Rated Hokage

Chapter 165 Chapter 164

Kushina, who heard the knock on the door, hurried to the door, thinking that Minato had returned.

Since Minato left, her heart has been restless. She doesn't know what's going on outside, and she has heard all kinds of voices in the room, which made her unable to stop thinking about it.

If Minato can deal with everything, everyone will be happy, but if something happens to Minato...

Kushina, who has encountered so much these days, has already made up her mind to go forward and retreat with Minato no matter what happens. She and him love this village so much, but they always encounter this kind of unfair treatment.

Since they are so indiscriminate, let Kyuubi go and talk to them.

Kushina didn't know how the Kyuubi in her body would react when she saw Senju Hashirama in the village now. In her cognition, there seemed to be no stronger existence than Kyuubi.

And after opening the door, what stood outside the door was not a water gate.

"Kakashi?" Kushina was slightly surprised, why Kakashi came to her at this time.

"What's the matter with you?"

Kakashi didn't dare to meet Kushina's gaze, and lowered his gaze a little and said, "...The village is in a special period now, and I'm here to protect you."

After hearing the words, Kushina asked, "Did Minato ask you to come?"

As a student of Minato, Kakashi is naturally very familiar with Kushina, and the relationship between them is also very close.

She quickly asked again: "Kakashi, where is Minato, how is Minato now?"

She desperately wanted to know the situation of the water gate, and wanted to know what was going on outside.

Kakashi remained silent, and such silence made Kushina feel flustered.

"Sister Jiuxinna, do you know what your identity means to the village?"

The sudden inexplicable words made Jiu Xinna startled, and then frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Kakashi said to himself: "You are Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, you must be loyal to the village at all times, the village should be the first in your heart..."

Kushina frowned slightly, and she stepped forward and walked out of the door, and saw someone besides Kakashi watching here not far away, as if watching her.

Her tone was as calm as possible: "Kakashi, what happened, Minato?"


A violent explosion sounded in the distance, coming from the direction of Shadow Rock.

The uneasiness in Kushina's heart became more and more intense, and she hesitated and wanted to leave here to find Minato.

Kakashi silently stopped in front of her.

"...Sister Kushina, you'd better not go anywhere."

Kushina's face darkened, and he said, "Kakashi, what's going on?"

Kai, who had been standing by the side, saw that Kakashi hesitated and refused to explain, so he said for him: "Namikaze Minato has rebelled, and now he is a criminal!"

Kushina just frowned and remained silent. She had already expected this situation. After all, the enemy was the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru, and it was very possible that Minato would be labeled a traitor.

Kai continued: "Namikaze Minato confessed to the crimes he committed, and the people who tried him were the first generation and the second generation Hokage."

"Miss Jiushina, you'd better not go anywhere now, staying at home is the best choice."

The battle of Hokage on the Shadow Rock was extremely fierce, and outsiders were strictly prohibited from approaching. Just hearing the sound from afar, it was known that the fierce battle was still going on.

After Namikaze Minato and Orochimaru were both labeled traitors by the first Hokage, Kai chose to follow the true order.

In Konoha Ninja's heart, the village comes first.

Kushina stared at Kakashi in front of her eyes: "What if I refuse? Are you going to stop me?"

And when she finished speaking, another person in the distance also slowly approached, it was Kosuke Maruhoshi and Matt Dai.

"You better not do this, we don't want to hurt you."

Looking at the few people pressing forward, Kushina suddenly felt that the reality was too absurd.

Minato loves Konoha so much. He tried his best to save the village, but he turned into a traitor. Is there anything more ironic than this?

Kushina's heart became cold, she looked at Kakashi and asked, "Kakashi, do you think Minato is a traitor?"

"...Sister Kushina, I want to talk to you alone."

Kakashi left the other three outside, and he and Kushina returned to the room and closed the door.

He said: "This is what a real adult means."


Kushina's gaze was even colder.

What Kakashi said next surprised her.

"Oshemaru, like Teacher Minato, has also become a sinner in the village."

Jiuxinna couldn't help frowning: "What do you mean?"

"In short, Orochimaru has stepped down," Kakashi said.

"My lord, let me tell you, don't think about using Kyuubi to make trouble. Now that the first Hokage is in the village, Kyuubi is like a kitten in front of him. This will completely kill you and Minato-sensei."

Kushina listened in a cloud of mist, why did the first Hokage suddenly get involved again, she heard Kai mention it just now.

Seeing her puzzled look, Kakashi pondered for a moment and briefly explained to Kushina what happened in the Hokage Building earlier.

Kushina began to digest this huge amount of information.

"Even if Minato-sensei can kill Orochimaru, he won't be able to win. At that time, his only way out is to escape Konoha with you. But with the two ancestors of Hokage, you can't escape."

Jiu Xinnai said dumbly: "If you can't escape, you will die."

Kakashi said: "You are Jinchuriki of Kyuubi, they will not let you die easily."


"My lord, let me tell you that it is a foregone conclusion that Minato-sensei has become a traitor and cannot be changed, but he can still keep Minato-sensei alive, provided that you stay in the village in peace."

"That's what he promised me, and he will let Minato-sensei live, sister Kushina..."

Kushina stood there speechless for a long time.

After a while, she heard her call again.


Kakashi responded quickly.

Kushina asked calmly: "How did he threaten you to make you do things for him?"

"...not really."

Kakashi shook his head slowly.

Zhen didn't threaten him, it was Orochimaru who threatened him. At that time, Yilin's life and Obito's life forced him to testify about what Shikaku Nara had done.

All he really did was tell him that he could help him when he was at a loss.

The only condition is to cast a sealing technique called "Kite" on him.

This sealing technique did not restrict him, but brought him an extremely powerful force.

This power has already been verified by Huomen. Huomen, who was originally weaker than him, only needed one move to defeat him after opening the sealing technique.

Kushina was thinking about the future.

As Kakashi said just now, Orochimaru has stepped down, so after this incident is over, the position of Hokage will be vacant.

As Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, he seemed to have become extremely special at this time.

He was able to keep the water gate, but he still had to face this demon in the future.

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