Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 107: Seemingly ruthless but affectionate, seemingly affectionate but ruthless (

   Chapter 107 Seemingly ruthless but affectionate, seemingly affectionate but ruthless (107)

The    system sighed, in fact, in this plane, the host can choose to complete the engagement ceremony with Zuo Jiling to accomplish her mission.

   But on that day, she involved everyone with a bullet and reversed everything that followed.

   Are you leaving?

   Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he watched the cars coming and going in the middle of the road in front of him.

   "How can I leave better, choose a car and get on directly?"

  【As you choose, host. ] The system replied.

   "Alright," Jiaoyang rolled her eyes, "I'm tired of this world."

   When you get tired of playing with one, just go to the next one. Jiaoyang actually began to like this kind of fast-wearing life, because it suits her very well.

   She came to the middle of the road, faced the speeding car, closed her eyes and opened her arms. Just like a child who is about to return to its roots, hugging the world before leaving.

"Are you crazy?!"

   The world was spinning.

  Jiaoyang opened his eyes, blinked, and looked at the man who saved him.

   Jiang Cheng.

   His eyes are still so sharp, and they are full of anger, but something more stable than the youthful spirit has clearly accumulated on his body.

   He really changed a lot as Huo Quci said.

   He couldn't control his anger and grabbed her arm: "Why do you want to commit suicide? Just because Zuo Jiling made a new girlfriend? You still like him, why don't you just say it?"

   "Who said I was going to kill myself?"

  Jiaoyang looked at him with a smile, tilted his head, feeling happy, "I'm just tired of playing in one place, so I have to go to another place. However, you won't be able to see me in the future~"

   "I think you have been abroad for too long, so you have a problem with your brain. Do you really believe that people will lead to another world after death?"

  Jiang Cheng's eyes glanced at her, with longing and greed. It's been such a long time since they've seen each other in such a peaceful way.

   "Maybe?" Jiaoyang shrugged.

Jiang Cheng was silent for a while, and then said, "That woman is not the girlfriend Ling was looking for. Since you left, there has been no other woman by his side. As for this, it's just the marriage partner that his parents forced him to marry. ."

  "Oh" Jiaoyang showed a lack of interest, thinking about where to go to seek death later.

  Jiang Cheng frowned, looking at her with a worried look.

   "Don't think about it anymore. If you don't want the woman next to Ryo to appear again, leave it to me."

   Before leaving, Jiang Cheng left behind such an inexplicable sentence. Jiaoyang didn't listen to him carefully, and didn't understand much.

   But soon, Jiaoyang understood what he meant.

   Jiang Cheng asked the woman beside Ling out and handed him a check.

  's eyes were sharp and cold, and at that moment, Jiao Yang even wondered if she had returned to the past, when they first met.

   Those four teenagers stood out from the crowd, like natural luminaries, noble and dazzling.

   "I know your family is in difficulty right now, and your father owes a lot of debt. This money is enough for you to spend your whole life. Now, please leave Ling Ling right away."

   "Did you think I was with Ling just for his money?" The woman's face was full of tears, and she shredded the check.

   "Why are you guys always like this, thinking that other women approach you just for money! Do you know how many people you've hurt! Are feelings so insignificant in your eyes?"

   (end of this chapter)

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