Rated Hokage

Chapter 164 Chapter 163

Above Shadow Rock.

Orochimaru held the Kusanagi sword, facing Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato alone, but he didn't lose the wind in the slightest.

One of them is his teacher, a familiar person who can no longer be familiar with.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's strength can aspire to the top of the ninja world at the peak, but he is already old, and he is still a bit more unbearable than before.

This is the power of time, no matter how strong a person is, it is difficult to resist, and this is what he has always resisted.

The battle between the three of them was massive. The third generation and Orochimaru were both ninjas with countless ninjutsu. The surrounding ground was devastated, and many deep ravines were cracked on the edge of the cliff.

"If you want to kill me with only such strength, it would be a bit wishful thinking."

Sarutobi and Minato just kept their eyes silent, and they fought successive high-intensity battles, but there was no tendency to decide the winner. They were already showing signs of fatigue, but Orochimaru still seemed to be able to do a job with ease, as if his chakra Just like endless physical strength.

Although he knew that Orochimaru's strength was unfathomable, but now the two of them joined forces.

Orochimaru taunted Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Why, is it possible that Chengdu is still unwilling to kill at this point?"

Sarutobi took a deep breath, and whispered to Minato next to him: "Minato, help me restrain Orochimaru next."

He put down the Ruyi stick in his hand, and the iron stick instantly turned into an ape demon.

Minato nodded slowly: "I understand."

He took a step forward, holding the specially made kunai tightly in one hand. In the battle just now, Orochimaru knew every transition point of him like the back of his hand. This is the result of his intelligence being mastered by the enemy.


Minato let out a sigh, leaving an afterimage of his figure in place, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Orochimaru.

Although this kind of instant body technique was fast, it was still noticed by Orochimaru, and the Kusanagi sword in his hand instantly slashed towards Minato.

Jin Ge screamed, the cold light on the sword reflected the awe-inspiring expressions of the two, the blue spiral pill was condensed in the palm of Minato's other hand, just about to make a move, but saw a boa constrictor flying out of the sleeve of Dashewan, Bite towards Minato's neck.

It's a pity that the python flew into the air in the next second, and Minato's figure disappeared in place out of thin air, leaving only a kunai that slowly fell in midair.

Orochimaru caught a glimpse of the special words of Ku Wushang, and quickly changed the gesture with one hand in front of him.


As he expected, Minato's figure disappeared in less than half a second, and appeared beside him in a flash, still holding the spiral pill in his hand.

Using Fei Leishen's rapid change of body shape, it is difficult for ordinary people to react, but Minato's attack froze in mid-air and could not penetrate an inch.

The whole body of Minato's body, which was crimson like a fire, tightly imprisoned his movements.

Seal of Self-Curse Curse!

It's the sealing technique!

Minato's thoughts turned sharply, and suddenly he saw a cold light coming, and the sharpness of Kusanagi sword was about to touch his neck.


Even though Minato, who was bound by the Seal of Self-Curse Curse, still launched the Thunder God leap and disappeared in place.

Orochimaru looked at the Kusanagi sword that was not stained with any blood in his hand, and said in admiration: "It's really an amazing ninjutsu, can it be activated under such circumstances."

The seal of the self-inflicted curse can only restrict movement, but cannot confine Chakra.

There is also no sealing technique that instantly seals the enemy's chakra after a short seal, except for Hinata's Soft Fist Acupuncture Point.

As long as the Chakra in Minato's body can function normally, then he can always perform the Flying Thunder God Art, and it is basically impossible to cause damage to Minato under such circumstances.

Unless you can guess Minato's mind, you can completely see through his every move.

As soon as the Minato was withdrawn, the ape demon also rushed up, opening and closing its fists and feet, facing Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword, but he couldn't dodge it, insisting on letting his attack hit Oroshemaru's body.

Orochimaru knew that it was an indestructible body of King Kong, so he was not stupid enough to confront it head-on, but pulled away quickly and chose to perform the spell.

I saw that the ground around him turned into a quagmire in an instant, and it was difficult to get out once you got stuck in it. Not only that, there were countless poisonous snakes emerging from the quagmire, which was very frightening.

This greatly limits the actions of the ape demon.

However, as soon as Orochimaru finished the operation, he suddenly felt an extremely cold breath.

This breath appeared out of thin air, without form, and its exact location was unknown.

Minato seemed to have sensed it too, his face was stunned, and then a hint of surprise appeared in Sarutobi's eyes.

He gritted his teeth, and suddenly threw a kunai at Orochimaru, and the black streamer pierced the air and flew towards Orochimaru.

Orochimaru, who has insight into the Flying Thunder God, originally thought that Minato would jump here with Kunai, and was ready to deal with it at any time, but as the air distorted, only a high-density blue charcoal appeared out of thin air above Kunai. carat sphere.


The transferred spiral pill exploded instantly in front of Dashewan, and the burst of strong airflow made Dashewan's figure unstable for a while.

At this moment, Minato finally seized the opportunity and came behind Orochimaru.

The poisonous snakes in the swamp below flew out like crazy, and the sound of hundreds of thousands of hisses made people's scalp tingle, and the mud splashed everywhere. It was meaningless to avoid the attacks of these poisonous snakes in such an area, it was wishful thinking.

Minato ignored the group of snakes below. With one hand, he firmly grasped the back shoulder of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru reacted quickly, turned the Kusanagi sword in his hand and stabbed backward.

Minato jumped again and disappeared behind Orochimaru, away from this swamp.

But as soon as he landed, he couldn't help frowning. He felt a tingling pain in his calf, and he didn't need to look to know that he was bitten by a poisonous snake.

Orochimaru couldn't help feeling suspicious when he saw that Minato had clearly touched him just now, but he didn't make an attack.

Thinking about the scene where Minato clung to his shoulder just now, he wondered if he had put a mark on himself.

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, Orochimaru suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and it turned out that Namikaze Minato teleported and Wirkinaru hit him hard on the back.

The powerful tearing force instantly destroyed Dashemaru's clothes, leaving a big hole, and then he heard a "boom", and he flew out backwards.

The sky was spinning, and the surrounding scenery was flying in front of his eyes, and another huge black shadow shrouded in front of his eyes. The powerful force tightly clamped the body of Orochimaru, and directly twisted his limbs.

"It's over, Orochimaru!"

The ape demon roared angrily, this old ape was so powerful that no one would be able to break free from its grip.

But whether Orochimaru is an ordinary person after all, the ape demon suddenly felt that Orochimaru's body had become weak and boneless, slipping out of his arms like a loach.

Orochimaru, whose limbs were crippled, opened his mouth wide, and a mucus-stained arm protruded from his mouth, and then opened his mouth to a strange and terrifying width, and a brand new Orochimaru crawled through it intact. come out.

There was still a white bloated substance protruding from his body, something unknown, with a face that looked expressionless and seemed human but not human.

Dashewan's body was bubbling with white steam, and the injury quickly healed.

Then, the white, bloated creature fell off his body and fell to the ground, becoming a dead thing.

Orochimaru made a cheerful voice, reached out and touched his shoulder, and the Flying Thunder God mark there also disappeared.

He sneered coldly: "Is that the only way?"

There is still an update, maybe a little later without waiting.

The coding in the Internet cafe is a bit noisy.

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