Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 114: Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: the second brother of the evildoer (4)

  Chapter 114 Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: A Second Brother Boo (4)

   She felt at the time that this man was really good-looking, like a monster.

   Unexpectedly, the man in the photo has not reached one-tenth of the beauty when the man is actually standing in front of him.

   Sheng Zheng was stunned for a while, thinking about where this little guy had seen him before, was he sure he wasn't playing with him?

   A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he bent down and rubbed her little head. What an interesting little girl, and the way of approaching is also silly, so cute.

   "You, are you really my sister?"

   Sheng Xiao blinked, he felt that the little girl in front of him was really beautiful, and she belonged to their Sheng family. He didn't know which **** would be cheaper in the future.

   But Sheng Xiaoshao, is it normal for you to think so long after the first meeting? !

  Jiaoyang turned his eyes to him and said with a smile, "I know you, Sheng Xiao, I've seen you too."

   His photo is also hung high in the old house of the Sheng family! His temperament and appearance are not inferior to his second brother Sheng Zheng.

  If this is the case, is she in love with her brother, or is she in love with her own ancestor?

  Jiaoyang thought wickedly.

   "Don't have seen anything before," Sheng Zheng bent down halfway, pinched her little face, the smile on the corner of his mouth was seductive and seductive, and his voice was magnetic, "Come on, call me second brother."

   Jiaoyang pouted, she didn't want to call him second brother. If she had to call him, she would be more willing to call him that on the bed, then it would be up to Sheng Zhengle to be happy.

  Jiaoyang blinked and looked at Sheng Zheng for a while. She suddenly stood on tiptoe, put a kiss on her finger, and pressed it against his lips.

   It's too early to press on lips. Emotional matters need to be carried out step by step, and Jiaoyang understands it.

   Her first goal now is to play with Sheng Zheng. Even if she is a younger sister, she can make him kiss her willingly. Jiaoyang likes to play games too.

  Sheng Zheng was stunned for a few seconds, then asked her with a smile, he completely regarded her as a little girl who didn't know the world: "What is this?"

   "Meeting ceremony." Jiaoyang grinned, her big eyes clean and agile.

The vigilance of the    system has reached its highest point: here it comes again! This scumbag's exclusive gestures when facing her prey are very harmful in the previous plane! !

"Hey Hey hey"

   Sheng Xiao couldn't stand anymore, why didn't he meet him. He didn't care whether Jiao Yang called him the third brother, but she had ignored him for a long time, and seemed to like the second brother more than his sister, which made him unhappy.

   I am still close in age to her, my second brother is a dozen years older than her, a twenty-seven-year-old man, there must be a generation gap. Did Jiaoyang take Sheng Zheng as his father?

   Or is it that little girls of this age will subconsciously rely on the elders at home?

   When he thought that his second brother, who was indifferent on weekdays, was going to be an elder, and took great pains to serve this little girl, Sheng Xiao suddenly felt that it was quite novel.

   This is the calm before the storm

  Jiaoyang got into the car with Sheng Zhengxiao and looked at the rickshaws everywhere. She was full of emotion: "Sure enough, the development level of this world is still a little behind."

   She didn't even have the tools to pass the time, such as playing with her mobile phone, watching TV, etc. Under the extreme humiliation, Jiaoyang turned black. To know Jiaoyang's hobbies and hobbies only a few.

  So, she can only have fun with men now. Hope you can bear it.

   The little cuties who joined the group, don't mistype the heroine's name! Why do you think the heroine is called Sheng Jiaohua QAQ

   Today, the four chapters have been updated, please ask for tickets.



   (end of this chapter)

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