Rated Hokage

316 Chapter 315

The territory of this world is huge, and it is not easy to firmly control it in your hands.

There are many people who have the idea of ​​surrendering to Konoha on the surface, turning around and continuing to be their own emperor. After all, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Many people do not believe that Konoha can really rule the world.

And Zhen naturally has his own solution to this kind of thing, and he has thought of a good solution from the beginning.

The Tower of the Sun!

As long as the place is shrouded in the light of the Tower of the Sun, he really does not believe that there will be some disobedient people.

The five major countries no longer exist. In Zhen’s original policy, the five major countries were changed to the five major provinces of the empire. The area of ​​each province is larger than the original five major countries because it merged with some surrounding small countries.

Each province has many cities under its jurisdiction. Generally speaking, except for the change of the administrative organization, there are no obvious changes for the time being.

After all, you can't take too many steps at the beginning.

Also because of time constraints, the restructuring of the four villages of Sha, Yun, Yan, and Wu could not be implemented quickly. This is a force of ninjas with a combined tens of thousands of people, and we can only start slowly from those small countries and villages for the time being.

However, the knowledge of the ninja guild has begun to spread to various places.

Time passed slowly, although many affairs were piled up at once, which made it a bit overwhelming, but slowly all the government affairs were smoothed out.

Each province must send someone in charge on his side to take over. At the same time, he must also be equipped with some jounin. When the local Sun Tower is completed, he will be completely at ease.

At the same time, the real enthronement ceremony is also stepping up preparations.

There seems to be no concept of emperor and emperor in this world. After all, the world has been in chaos for thousands of years, and the highest ruler is only a prince like daimyo.

The only time when it was unified was the Ninja sect in the period of the Six Paths Sages.

When Zhen mentioned the empire at the beginning, many people were puzzled as to why such a religious word was used. The enthronement ceremony was basically planned by Zhen himself.

For the enthronement ceremony, the entire Konoha is also busy with various preparations, but the people of Konoha have shown great enthusiasm.

After all, it is the big event of my own master Hokage. To be able to dominate the world in such a short period of time seems to many people like a dream, and I dare not write like this in novels!

Before the brutal justice standing outside Konoha, no matter how wild your imagination is, you can't imagine such a mech god with the mighty power of a god before it appeared!

Hokage-sama is a god!

There are countless people who think this way, no matter whether there are so-called gods in this world or not, the status of Hokage-sama in their hearts is absolutely no less than that of any legendary god.

Another half month passed, and the enthronement ceremony began.

On this day, countless people from outside the village came to watch the ceremony, and the wooden leaves on this day were also arranged in an unprecedented grand manner. There is a long red carpet on the road, and the people are clustered on both sides of the road, and no one dares to step on it.

This doesn't even require the Anbu to come out to maintain order, and the consciousness of the people at the moment is surprisingly high.

After a while, Hokage's guard of honor began to come over with support. Zhen and Ayari rode in a carriage. Both of them were dressed in fancy clothes. The design concept of the clothes was provided by Zhen. It seems that it is unprecedentedly noble.

Zhen's mentality didn't change much now, but Ayari beside her seemed extremely cramped, and Yu Zhen gently held her hand to relieve her tension.

At first she didn't expect that she would ride in the chariot with Zhen, and Zhen smiled and told her that you are the queen and the mistress of the world, why not.

It is true that she is a real wife, but she has never cared about what she does outside, and everything she does makes her feel incredible.

He became the patriarch of Hinata from the younger brother next door, and later, for some reason, after the third Hokage and the fourth Hokage both died, he succeeded Hokage.

And now, someone suddenly told her that her husband is now the king of the whole world.

This kind of words sounded too dreamy to Lingli, she didn't feel that there was any real change, she was still busy with work every day as usual, but she would always find time to spend with them and the children.

Her world is not very big, it's just a small house in Hokage House, and Zhen has always been the king of her world.

With the appearance of the real chariot, people on both sides of the road fell to their knees one after another, shouting long live.

Zhen smiled lightly and said to Lingli: "You don't know how much sister Ni envies you, don't look back after the ceremony is over and you're still muddled here."

These words made Ling Li a little dazed. When Zhen suddenly told her that she wanted her to share the Hua chariot, her sister's expression of envy and jealousy seemed to be cannibalism.

Thinking of this, Lingli suddenly couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed, the tension in her heart was also reduced, and she held the real hand tightly.

No matter what, I always remember her.

Zhen smiled lightly and said: "You should share your current experience with her when you go back."

Ling Li also smiled and said: "Forget it, I'm afraid she will really eat me."

The guard of honor marched all the way, and the sound of the Longevity Mountain was endless. At first, I didn't think it was a big deal, but as time went by bit by bit, I really saw the endless street ahead. A large crowd of people will kneel down.

It's suddenly enjoyable, that's what it's like to be at the top.

This is not just a false name, how could a real king allow someone to step on his head?

The chariot moved forward all the way, and I really heard the sound of the mountains all the way.

According to the procedure, the next step is to say some prayers accompanied by the master of ceremonies.

I really remember that in the previous life, when the emperor succeeded to the throne, he would pray to heaven, but he didn’t need to respect heaven and earth. The content of the prayer he chanted was more like a declaration, to all things in the world, and to all people in the world, that he was really the only king.

Anyway, there has never been a similar ceremony before, everything is tossed by the real himself, and no one dares to object.

However, this is not a small matter for the master of ceremonies. Compared with being really casual, they are all extremely nervous, and have recorded all the real actions in detail, so that they can have a reference when the new king succeeds in the future. .

Of course he didn't think about it so much. After tossing and tossing for a long time, he also felt a little tired, and thought to himself that he knew that he would not make the ceremony so long.

And the dress he was wearing was extremely inconvenient to move around.

Finally, at twelve noon, the enthronement ceremony was officially announced.

The ceremony was over, and the entire Konoha started a grand carnival to celebrate the appearance of their king.

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