Rated Hokage

Chapter 140 Chapter 139

Konoha training ground.

Kakashi sat under the tree, lazily looking at Kai and Huomen who were discussing in the open space not far away.

Their way of fighting is very special, every move does not touch the opponent, but it can cause effective blows, the wind carried by the fists and feet is very strong, and the weeds on the ground are also swaying when the figures fly by.

It seems that Kai is obviously struggling a lot, and still can't master this fighting method proficiently, while Huomen has long been familiar with it.

Kakashi couldn't understand why he did this at first. Using the released Chakra to attack is completely half the effort, or it should be said that one-tenth of the strength can't be exerted, and the consumption is so great that Chakra can't support it at all. how long.

Huomen told him that this is just a door frame set by Master Zhen, and only by mastering this fighting method can he acquire more powerful power.

Kakashi asked Fire Gate if he had learned that power, but Fire Gate just smiled without saying a word.

"Stop for a moment." Huomen said aloud, looking at the panting Kai.

"It's okay, I can continue." Kai stood there and said bravely.

"Have you forgotten what Master Zhen said? Excessive strain is harmful to the body. It doesn't matter how you practiced physical arts before. If you want to practice Master Zhen, you must keep your body in the best condition at all times."

After hearing this, Kai slumped down on the ground.

During this period of time, he has been practicing with Huomen in this area, but this is completely more talented than practicing physical skills. Kai's control of Chakra has always been at a half-baked level, otherwise he would not say that he is only good at gymnastics.

He also practiced by himself in private, but every time his body couldn't take it for a long time. The feeling of exhausting chakra was very uncomfortable, and he couldn't do anything before he recovered, which was even more difficult than practicing physical skills.

Huomen also taught him some tricks that can improve the level of chakra control, each of which is very difficult to do.

Kakashi walked over with a water bottle.


Kai took a sip of water and took a long breath. Although he was very tired, he still laughed and said: "I feel that I have improved a lot compared to yesterday, and I will catch up with you soon!"

Huomen also smiled and said: "Then you have to keep working hard, you have to catch up with Kakashi first."

Kakashi has also tried this fighting method, but he is much stronger than Kai. Although Kai has been practicing in this area for a while, Kakashi only spent an afternoon getting familiar with it, and he was able to fight against Huomen. There have to be back and forth, if according to the standard set by Zhen, Kakashi is already qualified.

This speed is a bit scary, but it doesn't discourage Kai. Kakashi is a genius, and so is Huomen. He knows in his heart that it is meaningful to catch up with and surpass such a person.

"Your fighting style just now was disorganized. You only know how to release chakra all at once, without any moves at all. If you continue like this, you will never be able to defeat Huomen for the rest of your life." Kakashi accused mercilessly.

"Kai is still not proficient in this method after all, you can take it step by step slowly." Huomen said from the side.

"No!" Kai shook his head, "Kakashi is right, don't lower your standards for me, I should work harder."

Huomen smiled helplessly and said, "Okay."

The three of them stayed in the practice field all afternoon, Huomen had been training with Kai, and Kakashi himself was doing his own practice.

He has never been slack in practicing this kind of thing. His former team is now working hard. Obito is practicing Mudun and the mastery of Sharingan among the Uchiha clan should be getting stronger and stronger. Lin is also working hard. Practice hard and try to control the tailed beast to become the perfect Jinchuriki.

Finally, on the way back, Kai asked Kakashi: "Kakashi, are you really curious about what you will teach us?"

Kakashi said: "It doesn't matter, as long as it is useful."

Kai looked forward to it: "It should be a very powerful physical skill, as strong as Bamen Dunjia."

Kakashi: "Excessive power often has side effects."

Fire Gate couldn't help but glanced sideways at Kakashi, and he said, "It's the power that makes you feel like you've been reborn."

Kakashi was still very calm when he heard the words. He saw power very clearly, and he would make good use of it as long as it was obtained through his own efforts.

On the contrary, it was what others gave him that made him a little resistant. His left eye was once the behest of his companion, but now it made him feel like a burden, but he couldn't throw it away.

Saying goodbye to Huomen and Kai at the fork in the road, Kakashi was about to go home when he heard someone calling himself from afar.


"Mr. Shikajiu?"

Kakashi trotted over quickly. The opponent was a very famous senior, a friend of Minato-sensei, and his immediate boss during the battlefield.


"Did you just come back from training?" Lu Jiu asked with a smile.


"Are you interested in visiting my house?" Lu Jiu asked.

"Eh?" Kakashi was stunned for a moment, thinking that the other party was just meeting on the road to say hello.

Moreover, Lu Jiu didn't say any polite words, but directly extended the invitation, as if he came directly to him from the beginning.


He did not refuse Lu Jiu's request, but nodded in agreement.

After walking for a while, Lu Jiu suddenly smiled and said, "You have a very good relationship with Huomen."

"It's a friend who worked together," Kakashi said.

Lu Jiu continued: "In the Hyuga Clan, Huomen is the personal guard of the current patriarch, and he is really the closest and most trusted subordinate. It seems that you are also very important."

Kakashi thought: "I am Anbu who is directly under Hokage-sama, but I am also under the command of Shin-sama."

Lujiu nodded: "I understand this point... But now Konoha, saying that Hinata is really Hokage, doesn't seem to be wrong."

Kakashi's footsteps stopped suddenly, and Shikaku, who was walking in front, also slowly stopped and turned to look at him.

Fortunately, the two walked to a sparsely populated alley, and no one around could hear their conversation, but this kind of silence made Kakashi shiver inexplicably.

"What's the matter, Kakashi?" Lu Jiu asked with a faint smile.


Kakashi didn't say a word. In his impression, Shikahisa was a wise and calm senior, and he had a lot of contacts in the past. The other party should not say such inappropriate words.

What is Hinata Shin can also be called Hokage...

Although it is true that he is doing the work of Hokage now, but where does Orochimaru put in this kind of words?

Kakashi noticed that Lu Jiu seemed to have some special purpose in inviting him, and this purpose seemed to have a lot to do with it, so he didn't dare to rashly enter.

Does Minato-sensei know...

Lu Jiu looked at him for a while, then turned around and continued to lead the way when he saw that he was silent.

"Let's go Kakashi, we're coming to my house soon."

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