Rated Hokage

Chapter 112 Chapter 111

Inside the lounge of the Hokage Building.

"Where's Hokage-sama?" Ye Cang couldn't help asking when he saw that it was Shin and not Orochimaru who walked in.

"Master Hokage has other things to do, and I am the one who corresponded with Ms. Hakura." Zhen said.

Ye Cang looked at the young man in front of her, and couldn't help frowning slightly. She felt that she was being belittled and neglected.

She has also heard about the deeds of the battle between Hinata Shin and Kumo Shinobi, but no matter what, she is just a child, and she has never seen it with her own eyes. She thinks it is too exaggerated.

Because she knew what she had been told by Sha Yin.

"Why, Miss Ye Cang, is there any dissatisfaction?"

Ye Cang was indeed dissatisfied in his heart, but he could not express this dissatisfaction.

She said flatly: "Is there anything Zhenjun wants to say?"

Seeing her sneer in her heart, she said in surprise: "Didn't Ms. Ye Cang come here for the supplies? Didn't everything be clear just now? Miss Ye Cang can go back when she has nothing to do." Of course, if you plan to stay in Konoha for a few days, Konoha is also welcome."

The reason why Ye Cang came here this time is the supplies that Konoha sent to Sand Yin.

Ye Cang's complexion immediately sank, she rushed to Konoha because of a letter that said it could help her defeat Kirigakure.

Her current situation in Shayin is not good. Although she is the hero of Shayin Village, the fourth generation of Kazekage Luosha who has just succeeded to the throne is squeezing her out little by little, and wants to drive her out of the village's power center, just because When the Fourth Kazekage was elected, she and Luo Sha were competitors.

Ye Cang urgently needs a huge meritorious service to stabilize his position.

Ye Cang took a deep breath, bowed towards Zhen and saluted, and readjusted his attitude and said.

"Shenjun, now Sayin urgently needs Konoha's help, and I ask your village to remember the old friendship and give a helping hand."

Zhen really walked to the sofa and sat down, looked at Ye Cang and said, "Shayin needs Konoha's help, and Konoha is also willing to help Guicun."

"But what about Miss Yecang?"

The meaning contained in this sentence makes people think deeply, Ye Cang's eyes moved slightly, and he asked, "What does Zhenjun mean?"

Zhen said: "Miss Ye Cang is obviously a hero of Shayin Village, but the treatment she receives doesn't seem like what a hero should have."

Ye Cang's heart tightened.

This guy……

It seems to be very clear about my own affairs!

These are based on real investigations. Judging from the fact that Ye Cang, the hero of Sha Yin in the original book, can be given up if Sha Yin Village says to give up, one can guess her status in the village.

However, the investigation was not conducted in Hidden Sand Village, that would be too stupid, but the news was obtained from some royal ministers in the Kingdom of Wind.

Unlike people in this world, I really don't have any taboo or respect for the people of Daming Prefecture, and I don't have any psychological burden at all to ask Anbu to use some means.

Zhen continued: "Even if we Konoha helped Sahik win this war, even if Miss Hakura is the number one hero in this battle, can Miss Hakura's current situation be changed?"

Ye Cangying's frown was silent.

Zhen immediately stopped talking, just waiting for Ye Cang's reply.

She sat down on the sofa across from her.

After a while, Ye Cang said, "Zhenjun, how do you plan to help me?"

She felt that it was unreliable to ask an outsider to help her solve her affairs in the village, but her current situation was indeed too bad, and she needed Konoha's help to defeat Kirigakure.

Zhen said: "It depends on what step Ms. Ye Cang wants to achieve?"

which step?

Her eyes flickered, and she didn't respond to Zhen immediately, but said: "Zhen Jun, I need to think about it."

"Of course, Miss Ye Cang wants to stay in Konoha for a few days, and Konoha welcomes you very much. I just hope it won't take too long. Guicun is still waiting for Miss Ye Cang to bring good news back."

After Ye Cang left.

In the afternoon, Lin and Jiu Xinnai went to the Hokage Building to find Zhen. Zhen had previously given Lin the method of cultivating into a perfect Renzhuli written by the wooden figure.

Lin came here this time to tell the truth that she has already planned to start practicing.

Kushina also has this kind of heart, but knows that there will be no reconciliation between himself and Kyuubi, so he can only hope on Lin.

The practice steps given by the two wooden figures are generally divided into two steps.

One is to establish communication with the Tailed Beast, and the other is to tame the Tailed Beast.

But subdividing it is very cumbersome and requires a lot of preparatory work.

For example, the real waterfall that overcomes oneself and resists negative emotions, otherwise it is easy to be swallowed up by the chakra with evil thoughts of the tailed beast.

Konoha doesn't have the conditions of Kumo Shinobi, so she really wonders if she can create some conditions by herself.

Zhen said to Lin: "To become a perfect Jinchuriki, you have to fight the tail beast in your body, and you need to have enough strength yourself."

Lin immediately said: "I will practice harder!"

Zhen looked at Kushina again, and Kushina smiled and said, "It's okay with me, anyway, you're not here, and when I need to fight again, just do the same as last time."

Kushina trusts Zhen very much in her heart, because Zhen can control Kyuubi, and she feels that Zhen finally makes herself a human being of value.

Zhen then sent someone to call the two Yumu people over again, and asked her to leave with Lin, and asked Lin and Jiu Xinnai to ask some questions from her.

Yukito no longer has a stinky face like before. He was very calm when facing Lin and Kushina, which surprised Zhen. In his impression, Yukito was a crazy girl.

When the wooden man came back, he asked Zhen if he could give them some daily necessities.

I couldn't help asking: "Are you planning to live in Konoha in the future?"

Yumu said: "We have no other place to go except Konoha."

The girl's acting skills are a bit clumsy, and I can see through it at a glance. He didn't expose it, but made a picture of her: "If you can help Lin cultivate into a perfect Renzhuli, I can consider giving you whatever you want, even It's the fourth generation of Raikage, and we can also consider letting him go."

The wooden man was startled, at first he was pleasantly surprised, but then he felt something was wrong.

Zhen continued: "If Raikage is really executed, then Yunyin and Konoha will really become a feud. Konoha doesn't like to make enemies with others. You Yunyin Village took the initiative to invade our country and killed many of our companions. We I also killed a lot of you, so it's even."

The wooden man was suspicious, thinking about the credibility of the truth.

He really thought it was funny, this girl was so easy to understand, he took out a piece of paper, wrote something on it, and stamped it with a red stamp.

"You can go to the finance department to pay some money, and go to the village to buy whatever you want. There are not many people who know your identities, and the villagers won't cause trouble for you."

The wooden man took the check written by Zhen in a daze, and asked: "Let us walk around in the village at will, are you so relieved?"

Zhen asked: "You have a seal on your body, you can't use Chakra, what can you do?"

He smiled again and said: "Besides, if you really dare to do something, I will first saw off one of Raikage's legs and send it to Yunyin Village, and say that it was caused by your dishonesty in Konoha. "

"The three of you, you should still have relatives in Yunyin Village, right?"

"I don't know how they will be treated by the villagers of Yunyin."

After listening to what Zhen said, the wooden man was terrified, and his eyes showed horror.

Ask for a ticket

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