After walking in the jungle for ten minutes, in

the grass on the side, suddenly there was a noise!

"Is the wild pocket monster going to appear?"

Lin Tian immediately tensed his nerves and hid behind the coyote dog!

Sure enough!

In the next instant, in the grass,

a cat monster covered in yellow stripes burst out!

[Wild clawed cat (lv5) has appeared! ] "


Seeing Lin Tian and the coyote dog, the

clawed cat immediately showed its sharp teeth and claws, ready to attack at any time.

Seeing that the other party was just a little cat of LV5

, Lin Tian was not used to it at all, and immediately commanded the coyote dog to step forward: "Coyote dog, use the earth explosion star!" The

coyote turned around, revealing a puzzled look: "Huh?

Lin Tian frowned, with a look of disgust: "Can't you use it?" I thought I could force out the potential hidden in you, you really disappointed me! "

Coyote Dog: .

After recognizing the reality, Lin Tian began to take command seriously: "Coyote dog, use collision, use bite after approaching the target, attack the leg position of the target, and destroy the opponent's action force first!"


Getting a reliable order,

the coyote dog made a force on its hind legs and suddenly burst out!

The battle between cats and dogs is imminent!

Although the clawed cat is a cat-line pocket monster and moves quickly,

the coyote dog is also a species that is good at speed.

With the first hand attack and the level ahead, the

coyote dog's first hit was a smooth hit and dealt good damage!


The retreat part of the body was bitten by

the coyote dog, and the clawed cat suddenly screamed, and the backhand paw was also scratched on the coyote dog.

However, compared to the effect of the coyote dog's attack, the

claw cat's claw counterattack effect is very limited.

The coyote was only scratched with a tuft of fur and the epidermis was slightly damaged.

The coyote dog's defense and attack power are also above this clawed cat!

A cat and a dog fought for two rounds

, the coyote dog became more and more courageous, but

the injury on the clawed cat was getting worse and worse!

Realizing that the opponent's strength is above him, the

clawed cat turns around and runs!

Lin Tian saw that the clawed cat was already bloodied, so he also commanded the coyote dog to chase after it, wanting to win this battle, and try to trigger the "loot" special effect in the Burning Soul talent to see what good things he could get.

Who knows,

at the moment when the coyote is about to catch up with the clawed cat.

A black-gray figure was actually biting the fleeing clawed cat that took the lead in grabbing it!

This black-gray figure that suddenly came out

was also a coyote dog, a wild coyote dog!

Seeing this wild coyote dog that suddenly burst out, biting to death the clawed cat that he had worked hard for half a day, Lin Tian was furious: "Dog mongrel, dare to rob my head?" "

Beside him, the grass trembled.

The next second, three more wild coyote dogs appeared!

These four coyote dogs are clearly a group.

With a fierce face, they quickly surrounded Lin Tian and his coyote dog!

[Wild Coyote (LV6) has appeared! ] 【

Wild Coyote Dog (LV5) has appeared! 【

Wild Coyote Dog (LV5) has appeared! 【

Wild Coyote Dog (LV5) has appeared! 】


"Eh..." Lin Tian's expression froze instantly, cold sweat broke out on his forehead

, and he waved his hand and smiled while retreating, "Dog buddy, I mean, you want to kill this cat, let the little brother come to me, how can I get you out..."

Although Lin Tian is also quite meticulous

, after all, he is not a real dog, and he can't communicate with wild coyote dogs.

He was still talking to himself over there, and

four coyote dogs had rushed up at the same time!

Seeing this, the coyote dog in front of Lin Tian also

rushed immediately in order to protect its owner!

Seeing this, Lin Tian could only bite the bullet and command:

"First choose a target and break it one by one!"

"Try to attack the neck as much as you can and kill with one hit!"

These four

coyote dogs, though, are not as high as Lin Tian's coyote dogs.

But, after all, the number is superior, and there is also a teamwork bonus.

As soon as the two sides began to fight, Lin

Tian's coyote dog immediately fell into the downwind.

Four wild coyote dogs harass and attack from four directions.

Whenever Lin Tian's coyote dog was attracted by the enemy in front, the enemy in the rear would take the opportunity to pounce on it and gnaw it.

After being attacked several times in a row,

Lin Tian's coyote dog had begun to be a little tired and weak.

Even though Lin Tian tried his best to command

, in the process, he also crippled a wild coyote dog.

However, it was impossible to cause a kill, and the enemy's combat power was not greatly reduced, and

the decline began to become more and more obvious!

Seeing that the situation was not good

, Lin Tian gritted his teeth, and he couldn't hesitate anymore.

Although, he didn't want to invest too much in this coyote dog with average qualifications.

However, right now, if he wants to escape this forest, he

really needs the power of this coyote dog.

There are two options for salvaging the current situation.

First, catch another coyote dog by cheat ball

, change the situation to 2v3, and save the battle from the point of view.

The second is to improve the combat power of their existing coyote dogs and save the war situation from a qualitative point of view.

Lin Tian made a slight calculation in his heart

, spending 5,000 money to improve the combat power of his coyote dog was more cost-effective than spending 10,000 money to catch a lower level coyote dog with no training value!

With a thought, open the cheat shop.

Lin Tian spent money and bought a pill that could improve the combat effectiveness of the coyote dog.

[You spend 5000 money to buy the power pill X1

] [Current remaining money: 35100]


"Coyote dog, eat this!"

Grabbing a gap where the wild coyote dogs stopped attacking,

Lin Tian immediately threw the pill in his hand towards his coyote dog!


Receiving the order,

the coyote dog also immediately flew and bit and ate the power pill in the air.

After swallowing the power pill,

a stream of red energy began to surge rapidly on the coyote dog.


With a loud howl

, Lin Tian's coyote dog muscles began to surge, its limbs began to become thicker, the muscles of its jaw were more obvious, and at the same time, its teeth also grew sharper rapidly!

After a few moments, the effect of the power pill was fully exerted.

The strength of the Coyote Dog has increased dramatically!

[Your pocket monster coyote dog uses a power pill! ] 【

Its physical attack attribute has been increased from 20 to 60!!】 ]

A power pill goes down, and

the physical attack attribute of the coyote dog directly triples!


The enhanced coyote rushes straight at a wild coyote in front of him!


With just one impact on his body

, this wild coyote dog flew out nearly ten meters away

, vomited blood and fell to the ground, half dead!

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