As you can see, you will see the vast snowfield.

Walking out of the valley,

the extremely low temperature instantly made Lin Tian's Haqi freeze on his face and his limbs stiffen.

Not to mention humans

, they are ordinary monsters, and it is also a great challenge to survive in this area!

It is precisely because of this that

those who can exist in this area

are basically some fierce and fierce monsters.

Suddenly entering this perpetual frost area, the

physical discomfort made Lin Tian startled.

In order to ensure his body temperature

, he immediately hugged the angry flame messenger beside him, who was exuding heat.

Feeling that the temperature was still not enough,

Lin Tian summoned several other fire pocket monsters.

Fire storm geese with low levels naturally do not come in handy.

Lin Tian could only summon the Rock Tyrant and the "Earth Flame Tiger Beast" and "X-Charizard" snatched from Eluvei, and several powerful fire monsters gathered around Lin Tian, which immediately made him feel a little more comfortable.

However, his spirit remained tense.

Although the extreme weather in the black alert area is bad,

this is only an appetizer.

The most dangerous thing is the ferocious monster that can appear at any time!


he has 1.1 million dollars in his hands.

Spending in the Cheat Shop will further increase his strength and increase his security in this black warning area.

As soon as his mind moved,

he immediately opened the cheat store.

[Life Pill: Boosts the vitality of pocket monsters, can be stacked unlimited times, and costs 5,000 money! ] 】


[Dragon and elephant Ruogong: A strong horizontal body exercise from the martial arts world, which can greatly increase the strength of the physical body after cultivation, and the price is 80,000 money! ] 】

【Cheat shop level increased to level 3, cost 500,000 money! 】 【

Current Money Balance: 1150860】At

present, there is plenty of money in hand, and there

is nothing in the existing goods that he urgently needs.

So he prioritized upgrading the cheat shop level.

"Upgrade the store."

Lin Tian gave an order in his heart.

[Does it cost 500,000 money to upgrade the cheat shop to level 3?] The

prompt pops up.


With Lin Tian's order, the light flashed.

In the next instant, the new items added after the store upgrade appeared.

[Your Cheat Shop has been upgraded to level 3! ] 】

【The new products are as follows:】【

Need for Monster Equipment Chest: After opening this treasure chest, you will randomly get a piece of Monster Equipment of the best quality, and the monster can increase the corresponding attributes or improve the skill effect after equipping, the price is 80,000 money! 】

【Super Evolution Crystallization: After using a pocket monster with a level of LV100, it can undergo a super evolution to obtain a large attribute increase, and the upper limit of the level will be increased to LV150, and the price is 120,000 money! 】

【Super cultivation space: special cultivation space, consume money to enter the space to cultivate, you can get additional cultivation effects, the larger the amount of money consumed, the higher the additional cultivation effect multiplier, price: 500,000 money! 】

【Cheat shop level increased to level 4, you need to spend 1,000,000 money! 】 【

Current Money Balance: 650860】


After leveling up to level three, three

new items have been added to the Cheat Shop.

With the remaining 650,000 money in hand,

Lin Tian could afford these three items.

But among them, the most practical and what Lin Tian needs the most now is

undoubtedly the "super evolution crystallization" that can help full-level monsters break through the limit!

The "Need for Monster Equipment Treasure Chest" can also increase the upper limit of the monster through external forces, but compared with the comprehensive attribute improvement of "Super Evolution Crystallization" and the increase of the upper limit of the level, the effect is obviously worse.

Then there is the "Super Cultivation Space".

Seeing this commodity,

Lin Tian's first thought was to help his pocket monster quickly cultivate the "dragon-elephant-like skill" that had been obtained at present through this thing.

However, considering that the price of this thing is too high, and there is a subsequent consumption of use.

If he buys it now,

Lin Tian will have no money to buy other goods for the time being.


he still plans to wait for a while when he has more money before starting.

At this stage

, if you want to explore this permafrost soil and further make money in this wilderness to improve your strength

, Lin Tian's main force must be the Rainbow Rare-level Divine Beast Silver Dragon Emperor and the legendary Divine Beast Gray Dark Dao Dragon, these two monsters urgently need to be further strengthened, Lin Tian must be equipped with a piece of super evolution crystal.

Therefore, as soon as his mind moved

, Lin Tian spent 240,000 money to purchase two super evolution crystals.

However, he did not immediately use the "Super Evolution Crystal" to evolve the two monsters.

After all, the Gray Dao Dragon was subdued by itself

, and it has not yet used the mutation crystallization and diamond-level skill learning machine that can occur a benign mutation, let it mutate and strengthen it before super-evolution, the effect should be better.


, Lin Tian spent another 50,000 money to purchase a mutant crystal and a diamond-level skill learning machine respectively, and he took the lead in trying to use the mutant crystal on the gray Daolong.

Immediately, the gray light flashed around his body

, the gray Dao Dragon changed in form, and

above the dark gray skin, there was a faint gray fire flash.

In addition, its overall temperament has become completely different from before.

His eyes turned crimson, and

an evil aura emanated from his body!

[Your rainbow rare-level legendary divine beast "Gray Dark Dao Dragon" has been mutated and has advanced to the rainbow rare-level miracle divine beast "Ash Demon Dragon"! ] 【

Monster: Ash Demon Dragon】【

Variety: Rainbow Rare Miracle Beast! 【

Level: LV100

】【Attributes: Dragon, Law, Fire】【

Personality: Wise (Perfect Personality)】(Wise

: Special Attack Increased, Special Defense Increased) [Life (820/820

)] [Physical Attack: 672 (Affects the Power of Physical Attack)] [Physical Defense: 678 (Affects the Effect of Physical

Defense)] [


Special Attack: 759 (affects the power and effect of special skills

)] [Special Defense: 748 (affects the resistance effect to special skills

)] [Speed: 691 (affects movement speed, attack speed

)] [Skills: Platinum skill, Dao Fa Slash (Law Physical Attack), Diamond Skill, Dragon Fury (Amplification attribute, Enhanced skill), Platinum Flicker (Law skill, teleportation position), Dragon Breath (deals long-range Dragon Breath magic damage)]

[Feature 1: Dao Method (The effect and power of all skills have been greatly improved, and the released skill is an upgraded version of the skill with a probability of releasing it!] [

Feature 2: Ash (All your skills come with an ash flame, which causes an additional continuous burning effect, which will not be extinguished without special skills or items, and will burn opponents to death!)

[Divine Beast Characteristics: Immune to any cursed skills, and immune to most negative effects, in addition, monster attributes with this characteristic will be fully improved! 【

Loyalty: 100 (Cheat Ball Effect)】


After mutation,

the Gray Dao Dragon advanced to the Ash Demon Dragon.

This mutation, although it did not allow its rarity to break through the highest rainbow rarity level that Lin Tian knew, but it also changed its legendary divine beast label and became a miracle divine beast!

After the mutation, compared to the Gray Dao Dragon, the Ash Demon Dragon has greatly increased its combat power, and it has also obtained new fire attributes, as well as a new characteristic "Ash"!

This characteristic is undoubtedly quite perverted!

If the other party does not have the means to lift

the flame, then, as long as the Ash Demon Dragon hits the other party once, the other party will be slowly burned to death by this flame and turned into ashes, which is very commensurate with the name of the feature, which has considerably increased the Ash Demon Dragon's long-lasting combat power!

After that, it's the Diamond skill learning machine.

Lin Tian took the black square box in his hand and helped the Ash Demon Dragon learn.

The light flashed, and the

prompt popped up in front of you.

[Your rainbow rare-level miracle beast "Ash Demon Dragon" has learned a new diamond-level move: Hell Dragon Yan (Spits flames from hell, deals huge amounts of special damage with dragon attributes, and cuts the enemy's full attribute, causing confusion and fear to the enemy)! This

is almost an all-round powerful move!

Both high damage and state decay!

In the battle, it is undoubtedly a powerful stunt!

After using the Mutation Crystals and Skill Learning Machines, the

initial foundation enhancement of the Ash Demon Dragon was successfully completed.


it's time to hyper-evolve it further!

Give it powerful combat power far beyond its species limit!

The "Super Evolution Crystal" in his hand was clenched,

and Lin Tian slowly approached the Ash Demon Dragon.

A moment later, the super evolution crystallization urged, and

a sudden burst of multicolored light shrouded the surrounding white snow!

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