With the powerful combat power of the lava bear owner, after seven days of efficient monster leveling in the barbarian wilderness, the amount of money in Lin Tian's hands has now reached the needs of upgrading the first-level cheat shop to a second-level cheat shop.

On the evening of the seventh day

, after Lin Tian once again commanded the lava bear owner and defeated an LV40 ironback orangutan with a crushing force, he moved his mind and opened the cheat shop, intending to upgrade the cheat shop.

【Cheat Shop (Level 1)

】【Level 1 Cheat Shop offers the following items】【

Life Pill: Boosts the vitality of pocket monsters, can be stacked unlimited times, and costs 5,000 money! 】【

Power Pill: Boosts the physical attack of the pocket monster, which can be stacked unlimited times for 5,000 money! 】【

Defense Pill: Improves the physical defense of the pocket monster, which can be stacked unlimited times for 5,000 money! 【

Energy Pill: Boosts the special attack of the pocket monster, which can be stacked unlimited times for 5,000 money! 【Resistance

Pill: Boosts the special defense of pocket monsters, can be stacked unlimited times, and costs 5,000 money! 【Speed

Potion: Increases the agility speed of the pocket monster, can be stacked unlimited times, and costs 5,000 money! 【

Cheat Ball: 100% capture the target, ignore the opponent's status, race and any characteristics, the price is 10,000 money! 】

【Desert Eagle: A classic large-caliber pistol that can kill the opponent's pocket monster to directly win the battle, of course, you can also try to directly kill the opponent's trainer, the effect is remarkable, price: 50,000 money! 【

The level of the cheat shop is increased to level 2, which costs 100,000 money! 】 【

Current Money Balance: 115800】


"Upgrade the store."

Lin Tian gave an order in his heart.

[Do you spend 100,000 money to upgrade the cheat shop to level 2?] The

prompt pops up.


With Lin Tian's order, the light flashed.

In the next instant, the new items added after the store upgrade appeared.

[Your cheat shop has been upgraded to level 2!] 【

New products are as follows:】【

Experience potion: Provides a large number of experience points for your pocket monsters, which can greatly increase the level of pocket monsters for 10,000 dollars! 【Diamond-level

skill learning machine: Let your pocket monster randomly learn a powerful diamond-level skill suitable for it, greatly increasing its combat power, and the price is 20,000 money! 】【

Mutation Crystal: Make your pocket monster undergo a benign mutation, enhance the rarity and growth potential of your pocket monster, the price is 30,000 money! 】【

Translation konjac: a functional item from the robot cat world that allows you to recognize the language and writing of any civilization, which can be used to communicate with other species, and costs 30,000 dollars! 】

【Dragon and elephant Ruogong: A strong horizontal body exercise from the martial arts world, which can greatly increase the strength of the flesh body after cultivation, and the price is 80,000 money! 】

【Cheat shop level increased to level 3, cost 500,000 money! 】 【

Current Money Balance: 15800】


After the Cheat Store was upgraded to Level 2,

five new products were added to the shelves.

What to say

about these five products....

The first three seem to be quite practical, and can directly enhance the combat power of pocket monsters.

But the style of the latter two is obviously not very compatible with this world!

"It's good to translate konjac, it can help me communicate with pocket monsters, although this effect is chicken, but it can also be used, but this dragon is like a miracle... This is the world of pocket monsters! Do I raise my flesh with hair? Thinking

of this, Lin Tian was suddenly startled, and then his eyes widened sharply, and a conjecture rose in his mind: "Yes, this is the world of pocket monsters!"

"With the translation konjac, I can communicate with the pocket monsters, and I can try to teach the dragon-elephant ruogong to the pocket monsters for cultivation, so as to improve their combat power!"

"No wonder these two things appear at the same time, it turns out that there is such a hidden gameplay!"

Thinking of being able to teach his pocket monsters to practice martial arts exercises, Lin Tian immediately became excited, and couldn't wait to see if his idea was feasible.

But at the moment, the money in hand is limited, there are only more than fifteen thousand left

, whether it is translating konjac or dragon-elephant-like Ruogong, he can't afford it for the time being.

"Today's Barbarian Wilderness is no longer challenging for me, and the amount of money I can get from defeating wild pocket monsters through talent loot here is not enough."

"It's time to explore higher-level areas, too."

Lin Tian muttered to himself while taking out the map to navigate and check.

The three areas next to the Barbarian Wilderness were the Novice Village Future Town when he came, and Baoyun City, where there was a trainer hall on the east side, and if you went west in the opposite direction of the city, it was a more dangerous red-level alert area, abandoning the wetland.

As an extremely dangerous area of red alert, the climate of abandoned wetlands is very complicated, natural disasters may occur at any time, and the monsters that survive on abandoned wetlands are also very ferocious and powerful existences.

According to the information on the navigation map,

the level of monsters above the abandoned wetlands is about lv60~lv80.

Moreover, in this extremely dangerous land,

there is also a terrifying overlord monster wandering!

Almost every year, some of the high-level trainers who go to explore the abandoned wetlands will die at the hands of this overlord monster.

After browsing the information about the abandoned wetland,

Lin Tian was more clear about the itinerary after that.

"It just so happens that my current location is not far from the abandoned wetland, and I will go there from tomorrow to brush monsters and make money, while trying to catch that overlord-level monster!"

After making a plan,

Lin Tian let out a long breath and looked at the list of cheating shops again.

This store upgrade offers him 5 new items.

Four of them, none of which he can afford for the time being.

With more than fifteen thousand dollars in hand, there

was only one new commodity he could buy.

As soon as his mind moved

, Lin Tian spent the remaining money in his hand and tried to buy an "experience potion", wanting to try the effect first.

[You spent 10,000 money on "Experience Potion X1"! 【

Current Remaining Money: 5800】


The experience potion purchased this

must be for the lava bear owner with the highest combat power in Lin Tian's current team.

Although his lava bear lord is very powerful, after all, the level is only level 58, and in the abandoned wetlands he will explore tomorrow, the lowest level wild pocket monsters are all level 60!

As an extremely rare-level ferocious beast

, although the lava bear owner has the ability to skip the level of battle, if the level is suppressed, it will definitely not be so easy to fight, which will seriously affect Lin Tian's brushing efficiency.

Therefore, before going to the abandoned wetland,

it is best to help the lava bear owner to improve his combat power a little.

Summoning the lava bear master from the Spirit Ball, Lin

Tian fed it the experience potion.

The lava bear lord's body flames suddenly boiled!

The rock skin on its body is also growing rapidly under the urging of a powerful force!

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

With a loud roar

, its level soared, and its combat power soared!

[Your Lava Bear Lord has used an experience potion!] 【

Its level has been increased from lv58 to lv88!!】 】

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