 26, evening.

Shirai Kuroko, who once again failed to post with her elder sister, came to the barber shop, intending to make herself more beautiful and charming.

Because he always gets his hair cut here, he and the barber sister are already very familiar. During the chat, Heizi inadvertently revealed his current situation of being "trapped by love", which caused the barber sister to laugh secretly.

"As expected of a junior high school student, and Heizi has reached this age, what kind of boy is he?" she asked.

Heizi blushed: "No, that's not the case, it's not what you think, sister."

"What was that like?"

Heizi was dumb, and changed the topic: "Then how did you and your husband get together, sister? How did he pursue you?"

The barber sister added a bit of shyness to her smile, hesitated for a while, and then said a few words close to Heizi's ear, which made Heizi's eyes widen instantly.

"Fairy, charming, love potion?!"

"Shhh, Heizi, you can't gossip about this matter, and that kind of thing can only be used as an aid when two people understand each other's intentions. It's against the law to use it indiscriminately."

Heizi swallowed, is the world of adults all this, this, so alluring?

Just as she was about to ask, the TV in the store, which was broadcasting campus news in turn, switched content, and suddenly attracted her attention—"Recently, in the seventh school district of Academy City, a community organization 'Karate Club' established by students can be described as Everyone knows about it, and many students are very curious about it. Our school reporter interviewed the leader of the club and a freshman classmate named Lang Sen at noon today. The following is the situation at the scene."

The TV screen switched, and Ji Xing, who was dressed dignifiedly and smiling, appeared on the screen, causing Heizi's teeth to rub against each other instantly.

"This guy……"

"What? Does Heizi know him?" The barber sister heard the words and looked over.

Heizi gritted her teeth and nodded. As a student of the seventh school district, a discipline committee member, Ji Xing, the president of the karate club, she naturally knew that that delinquent was really becoming more and more like a dog.

On the TV, the reporter asked: "Hello, President Lang Sen. I am Jiangcun, a reporter from the Academy Weekly, and we have sorted out some students' questions about the karate club. Do you have time and convenience to answer everyone's questions? "

Ji Xing nodded: "Of course, please."

Reporter: "Thank you, President Lang Sen, for your cooperation. Please forgive me if there is any offense. First of all, it is a question that everyone is very concerned about. There have been rumors that the karate club is actually a bad club, and we have noticed that those who joined the karate club One requirement is not to dye your hair, but you always have a streak of red at the front of your hair, why not set an example?"

"I'm setting an example." Ji Xing said with a smile, "What's the students' first impression of being bad? Colorful hair, a gold chain that fades when soaked in water, and a sloppy standing posture.

Among them, hair is the most likely to be accidentally injured, and many people dye their hair just out of love for beauty. And I'm standing here, do you think I'm bad? "

"You are! (Not like!)"

Heizi and the reporter gave opposite answers in an instant. Facing the strange gaze of the barber sister, Heizi looked at Ji Xing's gentle demeanor on TV, and moaned, "You really know how to pretend."

Ji Xing said with a smile: "This is also the effect of karate. After practicing karate for a long time, we will naturally straighten our backs and be full of energy. When walking on the road at this time, people will never think you are bad because of some appearance and dress." .

The same is true of my requirements for members, as long as the karate assessment reaches Level 2, they can dye their hair freely, and vice versa.

As for everyone thinking that we are a bad society, this is also a deep-rooted misunderstanding. No way, some people in the community, including me, have indeed almost or had the experience of making mistakes, and repentance is always mistrusted, so at present, our community is actively reversing everyone's inherent view.

Last week, we organized an activity for female members to go to the orphanage to accompany the children. Three days ago, I personally led the team to the nursing home as a volunteer. In the future, we will continue to carry out more similar activities in addition to practicing karate! "

Heizi knew about it, because her heartless friend Saten Ruiko was also in the queue for the orphanage, really, I don't understand.

It's a good job, and it sounds like it's abiding by the law, but during this period of time, the discipline committee has caught many conflicts involving the karate club.

This time the reporter asked the same question as she thought, and Ji Xing replied: "So when the number of members reached 1,000 more than a week ago, I decided to stop recruiting for management.

There will always be various conflicts when there are too many people, the revenge of the bad gangs that we have absorbed and left, the ridicule of those who look down on karate, or the bad habits of the members are hard to change... I also hope that these situations can gradually improve, but at present It seems that there is still a long way to go. "

He showed a helpless smile, and the reporter nodded understandingly: "But according to statistics, since the establishment of the karate club, the number of bad conflicts in the seventh school district has indeed decreased. The discipline committee members may also thank President Lang Sen for this."

"Should be done."

Creak creak—— Heizi gritted his teeth.

"Then I noticed that President Lang Sen just said a word—Level 2. It is said that in the karate club assessment, President Lang Mori did not follow the white belt and black belt hierarchy of Japanese karate gyms, but, like a capable person, he used karate The levels are divided into Level 0 to Level 6, is this benchmarking against ability users?"

"How is it possible?" Ji Xing said with a smile: "I said that Level 5 in Karate is as good as the seven superpowers, does anyone believe it? Haha.

The establishment of this hierarchical system is because the hierarchical system of karate gyms that requires the year of practice is not suitable for us.

Two... just to entertain everyone.

The vast majority of those who join the karate club are Level 0, incompetent, and it is difficult for the capable and the incapable to empathize, no matter how much they say "it's okay", it's useless. We'd much rather have the level whizzed up, but no, we'll just have to play with the karate level. "

Heizi was taken aback, it was hard to empathize with...?

"Let me say one more thing here." Ji Xing added: "At present, the karate club is also actively connecting with some research institutes and companies. I hope that in the future, we can reach a cooperation in the employment recommendation of high-level karate club members, guarding, security, transportation...

Of course, it's still early to say this in today's mostly Level 0 situation. "

——Interview continues, ten minutes later——

"I can feel President Lang Sen's confidence in the karate club, and I wish the karate club better and better." The reporter said: "Then the last question is also the one that everyone is most concerned about - we all know the rapid development of the karate club. It is inseparable from the urban legend of the 'Black Organization', and there are even rumors that President Lang Sen is the junior high school student in the legend, this..."

"It's just a rumor." On TV, Ji Xing interrupted the reporter's question for the first time, saying: "Urban legends are just urban legends. I'm an incompetent person, and I don't have the ability to destroy evil organizations. Please don't believe it. Stop spreading it, it has bothered me a lot."

"It's because of the confidentiality agreement..."

"That's also nonsense. There really is a confidentiality agreement. Those guys who leaked secrets on the forum have been arrested long ago." Ji Xing interrupted again: "How can there be evil organizations in Academy City? Our city is stable. And peaceful.

I am indeed just an ordinary incapable person who has learned a little karate, hoping to help everyone consume more energy and have a healthier body, that's all. "

"Is that so... ok, thanks..."

"Ordinary? Heh, you are not ordinary..." Heizi murmured softly. Ordinary incapable people will be summoned by the chairman? "This guy...what's the's really interesting."

"Heizi, you react so violently, it can't be this..." The barber sister looked at Heizi's expression, and suddenly approached.

Heizi denied it in shock: "How is it possible?! Humans don't like apes!"


"Ha, it's really you." Sitting opposite Ji Xing, Mugino Shen Li snorted and said, "While saying that he is just an ordinary incapable person, but letting his test results be circulated in the club quietly, those guys will only make things worse. I think you are unfathomable."

Flanda snapped her fingers: "100 meters in 8.5 seconds, punching force 2385 lbs, kicking force 5520 lbs, reaction speed 0.063 seconds, explosive power... Which of the endings looks like an ordinary person?"

"There's a clockwork bandage, so I'm still trying to keep up." Ji Xing said with a smile: "It's also for everyone to look forward to. After reaching Karate Level 3, after some physical adjustments, you can use the clockwork bandage and ordinary abilities at a price. Those who fought."

"Level three? In the end, I only have two levels. How long do those guys have to practice before they can reach level three?"

"You are poor in innate development, and you are indeed weak." Ji Xing said.

Putting two knives into Flanda's chest, she directly broke her defenses. Turning her grief and anger into appetite, she bowed her head to cook... This meal is the third meal Ji Xing and Dou have together, and the reason is to celebrate Mai Ye Shen's sharp legs Healed from injury... It's still Ji Xing's treat.

"After this news is broadcast, there should be quite a few people who follow you. Heh, thanks to the fact that you can tell that Academy City is a stable and peaceful place after knowing the existence of Anbu, last week we completely wiped out that leaking research institute. Did you tell me about it?"

Mai Ye Shenli was eating, and said casually: "If you encounter any trouble, for the sake of these three meals, I can cook the miscellaneous fish for free, troublesome guy, you have to prepare another 5 million."

"I cook the miscellaneous fish myself."

Ji Xing said: "However, there are indeed a lot of friends who care about me recently. There is a place called 'Arena', do you know?"

Mugino Shenli frowned puzzled, while Frenda regained her spirits: "Well, it's an underground dueling organization, and many people will watch matches and bet through the underground network.

Rumor has it that it is different from Academy City’s hierarchical system. The strongest capable person is selected purely based on combat effectiveness. As an incapable person, I have been invited~ Victory will receive a high bounty. In the end, because I can’t use explosives, I will Did not participate. "

"Ah, you know so much, Frenda." Mai Ye Shenli said sadly.

Flanda didn't realize the danger was approaching, and she had a smug face: "Muino, you can praise me to death!"

"I was invited but didn't tell me?!" Mai Ye choked his throat, causing Frenda to roll her eyes and struggle, while she looked at Ji Xing and said, "Why, that arena invites you too?"

"Well, about ten days ago, if the invitation failed, I planned to force them. I beat them down a few times. There has been no movement these days." Ji Xing said.

"Dongqiang?" Flanda, who was nestled in Mai Ye's arms, said in surprise, "I didn't treat me... Is the ending because I'm afraid of my Anbu's identity and Mai Ye?"

"It may also be that the audience's expectations of you are not as high as mine." Ji Xing laughed.

"Wow——" Flanda, who was stabbed again, lost her strength like a dead fish, and flicked twice in Mugino Shirley's arms, making Mugino Shirley push to the other side slightly uncomfortably.

"That's probably giving up, and selecting the strongest purely based on combat power..." She snorted, "I'm a little interested. If this arena finds you again, please let me know."

"OK." Ji Xing agreed.

After that, there was chatting, mostly Frenda talking about some daily routines—the daily routine of leading the girls to train in the karate club.

Ji Xing heard several familiar names. As the president, he knew that Lai Ye had joined the group? Haven't seen it these days.


It was dark after dinner, Ji Xing strolled home, and when he was about to get home, he saw a figure under a street lamp.

He paused for a moment, then continued walking. The man also noticed Ji Xing and came over to meet him.

He was dressed like a researcher, wearing a white coat, aged in his early 20s, wearing glasses, and looked like a gentle scum.

"Hello, Lang Senbaichang, my name is Youfu Chunshu, one of the directors of Study Corporation, you should know me."

"Learning company?" Ji Xing thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Hello. Do you want to cooperate with the karate club on security or other aspects? Welcome!"

"Che—haven't you heard of it?" Fu Chunshu snorted, "Scholar, you should know, right? You can use your mobile phone to search for my name."

Ji Xing raised his eyebrows, lowered his head and took out his phone to check - in fact, he knew that there was Fu Chunshu, but he only saw it from an anime.

This guy is the leader of the unofficial Anbu Study, a college student, and one of the top talents in Academy City's serious scientific research.

The so-called Society of Scholars refers to the Academy City Research Conference, and most of the technologies that Academy City has been ahead of the outside world for 20 to 30 years have emerged from there.

And this Youfu Chunshu, who is in the forefront of the awards of the academic society every year, and even once won the best award, but he is incompetent, and the talent of incompetent people has always been ignored in this academy city. His sense of presence is very weak, even far inferior to a third-level and fourth-level ability user.

After searching, Ji Xing showed a fake and polite smile: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, if I don't cooperate with the karate club, what can senior Fu Chunshu do for me?"

Youfu Chunshu pushed down his glasses: "I want to hear President Lang Sen's views on the relationship between the capable and the incapable."

"Relationship? Opinion?"

"Do you think Academy City's current system is sound?" You Fuchun Shu said: "I've been following you for a while, and your karate club is very famous recently, but if it wasn't for the urban legend you fabricated, I'm afraid Few people will pay attention to a society of incompetents at all!"

Ji Xing frowned suddenly: "What kind of fabrication? Seniors can't slander me for such things."

"Oh, we are all wise men, and the wolf is bad." You Fu Chunshu snorted, "Although your academic ability is in a mess, but you can become the latest focus from scratch, everyone has to admit that you have some extra talents. ability.

The dialogue between wise men, let’s be straightforward, you set up a karate club, it’s absolutely impossible to just lead everyone to keep fit like you said in the news, right? "

Ji Xing didn't answer, as if by default.

"You have a good saying. It is difficult to empathize with the capable and the incapable. In the final analysis, this city treats the capable abnormally preferentially and ignores the incompetent abnormally!"

Youfu Haruki continued: "A healthy country and political power should never set up classes in such a ridiculous way as superpower levels. The administrator of Academy City should be a wise man!"

His tone was passionate, and he seemed to be giving a speech: "I once proposed a biochemical intelligence plan in the academic society to break this unhealthy system and let the wise manage the capable people. Unfortunately, there are very few supporters! I even suffered ridicule!

Represented by Gensei Kihara, those senior scientists who appear to be worthy of respect on the surface, but in their heads they only know that they are pursuing Level 6 absolute abilities! In their eyes, my biochemical intelligence project turned out to be a "student's summer homework"? "

He looked at Ji Xing and said, "Do you know how Kihara Gensei commented on the 'Karate Club'?"

"He? Has our karate club alarmed him?" Ji Xing was a little surprised.

"It's just that my friend overheard the casual chat with friends in the pedagogy meeting - he said, 'It's just some high school and junior high school students' play games, role-playing for the incompetent to comfort themselves'!" There is Fuchun Tree Road.

"Really? It's too much." Ji Xing said with emotion.

This response seemed to be a bit of an understatement, and Youfu Chunshu stopped his passionate expression, looked at Ji Xing, and smiled again: "You are better than I expected, you are a deep-minded guy.

This is the best way, we are indeed the same kind, if you are interested in what I have to say, tomorrow morning, go to the company in the seventeenth district to find me. "

After finishing the sentence, he didn't say any more, turned around and quickly disappeared into the night. Ji Xing watched him leave, put his hands in his pockets, turned and went upstairs.

Kihara old thief seems to be getting bored.

4k9, Kavin stuck for a whole afternoon and couldn't write a single word. At night, his thoughts finally became smoother. If he waited another day, he should be able to recover two more 6k tomorrow. The plot is all in my head but I don't know how to write it. It feels really uncomfortable.

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