Finally subdued a decent pocket monster

, Lin Tian was in a very good mood, wiped his nose like a protagonist of a hot-blooded anime, raised the cheat ball in his hand and said: "Lava bear lord, successfully start!" Behind

him, several members of the Arena Alliance were stunned.

"He, he took the lava bear lord?"

"How is it possible! The lava bear owner is a ferocious beast! And there was no battle at all, the lava bear owner was still close to full state, how could he be subdued like this?

"No, this must be fake! This kid must have hidden a pocket monster of the illusion department in the shadows! "


Several members of the Fighting Alliance couldn't believe this and froze in place.

Lin Tian turned his head and took the pitch-black cheat spirit ball in his hand, but turned around and walked towards them with a sneer, and looked at the big rock snake and the fire goose that fell to the ground and were seriously injured, Lin

Tian said coldly: "You guys had a good fight just now, right?"

Under the terrified gazes of several members of the Fighting Alliance

, Lin Tian threw out the Spirit Ball: "Come out, Lava Bear Lord!!" The

ferocious beast monster lava bear lord that had just been included in the elf ball appeared instantly, and at this time, it had lost its previous chaos, and its blood-red eyes had completely recovered its senses, standing obediently beside Lin Tian.

"Damn it! He really subdued the lava bear owner!

"Don't be stunned, the lava bear owner who follows orders is much more difficult to deal with than a fierce beast out of control!" Hurry up and get up and deal with this guy!

Seeing this, several members of the Competitive Alliance finally recognized the reality and

hurriedly commanded their pocket monsters to step forward to face the battle!

Although Lin

Tian was confident in the lava bear lord's combat power, the opponent's pocket monsters were all restraining the rock and fire systems after all, and they were specially dispatched to suppress the lava bear lord.

To be on the safe side

, Lin Tian still used the last 5,000 pieces in his hand to buy a resistance pill that could improve special defense, and immediately gave it to the lava bear owner to help it improve its resistance to restraint attributes.

[You spend 5,000 money to buy

resistance pills X1] [Current remaining money: 0] [

Your lava bear owner has eaten resistance pills! 【

Its special defense attribute increased from 159 to 189!】 】


After eating the pill,

the red liquid light flowing all over the lava bear lord flashed!

Its skin has become more shiny, the color of the huge shield-like rock behind it has become deeper, and the state of the whole bear has become a little more spiritual!

"Lava Bear Lord, use the gold-level skill 'Self-Forge'!"

Seeing that after the lava bear master ate the resistance pill, his attributes were successfully improved

, Lin Tian immediately issued further combat instructions, using his powerful gold-level skills first, and comprehensively improving his attributes!

With Lin Tian's order

, flames erupted from the lava bear lord's body,

and it suddenly waved its fist and began to smash itself!

Under the strong impact

, its gray body color depth intensified, as if tempered by flames, it became more solid and condensed, and it was fed back to the attributes, that is, the five attributes of physical attack and special attack special defense speed, and soared nearly twenty points at the same time!

This made several of its main attributes almost reach the level of nearly 200 points, and the special defense attribute that had just been improved by the resistance pill directly exceeded 200 points!

Seeing that with the lava bear owner's self-smashing, its power was constantly rising, and several members of the Fighting Alliance also realized that they could not delay, and immediately commanded their pocket monsters to step forward and take the initiative to attack!

"Water arrow turtle, use the water column!"

"Gotha Duck, use the Water Fluctuation!"

"Giant pincer crab, use high-pressure water to flush!"


These skills to restrain rock and fire were launched and quickly smashed into the lava bear lord who was still 'self-forging'!

In the past, these extremely restrained skills would inevitably be a threat to the lava bear owner, and even if they could not cause serious damage, they would definitely be able to suppress it.

However, after eating the resistance pill and using "self-forging",

the lava bear lord's special defense has reached a full 220 points!

More than twice the special attack value of these water pocket monsters!

Under such a huge numerical advantage

, even if there is restraint in attributes, the special attacks of these water system pocket monsters still cannot cause significant damage to the lava bear owner, and the combined blow only makes its figure retreat slightly.

Seeing this, Lin Tian showed a kind smile at the corner of his mouth: "You guys are finished, now it's my turn, right?" "

Lava Bear Lord, use the boulder to crash!!"

As soon as the words fell, the

lava bear owner directly rushed out!

Like a boulder falling from a height, with the tremor of the ground and the violent roar, the lava bear lord crushed a group of pocket monsters, and the power was terrifying!

With his fast speed,

Gotha duck dodged and barely dodged the blow.

However, the other three pocket monsters that were not so fast were directly crushed under the lava bear owner, and they were killed and injured in an instant, and their flesh and blood were blurred!

Extremely powerful attribute values

, so that it has a huge advantage of killing when facing these levels are not even as good as its pocket monsters, even if the collateral damage of the rock system may be reduced by the water system restraint, but just the physical damage of this move,

it is not at all something that these fragile pocket monsters can resist!

"Damn it! Is this the true strength of the ferocious beast?

"Abominable! Withdraw quickly! Seeing

this, several members of the Fighting Alliance finally completely lost their will to fight, and turned around to flee.


, Lin Tian would not give them a chance to live, and immediately issued an order: "Lava bear master, use the burning form and kill them all!" "


With a loud roar, the

lava bear lord burned all over his body!

Above its body surface, the rock has become less solid, and the defense and special defense have been slightly reduced, but the physical attack special attack and speed attributes have been greatly improved, and it has instantly changed from a partial defense counterattack type pocket monster to a powerful mobile warrior monster!

"Lava Bear Lord, use the Burning Fist!"

Seeing that the lava lord caught up with the fleeing people,

Lin Tian shouted loudly and gave the order to attack.

In burning form, the Lava Bear owner will temporarily lose most of the rock system characteristics, thus gaining more fire system characteristics, which will cause him to cast this skill and then cast the skill with fire damage, and the effect will be much enhanced.


With the blazing flames that illuminated the canyon, the

giant fist slammed down, and the battle ended completely.

[Your lava bear lord defeated the Water Arrow Turtle!] 【

Your lava bear lord defeated the Gotha duck! 【

Your lava bear owner defeated the giant pincer crab! 】


[You won the monster battle, and the game talent "Burning Soul Loot" was triggered! ] You get extra rewards: 5800 Money, Powerful Good Damage Potion X1, Super Ball X1, Fierce Fruit X1! The

battle is won, and another 5800 pieces are credited!

Among the three items obtained

, the powerful good damage medicine is still practical, which can greatly restore the damage of the pocket monster.

However, the Super Ball that increases the capture rate and the Fierce Fruit that increases the special attack attribute by 2 points are a bit chicken compared to the Cheat Ball and Energy Potion in Lin Tian's Cheat Shop.

However, it's better than not!

After putting away the three items

, Lin Tian slightly healed the injured Fire Goose and the Big Rock Snake with the good injury medicine in his hand and took them back to the Spirit Ball, and then walked outside the canyon to continue cleaning up the members of the Outer Battle Alliance outside the canyon.


After defeating the team of the Doujing Alliance and successfully capturing the extremely rare level ferocious beast "Lava Bear Lord", Lin Tian initially gained some self-preservation power, and his trainer journey began to ease a little at this point.

With a navigation map in hand

, he began to continue to explore the wilderness of the barbarians, brush monsters and upgrade, and quickly accumulate money through the talent "Burning Soul Loot".

With the "Lava Bear Lord" by his side to protect him,

this yellow alert-level barbarian beast wasteland was no longer able to threaten Lin Tian's safe existence.

Seven days have passed

, and through day-to-day battles

, the main level of the lava bear he has cultivated has been increased to LV58, the level has been increased by eight levels, and the combat power has been greatly improved again!

His big rock snake has also been increased from LV38 to LV45, and his combat power has increased significantly!

As a rare-level pocket monster, Lin Tian has cultivated it more emphatically, and now the level has also increased from level 20s to LV40!

The coyote dog with mediocre qualifications is rarely released by Lin Tian to fight monsters, and only let it come out to stand guard and put a sentry when sleeping at night, and its level has only barely been raised to lv20.

The growth of the pocket monster is certainly very gratifying

, but what is even more worthy of Lin Tian's happiness is that through these seven days, he has accumulated a full 100,000 money with the "Burning Soul Loot", and he can already upgrade his cheat shop for the first time!

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