Rated Hokage

Chapter 139 Chapter 138

Lin hasn't seen Kushina for several days. The last time I met was when Kushina asked Lin about the real thing.

She specially bought some gifts and came to visit Jiu Xinnai's house, but when the other party opened the door, she found Jiu Xinna's haggard face.

"Sister Jiuxinna, are you sick?" Lin was startled and asked quickly.

Kushina said weakly: "Maybe..."

The consecutive days of insomnia and cranky thinking made her extremely depressed, and she didn't eat much and had little energy.

"You look bad. Have you been to the hospital? Hasn't Mr. Minato been here?" Lin grabbed Kushina's arm and said worriedly.


After Lin mentioned Minato, Kushina couldn't help but have a sore nose, and said in a hoarse voice: "Lin..."

As she spoke, she stepped forward and hugged Lin tightly, buried her head on her shoulder, trembling uncontrollably.

"Sister Kushina..." Lin was completely confused, stroking Kushina's back, "Did you... have a fight with Minato-sensei?"

"No..." Jiuxinna responded with a soft hug while hugging her.

Lin thought about it: "Sister Jiuxinna, if you have anything to tell me, I will help you."


These words were met with silence, and Jiuxinna couldn't help but clenched the clothes behind Lin's back tightly with one hand, and then slowly loosened them.

She seemed to calm down and let Lin go.

"What did you bring, is there anything to eat?"

"Are you hungry? I can make you something, and then we go to the hospital." Lin said.

Jiu Xinna shook his head slowly: "I'm fine, I don't need to go to the hospital, I'm just a little hungry."

Seeing that Kushina refused to say more, Lin felt helpless, wondering what Kushina was like now, didn't Mr. Minato know?

"Then I'll make you something to eat."

There are some vegetables and meat in the refrigerator, but they have all gone bad. Lin searched at home again, only to find a few buckets of instant noodles, and there were leftover buckets of instant noodles in the trash can.

Jiu Xinnai sat on the sofa in a daze again, staring blankly at the cups on the coffee table, not knowing what she was thinking.

Lin came over with the cooked instant noodles: "Let's eat something first."

After seeing the instant noodles, Jiu Xinnai's eyes became brighter, and he immediately started to eat it regardless of his image.

Lin sat aside and watched Jiu Xinnai, who was usually cheerful and stronger, now look like this, and she didn't know what happened.

"Miss Kushina..." She said cautiously, "What's the matter with you and Minato-sensei?"

In her opinion, only Minato-sensei is the only one who can make Kushina become like this, and judging from Kushina's reaction when she mentioned Minato-sensei just now, there are probably some conflicts between the two of them.

Jiu Xinnai paused after hearing the words, and then ate the instant noodles without saying a word.

Lin continued: "Don't worry, if Minato-sensei bullies you, I will teach him a lesson for you, not only me, Kakashi and Obito will also stand by your side!"

Jiu Xinna finished the instant noodles in a few mouthfuls and drank the soup.

She let out a long breath, and sat there looking down at the instant noodle bucket in her hand.

"Don't worry, Minato and I didn't quarrel, nothing happened."

"Then why do you look like this now?"

"...It's just some troubles from adults."

A forced smile appeared on Jiu Xinnai's face, and she recalled what happened that afternoon. These days, it seemed like a demon haunted her heart, making her unable to sleep every night.

The most unbearable thing for her is that the whole thing happened because of her own initiative, her own compromise agreement...

Afterwards, Kushina felt extremely regretful, and she felt that she had betrayed Minato.

Although what he really did did not reach that point, but what is there to be thankful for in this kind of thing, it is not the same as being... insulted by him.

Thinking of Minato, Kushina felt only endless self-blame.

Minato must be worrying about their marriage now, but he did something like this...

"Lin, thank you for visiting me."


After eating something, Jiu Xinnai looked much better. Lin was worried about her, so she didn't leave, and helped her clean the house.

Jiu Xinnai took a shower again, except for the faint sadness between her brows, she looked the same as usual.

This also reassured Lin a lot, making sure that there was nothing wrong with Jiu Xinnai's body.

Lin said that Jiu Xinnai can't eat instant noodles every day now, and she plans to cook something delicious for her at night, and suggests that the two of them go shopping on the street together to buy some ingredients.

Kushina knew that it would be useless for her to go on like this, so she agreed to Lin's proposal.

The two went to the street together in this way, and with Lin by their side, they kept provoking conversations, chatting and laughing, and Jiuxinna felt a lot better.

She has been very contradictory these days, staying at home alone, longing for Minato to accompany her at this time, but when she sees Minato, she resists her current self to touch Minato.

The two of them visited the vegetable market and bought some things. When they passed by the commodity street, they suddenly met two familiar figures walking towards each other.

It was Zhen and Ayari who were shopping.

The good mood that Kushina finally had was gone in an instant.


Before she could just turn around and leave, or pretend not to see, Lingli's voice sounded from the opposite side.

Facing Ayari, Kushina had no choice but to put on a smile and greet her.

Lin on the side also murmured to herself that the enemy's road is narrow, and stepped forward with Jiu Xinnai.


"Miss Lin is also here, what a coincidence." Ling Li greeted with a smile.

"Mrs. Lingli." Lin looked at Lingli with her big belly, feeling indescribable in her heart.

Here is his child...

The two of them coincidentally ignored Zhen who was beside Lingli, which made Zhen feel a little depressed when he wanted to greet them.

Lingli didn't notice anything wrong, and chatted with the two with a smile: "You guys are here to buy vegetables, are you going to eat together tonight?"

Kushina said: "Ah, please let Lin cook for me today."

Then she stepped forward hesitantly, holding Lingli's other arm: "Is it okay if you still walk out now, are you tired?"

Lingli said: "It's okay, the doctor said that I also need to exercise properly, and it's true when I'm tired, but Kushina, what are you doing recently, you didn't go to my place, I think it's not very convenient to see you going out. "

Kushina's gaze pretended to be inadvertently glanced at Zhen who was aside quickly, and said, "There are some things recently... I will go find you someday, and be with Mikoto."

"Okay, then it's settled." After finishing speaking, Lingli quietly leaned into Kushina's ear and asked, "Is it because of Minato?"

Kushina: "..."

Lingli immediately had a clear expression: "I understand, Zhen told me two days ago that Hokage-sama let go of his mouth."

Jiuxinna was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly looked at Zhen: "Really?!"

Zhen said: "That's right."

Ayari asked in surprise, "You don't know?"

She complained to Zhen again: "You really are, why didn't you tell Jiu Xinna this kind of good news in advance."

Shinzo said, "I already told Minato-senpai."

Kushina was speechless for a moment, and many thoughts flashed through her mind.

Hokage-sama let go, can she and Minato get married? Why didn't Minato come to him...

At this moment, she felt that everything she had done before was valuable.

Kushina was immersed in the emotion of joy or something, and was absent-minded when chatting with Ayari.

Lingli also understood, and said goodbye with a smile: "Then let's go back first."

She whispered to Jiu Xinnai again: "It seems that you have to get ready, I don't know when Minato will surprise you."

The two parties parted at this point, and when they really wanted to turn around and leave, they noticed that Lin was watching him silently, so they immediately took a look.

The eyes were dark but frivolous, and he licked his lower lip, which made Lin feel like being molested instantly.

Her heart was full of embarrassment, and she couldn't get angry due to the occasion, so she could only give him a hard look.

Looking at the back of the really walking away, Lin felt very lost again.

Since this bastard remembers himself, why didn't he come to him, after saying those words that day, there was no more to follow...

Is it because the wife is pregnant and can't leave...

Pooh! What's so rare about a married scumbag!

Lynn gritted her teeth again.

She looked up at Kushina, and saw that she was also speaking.

"Miss Jiushina?"


"what are you thinking?"

"I... didn't think about anything." Kushina smiled, looked around, and found that there was nothing to see around, and only felt that he was in a better mood.

"Let's go home and cook."


Minato, Minato, when did you come to see me...

I'm sorry for being so stretched these past few days. At first it was only the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then my friend suddenly lost love and wanted to relax, so I drove him on a trip when my mind got hot.

At first I wanted to see the sea, but it turned out that there was an epidemic in Qingdao, and then I wanted to climb Mount Tai. It was cloudy and rainy on Mount Tai, and finally I changed my way to Laojun Mountain. Now I have returned and the matter has been dealt with.

You must do what you can to climb the mountain. Laojun Mountain is 2,000 meters above sea level. I will die when I climb halfway up the mountain. I can’t see the top of the mountain or the cable car when I go down. It’s useless to regret. At night, everyone else wears coats and cotton jackets, but I still wear them. The shorts were as cold as a pen.

But when I saw the sunset at the top of the mountain, I still felt that everything was worth it. Laojun Mountain is great, I recommend it, but if you go, it’s best to prepare a strategy in advance. Don’t be unprepared like me. It’s okay to travel as soon as you say it. Not good.

Try to update, try to update! I also promised that the editor will work hard to update!

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