The "Super Evolution Crystal" in his hand was clenched,

and Lin Tian slowly approached the Ash Demon Dragon.

A moment later, the super evolution crystallization urged, and

a sudden burst of multicolored light shrouded the surrounding white snow!

As the multicolored light dispersed

, the figure of the Ash Demon Dragon soared into the sky, sweeping a giant storm in mid-air with terrifying power, and for a while the entire snow-white sky was covered with gray flames, and there was a faint thunder and lightning condensation and flashing above the dragon shadow!

Under this storm, the snow in the sky was temporarily stopped.

After a while, when the Ash Demon Dragon descended again

, the color around its body had turned pure gray-black, and huge demonic energy and evil power circulated on this body, forming a series of terrifying and domineering lines!

In front of Lin Tian's eyes, a prompt also popped up at this time.

[Your rainbow rare-level miracle beast "Ash Demon Dragon" has completed a super evolution and successfully evolved into the "Ash Demon Lord", the upper limit of the level has been increased, and the attributes have been greatly improved! ] After

completing the first super evolution

, the Ash Demon Dragon evolved into the Ash Demon Lord, and its combat power skyrocketed again!

The highest combat power of his subordinates has been strengthened to this point, and

Lin Tian is also more at ease with the future exploration of permafrost soil.

There was also a piece of super evolution crystal, which

Lin Tian also used immediately for the Silver Dragon Emperor.

The power of the Silver Dragon Emperor to carry out super evolution is no worse than that of the Ash Demon Dragon!

The silver light flashed all over the sky, almost filling the sky!

The body of pure silver became even larger

, and the four silver-white sharp wings behind it, after super-evolution, added two more, turning into a full six, and the holy light permeated its body, combined with its strong and cool posture, like a divine sky knight!

[Your rainbow rare-level divine beast "Silver Dragon Emperor" completed a super evolution and successfully evolved into "Silver Dragon Ancestor", the upper limit of the level was increased, and the attributes were greatly improved! ] 】


The two main monsters completed super evolution

, Lin Tian's combat power skyrocketed, and the funds in his hand were also rapidly shrinking, leaving only the last more than 300,000, in order to raise the combat power of the two dragon monsters to the limit and ensure that they could sweep the black alert area "Permafrost Land".

He thought about it and decided to continue to strengthen the two.

With a thought,

he purchased two more Extreme Monster Equipment chests from the Cheat Shop.

[Need for Monster Equipment Chest: After opening this treasure chest, you will randomly get a piece of excellent quality monster equipment, and the monster can increase the corresponding attributes or improve the skill effect after equipping, the price is 80,000 money! ] 】


With 160,000 money swiped out of the account.

Two flashes of golden light!

Two ornately decorated golden chests appear in front of you.

Lin Tian stretched out his hand and opened the treasure chest separately.

Two pieces of monster equipment flashing with golden light were revealed in front of you one by one.

The first chest opened a five-pointed star crystal spar.

In the second chest is a crown encrusted with crimson gemstones.

[God-given Six Stars (Extreme Monster Equipment): A special meteorite containing the power of God, fused in the body can make the pocket monster obtain life, physical attack, material defense, special attack, special defense, speed and other six attributes of the comprehensive blessing, all attributes increased by 300 points! ] 】

【Annihilation Emperor's Crown (Extreme Monster Equipment): The crown is left with the wisdom of the Desolate Monster Annihilation Emperor, and when the pocket monster worn by the Pocket Monster releases a special attack skill, its power will increase by 300%, and it can additionally use the double diamond level skill "Destruction Light"!

(Note: Each monster can only wear one piece of equipment)


Both pieces of equipment have quite strong attributes.

The former "God-given Six Stars" has a very high adaptability, can be used by any pocket monster, and the total increase of 1800 attribute points brings about the improvement, almost subversive!

The latter, "Annihilation Emperor's Crown", is more suitable for monsters that use special attacks to fight, and the triple damage effect can increase the power of the user's special attack to an extremely terrifying

level, and the additional accompanying skill "Destruction Ray" is a super double-diamond level skill that surpasses the diamond level, which can inflict real special damage on enemies that ignore defensive attributes!

After a little thought

, Lin Tian decided to give the "God-given Six Stars" to the Silver Dragon Ancestor for use, and the "Crown of the Annihilation Emperor" for the Ash Demon Lord to use.

Although they are both dragon divine beasts

, both of them belong to the more versatile type in terms of combat ability, which can not only release special attacks with their own attributes, but also rely on their strong physique to carry out physical attack level fighting.

However, in comparison

, the Ash Demon Lord of the Law Department and the Fire System are still more prominent in terms of special attacks, and using the "Crown of the Annihilation Emperor" to it is undoubtedly the choice to maximize the effect of equipment.


After spending 160,000 money, he opened two more equipment chests.

Lin Tian currently has 200,000 left.

Considering that he needed to keep 100,000 yuan and buy cheat balls at any time in case of emergency, Lin Tian spent another 100,000 yuan to purchase various types of potions to continue to strengthen the Silver Dragon Ancestor and the Ash Demon Lord.

With the equipment "Crown of the Annihilation Emperor",

the Ash Demon Lord is already strong enough at the damage level.


, the potions bought for the Ash Demon Lord are mainly to improve its physical defense, special defense, and vitality, so as to ensure that it can have better survivability in battle.

As for the Silver Dragon Ancestor, it took a balanced development route, and the

potions Lin Tian bought for it were also improved as comprehensively as possible.


Mutate, learn skills, hyper-evolve, wear gear, feed potions...

After a series of enhancements,

the combat power of the Silver Dragon Ancestor and the Ash Demon Lord has already made a qualitative leap!

"Next..." "

It's time to start sweeping the permafrost soil."

Taking a long breath,

Lin Tian took a few monsters and stepped deeper into this dead snow-white field.


According to the navigation map

, after leaving the iceberg valley at the entrance, there is a barren snowfield ahead.

On this snowy field, all kinds of vicious monsters are rampant!

In the past, rare monsters of full level are almost the minimum configuration for survival here.

Not long after stepping on the barren snowfield

, Lin Tian saw that on the thick snow accumulated in the snowfield, a large number of footprints appeared!

Following the footprints forward

, not long after,

Lin Tian came to a lake that had frozen into a large ice lump.

"The footprints disappeared by the lake..." "

Did you cross the ice lake and go elsewhere?"

Sensing that the footprints he had been tracking had disappeared,

Lin Tian frowned slightly.

However, just as he raised his head and looked across the ice lake.

He suddenly realized that

a large group of white figures hidden in the snow had quietly surrounded him!

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