Rated Hokage

113 Chapter 112, goodbye Mikoto

Two days later, Ye Cang took the initiative to find Shang Zhen again.

In the past two days, the ninja brought by Hakura left Konoha and came back again, probably to investigate or determine something.

"Miss Ye Cang, have you considered it?" In the office, Zhen sat on a chair and looked at Ye Cang and asked.

"What can I bring to Guicun?" Ye Cang asked Zhenru, or what Konoha wanted from her.

It will never be a free lunch, Ye Cang thought about some possibilities.

She still hasn't said what she wants, but for a person in her position, is there anything else besides shadows?

It's just that compared with Luo Sha, who has already secured her position, her competitiveness is pitifully low. If she insists on fighting for something, she will undoubtedly only get bloody.

But if she doesn't argue, then her final fate will not be any better than death.

Zhen said: "I just admire Ms. Ye Cang and think that a person like you should not be treated like this."

Appreciate me?

Ye Cang showed a strange look on his face.

She said: "I think it's better for Zhenjun to ask me to give something, otherwise the help from your village will make me feel uneasy."

Konoha and Sain are now allies and neighbors, but this friendship is based on Sain’s assistance to Konoha. Konoha owes Sain village love, and the debt of favor is always the most difficult to repay, so I really want to give it to Ye Cang is a favor.

But Ye Cang wanted to set a good value for this favor in advance, so as not to be able to pay it back in the future.

Zhen said: "I won't embarrass Ms. Ye Cang too much. I'm just trying to win a friend for Konoha."

But the more general the words are, the more disturbing it is.

This man is so young, he behaves like an old fox.

Ye Cang thought to himself, both of them knew what each other was thinking, but Ye Cang was on the passive side, and the matter was related to her own affairs, and she really had no idea if she continued to evade and argue with him.

It's like a boat. If you choose not to board the boat, there is no risk of capsizing, but if you don't board the boat, you will continue to be oppressed by Luo Sha and the others.

The key is that Ye Cang can't see the whole picture of the boat, and she doesn't know the real purpose. The olive branch offered to her is like an attractive apple, and she has no way of knowing whether it is poisonous or not...

Ye Cang thought about the worst outcome, it was nothing more than Konoha wanting to use himself to intervene in Sha Yin's affairs, or be killed by Luo Sha and the others, and then put a lot of stigma on himself.

"Zhenjun... how does Guicun plan to help me?"

I really said unhurriedly: "Miss Hakura, do you think there is anyone in Sand Hidden Village who is more suitable than you to be the fifth Kazekage?"

Five generations...

Ye Cang's gaze moved slightly.

Leaving aside the four generations of Fengying Luosha, there is no one in Shayin Village who is more influential than her right now.

But Luo Sha will definitely cultivate another heir during his reign, and try his best to remove all obstacles for this heir.

"Miss Hakura, do you still remember the matter of the Third Kazekage?" Shin said, slowly took out a document, and handed it to Hakura.

Hakura was shocked when he heard about the Third Kazekage.

It was the disappearance of the third generation of Kazekage in their village that caused civil strife in Hidden Sand Village, and had to transfer the conflict to the outside, which indirectly led to the outbreak of the third ninja world war.

It was also during this period that Luo Sha was able to assume the position.

Ye Cang took the document from Zhen, flipped through it briefly and found that it was a name she was very familiar with.

Sha Yin's former genius puppet master, the Red Sand Scorpion!

The appearance of a red-haired kid with a paralyzed face appeared in her mind, and she hadn't seen it for a long time. Some time ago, Sakakushi also got news from Konoha that it seemed that Scorpio killed the third Kazekage, and Scorpio became The wanted target of the entire Hidden Sand Village.

Zhen said: "This person should be the hatred in your Shayin Village's heart."

Hakura frowned and remained silent, she respected the Third Kazekage very much in her heart, and she was naturally resentful towards Scorpion who killed the Third Kazekage.

Shin continued: "If the Red Sand Scorpion kills your Fourth Kazekage again, what will happen?"

Ye Cang was not too surprised when he heard the words, but just said: "How can it be so easy."

"Easy or not is just a process, the result is what we want. I can help you hire the red sand scorpion, but you need to create opportunities for the scorpion. After the scorpion succeeds, you will kill the wind who has attacked twice. Shadow's rebellious ninja, and you will lead Sand Gakure to defeat Kirigakure."

Scorpion's information was obtained from Yahiko of Yuyin Village. This guy had been active in the Land of Rain for a while, and Akatsuki suffered a lot from it.

After learning about it, Zhen immediately sent someone to take the initiative to find and contact the red sand scorpion.

The plan is very simple, she will be able to take over after the current Fengying dies, but it is very difficult to implement.

It is impossible for Konoha's people to do something like the assassination of Kazekage, let alone Hakura.

The only way to find someone who is famous and powerful in the ninja world is to come, and the Red Sand Scorpion is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. He is the enemy of Hidden Sand Village, and it is not only his strength, but also his strength that is useful. Life.

To ensure that Scorpion can kill Fengying, but also to ensure that Scorpion can be killed afterwards.

Compared with these two things, her purpose of coming here in the first place, to fight back Kirigakure, seems very simple.

As long as Konoha intervenes, Kirigakure will recede.

"How does Miss Ye Cang feel?"

Ye Cang pondered for a long time.

"In that case... I will trouble the True Monarch."


After discussing some details of the plan with Kazuma, Hakura and the others left Konoha.

The current sand hidden is not a threat to Konoha, but to Zhen, a village that can be controlled by itself is undoubtedly better.

In the evening, people from the Uchiha clan suddenly sent an invitation, and it was Fu Yue who invited him to be a guest tomorrow.

At this time, the only reason for coming here is that the village is about to re-plan the clan land.

During the reign of the second generation, Uchiha was expelled from the center of the village to the periphery by the second generation, and they were also driven out from the center of power.

And after the Nine-Tails Rebellion in the original book, Uchiha's so-called suspects were driven to the edge of the village, which made the conflict between the village and Uchiha more and more serious.

At this time, Fu Yue also wanted to fight for more things for Uchiha, and he had really promised him.

The next day, Zhen went to the appointment and saw the dignified and beautiful Mrs. Meiqin again.

Originally, Ayano had a similar aura, but Ayano was a little more arrogant, but maybe because he had been serving him for a long time, this aura also faded.

The main reason is that Mikoto is older than Ayano, she is already the mother of a child, and the gentleness and virtuousness shown in her gestures is something that Ayano does not have yet.

"Zhenjun is here." Meiqin stood in the living room, and greeted Zhen gently.

"Mrs. Mikoto." Shinya responded, quickly sizing her up.

Sure enough, other people's wives are more beautiful.

Sorry for adjusting my schedule yesterday.

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