Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 466 Do You Want To Join The Karate Club?

In the morning, a high school, Class 7 of the year.

Kamijou Touma was lying in a corner of the classroom, ignoring the new classmates who were getting acquainted with each other, and fell asleep.

How did the three-month study break end so quickly? Looking back on these three months, what have I done? It was normal to celebrate the New Year on the first day, but unfortunately lost 2,000 yen on the second day, and went to withdraw the money on the third day, but was blatantly targeted by a bad guy at the convenience store, and the bank card slipped on the way. Be careful stepping on...

Since then, I have encountered all kinds of bad things, and even encountered bank robbers when I got a new bank card.

The class I was assigned to didn't seem to be normal either. The guy with the blonde hair, the sunglasses, and the big gold chain looked like a delinquent, and he harassed female classmates with a Kansai dialect, and the guy with the blue hair and earrings was weird. weird.


In the habitual lament, he suddenly felt a silence in the classroom. He guessed that the teacher was coming. He looked up at the door, but was taken aback, kid?

"Little sister?" Tsuchimikado, who was suspected of having bad blond sunglasses, also said, "This is a high school, are you going to Oishi Elementary School? Go out of the school gate and turn left, and you will be there about 300 meters away."

He spoke the hearts of his classmates, while Yueyong Xiaomeng flattened her mouth, stood on the podium with the textbook in her arms, stood on tiptoes so that her head would not be blocked by the podium, and said: "You can't be so disrespectful to the teacher, oh ...Bring a stool to the teacher."

Standing on tiptoe was obviously a bit tired, she disappeared after falling back, and the class was dead silent.

"Old, teacher?!"

"Yes." Yueyong Xiaomeng came out on tiptoe again, and replied: "The teacher is only a little smaller, but he is actually a 28-year-old adult!"

"2, 28 years old?!"

"How is it possible? It should be 8 years old!"

"Wait...could it be..."


"You saw that one too?"

"It turned out to be true?! The Black Organization!"

"Recently, there was a karate club that recruited students everywhere, and I almost joined it..."

"Me too, I just think that urban legend is a bit outrageous, most of it is false, and there are too many bad people in that club, so I didn't..."

"Why don't you... go and have a look together after school?"


The relationship between the new classmates was pulled closer at once, only Yueyong Xiaomeng had a black line on his face, it's really hateful, he knew it would be like this!

She popped up again and said, "Students, don't just believe in urban legends, the teacher is born like this, and has never taken any drugs!"

"Don't worry, teacher, we understand!" Blue Hair Earrings took the lead in agreeing with excitement.

"Yes, yes, we understand!"

It's a confidentiality agreement, it's mentioned in the post.

The little pink-haired cute teacher went crazy and collapsed.

Kamijou Touma was a little strange: "What black organization? What karate club?"


"Ha~" At noon, Saten Reiko yawned sleepily in Class 3, Grade 1 of Shachuan Middle School, and asked Uiharu: "Hey, Uiharu. If there is APTX4869, and it is already a complete version, there is no Dangerous, are you willing to eat one and go back to the first grade of primary school?"

"Student Zuotian..." Chuchun Shili was stunned for a moment before saying, "Still paying attention to that urban legend?"

"Hmm..." Saten Leiko smiled a little embarrassedly: "I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but there was new information last night. It is said that although the black organization was destroyed two years ago, some experimental data It was preserved, another research team took over, and two years later, a finished drug may have been developed!"

"So...ha~" Saten Renko yawned again, but said excitedly: "Last night, everyone was discussing whether to eat APTX4869 if they could get it, and they talked until midnight without paying attention."

"Eh?" Chu Chunli was stunned: "If there is really... We have finally been promoted from elementary school to junior high school, so we shouldn't eat it? But those old grandpas and grandma should be very needed... But think so It's scary to think, when we have to call a seven or eight-year-old child grandpa, grandma, teacher or something?"

"We need it too." Saten Reniko shook his head and said, "Elementary school was the best time to develop superpowers. If I could do it all over again, I might not be Level 0 anymore. Chuharu might He is also a powerful person!"

"This... seems to be true, but..."

"Hahaha, just kidding, I don't want it anymore, it is indeed like what you said, when the time comes, I will call my younger brother and elder brother." Saten Saten smiled again, and said: "But... there is a karate club , I want to know, Chuchun, will you accompany me after school today?"



In the evening, at the gate of Biyuan High School.

Flanda wandered around boredly, looking around the campus, until she saw Ji Xing's figure, a smile bloomed on her doll-like face.

I saw Ji Xing was surrounded by seven or eight boys, and seemed to have seen her. He quickened his pace and said, "Everyone already knows the way and location to join the club. I still have something to do. I hope to see you in club activities in the future." !"

"Ah, President, goodbye!"

Hearing these voices, Flanda rolled her eyes slightly, and when Ji Xing came to her side, she complained, "I still wonder why you go to school honestly for a day, and the end result is to recruit people for your club? It's boring."

"Ending" is Flander's catchphrase when facing acquaintances, which means "result, final" and so on. Obviously, after what happened last night, she has already regarded Ji Xing as half acquaintance and friend.

Ji Xing smiled and said: "On the first day of school, you still have to put on a show, at least you have to come to collect the textbooks and scholarships, and recruiting people for the club is boring? So why do you come to school to find me? Don't you have my phone?"

"Mai Ye is looking for you, and I'll wait for you at the restaurant over there. I'm afraid you'll miss it if you don't look at your phone, so I'll be sent to pick you up." Frenda said.

"That's it, not bad. It seems that someone invited you for dinner today?" Ji Xing said.

"Your first reaction turned out to be dinner?" Frenda's eyes widened, and she turned half a circle in front of Ji Xing, as if looking at a giant panda: "Mai Ye is looking for you, aren't you afraid?"

"Uh... she eats people?"

"Almost." Frenda nodded her head seriously, and said with a smirk, "For the sake of saving us yesterday, I also wanted to share my two years of experience in stepping on mines with you for free. Since you are not afraid, Hehe... Forget it, I was reluctant to part with it, it was all my blood and sweat!

Just wait until you accidentally provoke Mai Ye to be eaten by her in one bite, Wolf Sen! "

"Okay, I've written it down verbatim, and I'll talk to Mai Ye Shenli in a while."

"Huh?" Frenda was startled, jumped up and kicked Ji Xing's hip, and said, "You despicable guy! Damn it! My hard-earned experience..."

"I don't want your blood and sweat." Ji Xing patted his footprints and said with a smile, "Flander, you are also incompetent, right? As long as you join my karate club, I will immediately forget what you just said."

"Society?" Frenda was startled, and said, "You probably already know what kind of organization our Anbu is, right? Langsen. Forget it, what kind of bad not in the same world as us at all. It's not that I look down on it. They, you saw the whole battle yesterday, it’s no use facing Mugino and Accelerator with 10,000 or even 100,000 powerless people!”

In order to emphasize her tone, she stood on her toes slightly, shook her head vigorously and said, "I advise you not to take the management of the association too seriously, it will only bring you trouble, and the ending will be the same as the one that caused Accelerator before." , how dangerous, you won't always be as lucky as last night!"

"Thank you for your persuasion, but the karate club is very important to me." Ji Xing shook his head.

"Very important?" Frenda wondered.

Yes, the future may be the key to helping me advance to level six absolute ability user.

Ji Xingxin said, and said in his mouth: "There are a lot of bad people among the incompetent, because they are hit by superpowers that they can't ask for. Everyone needs a 'miracle'. The legend of the black organization is a 'miracle', even if it is a deception. themselves, and they want to believe that it will help a lot of people.”

"You are still a good person in the end?" Frenda complained, her eyes turned, she tilted her head cutely: "It is not impossible for me to join, but joining the club is to learn karate, if I can't learn anything, I will Why do you want to join? We will have a fight later, and I will join if you win!"

"Okay, it's a deal."

Frenda immediately jumped up and circled around Ji Xing like a little butterfly: "Let me know in advance~ Yesterday was just an accident, and that guy's ability is too illegal! My physical skills have been honed over the past few years. If you get beaten by me at the end, don't cry~"

She was obviously looking forward to the ending of beating Ji Xing very much. She danced happily for a few seconds, then suddenly stopped, and turned her head stiffly to look at the restaurant on the other side. Through the window, she found Mugino Shenli staring at her with murderous eyes .

"Cough—that, Lang Sen, we're here, let's go, Mai Ye and the others are waiting impatiently!"

Speeding up into the dining room, the two came to the table by the window together. Flanda innocently said, "Mai Ye, I brought him right after school!"

"Ah." Putting the crutches beside him, Mai Ye Shenli replied in a low voice, looked at Ji Xing, and asked, "What are you talking about on the way? So happy? Did you tell him about inviting him?"

Frenda's expression froze, "Oops, I completely forgot about it!" And I almost agreed to...

"Invite me?" Ji Xing rescued her and said, "Do you mean inviting me to join your Anbu item?"

"Yeah." Mugino Shenli showed no expression on his face, and motioned him to sit across from him: "Last night when you faced Accelerator, you showed good qualities. Although you are incompetent, it is worth cultivating.

But with my props and I only need four official members, for the fourth person, I would have preferred to find a shield. So after you join, you need to have an inspection period of three tasks..."

"Sorry, the inspection said otherwise, I don't plan to join you." Ji Xing interrupted.

"... Huh?" Mai Ye Shenli narrowed his eyes.

Frenda, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly changed her face, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over! When Mai Ye makes a request, he cannot refuse!

"What's the reason?" Mai Ye Shenli asked.

Huh? Ask why?

Ji Xing said: "It's not convenient to say the reason, I can't join in terms of time only, I have my own things to do, and I can't join an organization whose actions will be restricted.

Of course, I am deeply sorry for the danger I caused you yesterday. If you encounter any problems or difficulties in the future, just ask me, and I will try my best to help. "

Mai Ye remained silent, and the atmosphere became a little depressed. Flanda looked around, trying to be cute and said, "Mai Ye, why don't you... order first?"

Mugino Shenli glared at him immediately: "This is the guy you recommended to invite! Forget it, I didn't want to have two incompetent people in the prop!"

Frenda: Abba?

"Order!" Without giving Frenda a chance to 'quibble', Mai Ye Shenli said directly: "However, he dared to refuse my invitation... Langsen's bad show, you come to invite us for dinner today, do you have any objections?"

Ji Xing said happily: "Of course, I just received the scholarship for this semester, so it should be enough for this meal."

As the order was served, although there was still silence at the table, the atmosphere visibly calmed down again.

Flanda was surprised that Maiye Shenli was so talkative today, and couldn't hold back, and started to die: "Hey, Langsen, guess which of the three of us is the oldest? Who is the youngest?"

"Hahaha, I really can't guess. We were both born in 2008. I'm the oldest in the ending. I just passed my 16th birthday. Takitsubo is still two months away, and Mugino got November..."

"Really? You were born in November 2007? That's a bit older than me. You went to school a little late, huh? In the end, Mai Ye is still the youngest sister, a full year younger than you. Although the height and certain parts of the development are a bit illegal ……ah!!"

Mugino Shirley's flushed cheeks, clenched teeth, and Frenda's screams brought the meal to an end. Walking out of the restaurant, Mugino Shirley's second chokehold and Flander's second scream marked the beginning of the next event.

A group of four came to a nearby dark alley, Mugino Shenli said in a low voice: "Flander, if you lose to him in physical arts and join his karate club, do you know what your end will be?"

Flanda gently kneaded her neck, her small face was serious: "Well, I will never lose! I swear by my favorite mackerel!"

Mugino Shirley was leaning on a cane, supported by Takitsubo Ri, watching quietly not far away. Although Frenda is petite, she is only a 16-year-old girl, but she can become a member of the Anbe as a powerless person, of course she has two brushes.

Bombs are just one of them, and physical skills that can deal with ten strong men at the same time is also the key point. For many commissions that cannot make a big noise, her methods are more agile than her own.

Although Langsen's bad field showed a superb level of strength when facing Accelerator, but... I just hope that this guy's loss will not be too ugly.

"Wow wow—"

Suddenly, Frenda, who was lifted up by the back of her neck while screaming, caught the two of them for a moment.

what happened? They only saw Flander rushing towards Ji Xing, raised her leg and kicked Ji Xing, and then seemed to be slapped by Ji Xing's hand, she lost her balance and flew into the air, and was caught in his hand?

Can you fake it a little more? !

"Flander?!" Mugino Shenli, who was relieved, was furious: "What are you doing?!"

The innocent and shocked voice of Flanda, who bared her teeth and claws in mid-air, said, "Magino, Mugino, there really is a black organization in the ending, it's absolutely true!"

"Huh?" Mai Ye Shenli suddenly looked at Ji Xing's face. In the deep dark alley, the looming face seemed to be carrying a sense of mystery.


Ji Xing smiled: "Then... Frenda is already a member of the karate club. Mugino, Takitsubo, do you want to join the karate club? I'm about to open a special department for people with abilities, only twelve People, first come, first served."



With the beginning of the new school year, students communicated on campus, new information on the Black Organization continued to increase, and the urban legend of the Black Organization quickly became the most popular urban legend.

The number of members of the karate club also ushered in a blowout, from more than three hundred to one thousand!

When the club reached 1,000 members, Ji Xing, as the president, also made an announcement on the newly created Karate Club Forum.

'Because of the large number of clubs, management is difficult, and there are too few students who have reached a certain level in karate, and no one can introduce new students, so the karate club has temporarily stopped accepting new members.

It is expected that in June, the club will start a new round of recruitment, please wait for the students who want to join. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, and thank you for your support.

In addition, for the convenience of management, we are preparing to launch a new karate grade system, please actively participate in the assessment, the details are as follows...'

In the nineteenth school district, in a certain university dormitory, there was Fu Chunshu browsing the posts and nudging his glasses.

"The incompetent, Lang Sen made a mess... Heh, there was quite a commotion."

Last night, the old man kept vigil and stayed up for half the night. Not only did Cavin's condition not improve, but it even worsened... Every two days, I'm guilty, so I'll adjust it again, sorry.

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