Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

"I heard that Mu Beizun likes to collect male pets very much. Look, I am honored like this?"

Tang Qing raised his eyes and looked at the other person's mouth with a smile, but the haze on his body did not decrease a little bit, and he couldn't help saying: "It's a coincidence, you are not the type I like."

The dragon was not angry, but just smiled and said: "That's really a coincidence, you have no choice."

After hearing this, Tang Qing rolled his eyes silently. Since that's the case, you ask more farts!

"There are too few fish. Let's grill a few more."

With such a straightforward demolition, Tang Qing was not angry, but just calmly said: "Cultivation is restricted. Those few fish caught me for a long time. If you are willing to wait, then wait for the sun to go down."

When the evil dragon heard this, where would he waste time waiting for such a thing, directly roared into the sky.

As soon as he left, there was a sudden flash of light in Tang Qing's mind, "Hey, where are the poisonous herbs near here?"

This is naturally not about asking the system, but about the small undead dragon in her body.

The undead dragon was slightly flustered, and suddenly, "Do you want to be poisoned?" The words fell, waiting for her to speak, he said again: "If you want to live a few more days, I advise you not to do this, the evil dragon does not It ’s annoying, poisoning. We ’ve done it already. "

Tang Qing raised his eyebrows and thought, you dragons are notoriously brave, and they were able to occupy a foot on the continent at that time. It was not the force value of the sky, and the things that were measured by the dark were not at all. It ’s not surprising that they are suitable for them.

"Don't worry, he won't find out, how to say ..." She took out a small furnace from somewhere on her body, but the furnace was bigger than her hand, only listened to her and said: "This kind of refining poison I can be colorless and tasteless. "

She said so, plus he wanted to kill the evil dragon himself, so he said: "On the back of the Dragon Island, there is a swamp land, where there are a variety of poisonous herbs, if you can pass , Estimated to find what you want. "

As soon as the words fell, I saw that the dragon that had left before appeared here again, and in my hand, there were a few more tender fish.


A few fat fish were thrown on the ground, and immediately threw up. Upon seeing this, Tang Qing picked up the jewel dagger thrown aside and began to deal with fish scales ...

Somehow, the evil dragon looked at her dephosphorization, and suddenly thought of the dragon scales on her body. She clearly had no threat to herself in this dragon island, but she still felt a little palpitations from the bottom of her heart.

It's been a long time since I had felt this way. Since the obnoxious dragons of Dragon Island have been removed, he has never felt this way again.

This kind of feeling is very bad, he should kill her right away, but after eating the fish, there are some reluctance.

He squinted and watched her concentrate on removing fish scales, and thought that feeling would be suppressed, but it didn't, but it was even worse, especially when she daggered the belly of the fish, the strange and scary feeling made him The blood was instantly cold. In order to drive away the fear in his heart, he waved his hand and directly vented all the situation by force. In an instant, the valley on the side moved and the huge rocks rolled down from the top of the valley. The movement was too great. The islands were shaking.

One accidentally, the dagger in his hand instantly scratched his finger, the blood slowly ran down the wound, and finally dripped on the fish at the foot.

Looking at the wound, Tang Qing frowned slightly, but he said nothing.

The dragon looked at this scene and smirked, how could such a woman hurt himself, he really thought too much. It made him feel threatened. The woman couldn't stay longer, but he could give her three more days to live for her delicious food.

In these three days, the evil dragon hardly appeared in front of her. In addition to the daily meals, of course, he will also bring food when he comes. Without the cultivation of Demon Venerable, his ability is simply not as good as the human race.

In order to lower his vigilance, Tang Qing is weak on the surface, and in fact has even visited the swamp land.

Alchemy is her golden finger, and under the prompt of the undead dragon, she picked a lot of medicines that harmed the dragons. Of course, she also picked up the medicines before she left. There is no way. She is now living with Shen Moli. And, in order to prevent him from doubting, the food can only be eaten with the evil dragon. The refined poison is less harmful to the Demon Race, but Shen Moli has dragon blood, she is not sure if he can resist it. Even the antidote will be refined.

Of course, in order to ensure her safety, she also drew a protective array within the scope of her activities.

The undead dragon looked at her so calmly, especially in order not to arouse the suspicion of the evil dragon, and took poison with him. The heart was called an admiration, and it was indeed a cunning Demon, who could do this step!

The woman in front of him was so weak that he couldn't even carry a bucket of water, so he was too lazy to doubt. In addition, the food was eaten by her every time, and all his doubts were subsided.

Three days passed quickly. On this day, Tang Qing handled the food thrown by the evil dragon as usual, but after eating all the food, he did not leave, but embraced his chest with both hands and looked indifferently. she was.

She knew that the day was finally here, because she was well prepared, so she was not worried.

But the other party smiled and said: "You eat slowly, I have been waiting for you for three days, and I don't care about waiting for this time."

Tang Qing swallowed the last bite of food, "That's really thank you."

The dragons have always been sentimental guys, but the evil dragon suddenly didn't want to kill her so quickly, but instead said with interest: "Do you know that you will die?"

Since he caught the woman, she didn't show the slightest fear. To be honest, he quite wanted to appear afraid and collapsed on her evil face.

Tang Qing gently lifted the handkerchief and gently wiped the greasy hand, slightly raised his red lips, revealing a seemingly non-existent smile.

"I don't know, but I know ... you will be dead soon."

Hearing the words, the dragon suddenly burst into a harsh laugh, "Ha ha ha, woman, does anyone say you have a gift for telling cold jokes."

Sipa was ruthlessly thrown aside, Tang Qing raised his eyes, hooked his lips and looked directly at him: "Idiot, has anyone said you are stupid."

The Dragon Clan had a short temper, and the evil dragon had not been angry. The first was that she didn't need to be angry with her. The second was that she knew the current affairs, and she hadn't treated her, but now this undoubtedly angered him.

"you wanna die!"

Tang Qing spread his hand, "You would have killed me."

The raging dragon is terrifying, and she has already retreated into her long-formed formation, watching the dragon indifferently destroying everything around her.

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