Rated Hokage

294 Chapter 293, the execution platform under the sun

"Come here!"

Naruto squeezed through the crowd, relying on his short body to be able to scurry around in the crowd of adults.

He also waved to Sasuke behind him.

The execution platform was already surrounded by people, and there were endless discussions and noises. The ninjas standing guard separated the crowd from the execution platform several meters away.

Naruto and Sasuke came to the front of the crowd. Seeing this, the adult next to him couldn't help but say, "Whose child, why are you here?"

These words attracted the attention of many people nearby, and Naruto made a face at that person.

"Children, this is not the place for you to come."

"Yeah, let's go home."

"Where are your parents?"

Annoyed by the noise from the people around him, Naruto couldn't help shouting: "My father is Hokage!"

This immature voice silenced the people next to him for a few seconds.

"Is it a child of Hokage-sama?"

"Why are you here?"

"It's not good to see something you shouldn't see."

Someone kindly knelt down and said to Naruto and Sasuke: "This place is not suitable for you, leave now."

Naruto and Sasuke shook their heads at the same time and said, "No!"

The man threatened him: "The man on the stage is going to beheaded, it's very scary."

Naruto didn't care at all, he didn't want to argue with these people, and Sasuke also pulled him away from here, scurrying under a group of people, and reached the front of another group of people.

The two did sneak out. At first, they heard that it was very lively here, but they wanted to come to see it, but they were strictly rejected by the family members. In the end, the two ran out together after discussing it.

How could a child know what punishment meant, it was just a fun thing.

They looked up to the high platform and saw a person kneeling in the middle of it.

"Who is that?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know." Sasuke shook his head, then remembered something and said, "It seems like a bad guy!"

"Bad guy..."

Naruto looked thoughtfully at the white-haired man kneeling on the execution platform with his immature face.

Jiraiya is a bit confused at the moment, he has never slept well in prison these days, and for some reason he had a nightmare, in which Minato actually wanted to kill him, and Yahiko and Nagato also wanted to kill him.

He felt that if a person died in the hands of his students, it would be too miserable.

So Jiraiya always thought that the death of Sarutobi-sensei might not be a relief.

He was lifted out of the cell by the ninja in the morning, with his hands and feet tied with chains, and he walked all the way from the prison to this execution platform. Countless people were watching him on the way, and that kind of sight made him feel like a thorn in his back.

He had done this kind of ostentatious parade before, but as a hero in the war who protected the village, he was praised and respected by the villagers.

At that time, whoever saw him had to call out "Master Zilaiye" respectfully.

But why did it become like this now? The people around him were discussing densely and noisyly. He couldn't hear what these people were talking about, but he wanted to know urgently.

Are you scolding him, or do you think he has been wronged?

This made Jiraiya inexplicably panic. He was not afraid of death, but he found it difficult for him to accept this way of death.

He has always believed that the value of a so-called ninja's life is not determined by how he lives, but by what he does before he dies.

Does it mean that I am a complete loser when I finally die like this?

A small stone was thrown on the execution platform, and it was hitting Jiraiya on the head.

Ji Lai also came back to his senses in a trance, his eyes swept over the densely packed crowd and the crowd pointing at him, which made him feel dizzy for a while.

A little black-haired boy appeared in his line of sight, with six beard-like textures on his face, his small face was immature, and he was holding a stone in his hand, and threw it at him.

Seeing this, a ninja walked over and reprimanded Naruto and Sasuke for not doing this,

"Whose child is this, why did you bring it here?"

No one around responded.

"He's a bad guy!" Naruto pointed at Zilai and shouted loudly.

And at this moment, the ninja in charge of this area walked over quickly, and he recognized who these two children were.

"Master Naruto, Master Sasuke, why are you here?"

Naruto... Naruto...

Ji Lai also stared blankly at the little boy, and all kinds of emotions rushed into his heart at the same time.

He lowered his head, and his messy white hair was also scattered.

Suddenly, a deep laugh came out of his mouth, and the laughter became louder and louder, almost insane.

Everyone around him thought he was crazy.

In the end, Naruto and Sasuke were forcibly taken away by the ninja in charge here. The two are so young, and the bloody scene is easy to irritate them.

"Let us go, why don't you let us see!"

"We're going to beat the bad guys!"

"Let us go!"

The two were brought to the back of the crowd, Naruto and Sasuke were very angry, but they squeezed for a long time before they squeezed to the front.

"You two young masters, you can't stay here, go home!"

"We don't want to go home!"

"Why do you care about us!"

The man had a terrible headache and asked, "Is no one coming with you?"

"I want you to manage!"

"go away!"

After making a fuss, Naruto found that the other party didn't agree with him at all, so he asked again: "Who is that person?"

"You said the prisoner, his name is Zi Lai Ye, and he is the traitor of the village."

"Is he a bad guy?" Naruto asked.

The man thought about it for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, he is a bad person, or someone who is against Hokage-sama."

Naruto immediately waved his small fist: "We can't let go of those who oppose Dad!"

Sasuke also echoed.

"Yes, don't stop us, we are going to fight the bad guys!"

The ninja smiled and said, "Don't worry, we won't let it go, today is his execution day."

Naruto asked again, "What do you mean by execution?"

"Uh... that's the way to punish the bad guys."

"Oh, that's it, we're going to execute him too!"

"Yes, we want too!"

The man was helpless: "This is not something everyone can do."

At this moment, a sharp scream suddenly sounded high above the sky, piercing people's eardrums with pain.

Everyone looked up to the sky, and saw a giant strange bird hovering at some point, flapping its wings, and howling gusts of strong wind.

The crowd also noticed, and instantly became a little confused.

Seeing this, the ninja was shocked: "Master Naruto, Master Sasuke, go home quickly, don't run around!"

After that, he flew back to the execution platform.

"Alert! Alert!"

Naruto and Sasuke were still standing there, looking up at the giant strange bird in the sky with their small faces up.

However, the rays of the sun above the sky made the two children feel dizzy for a while.

"What a big bird..."

Ask for a ticket

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