Rated Hokage

215 Chapter 214

After a lunch, Meiqin's appetite seemed to be quite good, and she filled half a scoop after eating a bowl of rice which was not enough.

Ling Li didn't move her chopsticks much, and watched her eat there quietly.

"What's wrong with you, don't you have an appetite?" Meiqin looked a little strange at her appearance, glanced at the food on the table and thought that it's not that Ayari doesn't like to eat.

"...I don't really want to eat."

Meiqin thought about it, and Lingli got up suddenly: "I remembered something at home, so I'm leaving first."

"Oh good." Miqin got up to see her off.

Ayari's attitude took a 180-degree turn from when she came, and she didn't even look at Mikoto, just walked to the door, put on her shoes and left.

Miqin was left alone in the living room, the food on the dining table hadn't been finished, and there was still a water basin and mop in front of the door of the side sleeper, probably thinking of continuing to work after lunch.

The sudden change that Ayari saw, how could Mikoto not be distracted.

She walked into her room, the floor was only half wiped, but the trash basket seemed to have been moved.

Miqin suddenly remembered something, no wonder Lingli asked herself some questions just now... She thought that Lingli was just gossiping just now, after realizing this, she sat down on the bed in a daze, and smiled bitterly.

After Ayari left Mikoto, she didn't go home directly, but went to Kushina's.

She didn't know why she came here, until Jiu Xinnai came to open the door, she didn't even think about what to say when they met.

Kushina looked at her in surprise: "Yanli, why are you here?"

"I..." Lingli was speechless, just staring at her blankly.

Kushina asked again: "Have you eaten yet?"


Ayari smelled the aroma of food coming from inside, and this time was also lunch time.

She lowered her head and turned around on her own: "It's nothing. Excuse me. I'm leaving."

She was flustered all the way, so she didn't know how to get home.

Ayari fell ill.

She returned home and lay on the bed, drowsy and unconscious. When Ayano found out, her forehead was hot and her whole body was sweating.

Ayano was so frightened that she hurriedly sent someone to call the doctor, and informed Zhen.

When Lingli woke up in a daze, she saw Zhenzhen sitting in front of the bed and guarding herself, with a needle on the back of her hand connected to the bottle.


Seeing Lingli wake up, she quickly leaned over and asked with concern: "How do you feel, are you still uncomfortable?"

Lingli patted her forehead lightly, and just said, "Where's Ning Ci?"

"I'll go and hug her."

Really quickly came to the baby's room, carried the son and placed it beside Ayari.

Ling Li looked sideways at her son, and said calmly, "Go out, let me rest for a while."

"...Well, just call me if you have anything to do."

When Zhen walked out of the bedroom, Ayano came over and asked worriedly, "Is she awake?"


"Then how is she now?"

All I can say is, "Let her take a good rest."

The doctor's examination said that Ayari just had a high fever, and she was fine. She just waited for the fever to subside and then took a good rest.

The cause is unclear.

Zhen didn't go anywhere that day, stayed at home with Ling Li, changed her medicine and needles, and Ning Ci became fussy again during dinner, Zhen let Xia come in to take the child away, and came in with dinner.

"I have no appetite, I don't want to eat." Ling Li said with her back to him.

After really thinking about it, he put the food on the table beside him, took off his coat, and then also lifted the quilt and got into the bed.

"Why are you here?" Ling Li turned her head and frowned at him, looking extremely reluctant.

Zhen said, "I want to hug you."

"Get up, don't bother me."

Makoto held her tightly in his arms, Lingli struggled a few times, and then fell silent.

But this kind of quiet made Zhenzhen feel a little uneasy. He could accept Lingli's quarrel, but now she refused to say anything, and she was seriously ill.

He said softly: "Yanli."


Lingli was held in his arms, her back was pressed against his chest, and her head was pressed against his chin.

"Can I sleep here tonight?"


He felt Ayari's chest in his arms heaving violently.

"up to you."

And at this moment, Ning Ci's crying suddenly sounded in the living room outside, as well as Xia's voice coaxing the child there.

Ayari wanted to get up at this time, but she was still hugged tightly by Zhen.

"It's okay, just let Xia coax him, and stop crying for a while." Zhen said.

After a while, the crying gradually subsided.

Lingli said at this time: "Their mother and son, what are you going to do?"

The real face moved slightly, obviously Ayari had already guessed everything.

"Born, I will raise it."

Lingli asked: "Don't you want to take them over?"

Zhen was surprised and embarrassed at the same time, and asked, "Is it okay?"

Lingli sneered: "Just do what you want, why do you ask my opinion, can I influence you?"

This is full of sarcasm, and I can only smile embarrassingly after hearing it.

Lingli said again: "Do you know what kind of impact it will have on you if this kind of thing gets out?"

He said, "I'll take care of it."

"You'd better handle it well. I don't want my son's future father to be a scum and scum who is ridiculed and ridiculed."


She is willing to say that, it is already a compromise, after a lot of psychological struggles during this period, she finally chose this path.

Ling Li suddenly asked: "Tell me, do you have your own selfish motives in transferring Fuyue away?"

Zhen hesitated and replied: "...well."

"What about the water gate?"

I was really stunned, why did I suddenly get involved with Jiu Xinnai.

He asked dryly, "What happened to the water gate?"

Lingli turned around at this time and glared at him: "Don't play dumb with me, you don't have any thoughts about Kushina?"


Lingli continued to ask: "Did you touch her?"


"You bloody bastard!"

Finally, Lingli opened her mouth furiously to bite him. Seeing this, Zhen immediately stretched out her hand, and she grabbed her and bit him hard.


It's really gasping, but it's better to be bitten on the hand than to be bitten on the mouth.

When Lingli let go of her mouth, there was really a row of bloody teeth marks on the tiger's mouth on her left hand.

Ling Li gasped and said angrily: "You are not satisfied with my sister, I only have these two good friends, you will not let go of any of them! Are you picking people around me?!"

Zhen quickly said: "It's just a coincidence."

"Fucking coincidence! I'm going to castrate you right now!"

As Lingli said, she was about to get up from the bed, but was pushed back by Zhenzhen.

"Calm down, this is your happiness for the rest of your life."

"My happiness for the rest of my life has been ruined by it! I must cut off this rotten thing that can't control me!"

"Let go of me! Xia! Bring me the knife!"

The two tossed and tossed on the bed for a while, Ling Li was still seriously ill, and soon exhausted, she lay panting in Zhen's arms.

"Asshole, take care of me, I don't want to see you."

"Didn't you say that I can sleep here at night?"

"I regret it, you get out, get out..."

After Xia put Ning Ci to sleep outside the door, she lay on the bedroom door and listened carefully to the movement inside.

From the noisy sound at the beginning, it gradually became wrong.


Xia's head was slapped suddenly, and when she turned her head, she found that it was Ayano who was looking at her.

Ayano reprimanded lightly: "What are you overhearing? Hasn't Hokage-sama taught you a lesson?"

Xia just stuck out her tongue and walked away blushing.

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