Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 465: Everyday people covet my bones 21

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing is here to accompany the little fox, and Ling Ling is not idle there. There is so much noise that it is impossible to leave nothing, and finally he found what he was looking for.

"come here."

He didn't care if the little fox was sad or genocide. Instead of crying and crying, it was better to find a way, and he gave her enough time to ease.

The little fox is actually a bit contradictory. On the one hand, the ancestor Jin Jin who raised her from an early age, and on the other hand, her siblings who grew up with her. On both sides, she never wanted to see anything, but now , But the two sides collided.

"Do you know this?" Ling Mo picked up a handful of black fox hairs he had found on the ground. If he guessed right, the owner of the fox hairs might have been demonized.

After seeing the black fox fur, the little fox looked bad.

"This ... this is the breath of Grandma Jinchan, but Grandma Jinchan's fox hair should not be of this color." She said startled, thinking of the golden ancestor of Jinchan in her memory, although it has been tens of thousands of years old The life span is still young, but she has become a fox. Because of her super high cultivation, even the hair of the fox is golden. She still remembers the first time she saw Grandma Jin Chan under the sun. That gorgeous look has made her unforgettable so far.

Ling Mo threw away the fox fur in his hand at random, "Already demonized." The words fell, thinking of the spiritual rest on the fox fur before, he frowned, "This time, it's a bit difficult."

Based on what he sensed, this ancestor of Jin Chan was not much weaker than him. In addition, after demonization, the whole person will become more brutal, which is indeed a problem.

"What should I do now?" The little fox has no idea, and can only look at Tang Qing for help.

"It can only be killed, the demonized Jin Chan ancestor is too dangerous." Tang Qing said the final answer, as expected, and really saw the little fox staring with disbelief.

"Is there no other way?" The big Qingqiu Fox family is now only her and her ancestors. Even though she has done a lot of things that cannot be forgiven, she still doesn't want things to go to this point.

Tang Qing didn't like to drag mud and water, so he cut the railroad: "It's gone."

There is nothing left of the Qingqiu Fox family that has been burned by the fire. It is useless to stay here. Moreover, the most important thing now is to find the Jinchan ancestor. "Are you staying here, or go with us to find the Jinchan ancestor."

The little fox shook his head, and even if he found it, he was facing each other with swords. Instead of this, it would be better to engrave the best time of Jin Chan's ancestor in his mind.

Ling Mo was very satisfied when she heard that she was not going. He didn't like an extra-obtrusive fox along the way.

"Susu, let's go."

As soon as the two left, the little fox again turned into a taciturn look. She stared blankly at her familiar home. When she was about to clean the place again, suddenly, her eyes swept a black scent.

"Who! Come out!"

The black breath gradually condensed, and finally formed a virtual and real figure. It floated in the air, and no features could be seen on his face, but the little fox was sure that he was staring at himself.

"What the **** are you!"

Known as something, the black breath is not angry, but said: "Meier, you are so disappointing your grandmother Jin Chan."

Upon hearing this, the little fox was fully armed. She stared at each other without saying a word, but listened to the other again, "The two talents are obviously damned."

"You bullshit!"

The black gas chuckled, "Your grandma Jin Chan said you are cheating, but he didn't talk nonsense at all." When the words fell, he suddenly changed his voice, and the whole person became extremely sharp. "You think they are helping you, in fact they They are helping themselves, otherwise they are not old ice flowers, how would they look in their eyes? Tell you the truth, now even if your grandmother Jin Chan recovers, they will kill without hesitation. "

The little fox gritted his teeth, this man's dark breath was too rich, she was sure that this man must be a demon.

"Unknown rat generation, only dare to make rumours here, how dare you not go head-on with them!"

Heiqi laughed again, but compared with the previous one, this time he did laugh extremely fiercely.

"Who said I haven't contacted them directly, and if there is no contact, you think the curse on Ling Mo came from."

As soon as these words came out, the little fox suddenly stunned her eyes, and Ling Mo had a curse on her body. She never told anyone else, and it was impossible for other people to see the curse. The only one who knew it was the one who cursed.

"You ... you are ..."

Heiqi grinned and said: "It's not stupid to be hopeless." When the words fell, he ticked his lips. "Since I know who I am, I should know what I'm doing now."

"Know the fart!" She didn't know why the Dark God appeared here, and she didn't know the grievances between them, just with her knowledge, the Dark God is not a good kind, and the most important thing is that he likes Anger and sorrow are impermanent and extremely brutal. Thinking of the sword spirit lord who made Neidan for himself, such gentleness and sunshine, this contrast immediately formed a sharp contrast.

"I tell you, I will not harm those two adults!"

The little fox was ruined because of cultivation, so he dared to be so presumptuous, but the **** of darkness was completely angry because of her words.

"It's really a loyal beast, but it's a pity that your loyal two will not appreciate it at all, and in my eyes it is worthless!" He said coldly, followed by a ray of black gas from him The body spread out, "I want to see, how long can you still be hard."

The black air struck. Eventually, the little fox could not dodge and was completely eroded.

The turbid gas erosion was too painful, and all the painful ones showed their original shape. She lay on the ground and tried hard to resist, but only faced with such a perverted strength, she finally lost.

Seeing that the snow-white fox turned into a dark monster, the God of Darkness was very satisfied.

"Go, tell them, you said you found Jin Chan's ancestor, and she is now in ... the undead continent." After the **** of darkness finished, he waved his hand, and was still a black monster like a monster, and he recovered instantly Snow-white, but his eyes never come back.

The little fox is now like a puppet with a line, empty eyes and no soul. After hearing what the other person said, he nodded straight, "Yes." After getting the **** of darkness to let her go, it was even more Not even a little bit of resistance, walked straight in the direction of Ling Mo and Tang Qing leaving.

The God of Darkness looked at the little fox who walked away, and his eyes were somewhat expecting, hiding him for so long, what kind of ending will they face in this life? Think about it, it is really a bit impatient.

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