Rated Hokage

Chapter 345 344, Mute: I want to make Tsunade-sama happy

Is it cruel to hurt yourself?

Tsunade didn't think about this issue, and there are too few things that can move her now. When she watched Hokage Tsunade being pressed on the bed and struggling hard, she was completely indifferent.

After finishing what he was supposed to do, Hokage Tsunade also stopped, lying motionless on the bed, unable to see her expression clearly.

Looking through the window in the moonlight, the bed is white, and the long golden hair is spread out, accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing.

Tsunade pulled up the pajama pants for her again, and then walked out of the bedroom without saying a word.


A voice suddenly sounded, breaking the silence in the dark night, silently standing at the door of the bedroom without turning on the light.

The living room was dimly lit, and everything was hard to see clearly. Tsunade came out of Hokage Tsunade's room, and Shizune still recognized her.

"... still not asleep."

Jing Yin was silent for a while before responding: "Just going to sleep."

The two stood in front of the two doors, but there was a distance between them, and Tsunade couldn't see her face clearly.

"sleep early."

Seeing Tsunade went back to the room, Shizune came to the door of Hokage Tsunade's bedroom, she hesitated but did not reach out to knock on the door, she stood there for a long time without making a sound.

If there is a knock at the door, what should be said, what should be asked?

Maybe I don't know what happened at all. If that's the case, will my self-righteous concern hurt Tsunade-sama...

Care costs nothing, but dignity does.

the second day.

When Tsunade got up, he found that the living room was very quiet. It was already eight o'clock in the morning. Under normal circumstances, Shizune should have woken up early and prepared breakfast to wake them up.

She walked to the door of the mute room and knocked: "Jing Yin, are you still asleep?"

After a while, a voice came from inside: "Master Tsunade?"

Tsunade said "it's me" to tell Shizune that he is her master, not Hokage Tsunade.

She pushed open the door and saw Jing Yin sitting on the bed with messy hair, looking as if she had just woken up.

"Master Tsunade..."

Tsunade tilted his head: "I am your master."


The mute state seemed a little dazed, and she got up and walked to the window and opened the curtain to look out.

"Master Tsunade, where are we?"


Jing Yin patted his forehead, and said with a distressed face: "Did you drink too much, why don't you have any memory at all?"

Tsunade looked at Shizune with a look of surprise on his face, pondered for a while and said, "Come out."


Shizune followed Tsunade out of the bedroom strangely, and Tsunade went directly to Hokage Tsunade's door and knocked.

"I'm in."

In Hokage Tsunade's bedroom, Shizune saw another Tsunade lying on the bed, and his eyes widened.


Hokage Tsunade also looked over, and looked at Tsunade expressionlessly.

Jing Yin asked aloud: "Is it a shadow clone?"

She looked back and forth between the two Tsunade, her face full of puzzlement.

Tsunade asked, "You're not Mute over here, are you?"

Shizune hurriedly said: "Hey, I... I am Shizune, Tsunade-sama, what do you mean by that?"

Hokage Tsunade froze for a moment, then quickly got off the bed, walked quickly to Shizune and pressed Shizune's shoulders with both hands.

"Jing Yin, you..." She was a little emotional, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know what to say.

"Master Tsunade, you... seem to have become younger." Shizune looked at Hokage Tsunade and said, and then glanced at Tsunade behind him.

"Are you... all Tsunade-sama?"

Hokage Tsunade quickly calmed down again, looked at Shizune after thinking about it and asked, "What is my identity now?"

"What... do you mean?"

"I'm asking you, am I Hokage?"

Shizune tilted her head and said, "Didn't you just leave office, Kakashi is now the sixth generation?"

Hokage Tsunade's expression immediately became pleasantly surprised, and he hugged Shizune tightly into his arms.

"Master Tsunade?"

"Mute, it's really you, Mute!"

Hokage Tsunade's embrace was tight, like a relative reunited after a long absence.

Tsunade stood aside, silently watching the scene.

After Hokage Tsunade let go of the mute, he said to her again: "I know you have a lot of doubts, it's okay, I'll explain it to you slowly."

Jing Yin looked at her excited appearance and nodded.

Originally, when Tsunade first came in, Hokage Tsunade still had a cold look, but at the moment she was very emotional, and she was not blamed for being so. After going through so many things here, and most of them were not good things, she suddenly met her relatives , How can we not surprise her.

Hokage Tsunade sat on the bed holding Shizune by hand, and began to tell her everything about these two worlds, and that he also came here from another world.

She talked about it for a long time there, and she held the silent hand tightly the whole time, and she couldn't help laughing out loud when she talked about interesting things.

"So this is ah."

After listening to Naruto Tsunade's narration, Shizune finally spoke with a vague understanding.

Hokage Tsunade asked again: "Shizune, is there anyone you want to meet before you come here?"

Jing Yin froze for a moment: "Huh?"

Hokage Tsunade explained why Hinata Makoto had told her why she came here. The person who has not been seen in the original world but wants to see it is the opportunity for the soul to travel. Only obsession can go back to this matter.

Jing Yin hesitated there, hesitated for a while before saying, "Ah...it's Lin!"

Hokage Tsunade was thoughtful: "Lin."

Lin was indeed dead in her world. Jing Yin and Lin were also classmates and friends when they were young. In this world, Jing Yin and Lin are very good friends. Unexpectedly, in her original world, it has been so long. Jing Yin is right Lin's feelings are still so deep.

Hokage Tsunade felt emotional in his heart, but he soon realized something: "If you talk about Lin, wouldn't it be easy for you to see her?"

"...What's wrong?"

Hokage Tsunade's eyes were complicated: "In this case...you will go back soon."

Shizune smiled and said, "Just go back, Tsunade-sama, don't you want to go back?"

"..." Hokage Tsunade was speechless, she also wanted to go back now, but under Hinata Makoto's control, she couldn't go back at all.

She didn't want Jing Yin to know about this kind of thing.

Shizune continued to ask: "Who is Tsunade-sama's obsession with?"

Hokage Tsunade was silent for a while, and said, "I forgot."

Who is her obsession... The original intention of her coming to this world, it doesn't matter now.

Jing Yin said: "I think it's just a coincidence that we can come to this world. There are too many obsessed people in the world, and I have never seen so many people come here."

"If there is an obsession, it is definitely not because of someone. Maybe we are also yearning for such a world. When Tsunade-sama told me about the things here, I can feel that you are very happy."

Naruto Tsunade wanted to deny it, he was not happy here at all.

Thinking about it carefully, the source of her unhappiness comes from Hinata Makoto. Without him, she would really like to live in such a world.

Jing Yin said again: "The important thing is that everything we experience here is real. If we come here just to meet someone and then go back hastily, then what is the meaning of our coming here, the meaning of the existence of such a world? , is it really enough?"


Hokage Tsunade froze in place, glanced blankly at Shizune, then at Tsunade.


"I'm here, Tsunade-sama."


As the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade Hime, who led the Ninja Alliance to win the Fourth Ninja World War, a ninja medical master, and one of the three ninjas... There are too many halos on her head. Anyone who mentions female ninjas always There is no way around her.

In the eyes of many people, she is strong, heroic, resolute, and forthright.

For a long time, she has never been afraid of anything except losing. Facing Uchiha Madara who is so much stronger than herself, she can still fight it bravely.

After coming to this world, she did not experience loss again, on the contrary, she may regain some lost things, and did not experience any life-and-death hardships, but what she suffered was something that made her feel humiliated and helpless.

Even "self" has come to hurt yourself.

And all she could do was to be pinned on the bed and struggle feebly like last night.

Many people in this world have a face she is familiar with, but these people can't provide her with any help, on the contrary, they may also hurt her because of Hinata Shin's order.

This feeling made her feel painful, the world seemed strange and cold to her now, and she wanted to go back very much.

Hokage Tsunade said, "Shizune, can you stay with me?"

"Master Tsunade..."

Hokage Tsunade looked away, "Mute, stay here, this world is very interesting compared to our original world, Lin in this world is not dead, and neither is Asma."

She wants someone to accompany her, and this person is undoubtedly Jing Yin, Jing Yin of her world, her disciple, her child, the person she has always relied on the most.

To make myself less lonely and helpless.

What about the price... occupying the body of the mute world here.

Maybe it shouldn't be like this... If it doesn't work, I will beg that Hinata to provide Shizune with a new body.

Facing Naruto Tsunade's request, Shizune seemed a little hard to refuse.

"Shizune, you go out first." Tsunade said suddenly at this moment.

Shizune glanced at Tsunade who had been standing aside without saying a word, and walked out of the room without a sound.

The bedroom was quiet, Hokage Tsunade sat on the bed with his head bowed, Tsunade stood there.

Tsunade said, "Are you still wondering why I became like this?"


Hokage Tsunade lowered his eyes and remained silent.

What happened last night gave her a big blow and made her think a lot.

But perhaps these are nothing compared to what Tsunade has experienced in this world.

Tsunade said again: "I don't care if you occupied my body before, but Shizune can't do that."

"Although they are all Jingyin, they are two independent individuals. Jingyin in this world is only twenty years old. A few years ago, she was exactly the same as the Jingyin you knew. Can you bear it?"

These words made Hokage Tsunade who was sitting there stiff, could she bear it?

I can't bear it, of course I can't bear it, Shizune here still treats her as her Tsunade-sama after knowing the truth, but now he wants to deprive her of her freedom... Have you lost your mind?

Tsunade continued: "Also, if Hinata Makoto finds out about Mute, do you know what will happen?"

Upon hearing this, Hokage Tsunade's pupils shrank suddenly, and he froze in place.

"Everything we go through is our own business. If you can't bear it, you can die. You are cursed and can't hurt yourself. You can also ask others to do it for you."

"But if you intend to hurt Jing Yin, I will never let you go."



After a long time, Hokage Tsunade let out a chuckle: "Do I need you to teach me, do you think I will hurt Shizune?"

Tsunade said calmly: "If you were me, of course you wouldn't, but who knows if things these days have made you lose yourself."

Hokage Tsunade's expression calmed down, she stood up from the bed, and walked out of the room slowly.

"Master Tsunade?" Shizune in the living room watched Hokage Tsunade come out, and couldn't help saying.

Hokage Tsunade looked at her for a while, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Did you just ask me who I came here because I wanted to see?"

Nod silently.

"There is no one, it's just that on our side, life has become boring after removing the position of Hokage, and I want to find something interesting to do."

"Maybe God knew about this idea and threw me here."

Shizune murmured, "Master Tsunade, you..."

Hokage Tsunade smiled lightly: "This world is very interesting, and I plan to live here for a long time, Shizune, don't feel too lonely after you go back."


She waved her hand and said, "Okay, the world is at peace here, and there's nothing to worry about. Maybe you'll come back when you miss me so much."

Jing Yin stood there pursing his lips and fell silent.

"Go back and find a boyfriend, really, since you have this idea in your heart, why don't you say it, Kakashi is pretty good, if you like it, go after him."

Shizune blushed slightly: "Master Tsunade, don't worry about my affairs."

Hokage Tsunade said cheerfully, "I don't worry about anyone...forget it, go back, Lin... let her take you to meet."

She looked indifferent, and pointed to Tsunade beside her. Seeing her current appearance, she seemed to be the same Tsunade Hime once again.


Shizune faltered there for a long time before saying, "Master Tsunade, take care of yourself here."

Naruto Tsunade just smiled and waved his hands.

Tsunade left the house with Shizune, intending to go to Lin and ask Shizune to meet this old friend who had died in another world for many years.

After walking a long distance in the street, Tsunade who had been quiet all this time suddenly asked, "Why did you do that?"

Jing Yin's figure trembled, and she pursed her lips and said, "Did you find out a long time ago...Master."

There was no response, Shizune said again: "Then Tsunade-sama, is she also..."

Tsunade said: "Your acting skills, if she was before, she would be able to detect it."

Shizune whispered: "I just want Master Tsunade to live a better life, maybe she will be happy seeing her Shizune..."

"Hmm." Tsunade said, without stopping, and continued to move forward.

They didn't go to Lin's house, and they didn't know where they were going.

"You're doing well, Mute."

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