Rated Hokage

Chapter 276 275, Lin: Let me go, really

"You can leave the hospital."

"Discharged? But I've only been in the hospital for a few days."

"Your body is fine. You have been in the hospital for observation these two days, and you can recuperate at home in the future."

"Oh...then if I want to stay in the hospital, can I?"

When the doctor heard Lin's words, he couldn't help but gave her a strange look. Isn't it a good thing to be discharged from the hospital?

Lin also felt that what she said was quite strange, so she said, "I mean, I don't think my body has healed yet... I feel more at ease staying in the hospital."

The doctor said: "Don't worry, there is really nothing wrong with your body, just eat some good supplements after you go home."

"Oh, then can I go tomorrow?"


Lin reluctantly left the doctor's office, and couldn't help but feel a little depressed when she came out.

Finally something to look forward to.

She sighed, and went back to her ward, to her surprise, Obito was here.

"Why are you here?"

"Come and see you."

Obito smiled innocently, holding a bouquet in his hand, and the fruit basket on the table should have been brought by him.

"Do not you have a job?"

"Rest today... Lin, how is your health?"

"It's fine, I'll leave the hospital tomorrow."

"It's fine if it's okay."

Obito sent the bouquet in his hand over again.

"By the way, this is for you."

"What are you doing with this money?" Lin said helplessly after taking it.

"Passing by a flower shop, I just bought it. After all, I am visiting a patient."


Hearing Lin's thanks, the smile on Obito's face became even wider.

"Let me put it on for you."

As he said that he was going to get the vase, Lin became anxious immediately when she saw this: "No need!"


"I mean, the flowers in the bottle haven't bloomed yet, so it would be a waste to change them now."

"Ah?" Obito was a little confused about Lin's brain circuit, and he glanced at the new bouquet he brought.

"Then what about these?"

There is only this vase in the ward, if you don't change it, then what you brought will wither faster.

Lin thought for a while and said, "Let's put the sink first."

Speaking of which, she walked into the bathroom, blocked the water outlet of the sink, filled half of the pool of water, and then took apart the bouquet in her hand and soaked it in it.

Seeing Lin's behavior like this, Obito couldn't help scratching his head.

Lin, she... is so frugal!

He finally thought so.

After Lin came out of the bathroom, she said to Obito: "If there is nothing else, you can go back first. I am almost in good health, and Shizune is with me."

Of course Obito wanted to stay a little longer, but after much deliberation he didn't know how to speak.

Lin said again: "Take the fruit basket too. I'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, and it won't be convenient to take it home."

Obito was finally persuaded by Lin to leave, but Guolan didn't take it away without saying anything, and insisted on staying here.

For Obito's thoughts, Lin is also very helpless. She has said those things before, but then she approached her in the name of a friend. Lin really doesn't bother to care about it. She just hopes that he can recognize the reality earlier and give up .

Not long after, Jing Yin came in from the outside, looked at the fruit baskets in the room and asked, "Who's here again?"

"Bring soil."

Jing Yin couldn't help laughing: "Didn't you just come here the day before yesterday? I'm really infatuated with you. If someone likes me so firmly, I've already agreed."

Lin was lying on the bed, looking out of the window calmly, and said without answering her words, "I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

"That's it, good thing."

It's a good thing, but Lin can't be happy.

If he leaves the hospital tomorrow, that guy won't come to see me again...

He is so busy, how much time can he have for himself?

"Jing Yin, it doesn't matter if you leave early today, I'm fine."


Shizune wanted to go home and cook for Tsunade, so she didn't refuse.


Lin was taking a bath in the shower room when she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" She asked immediately.

But there was no voice to respond to her. After a while, the bathroom door was slowly opened, and a wet head poked out from inside.

She saw her Hokage-sama sitting on a chair, gnawing an apple in one hand, and flipping through the books she had read in the other.

"You...why did you come so early, and you didn't speak when I asked you just now."

Lin hid her body behind the bathroom, poked her head out, and looked at him with her lips pursed.

"Aren't you taking a bath, I'm afraid to disturb you."

Shin looked up and smiled at her.


Lin muttered a few words in a low voice, but she didn't know what she was talking about, and then she seemed to remember something, and her rosy face, which was flushed with hot water, became even more blush.

"You go out first, can you?"


"I'll let you go out first."

Zhen turned his eyes and turned to look at the several pieces of clothing stacked on the bed, some for outer wear and some for inner wear.

Seeing that he found out, Lin felt ashamed and anxious.

"What are you looking at, get out!"

However, he really grabbed the suit in his hand, put down the book and apple in his hand, and walked towards Lin.

"what are you doing!"

Lin panicked for a moment, clutching the bathroom door tightly with one hand.

"I'll bring you clothes."

Really stopped in front of the bathroom door, and said with a smile.

Lin didn't say anything after hearing the words, and stretched out her hand that was holding the door tightly. It was a tender white arm, and she wanted to take the clothes in his hand.

However, Zhen took this opportunity and pushed the door open.


Lin exclaimed, subconsciously took two steps back, one hand covering her chest and the other stretched out to block the real approach.

She was wrapped in a large bath towel, covering most of her body, her hair was wet against her skin, and her two rosy white feet were wearing slippers.

Really a little disappointed, and then said: "You are not wrapped in a bath towel, just come out and get your clothes."

Lin's face was flushed, and she went to push the door of the bathroom without saying a word, trying to close it to keep Zhen out.

Zhenzhen leaned directly on the door frame and raised his foot against the door.


"go out!"

"don't want!"


Lin has been looking forward to the real arrival during the day, but instead of meeting him in such a posture, she should stand in front of him beautifully and decently, to accept his intimacy and kisses, and now she feels ashamed and embarrassed .

She didn't like such teasing, she took a deep breath and lowered her head and said, "Give me the clothes."

Zhen heard the sound of putting the clothes on the edge of the sink.

"Who sent the flowers, they are so beautiful."

Lin felt flustered when she heard the words, and she explained: "Obito insisted on giving it away, and I told him not to come..."

After she finished speaking, she secretly looked up at Zhen, only to see him looking at her with a smile.

He said: "If I send you flowers, I will send you flowers. You are a patient. Isn't it normal to receive flowers?"

Lin hadn't breathed a sigh of relief yet, but saw that Zhen actually leaned over and approached her.

"I... I'm going to change clothes, you go out!"

"I'll help you."

"Idiot, how can anyone help me with this kind of thing!"

"I will help you!"

"You're a hooligan! Pervert!"

"You smell so good."

"You know how to bully me, I hate you, woo woo... um—"


The bathroom door was slammed shut.


half an hour later.

Lin got dressed and stood in front of the mirror blowing her hair.

He wanted to wash his face again, but looked at the flowers in the sink, frowned and thought about it, and picked them all up and threw them into the trash can beside him.

Looking at the flowers in the trash can, she suddenly felt sorry for Obito.

But this apology is only for a moment.

Lin walked out of the bathroom and saw that Zhen was still sitting there eating an apple and reading a book, she pursed her lips and lightly kicked his calf.

"What's wrong?"

Lin sat on the hospital bed with her arms folded in front of her chest in a questioning gesture.

"What's the relationship between the two of us now?"



Zhenyou smiled and asked: "Why, do you want to marry me impatiently?"

Lin gritted her teeth: "The dog wants to marry you!"

"If you want to marry me, you have to wait two years."

"I only wanted to marry you after I told you the dog!"

Lin looked angrily, looking at the smile on Zhen's face, she felt angry again.

She said angrily, "I'm different from those women in your family!"

Zhen Ze said: "Every one of you is different, why compare."

These words made Lin suddenly stunned.

Yes, why compare yourself with those women...

Is it possible to really give up other women for yourself?

Then can I separate myself from him?

Lin fell silent, and she suddenly felt that she was not ready at all.

It’s fun not to think about those messy things when you’re with him, for example, the passionate kiss in the bathroom just now made her sink into it, but in reality, how can you not think about those things, and it’s impossible for the two of you to always be like this, There are many people in her circle, many friends, and Zhen is Hokage...

Lin sat on the bed and became silent, when suddenly a half-gnawed apple was handed to her.

"Eat the apple."

Seeing this, Lin suddenly opened her mouth wide, and bit towards the real hand.

"Hiss—you are such a dog!"

In pain, she really withdrew her hand, and kept blowing on the place where her teeth marks were left.

Seeing him like this, Lin felt much happier.

She said: "You and I are not lovers!"

This bastard didn't think about how to deal with the relationship between the two at all, why did he have to accommodate him.

Lynn thought so.

Zhen looked at her and asked, "Then what do you want?"

Lin squinted and said, "I want too much, can you give me everything I said?"

"What can be given, will naturally be given to you."

Lin sneered: "It's nice to say, but the standard of 'can give' is not up to you."

Really ask: "Then why don't you tell me what you want first?"

Lin stared straight at Zhen, but said for no reason: "I wanted to ask you before, why did your eyes become different?"

Zhen chuckled: "Did it become better?"

Lin snorted coldly and said, "You've become more deceptive...I want you to be nice to me alone and be with me alone, can you do that?"

Zhen Wenyan shrugged without pressure and said, "I can't do it."

Of course Lin knew that he couldn't do it, but she was still annoyed by his indifferent attitude, and couldn't bear it anymore, she waved her fist and hit him.

"You bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

But how could she be a real opponent, she was subdued in two or three times, and then she was really tightly held in her arms.

"Think about other conditions."

Lin struggled for a while, but found that it was useless, so she could only lean in Zhenzhen's arms, turned her back to him and said, "Then I want you to be there whenever you are called, and if I tell you to get out, get out immediately."

Zhen smiled and said: "You have a pretty temper."

Lin turned to look at him: "Can it be done?"

Zhen then asked, "If I'm busy with official duties and important matters related to the village, will you be on call?"

Lin took a step back and said, "Of course I won't be so ignorant, and I won't disturb you when you're busy."

Zhen asked again: "Then what if I am playing with the children at home and the family is together?"

Lin was angry, and continued to struggle: "It's all your reason, your family lives well, don't provoke me!"

He really refused to let her go, let her struggle for a while, and then reached out to caress her cheek.

"I promise you, in my spare time, if you want to see me, you can come to accompany you?"

Lin sneered coldly: "Then what is free time? When you don't want to see me, just tell me that I'm busy, what can I do?"

After she finished speaking, she suddenly felt very wronged. Was she negotiating with this guy? What are you actively fighting for?

Zhen said: "Then you can stay at my house, it happens that you are also familiar with Jiu Xinnai, and you can get along well in the future."

It's good that he didn't mention Jiu Xinnai, and Lin suddenly calmed down with a word of Jiu Xinnai.


The man who is holding her now is sister Kushina's man, Naruto's father!

Lin lowered her cheeks, feeling really dizzy.

If you stay with the truth regardless of everything, you will destroy a lot of things in yourself, and you will lose a lot of things in yourself.

Seeing that Lin didn't respond suddenly, he let go of her and made her turn around and look at him.

"Why do you have to think about these things? We were happy together just now?"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly heard Lin in front of him laugh out of nowhere.

"Really... you are too selfish."

Her voice became extremely calm, and her eyes were fixed on the real eyes without blinking.

"To me, you are just like your eyes, so beautiful can really deceive people."

"When you kissed me, I really enjoyed it, but after you kissed me, did you really think about me?"

After she finished speaking, she suddenly put her arms around Zhen Zhen's neck and kissed Zhen Zhen's lips.

There is no grinding and entanglement of lips and teeth, just the closeness of each other's soft parts.

Really opened his eyes, looked at Lin who was close at hand, looked at her tightly closed eyes that kept trembling.

His hands were at a loss for a moment, should he hug each other...

When Lin opened her eyes again, there seemed to be many emotions in her pupils, flickering non-stop.

She looked into Zhenzhen's eyes and asked, "Is it the same when I kiss you and you kiss me?"


Lin let go of her arms around Zhen's neck, lowered her head, and turned around.

"Let me go, really, if you really want to be nice to me."

"You're going to ruin me if you keep messing with me like this."

Chapter 4k will be updated next month

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