Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 108: Seemingly ruthless but affectionate, seemingly affectionate but ruthless (

   Chapter 108 Seemingly ruthless but affectionate, seemingly affectionate but ruthless (108)

   "I tell you, I never wanted any money from the Zuo family at all, and I was with him just because I loved him."

She smiled wryly, "Life is so long, instead of choosing to live with someone I don't love, it's better to be with him, even if I know he doesn't love me. At least when I'm with him, even if he just ignores me, But I am still very happy."

   "And you, those who have lived under the halo since childhood, have never understood love in their whole life. It's so pitiful, I feel sad for your life!"

  The woman said, and stood up from the chair.

   Jiang Cheng's mouth twitched, he was laughing at himself.

  Don't understand love?

   Don't they understand?

  Perhaps, once did not understand. And now.

  Emotions are still so insignificant in their eyes, with the exception of that girl.

"Who is sad, don't make a mistake, Miss Gao," Jiang Cheng said coldly, his long legs overlapped, his expression unmoved, "The Zuo family, don't you know that there is something wrong with the Gao family's funds now? "

   The woman's body froze.

   "You said. If I told the Zuo family about the Gao family's situation, do you think the Zuo family would still accept a daughter-in-law like you?" He looked at her, his eyebrows lowered, threatening.

   "The ending is the same anyway." The corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth twitched, "Which way do you want to leave, whether you want to be decent or tear your face, it's your choice."

  Women seem to be thrown into hell.

   She seemed to understand at this moment why this man knew that something was wrong with her family. Her parents have obviously been hiding things very well.

  The Gao family has been doing well for so many years and is prospering, but why suddenly it's gone. All aspects were suppressed by calculations, like being targeted by some big man.

   But her parents have always been generous and sincere, they have done a lot of good things, and they have never offended anyone, so how could they be targeted everywhere.

   Now it seems that all this is a disaster!

   She looked at the teenager in front of her, like she was looking at a demon in hell, her eyes were full of hatred: "Why! Why did you do this!"

   She felt at the moment that it was her who killed her parents and ruined their years of hard work! If she hadn't fallen in love with Ling, her parents wouldn't have married her to the Zuo family, and she wouldn't have been targeted by this devil-like man.

  If the Gao family goes bankrupt and huge debts come up, parents will really die! They have helped so many people in their lives, what have they done wrong? !

   "Blame yourself."

  Jiang Cheng looked at her with no pity, "Who made you fall in love with someone you shouldn't touch."

   He slowly raised his head, as if a familiar face appeared in front of him. That girl, with curved eyebrows, just like at the beginning, showed a happy smile to him...

   Jiang Cheng's mouth curled up.

   "After all, I was really scared. Like last time, she disappeared without saying hello again."

   She went abroad and no one could find her. She would never know how crazy they were to find her in those days, and only pain and despair filled their hearts.

  Jiaoyang hid at the door and watched all this silently. She was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of her mouth rose: "It seems that I really have to leave."

   She left there, bowing her head thinking about something. At this moment, a strange man rushed over and put the drugged handkerchief on her face.

   At this time, Jiaoyang saw a man who was haunted by his out of sight. Only this time, she laughed.

  Because she had thought about it, a BE ending that was designed by her and belonged to them.

   Immediately zoom in on the ending.



   (end of this chapter)

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