Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 915: Jianghu ruffian woman (63)

Chapter 923 The ruffian woman in the rivers and lakes (63)

"Young Pavilion Master, how are you thinking?"

Jimo Xingyun did not move.

The Sect Master was not in a hurry, raised his hand, and said lightly, "Wake up."

A basin of icy cold water was poured on his face, either because it was cold, or because the wound hurt because of the irritation, that is, Mo Xingyun shivered slightly and opened his eyes to look at him.

In those peach blossom eyes, black and white were distinct, as calm as a lake.

"Isn't this young master thinking about it long ago? You are an immortal old man, if you want to kill or slash, do you dare to have a good time!"

The head smiled lowly and stepped closer, "Jimo Xingyun, if you tell me the whereabouts of the Qingshuang Sword, this seat can consider letting you live."

Jimo Xingyun seemed to hear a joke and laughed, "Why, sent someone to Lingjian Pavilion, but found nothing? I told you that the Qingshuang sword was hidden by me, you don't believe it."

He paused for a while, then spit out blood, "As for me, in this life, I want a career without a career, a family without a family, and I am alone. If I really die, I will be so lonely. This Qingshuang sword, just accompany me. Let's go to **** together. It also saves you old immortals from worrying about it every day."

The smile on the face of the head of Wujimen slowly converged, and those old but murderous eyes stared at Jimo Xingyun for two seconds, then bent over suddenly, pulled his hair, and pulled him up. His toes landed on his knees, causing him to sit instead of kneeling.

Jimo Xingyun frowned and wanted to get up, but his foot was firmly on his calf, like a huge boulder. He could even feel the bones being crushed and creaking, as if they would break at any time... …

"It is said that young people are arrogant and arrogant. But people always need to be aware of current affairs, right? If you don't want to die, just tell the whereabouts of Qingshuangjian."

Jimo Xingyun sneered, "You might as well kill me."

"Want to die? It's not that easy."

After the sect master finished speaking, he squeezed his jaw, forced him to open his mouth, and stuffed a pill.

Jimo Xingyun wanted to vomit subconsciously, but was slapped by the head and swallowed instead.

"To deal with a noble character like the young pavilion master, naturally you can't use those rude methods of execution.

This seat's patience is limited.

You only have two days. In these two days, you will feel as if your whole body is being gnawed by countless ants. It is itchy at first, but it will become more and more painful afterward, as if it has penetrated into the bone marrow, making people feel unbearable pain.

As soon as the two-day deadline expires, if you still refuse to tell the whereabouts of the Cyan Frost Sword, your body will rot little by little, melt, and eventually turn into a pool of blood. "

The head of Wujimen sneered, "You will soon know what it is like to live rather than die."

The head of Wujimen dropped such a sentence and left.

Before leaving the prison, he also instructed Yue Lichen, "Take care of him for this seat."



When Yuelichen returned to the dungeon.

Apparently the pill had worked.

The youth in green clothes frowned, and his face seemed to be a little pale again.

He seemed to want to curl up, but his hands and feet were bound by iron chains, so he couldn't close them together.

Hearing the movement, he raised his eyes and glanced at Yue Lichen.

The latter walked up to him and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Why didn't you tell the Sect Master that I stole the Cyan Frost Sword?"

Jimo Xingyun shook his head, his voice weak.


Second update~ There are more

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