Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 916: Jianghu ruffian woman (64)

Chapter 924 The ruffian woman in the rivers and lakes (64)

Jimo Xingyun shook his head, his voice weak, "Oh, you don't have to be sentimental, thinking that I want to protect you. I just thought, it's better to leave it to you than to give the Qingshuang sword to the immortal.

That sword could save her life.

I can see that you have a crush on her. Maybe you gave her the sword as soon as you softened your heart out of friendship..."

Yue Lichen gave him a deep look.

"That sword was originally reserved for her."

Jimo Xingyun looked up in surprise. "How do you..."

After a while, he seemed to understand again, shook his head and chuckled, "Fortunately, I met her first."

After a pause, he said, "She is from Medicine King Valley, maybe there is a way to help you detoxify."

After Yue Lichen gave a faint "um", neither of them spoke again, and the air was quiet for a while.

After a long time, Jimo Xingyun said with difficulty, "Yue Lichen, can you help me with two things?"

The black-clothed youth held his machete, "Let's hear it."

"The first thing, take care of her for me. She is afraid of the cold, likes to be lively, likes to eat peaches, and is lazy. I don't ask for anything else, as long as she lives happily and wantonly every day, that's all."

Yue Lichen looked at Jimo Xingyun, who had been slumped on the ground because of the poisonous hair, and gritted his back molars. He couldn't tell how he felt, "Okay, I promise you. What's the second thing?"

The youth in green grinned, the tear mole under his left eye was wicked and flirtatious, but his peach blossom eyes were open-minded.

"Kill me." He whispered.

Yue Lichen held his machete. For a moment, he really wanted to help him free.

These two are so in love.

He clenched his hand slowly, and finally released it slowly.

"Sorry, I can't agree to this request."

Jimo Xingyun nodded, "Understood. After all, if you kill me, the immortal will blame you."

Just as he finished speaking, Yue Lichen's voice came, "She has come to Lengyang City to find you."

Jimo Xingyun raised his head suddenly.

"What did you say?"

"She came to Lengyang City from Yangzhou to find you alone. And beg me to take her into Wujimen and see you."

The boy's shock had made him forget the pain on his body, and his mind was full of images of the girl who had suffered all the way, begging for Yue Lichen.

"This idiot!"

He scolded fiercely, and put his hands on his forehead, but his eyes were gentle, like nostalgia, more like nostalgia.

"Just say I'm dead, don't bring her in.

Don't look at her soft and weak appearance, no one can stop her when she is reckless. She told you that she wanted to see me, but I'm afraid she just wanted to save me out.

So, you must not bring her in. "

"But I have promised her."

Before Jimo Xingyun was about to say something, Yue Lichen added, "I never break my word when I speak. Especially to her."

"You are confused! You are hurting her!" Jimo Xingyun was so anxious that he felt a violent colic in his internal organs, causing him to vomit blood again.

"I'll take her in, take a look at you and leave. I'll take good care of her and make sure she's safe."

After Yue Lichen finished speaking, she turned around and left the cell.

Jimo Xingyun clenched his hands into fists, looked at his back, and whispered in an extremely weak and hoarse voice, "No, absolutely not..."

He knew her too well.


The third update~ It's too late to update hahaha, tomorrow will be a good fourth update~ Good night!

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