Rated Hokage

216 Chapter 215, let's live in

Naruto indoor.

Uchiha Yatsushiro looked at the document in his hand, a little surprised.

"Master Hokage, this is?"

"This is the layout of the village after re-planning. I plan to make some adjustments for Uchiha. What do you think?"

After Uchiha Fugaku left, everything about Uchiha was temporarily taken over by Uchiha Eight Generations. This is also Fugaku's confidant, and he is quite prestigious in the clan.

Yatsushiro reviewed it carefully and found that although the residences of the clansmen have changed a lot, it is still beneficial to Uchiha as a whole.

He is different from those ordinary clansmen. He has always known what Fuyue is planning. It is not a momentary power at all. In the long-term future, it is for Uchiha to be able to produce a Hokage.

Zhen said again: "In addition, I think Uchiha Suzu and Uchiha Kei have great potential, and I can arrange for them to take the jounin assessment. Even if they fail, they can be rated as special jounin."

Yatsushiro said: "I will notify them."

"Don't worry about this matter, you can discuss it with the tribe first when you go back."

"The subordinate will leave."

Yadai vaguely understood what Hokage meant. He had just punished the patriarch Fugaku Uchiha, and gave them Uchiha some sweetness. He wanted to tell them that the punishment of the patriarch was only for the fact that the patriarch made a mistake, and it was for Uchiha Fuyue himself, not the Uchiha clan.

There is no reason why the leader should not accept the candy.

Eight generations are already thinking about negotiating with those families in the clan to let them relocate.

He glanced at the documents in his hand again, and carefully looked at the roster on it. Among the opinions given by Hokage, several families were given priority for relocation, and among them was the patriarch's family.

But now Fuyue is away, only Mikoto is at home... # Hokage house.

Hearing that Ayari was ill, Mikoto and Kushina came to visit together and brought some gifts.

Itachi also came, and as soon as he entered the house, he couldn't wait to find Xiao Ningci.

Lingli was sitting on the bed reading a book when she saw two people standing by the door and said with a light smile, "Why are you here?"

Meiqin said: "I heard that you are sick, so I came to see you."

"sit down."

Ayari casually pointed to the chair next to her.

Both Mikoto and Kushina felt awkward when facing Ayari. Kushina had been trying her best to avoid meeting Ayari, but as a friend, she had to come and see Ayari at this time.

Miqin said again, "It looks like you're fine."

Lingli said: "It's just a fever."

She glanced at Jiu Xinna, with a faint smile: "Jiu Xinna hasn't come for a while, I thought you forgot me."

Jiu Xinnai said awkwardly: "How could it be, during this time... something else happened."

Lingli knew that she was making excuses casually, but asked again: "What's the matter?"

"This..." Kushina faltered and couldn't answer for a while.

Seeing this, Meiqin helped her out, changed the subject and said, "Is he really not at home?"

Lingli smiled lightly and glanced at Miqin, this gaze made Miqin's heart twitch involuntarily, she felt that there was something different about Lingli, and she couldn't tell what was different.

The previous Ayari would not make her feel any aggressiveness.

Is it because you know the scandal between yourself and the truth...

Mikoto thought lonely.

Lingli didn't continue to make things difficult for Kushina, and said, "I happen to have something to discuss with you, Kushina."

Kushina asked, "What's the matter?"

Lingli then said: "I think you are too lonely living alone, why don't you move me here to accompany me?"

After saying this, not only Kushina was stunned, but even Mikoto couldn't help but widen her eyes.

After Jiuxinna regained consciousness, she quickly refused: "How is this possible!"

Lingli tilted her head: "Why is this not possible? My house is quite big, and there are many spare rooms. If you live here, the two of us can be together every day, and you can help me take care of Neji."

Jiuxinna said helplessly: "Yanli, you don't live alone, otherwise I would definitely like to be with you, but now that you are already married, it is too inappropriate for me to live in such a big family like you. "

Lingli said, "Don't you always want to be Ning Ci's godmother? I agree, and we will be a family from now on."

"Ayari, you..." Kushina didn't know what to say, she couldn't understand Ayari's brain circuit at all.

Not to mention whether it is appropriate for her to live in, but she is absolutely resistant to being asked to face the truth all day long.

At this moment, Miqin sat aside and looked at Ayari thoughtfully.

Lingli asked Kushina: "Why, don't you want to live with me?"

Then he shrugged again: "No wonder you don't come to me these days. Since you think it's boring to be friends with me, I won't force you."

Kushina became anxious for a moment: "Yanli, do you know what you are talking about?!"

Miqin also felt that Lingli's words were too much, but she was a little afraid to speak out at the moment.

Ling Li said flatly: "Of course I know, Kushina, I hope you can think clearly too."

Jiuxinna was taken aback suddenly, she looked at Ayari who was sitting on the bed with a calm expression, and suddenly a bad thought came to her heart.

No way, she won't know...

Kushina no longer argued with him, but fell silent.

Lingli picked up the book she was reading earlier: "It's almost noon, do you want to stay for dinner?"

This is already the meaning of chasing customers.

Miqin did not expect to see such a raw and indifferent side of Ayari.

Her heart was full of bitterness and desolation, but she still maintained a smile on her face: "No, I have prepared some at home... I'll go first."

Lingli nodded quietly, and said, "Kusina stay."

Kushina: "I..."

Mikoto got up and left the bedroom, went to the living room and called Itachi to leave together.

"Leaving so early, Mom?" Itachi, who hadn't played with Ning Ci for a long time, was a little reluctant.

"It's time to go back to our house for dinner."

"Oh...then I'll go and say goodbye to Neji."

Ayano came out to see them off, and after walking out of Hokage Mansion, Miqin couldn't help but look back, and subconsciously rubbed her stomach, she felt that she had lost this friend.

"Mom, is your stomach sick?"

"...Mom is fine, let's go, let's go home." Miqin smiled softly, held Itachi's hand tightly and left here.

And at this moment in Ayari's bedroom.

Kushina was still sitting there, she didn't know what Ayari wanted to say to herself by letting her stay, and she felt uneasy.

What should I do if Ayari exposes himself and the truth?

She was forced, she was forced, she did it for Minato...

If such a thing is said, it is undoubtedly to push all the faults on Hokage, and on Ayari's husband.

Will Ayari believe it...or will she hate herself even more?

Lingli flipped through the book in her hand, and finally threw it aside impatiently.

Taking a long breath, she glanced at Jiu Xinnai sideways: "Don't be afraid, I'm not attacking you."


Kushina pursed her lips and remained silent, she felt a kind of aura from Ayari that she had never had before, which made her a little timid who was already guilty and felt sorry for Ayari.

Lingli asked: "Can you guess why I let you live in?"

Kushina shook her head without hesitation.

Lingli said, "I know everything I have done."


Fortunately, he had thought of this a long time ago, and Kushina didn't overreact any more. Hearing this, he just clenched his hands subconsciously, and sat there stiffly.

Lingli sat on the bed and was silent for a while, then said slowly: "Kushina..."

"I am willing to accept you."

"Come in."

Jiu Xinnai just stiffened his neck, turned around for a while, looked at her blankly, and then lowered his head blankly.

She felt that the world must be crazy, or she must be crazy.

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