Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 466: Everyday people covet my bones 24

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing thought that it was not a problem to find Jinchan ’s ancestors systematically. Who knew that the system had repeatedly striked and could not find this person. She even thought that Jinchan ’s ancestors would be I made it myself.

Tang Qing couldn't find it, and Ling Mo couldn't find it naturally. Just when they were at a loss, the little fox suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Little Fox, aren't you in Qingqiu?"

The little fox changed Qingqi's dull look, but blinked very dexterously, "Yes, but I found something, and came out looking for you when I thought it should be helpful to you." Speaking of which, she I pretended to be relieved, "Fortunately, I finally found you."

Tang Qing did not doubt him, so he asked, "What did you find?"

"About Grandma Jinchan, when I was cleaning Qingqiu, I suddenly found a manual in Dong **." She said, she really took out a manual that was blackened by fireworks, "bell The elder sister has been taking care of her grandmother Jin Chan personally. If there is something wrong with her, she must be the first to find out. In this manual, I found that my grandmother has a connection with the undead mainland. "

As soon as the four characters of the Undead Continent came out, Tang Qing immediately frowned. She took the manual over and quickly turned over a few pages. There were not many descriptions of the Undead Continent, and there were only a few sentences. It gave her an ominous hunch.

The Undead Continent is not accessible to anyone, and of course, it is harder for the people inside to get out. She was able to break through the wall because of the help of the desert, and now Jin Chan ’s ancestors went to the undead with one person. Mainland China, how amazing her skill is.

"Ling Ling, shall we go?"

Ling Mo glanced at the manual and paused for a second before saying, "Go."

The two hit it off and were about to set off, but they saw the little fox still following them. Tang Qing was puzzled.

"Little fox, what are you doing with us? Didn't you say you want to stay in Qingqiu?"

This time, the little fox's answer was completely different from the last time. She shook her head and her eyes were firm. "No, I decided to go together. It was my ancestor of Qingqiu and my last tribe. Anyway, I Neither should flinch! "

Tang Qing, "Well, if you want to follow, then follow, but if there is a danger, I can't guarantee to protect you."

"Adults, don't worry, I'm definitely not holding back."

With the words of the little fox, Tang Qing would not speak much.

The Undead Continent, a relatively mysterious continent to the Zeluo Continent, everyone has only heard from ancient books, and few have really seen it, but Tang Qing entered it second.

With the success of the previous wall breaking, this time the wall breaking is relatively familiar.

Tang Qing and Ling Mo shot at the same time. Suddenly, the sky changed abruptly. The overwhelming attack that overwhelmed the sky seemed to pierce the sky, stunned the sun to hide. With the news of the sun, the dark clouds enveloped the entire sky in an instant, and the eyes became dark, and as time went by, the eyes became dark. However, this did not end. The appearance of dark clouds caused the sky to explode with deep purple lightning, lightning flashes and thunder, followed by a gust of wind, countless rain silk like countless whips, pumped around fiercely, and not long after, on the mountain It's a mess ...

Under the mountain, everyone was frightened by this vision, hiding in the house, timidly already kneeling on the ground to pray, praying for the blessing of the gods, and bold, leaning by the window, but had not seen them in their lifetime Sight.

I saw the sky seemed to be torn open a mouth, the mouth was big enough to let people see the situation opposite, and this look, but almost fell down on the ground in horror.

Although both sides are equally dark, the darkness on the opposite side is not that ordinary darkness, but gloomy, not to mention the looming bone-bone mountain, which is like a **** of a nose.

"Earth ... Hell ..."

"I saw hell."

"Heaven will be a disaster! God bless it !!"

On the mountain peak, Tang Qing and Ling Mo did not know the panic of the people under the mountain. When she saw a familiar place, she immediately dragged the little fox and Ling Mo into the terrifying place that was enough to make the humans feel frightened.

As they entered, the opening also closed, and the sky began to return to normal. Even the sun floated out of the dark clouds, as if all the previous scenes were people's illusions.

The undead continent has no sunshine, no flowers and greenery, only the bones of the forest, and the Gobi desert where you can't see the head.

Ling Mo knew this place, but he had never really entered, looking at the gray shadow of the sky, he clenched his fists, his eyes were dull, "So Su Su was here?"

Tang Qing didn't care, and didn't realize how pitiful he was.

"Yeah, when I was here, I was still a pair of skeletons!" Speaking of which, her eyes were slightly excited: "You haven't seen my appearance yet, let me tell you, it's cool ! "


"A skeleton skeleton with a leaky air, you said cool to me?"

Tang Qing listened to the uncomfortable sound system and gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Shut up!"

The system spreads its hands, "Oh, I am angry and angry."

In the face of this hot chicken system, Tang Qing only ignored it except for it.

On the other side, the little fox who didn't pay attention regained his lifeless appearance. To say that Tang Qing and Ling Mo are incompatible with this place, the little fox now looks like a native born here, whether it is breath or other.

Tang Qing was undecided, but instead patted his chest at Ling Mo and said, "Ling Ling, this is my place. You can rest assured that there will never be anything wrong with me!"

Ling Mo was not tainted by her optimism, and her gaze left her with only deep distress. Surviving in such a place, still in the form of a skeleton, he could not imagine how she came out.

Tang Qing can't see this look, but those things have passed, and there is no need to come up with it now.

"Don't look at me like this, I'm really fine."

Ling Mo touched her head and smiled slightly, "Okay, I know." When the words fell, he looked around and then said, "Is there any way to find Jinchan's ancestor?"

The mainland of the Undead is vast, and it is difficult to find a person. Fortunately, Tang Qing still knows some shortcuts.

"Go, I will take you to find her!"

The undead continent is rampant with its strength, so there are also many weak groups. Tang Qing will have a rough life. After all, as a skeleton, I really do n’t need to fight for resources like other creatures. Of course, it ’s here Later her prestige made her famous, and no one dared to provoke her.

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