Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

"Sovereign Demon Northern Palace, Mubei?" Under the old dragon's voice, with a little surprise, "Why are you here?"

Tang Qing spread his hand and said honestly: "How can you become a bone, how can I be brought here."

The undead dragon suddenly felt, "Also, no one else on the Dragon Island can come up unless you are a dragon." Speaking of which, his voice was sad, "The Dragon Island no longer exists. This island has changed. Jackie Chan's cemetery. "

Tang Qing has no time to listen to his sad autumn and hurt the spring. Four days have passed. Once the evil dragon will recover the injury, it is her end.

"Can you help me avoid the evil dragon?"

The undead dragon seemed to hear a joke, but actually laughed, but the laughter was full of sadness, "If you think I know, will the dragon clan be destroyed?"

Tang Qing was speechless, but heard the system suddenly said: "Qing Qing, you forgot you are a person with space, really want to hide, go directly into the space."

Tang Qing: ...

She can say that she forgot this one!

However, sooner or later, if you have to face it, you will take a few tricks with the evil dragon. You can't hide.

The undead giant spirit could not wait for her reply after speaking, and could not help saying: "What are you going to do now?"

For centuries, I finally found one who could speak. If he died, he was really upset.

"Go step by step." After Tang Qing finished, she suddenly felt that she had done a very stupid thing. The dragon couldn't help her much. She spent four days making herself tired and hungry. What the hell!

The undead dragon didn't know what she was thinking. When she saw her leaving, she couldn't help anxiously saying, "Where are you going?"

"Go find food, and then find a place to sleep well." Tang Qing sighed, not knowing whether this sleep can sleep, after all, the dragon's recovery ability is very fast.

"That ... can you take me with me?" If the friend finally finds it, he will leave, where is willing, so the proud dragon always shyly spoke for the first time.

Tang Qing looked at the huge keel, his mouth twitching slightly, "Are you sure I can take you?"

Upon hearing this, the undead dragon immediately explained: "You can find a complete small bone on me, and I can condense my strength on it."

When it comes to this, Tang Qing is also not cruel to refuse, so he found a bone on the dragon's claw, "Okay, this section."

The bones are small, just as long as the fingers of an adult man.

The undead dragon is very fast, but for a moment, he has condensed all his strength on that small bone, and soon, the huge skeleton resumed its bleak look.

After doing all this, she and Kuai quickly left the place, and while walking, asked the undead, "Where is there something to eat?"

In the end it was a giant dragon born and raised on Dragon Island, and soon pointed to a feng shui treasure, "There used to be my nest, there are hot springs nearby, you can soak, there is a lot of food in the small forest not far away, even There are many sea creatures on the beach next to it. You can go fishing on your own. "

Tang Qing quickly followed his guidance to the cave. It was uninhabited for hundreds of years, and it was covered with dust. She did not intend to stay for long, so she found out what she wanted to use.

The dust is gone, and the tools have been restored to a beautiful look, but I have to say that the dragon's aesthetic is a little strange, and the colorful and shiny tableware and chopsticks made her speechless.

However, the undead dragon said very proudly: "How about, these things are beautiful, it was all made by me with seven-color jewelry, unique in the world!"

Tang Qing: ...

The undead dragon didn't feel the embarrassment in the air, but generously said: "I don't need these things anymore. If you can leave this place, you will be given away."

Tang Qing: "... Thank you very much."

"No thanks, you may not be able to leave anyway."

Tang Qing was expressionless, "Brother, I can hear your voice."

When the Undead Dragon heard it, he smiled a little embarrassedly, "Haha, I forgot that the state of the Undead can't be slaughtered in my heart."

After the episode passed, Tang Qing quickly found all the ingredients for her cooking. Not much, and she hunted a little rabbit in the Dragon Forest and several fish caught on the beach.

Fortunately, it is also the golden finger of cooking, she quickly cleaned these foods.

The Undead Dragon said it was a fake not to be surprised. This skill is obviously not the first time.

"I said, are you not a deity of the Mozu? How can you even cook? There is no cook in the North Palace?"

Tang Qing, "You are still the King of the Dragon Clan. Why are you still cooking in the cave? There is no cook in the Dragon Clan."

The undead dragon was speechless, but soon he was shocked: "How do you know my identity?"

Tang Qing pointed to the cave not far away, "The gold and silver jewelry that almost filled most of the cave, you have to tell me that you are just an unknown soldier of the dragon family, do you think I will believe it?"

"That's not necessarily, I still have a lot of brave dragons."

"The brave cannot use the crown."

Undead Dragon: ...

"I haven't been back in too long, careless."

The reason why he didn't want to say his identity at first was that he felt like the king of the dragon family, but he died in the hands of an evil dragon, and it was too shameful to say it! He didn't even mention his identity, but when he looked at the girl, he didn't despise him, so he didn't care about it.

Although the undead dragon has no entity, it can still perceive everything around it. The golden roasted fish and the delicious roasted rabbit, even if they haven't tasted it, are definitely the best. They can't help swallowing the saliva that doesn't exist.

Tang Qing ignored it, but quickly resolved the rabbit in her hand, but when she was ready to take the grilled fish aside, a large hand with a few scales took the grilled fish away from her.

Looking up the weird hands, it was a very tall man with a black dress, wide shoulders and narrow sleeves, heroic facial features, and caramel-colored skin, which was not ugly, but was too powerful Powerful, it makes people shudder.

"You still have something to eat."

Tang Qing withdrew his eyes and picked up the remaining grilled fish on the side, with a facial expression: "I don't want to be the first deity of the Mozu who was starved to death."

Dragon Island can't use power. As the power is suppressed, all other functions in the body also decline. For example, in the past few months, it didn't matter if you didn't eat or drink, but now you have burned hungry without eating for a few days.

The man was stunned and then made a burst of laughter.

"Interesting." After the man finished, he took the only grilled fish out of the way. "The Supreme Master Mu Bei's cooking is so good. I really can't bear to kill you."

Tang Qing calmly and gracefully ate the remaining grilled fish in his hands, "Then I really want to thank you for not killing me."

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