Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 115: Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: the second brother of the evildoer (5)

  Chapter 115 Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: A Second Brother Boo (5)

   The corners of the two brothers' mouths twitched, how did she make these words, as if she was not from this era?

   It is said that the eldest brother is the father, and now the eldest brother Sheng Cheng is away, Sheng Xiao is young, playful, and likes to fool around, and it takes three or five days to go. The burden of taking care of his sister fell heavily on Sheng Zheng. To be honest, he originally thought he would not be used to it.

  It is reasonable to say that a little girl of this age like Jiaoyang is in puberty and has a sensitive mind. Because he is far away from his parents and relatives since childhood, he will also be extremely insecure.

  Sheng Zheng automatically classified her as the kind of person who is very troublesome and needs someone to take care of, but it turns out that they get along very well. It's not just harmony, every time Sheng Zheng is in the team, he rushes home on time as soon as the time comes. When someone asks him why he is going, he says to see his sister.

   All the friends around him joked that he became a sister slave.

For Sheng Zheng, aside from killing him and not calling him his brother, she was really good, she didn't like to cry or make trouble, and she smiled sweetly at him. She gave him the feeling Like a candy, sweet but not greasy.

   Sheng Zheng didn't think much about it, he thought it was a little girl who suddenly faced a strange man and called her brother embarrassed.

   But the only downside is that she is a lazy girl who always sleeps until the sun rises. She doesn't like to move around like other young ladies in the family, and she always stays at home.

  You persuade her to go out and play with her, and she always replies to you lazily: "This world is boring, so stay home and get moldy."

  Sheng Zheng's mouth twitched fiercely. She had just returned to China. She was used to seeing those foreign things, so she looked down on domestic ones, didn't she? She was brainwashed by the thoughts of those foreigners.

   What's more, you haven't seen it, how do you know it's boring?

   Young Master Zheng didn't talk much, so he rushed into her room: "If you still treat me as a brother, now, you have to go out with me!"

  Jiaoyang thought about it with a puffed face, then agreed. But she didn't want him to be her brother, but her love brother.

   "Where are we going?" Jiaoyang asked him after getting into the car.

   "You'll find out later." After so many days, Sheng Zheng couldn't wait to pull out his little sister who had been hiding for so many days. Ah no. It's an introduction.

   I can't tell that Young Master Zheng also likes to play mystery.

   Jiaoyang pouted, but soon she was speechless to Young Master Zheng, a man who had been in the wind and moon but was inexplicable.

  Master Zheng took her to a troupe: "This is the quintessence of the country!"

  His serious introduction.

  Actually, according to Zheng Shao’s past behavior, going to listen to the song must be reserved. Ershao Zheng likes to listen to little tunes, he likes to be quiet while listening, and doesn't like to be disturbed.

   But he felt that since Jiaoyang was to be familiar with these environments and people and couldn’t just escape, the more people the better.

  Listening to little songs, these are all hobbies and hobbies that people from noble families should have, and most of them are arty. In this era of no TV and no internet, listening to small songs has become one of the greatest pleasures.

   Those who can understand are often intoxicated, while those who cannot understand are like Jiaoyang now, bored and almost asleep.

  Celebrities above the stage were wearing costumes, "baby babble", and Jiaoyang's eyelids below the stage were fighting.

   And soon, she also began to fall into that passionate storyline. I have to say that famous characters are still famous characters.

   (end of this chapter)

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