Rated Hokage

295 Chapter 294, The Power of the Tower of the Sun

Tower of the Sun, control room.

"Master Shimizu, that bird is rushing towards us!"

"Open the protective barrier and prepare to kill."

On the screens on the surrounding walls, the figure of the strange bird appeared on the entire surface. The originally calm control room immediately became busy, and the staff manipulated the instruments and delivered timely messages.

"Explore the entire village and find all the enemies."

"Adjust the beam trajectory, so as not to damage the village."

On the top of the entire Sunrise Tower is a giant ball of light with introverted white light and outwardly emitted purple awns. The originally warm and soft purple light suddenly flourished, and a light curtain was shot out to expand rapidly, and the entire Konoha was inspected in an instant.

The strange bird in the sky screamed and rushed towards the Tower of the Sun, coming fiercely, as if it wanted to destroy the Tower of the Sun with its huge and sharp beak.

The strange bird swooped very fast, and within a few minutes of turning around, it was in front of the Tower of the Sun. At this moment, the giant ball of light on the top of the tower pulsed a layer of light waves from bottom to top, and a pure white beam of light suddenly appeared out of thin air. Speed, reach the sky in the next second!

And this ferocious strange bird was directly pierced by this beam of light, its huge body was split in two from the middle, and the trajectory of its dive was changed to fall downwards.


There was a muffled sound, and there were two more corpses on both sides of the tower. The cut body did not spurt out blood, but was scorched black, and white smoke continued to rise.

"Target has been killed."

"No suspicious person was detected."

"A huge target appears on the ground, it seems to be another psychic beast!"

The images on the screen on the wall switched rapidly, and what emerged was a scene of a giant rhinoceros appearing on the cliff, and several Anbu were confronting it.

"Ready to kill the target!"

"Continue to search the village, we must find the enemy!"

The light curtain unfolded again, once again covering the entire Konoha.

The giant ball of light at the top of the Tower of Sunshine was full of purple light, and another white light beam shot from the height to the ground in an instant, directly shooting out the giant rhinoceros!

But the giant rhinoceros whimpered without even a wail, and fell to the ground with a plop.

"Master Qing Shui, another psychic beast has appeared!"

"More than one psychic beast!"

The squad leader of the enchantment class, Hinata Shimizu, frowned and looked at the many giant beasts that appeared on the screen on the wall, feeling a little anxious inside.

"It's endless, haven't you found the enemy yet?"

"Master Shimizu, no!"

And at this moment, Kakashi, who had been standing behind watching all these movements, spoke.

"The enemy obviously has a means of blocking perception, so concentrate on dealing with the psychic beast."

Shimizu glanced at Kakashi, then shifted his gaze to the screen.

"Lock all targets, adjust the trajectory, and kill immediately!"

"Use telepathy to contact Anbu, and prepare to transfer the corpse of the psychic beast, so as not to cause panic."

The Tenseigan weapon's light became more intense, and several white beams of light shot out at the same time in the next moment, rushing towards Konoha's various areas.

Countless dark parts on the roof of the building are flying around, their minds are connected by the Yamanaka family's secret technique of telepathy, and they are rushing to the place of the giant psychic beast while searching for suspicious persons.

Clearing the beams again and again, this is the first time that the Tower of the Sun has shown its own damage to the enemy. In the past, there were spies inside Konoha, and you only need to use the restraining beams.

However, although they were able to achieve one-hit kills every time, the members of the enchantment class still encountered difficulties.

At this moment, four giant vicious dogs appeared on the screen in the control room, located below the Tower of the Sun, with huge fangs and wings on their backs.

"How many times?" Hinata Shimizu asked in a deep voice.

"The second time, I suffered two injuries that should have been fatal, but split into four individuals."

"Proliferation psychic..." Hinata Shimizu recognized what it was, and couldn't help whispering to himself, his brows tightened suddenly.

"Switch to Confined Beam!"

The staff quickly manipulated the instrument, and four purple beams of light locked on the positions of the four giant vicious dogs, enveloping them in an instant.

However, to the shock of everyone in the control room, the four giant dogs were not affected at all by the restrained light beams, and they were completely able to move freely, one by one roaring and rushing towards the Tower of the Sun.

"What's going on!" Hyuga Shimizu couldn't help but widen his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

The light of restraint of the Tower of Sun has been used so many times in Konoha, and it has never failed! No one has ever been able to move half a minute under the light of knowing!

Kakashi's eyes flickered too.

"It's really not the idle generation."


There was a loud noise, and the control room shook violently. It seemed that the Tower of the Sun was under attack, and the giant dogs in the picture were ramming the tower with brute force.

"What's going on! Isn't the protective barrier open?" Hyuga Shimizu asked in shock.

"On...it's on, but it doesn't seem to be useful, and it can't be stopped at all." The staff also said tremblingly.

There is no light of restraint, nor is there a protective barrier. They seem to be immune to this restriction method.

Upon seeing this, Kakashi immediately ordered: "Let Anbu come quickly, prepare to seal and capture these four psychic beasts, and warn Anbu not to hurt them, or they will split again."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to feel something, and he flew out of the room, broke through the door, smashed the glass of the corridor against a figure, and rushed outside.

However, the outside of the top of the tower is tens of meters high!

Kakashi suddenly felt a strong impact force, and he who was originally clamping the opponent's arm was directly ejected by this impact force.

The impact of this force was painful everywhere, and he felt as if he was being repelled by something, and what made him even more surprised was that when he kept falling, the other party was still standing above the sky !


Kakashi, who was falling, widened his eyes and watched him getting farther and farther away from the opponent. The black eye shadow gradually filled his eyes, and even covered the scar on his left eye. The lines became more and more dense, and continued to the neck. extend.

Nagato, wearing a cloak and hood, returned to the corridor from the position where the glass broke just now, and saw a part of the bottom of the giant light ball in the control room.



Anbu came forward to block him with a knife, but when he was less than half a meter away from him, he was directly ejected by a force like an air shock.

Everyone in the control room was shocked, but they were also ninjas, and they got up and prepared to fight.

At this moment, Nagato felt something, and suddenly lowered his body, a piercing cold light cut across from the position of his head just now.

It's Kakashi!

Nagato stepped aside, seeing Kakashi reappearing here, and the black lines on his face couldn't help being surprised.

The distance here is tens of meters from the ground, and it is not flat ground, and the speed is too fast!

Seven crowned...

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