Rated Hokage

Chapter 346 346, samsara broken, Sage of the Six Paths

Below the Tower of the Sun, there was originally a cliff carved with shadow rocks. The location is very high, and you can overlook the entire Konoha from above.

Zhen ordered to build a great hall here, next to the Tower of the Sun.

This hall is not for people to live in. It is really necessary to build a teleportation array inside, which can directly connect to the moon.

After a few days of research, Zhen finally successfully connected the power of the Sun Tower and the giant Tenseigan on the moon, or projected the power of the giant Tensei Eye on the Sun Tower.

The teleportation array in the main hall has been engraved with special spells. In the future, when souls from other worlds come across, they will be attracted by the Tower of the Sun and will not occupy the body here again.

People from the Institute of Biological Sciences will create a brand new physical body for its use based on the shape of the soul.

Things related to the soul have been being studied by people from the Institute of Biological Sciences, and Dou has also made some progress on this.

Zhen has always been very satisfied with Dou, who works hard and conscientiously in his position. This kid is still very young, and his future achievements may be higher than the rest of the seven champions.

After all, it is scientific research.

Tonogawa in another research institute is developing the second Mecha Giant, which is a secret unknown to ordinary people.

Truth has already named it, Cruise Destroyer.

There is no threat to the ninja world at the moment, but there may be Otsutsuki here in the future, and all these things that I really do are to deal with future Otsutsugi.

Zhen originally wanted to call it the Destroyer of Gods, because Gein Otsutsuki is a group of guys who call themselves gods and regards the people on the earth as inferior mortals, but now the Cruel Justice has been honored as the God of Justice among the people, so I gave these two The generation mecha changed its name.

The development of the Mecha Giant was a separate project in the Institute of Mechanical Science, and all the researchers involved in it were cursed not to disclose any information to the outside world.

The real plan must be more than one or two. In the future, the mech giants will continue to develop. After the technology is more complete, smaller micro-mechas can also be mass-produced, whether it is used for armaments or production. All have great effect.

Another technological product, the body forging cabin will be officially put into use, which is a product manufactured according to the true body forging method.

It is similar to the instrument for forging flesh and blood armor back then, but it is different. After all, flesh and blood cells do not cry out in pain, and humans have the ability to bear it, so the effect of the body forging cabin is not as abnormal as the forging flesh and blood armor.

But compared with the effect of ordinary people's training, it is already much higher.

The first batch of probationary personnel has also been selected. They are the children from the orphanage who were trained by Zhen Zhen at the beginning. They are loyal enough to Zhen Zhen and young enough.

With the existence of the body training cabin, it can really guarantee that Konoha Ninja's strength will always be stronger than those wave ninjas in the world.

Since the completion of the restructuring of the Ninja Union, ninjas in the world have gradually adapted to this way of life, and they all have a stable income.

In the general environment of the ninja union, a large number of ninjas gathered together to form a new organization.

I really discovered this when I read the official document sent below, and he didn’t intend to stop it. After all, humans are social animals, and survival in groups is an instinct. People from mercenary organizations will continue to stick together.

Not only will Zhen not stop it, but he intends to encourage this kind of behavior. He plans to introduce a policy related to a small ninja guild, which will be recognized by the government and given their official status. It only needs to limit its size.

The five major provinces of the empire, the ninjas in the four provinces of wind, thunder, water, and soil have also completed the rectification, and the original three shadows have also stayed in their respective provinces to help manage the local ninja groups. After all, the local ninjas are still mainly composed of sand, fog, clouds, and rocks, and it is a good choice for the original shadow to assist in the management.

As for Tsuchikage, there will no longer be a fourth generation.

But with the improvement of all systems and specifications, I really discovered a problem, that is, there are fewer and fewer task entrustments.

Most of the current task assignments are simple D-level handyman tasks.

In a peaceful world, even bandits and robbers have decreased drastically, and the number of C-level missions has also decreased a lot. As for B-level missions, according to the feedback below, the scarcity of B-level missions can only be announced by the local trade union. It will be robbed by countless people.

There was even a situation where the two local forces fought each other because of the competition for the task. Fortunately, the management personnel of the labor union came forward to stop it, so that no greater chaos occurred.

The A-level and S-level missions that are further up are said to be controlled by Konoha, but they have not been issued a few times in terms of strength.

In the past, the criteria for evaluating task levels were C-level tasks where the executor may be injured; B-level tasks were expected to be tasks that might engage enemy ninjas; A-level tasks were tasks related to the movements of the village or the country; S-level tasks Tasks are tasks related to classified matters at the national level.

The establishment of the ninja guild has made those ninjas who used to rob their houses come out to work as laborers, and almost no one does this kind of work anymore.

Moreover, the absence of the original confrontation in the ninja village also sharply reduced the friction between the ninjas. The spy missions and assassination missions disappeared directly, leaving only the escort missions and letter delivery missions.

If this continues, these ninjas who have just found stable jobs will face the crisis of unemployment again, and the ninja union will not have much convincing power, becoming an empty shell of a hierarchical ninja population.

The world of Naruto is different from other worlds, but there are no goblins for you to hunt down.

After thinking about it, he came up with a strategy and discussed it with Konoha's senior management.

Redefine the task level, reduce the amount of task entrustment to encourage the public to issue more tasks to the ninja union, and greatly reduce the profit margin of the ninja union from the task to ensure the interests of the ninjas.

To be honest, this is a palliative, not a root cause. To feed this group of ninjas in a peaceful age can only continue to increase productivity.

This makes it really possible to speed up the development of micro-mechas, expand the scale of the Mechanical Science Research Institute, and build factories...

In addition, I really plan to pay salaries to the ninjas who are rated as special ninjas and above in Langnin. Anyway, there are not many people in this group. Most of them are retired from the previous four major ninja villages.

But this can encourage ninjas to work hard and advance upward.

The last item is that I really plan to hold an Imperial Martial Arts Tournament, allowing anyone to participate in it, sign up for participation in ninja unions in various places, first conduct screening and assessment in these branches, and then come to Konoha to participate in the conference competition.

Those who perform well will have the opportunity to join Konoha.

Joining Konoha, for many people, is tantamount to jumping into the dragon's gate and reaching the sky in one step. Those with strength will never give up this opportunity.

These measures will not only cure the ills of the ninja union, but at least temporarily cover them up. # Institute of Biological Sciences.

"Minister Dou, the subject has lost his vital signs."

Listening to his subordinate's report, Dou couldn't help frowning. There are fewer and fewer death row inmates in the prison, and they are all treasured things, and one is used less.

He couldn't help but went forward to check it himself, and he sighed softly when he found that the person lying there was indeed dead.

"Minister Dou, the results of the experiment have been recorded."

"En." Dou calmly replied, wearing a white uniform with a green leaf emblem embroidered on the cuffs and neckline.

This is the uniform of the Department of Biotechnology, and the uniform of the Department of Science and Craftsmanship is similar, but the color of the coat of arms is black, and there are some differences in other details.

Just as his assistant was about to move the corpse away, a beam of light suddenly shot from above.

Everyone in the laboratory was shocked, and they couldn't help but look up, and found a black spell appeared on the ground where the light beam came from, and passed through the room through the spell.

"Master Dou, this is..."

"It's the light from the Tower of the Sun." Dou said slowly, he was also extremely surprised, how could the light from the Tower of the Sun shoot here.

"Don't touch the corpse yet," he ordered.

The subordinate retreated to the side according to the words, and kept looking at the corpse with pocketed eyes, and suddenly found that it seemed to be shining with a white light, and a vague humanoid spirit slowly emerged from the corpse, and then disappeared.

Suddenly, he said, "Go get the soul glasses!"

A subordinate quickly left the laboratory in a hurry, and returned with a pair of strange glasses in less than a minute.

This was made when Dou was studying the soul.

Normally, the soul is invisible, but the spirit body can be seen, because the spirit body is the soul carrying chakra, and the spirit body that people see is actually the chakra of the soul.

After a person dies normally, the soul and the body are completely disconnected, and they will no longer carry chakra, and they will not be visible in the eyes of ordinary people.

Putting on the soul glasses, he saw a glowing soul moving on the light beam, as if being pulled by it.

He observed silently. After the soul passed through the wall, he immediately came outside the research institute and watched the soul fly towards the Sun Tower with the beam of light.

"Go and report to His Majesty...forget it, I'll go in person, don't touch that corpse yet."

After instructing his subordinates, Doufei rushed towards the location of the palace.

Ten minutes later, Zhen came to the Institute of Biological Sciences with Dou. Zhen inspected the corpse and found that it was just a normal dead body.

"Are you conducting experiments related to souls?" Zhen asked.

Dou shook his head and said, "No, it's a flesh and blood proliferation experiment, and you know it."

Really pondered for a while, and said: "You and I will go to the Tower of the Sun to have a look."

Does the Tower of the Sun actively summon souls?

It does have this ability now, but it should be pulling the souls from other worlds. This is the magic formula carved by Zhen himself at the beginning. These normally dead souls should be called into the pure land by the god of death. Something went wrong?

Zhen took the bag to the great hall under the pagoda again, and found that the soul was really here, imprisoned in the magic circle.

"Did my technique go wrong..." Zhen couldn't help muttering to himself.

Suddenly, as if he felt something, he walked out of the main hall and found another beam of light shot out from the Tower of the Sun in the direction of Konoha Hospital.

Putting on the soul glasses, he found that a soul in the light beam was being drawn by the tower of the sun.

The two just watched like this, and the soul was put into the hall by the Tower of the Sun.

I really invited Anbu and asked him to go to the hospital to check if anyone died today.

A few minutes later, Anbu came back.

"Your Majesty, at the hospital today at 3:35 p.m., a 67-year-old man died of illness. Her name was..."

After listening to Anbu's report, Zhen waved him away again.

"Your Majesty?" Dou couldn't help but ask.


"You don't know what's going on?"


He breathed a sigh of relief, intending to return to the main hall, and then check the spells engraved earlier.

And at this moment, a vortex was torn apart in the space in front of Zhen's eyes.

A figure slowly walked out of it, with an old face, holding a tin staff, with two horns on his head, wearing white clothes, with six black jade-shaped patterns on his chest.

What is even more interesting is his eyes, in addition to the purple reincarnation eyes, there is also a red eye corner between his forehead!

Seeing this person, I really couldn't help but change slightly.

Sage of Six Paths!

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