Rated Hokage

275 Chapter 274, Kiss in the Ward

Lin received the summons and came to the Naruto room.

But when he heard that he really planned to extract the three tails from his body, he was very surprised.

"Erwei has already succeeded, and there will be no problems." Zhen said.

Lin, however, found it hard to accept. She put in a lot of effort to control Isato's power, and now she and Isato are barely friends.

"Does it have to be like this?" she asked.

"For the village, dividing the tailed beast will play a greater role than it can play in the human body."


Zhen took a look at her and said, "There is no rush now, you can prepare slowly."

Lin seemed to want to say something, but she was really busy, so she didn't bother.

He is really busy. He is planning to build an energy base station and use one of the tail beast cores to continuously supply energy for the future Konoha New City.

There are a lot of things involved, and it takes real effort to deal with.

After Lin left the Hokage Building, she thought of something and went to Samui and the others.

She hasn't been here for a long time, but she often came here to look for Yumuren in order to learn to control the power of the tailed beast.

Unfortunately, Yumuren was not at home, and Mabuyi said she had gone out.

Lin could only return without success, but on the way home, she met Kushina, who was wandering the street with Naruto.

Seeing each other, both parties were a little embarrassed, but they couldn't pretend not to see each other.

"Miss Kushina."

"What a coincidence, Lin."


Naruto held his mother's hand and looked curiously at the big sister in front of him.

Seeing this, Lin smiled at Naruto and asked, "Do you still remember me, Naruto?"

Naruto looked puzzled, and he looked at his mother for help.

"This is Lin, just call me... sister."

"Hi sister Lin." Naruto saluted obediently.

Lin reached out and rubbed his soft hair: "Naruto is so good, how old is it?"

"Two and a half years old."

"Where's your father?"

"Dad is working."

"You know Dad is working, it's amazing!"

Naruto looked hesitant: "Sister Lin, I'm just relatively young, and I'm not a fool."

Lin: "..."

She just wanted to tease the child, which made her even more embarrassed, she got up and looked at Jiu Xinnai and said, "The child is very smart."

Jiu Xinnai smiled lightly and said, "I'm almost three years old, and I know some things, but I'm pretty naughty at home."

Lin looked at the female senior who was once very respected in front of her, and suddenly asked, "Really, how are you doing now?"

After finishing speaking, he felt a little regretful, feeling that there was no way to talk about this kind of thing. The other party was at Hokage's house, so how could life be so bad.

Jiu Xinnai was also stunned for a moment, then smiled again: "It's pretty good, do you want to find a place to sit?"

The three of them walked into a dessert shop, and Lin remembered that when she went shopping with Jiu Xinnai, she often went to this kind of place.

Lin finished ordering and saw Kushina asking Naruto what he wanted to eat. She found that most of Kushina's attention was on her children, even chatting with herself. people.

The two of them just chatted without saying anything nutritious, and Lin didn't know what she should expect Kushina to say, but the impression that Kushina should not be like this.

She envisioned a picture of Kushina sitting across from her and telling herself how hard it was to raise a child. She thought that would be more like Kushina, but the woman in front of her exuded only calmness and tranquility, a mature and beautiful woman. women.

But there are too many such women, not the unique Kushina in her mind.

Lin thought about it, and then talked about what I really told her about getting rid of the tailed beast.

Jiuxinna said unexpectedly: "Really?"

When Lin worked hard to control the power of the tailed beast, Kushina had been with her all the time.

Lin said, "Will Hokage-sama pull out the Nine-Tails from your body in the future?"

Jiu Xinnai smiled lightly: "Maybe, but if he wants to give it to him."

Lin hesitated: "Do you not care about such things at all?"

Kushina just smiled, then picked up a tissue and wiped the corner of Naruto's mouth next to him.

Lin seemed to understand something, and then stopped asking about such things, and chatted with Kushina about other things.

Two days later, Lin came to the Naruto room again.

"I'm ready."

It is true that even if a transfer ceremony is arranged, people from the sealing class are called.

The person who presided over the entire ceremony was still true. The double four-image seal on Lin's body was applied by Minato back then, and it was different from the one on Yumu.

And to seal the tailed beast into this man-made man-churli, the seal applied is also brand new, because this man-churli must ensure that the chakra of the tailed beast can be sent out with maximum power.

The double four-element seal, although stable, suppresses this.

Lin was a little nervous, which really made her relax. She could clearly feel that the huge chakra in her body was being pulled out little by little.

After this force was completely out of the body, an unprecedented feeling of weakness struck, even breathing was difficult, and then he lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I was in the hospital, in a separate ward.

There are some fruits and flowers on the table beside her. Someone has come to visit her.

The hospital checked her body and said that she was fine, just take a good care of her for a while.

In the afternoon, a bunch of friends came, and they were all concerned about how she was doing and what happened.

It is related to the tailed beast, of course this kind of thing should be kept secret, Lin only said that she was feeling a little uncomfortable.

Obito was very anxious to ask here and there, but Lin asked helplessly, "Obito, don't you have a job?"

"I took half a day off."

"I'm fine. The doctor said I'll be fine after a few days of rest. You'd better get busy. Expanding the village is a big deal. Don't delay it because of me."

Obito scratched his head, unwilling to leave: "But..."

After persuading the rest of the friends away, Jing Yin insisted on staying to take care of her.

At night, Zhen appeared at the door of the ward.

Seeing that he was overjoyed, Lin pretended to be calm and said, "I thought you wouldn't come."

Really helpless: "I have work to be busy."

But Lin couldn't help but said: "Obitu can ask for leave specially to see me."

But after finishing speaking, he felt a little regretful, his reproachful tone was too wrong, Xiang Zhen looked at him and saw him looking at him strangely.

She blushed slightly and looked away.

Zhen said: "How do you compare me with him?"

Lin snorted: "Why can't you compare, aren't you two the same to me?"

What she was referring to was naturally the relationship of friends. She knew it was not good to ask others to do things for herself, but she couldn't help but say it.

She looked at Zhen's empty-handed appearance, and said, "You came empty-handed?"

Zhen gestured to the next vase: "I sent the flowers."


This was expected. There were only the two of them in the ward, and the atmosphere became somewhat ambiguous.

"Master Hokage?"

At this moment, Mute suddenly came in.

"Come and see Lin."

I really said that I have seen it, and I was about to leave, and then I said goodbye to the two.

Saying goodbye to Zhen, Jing Yin just wanted to tell Lin that she didn't expect Zhen to find time to come here in her busy schedule, but when she turned her head, she saw Lin looking at herself with resentment.

"What... what's wrong?" # the second day.

A letter was sent from the capital city, which was jointly signed by some ministers, and the content of the letter was to persuade people to enter.

After reading it, I really couldn't help but find it funny, these old guys are very knowledgeable about current affairs, they know what he wants to do, and now they are all vying to be ministers of the dragon.

It's a pity that what they knew was true and did not hide it on purpose.

As for going further, Zhen is not in a hurry right now.

There are countries in the world where ninjas are established and ruled, but they are all small countries. There has never been such a thing in the history of the five major countries.

As a ninja, it takes a lifetime to constantly sharpen oneself. To manage a huge country, one's energy and time are limited.

Allowing Konoha to be in charge of the Fire Nation from now on may bring Konoha enormous power and resources, but it may not be a good thing in the eyes of many people.

And during this period of time, I really found that there are many more spies sneaking into the Fire Nation. They all heard that the Fire Nation has undergone great changes, so let's inquire carefully to see if there is any benefit to be gained.

Especially in the village of Yanyin in the land of earth, the number of spies caught by Zhenzhen is the largest.

Onoki was still not reconciled to the failure at the beginning, and wanted to make a comeback.

But how could Konoha be easy to provoke? In the first battle with Yunyin Village, it is estimated that the entire ninja world felt that Konoha would definitely lose, but the final result shocked everyone.

Konoha was put to death and survived.

In the third Ninja World War, miracles happened again and again on Konoha, which made countless people fearful.

Although Onoki has the heart of coveting, but has been afraid to take any action, he can only send countless ninjas to sneak into the land of fire to find out information, to see if he can find a chance with full confidence.

Konoha Hospital.

At night, there were a lot fewer people in the hospital. Except for the nurses on duty, there was almost no one in the corridor of the inpatient department.

Lin was also about to lie down and rest when someone knocked on the door of the ward.

"Who is it?"

The door was pushed open directly, and the one who walked in was the real one.

Lin's eyes lit up, and she asked, "It's so late, why are you here?"

Zhen walked over and sat on the chair: "Why, don't you welcome me?"

Lin pursed her lips and said, "It's very late, I'm going to sleep."

Zhen stretched his waist: "I just finished my work, so I came to see you."

Lin couldn't help but said, "Why is it so late, everyone should have left work early."

Zhen laughed: "I'm Hokage, so I don't have a fixed off-duty time."

"It can't always be this late...it's not good for your health."

After finishing speaking, he saw Zhenzhen looking at him with a half-smile, and couldn't help but blushed slightly.

She couldn't help explaining: "You are Hokage, and I should care about it."

Zhen didn't answer this question, but instead asked, "Is Mute still there?"

"She's home...what did you ask her for?"

"Didn't she disturb the two of us yesterday?"

Lin's face turned redder, and she stammered: "Stupid... idiot! You... what nonsense are you talking about! There is nothing between the two of us, how can it be considered disturbing!"

But Zhenzhen stared straight at her, which made Lin turn her head shyly.

"Look what!"

"I want to kiss you."

Lin's heart was flustered in an instant. She didn't remember that the two were so close, but the other party's blatant words made it difficult for her to face, shyness, anger, panic, anticipation... Various emotions collided in her heart.

Good thing I just brushed my teeth...

She thought for no reason, and then she was ashamed of herself for thinking like this.

Pooh! What about brushing your teeth!

The two had kissed before, and each time they were really proactive, she enjoyed it every time, and she didn't feel angry when she recalled it, and she even missed that feeling.

Just when she was thinking wildly, Zhen actually got up and approached her directly.

For a while, Lin's heart was beating violently, she retreated instinctively, and when she came to the bed, she thought of something, and quickly lay down on the bed, got into the bed, and covered her head with the quilt.

"I'm going to go to bed."

It was dark and hot under the quilt, and Lin could hear her heavy breathing.

After a while, there was another sound outside.

"What, are you inviting me to sleep with you? Then I undress and go to bed."

Lin felt anxious, and quickly lifted the quilt to sit up, but the moment she saw the light, a black shadow threw her onto the bed.


The ward fell silent.

Lin suddenly remembered that when she was kissed forcibly by Zhen Zhen earlier, she was very angry, and even hated Zhen Zhen's irresponsible behavior.

Afterwards, I was also worried about that matter for many days, and Zhen didn't look for her again in those days, it was always like this, all the negative emotions were swallowed into her stomach and slowly digested.

Such a person who is not responsible at all, a person who doesn't care about what he thinks at all, and his own family, a bunch of wives and children, what good is there?

Speaking of advantages, Lin can think of a lot, but she feels that these should not be the places that attract her.

There are also many shortcomings that can be thought of, and they should be the type that I hate very much.

She didn't understand why she was so obsessed.

Every time when she thought she could let go, this guy suddenly appeared again, and the indifference and calm that had settled for a long time turned into longing and passion in an instant.

I don't know how long it has passed, but I really stood up.

After regaining consciousness, Lin also arranged her clothes and hair in a panic, lowering her head and not daring to look at the truth.

"I'm leaving, you go to bed early."

What is this... Did you come here just to kiss yourself?

Thinking of this, Lin's violent heartbeat still hadn't calmed down. She licked her lower lip, and wanted to ask him if he would come back tomorrow, but felt that it was shameless to say such a thing.

"See you tomorrow."

Really said something that made Lin's heart tremble.

She raised her head, looked at Zhen Zhen for a moment and then lowered it in a panic.

"Tomorrow...why...are you still coming?"

Zhen smiled at her: "It's because of me that you were hospitalized. During this time, I came to see you every day."

She really left, and she seemed to want to kiss Lin on the cheek again before she left, but she avoided it in panic.

The ward became silent again, and Lin was lying on the bed in a state of confusion.

What time does this guy get off work?

Brush your teeth early tomorrow.

Why don't you take a shower tomorrow.

Let Jing Yin leave early tomorrow.

Tomorrow, tomorrow...

Tossing and twisting, she curled herself up under the quilt.

Half an hour later, I got up from the bed again, drew the curtains, closed the door tightly, and changed into a pair of underwear...

Turn off the lights and go to sleep.

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