Rated Hokage

Chapter 315 314, the sound of the bell

Although the old town of Konoha is not as bustling and bustling as the new town, but after nightfall, it is more peaceful than the new town.

The light from the street lamps was not dazzling, and there were a few scattered pedestrians on the street.

Zhen came to Tsunade's house alone and knocked on the door.


It was Jing Yin who opened the door, and she couldn't help being stunned for a moment when she saw the person standing outside the door.

"Ho... Hokage-sama?"

Shino glanced inside casually: "Is Tsunade at home?"

"Ah... yes, yes!"

After Jing Yin regained his composure, he quickly saluted Zhen, and then stepped aside to invite Zhen to come in.

She was surprised why Hokage-sama came to the door suddenly, and it was still so late. Is there any important matter to discuss with Tsunade-sama?

"Do you want to change your shoes?"

"I'll get it for you."

Zhen stood at the entrance, Jing Yin quickly took out a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet.

"Ming Yin, who is knocking on the door?"

At this time, Tsunade's voice suddenly came from inside, and he looked towards the living room, and saw that Tsunade was only wrapped in a bathrobe, his hair was wet, and he looked like he had just taken a bath.

"Yes...it's Hokage-sama." Shizune couldn't help feeling embarrassed for Tsunade.

Tsunade stood there in a daze for a moment, looked at the entrance for a while, and then said: "Master Hokage... what's the matter?"

Zhen Zhen's voice was also very calm and casual: "I want to talk to you about something, is it convenient now?"

Is it convenient...is it her turn to say it's inconvenient?

Tsunade glanced at Shizune next to Makoto again, his eyes flickered, and he pursed his lips and said, "Please come with me, Hokage-sama."

With that said, she turned and went back to her bedroom.

And Zhen also put on the slippers Shizune took out, and walked towards Tsunade's bedroom.

Jing Yin felt strange in his heart, and secretly thought that if you want to talk about things, you can do it in the living room, and you can avoid it yourself, so why do you have to go into the bedroom.

And Tsunade-sama didn't even dress properly...

Shizune put away the shoes that really took off, and originally planned to put them in the shoe cabinet, but after thinking about it, she decided that Hokage-sama should stay here for a while, so she put them back on the floor of the entrance.

In the master bedroom.

Makoto walked in behind him, and closed the door casually. This was his first time in Tsunade's room, and the layout was much simpler than expected.

"Master Hokage."

Tsunade was only wrapped in a bath towel, but even so it was hard to hide her fiery figure.

She turned her back to Zhen, and said in a very low voice: "Can you... stay away from my house?"

Zhenzhen stuck it directly, reaching out and tearing off the only covering on her body.

"Why, are you afraid of being muted?"


"Then just hold back and don't make a sound."

It is unacceptable for Tsunade to let Shizune know what she is doing now. Shizune is now the person she cares about most, and she doesn't want her image in Shizune's mind to be changed.

At least it can't become so unbearable. This child has been with her since she was a child. To Jing Yin, she is both a teacher and a mother.

But I really didn't care about so much and could only close my eyes in humiliation.

In the middle of the night, Jing Yin got up and came out of his room at night.

The living room was pitch-black, and there was no need to turn on the lights even if the sound was muted. I found the location of the bathroom entirely from memory.

Not long after, there was a sound of flushing water inside.

After using the toilet, Mute turned off the light in the bathroom, and walked out yawning.


In the dark and silent living room, there suddenly sounded an extremely crisp sound, like the sound of a bell.

Jing Yin froze in place, his mind spinning for a moment.

Did she hear it wrong? There shouldn't be such a bell in the house.

Jing Yin waited in place for a while, but the voice didn't appear again, and she shook her head to make sure that she had misheard.

next morning.

Shizune was awakened by a burst of intensive bells. It was Tsunade-sama who was preparing breakfast. He was busy going in and out of the kitchen. After seeing Shizune, he said to her: "You're awake."

Shizune stood in front of the door for a moment, making sure that the sound of the bell came from Tsunade-sama.

"Master Tsunade."


"Do you... have any bells on you?"


Tsunade seemed to expect her to ask such a question, turned around and smiled at her, and pointed to the pendant on his waist.

"You say this and this."

For some reason, there was a small bell-like pendant around her waist, which kept shaking with her movements.


Shizune nodded knowingly.

Tsunade-sama... When did his taste become so unique.

She didn't know how to evaluate it. Only a few years old children would do things like hanging bells on their body.

"You got up so early today, are you going to Hokage-sama again?"


"Did Hokage-sama leave very late yesterday? I didn't notice it when I fell asleep."

"Ah...it's late to talk about things."

After getting ready for breakfast, Tsunade left without talking to Shizune.

naruto room.

Samui came as early as usual, and she looked at Tsunade strangely when she heard a bell.

"What's the matter... Where is Hokage-sama?"

"Sleep in the cage." Samui pouted in the direction of the lounge.

"This voice..."

Hearing the words, Tsunade deliberately exposed the bell around his waist, and said, "You mean this bell?"

But Samui pondered for a while, and then said to Tsunade: "It shouldn't be, I saw that thing yesterday."


As she said, her gaze was still sizing up Tsunade's body, as if she was looking for the real source of the voice.

Tsunade was extremely uncomfortable being looked at by her eyes, especially after she said that she had seen that thing, this made Tsunade feel extremely embarrassed

Samui directly reached out and took off the bell on Tsunade's waist.

"Sir Hokage should be very disgusted by your behavior that you want to cover up, and it might make him angry."

Tsunade lowered his head slightly, and did not respond to this, and after the bell around his waist was taken off by Samui, he didn't even want to move.

But Samyi leaned over and asked again: "Can you tell me where Hokage-sama put it?"


Hearing these words, Tsunade wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in. How should he answer this?

But Samyi said quietly: "I just want to know more about the way to please Hokage-sama."

What the other party said had some credibility. After all, Samuel was such a person, and he was only concerned with how to serve Hokage-sama well.

But Tsunade still couldn't tell about this matter.

Samyi sighed softly, and said helplessly: "It's fine if you don't want to say it, Master Hokage is probably about to wake up, you go to the lounge and wait."


Tsunade didn't say a word the whole time, and after standing still for a while, he walked towards the lounge.


Another crisp bell.

Samuyi glanced at the bell in his hand that had just been taken off Tsunade's waist.

I'm going to be tortured to death by the new crown these days

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