



A succession of gunshots rang out!

The coyote dogs and wind speed dogs that rushed towards Lin Tian's attack quickly fell!

However, just as Lin Tian killed six pocket monsters,

aimed at the last one and pulled the trigger.


A desperate striker sound came from the desert eagle's body!

"Desert Eagle, cheer up!!"

Lin Tian's face suddenly turned pale, and he aimed at the last coyote dog and pulled the trigger desperately.

However, the Desert Eagle is exhausted....

In other words

, there are a total of seven bullets in the magazine, and

Lin Tian will not help at the moment if he buckles it again!

Although the Desert Eagle is strong, it is not an infinite bullet version, and

after hitting the seven bullets in the magazine, it is basically a piece of scrap iron!

Seeing the last coyote dog grinning and rushing towards him with an extremely vicious attitude, Lin Tian dropped the desert eagle in his hand, and his brain spun rapidly.

"No matter what, you can't plant it here!"

"Quick, think about it, is there any other way!"

"Run? But my speed is definitely not as fast as a dog! "

Burning Soul loot, you need to defeat the opponent in the monster battle to be effective, it's useless, the Burning Soul Medal, can only enhance the pocket monster, it's useless, the Burning Soul Consciousness is the same, it can only enhance the combat power of the pocket monster..."

"Is there anything in the store that can be used?"

"Life pills, strength pills, defense pills..."

"These are all things that enhance the attributes of pocket monsters!"

"Yes, yes!!"

Just before the coyote dog charged to Lin Tian's body, it was the most critical moment when he opened his mouth to bite.

Lin Tian urgently purchased an item from the store.

[You spend 10,000 money to buy a cheat ball X1

] [Current remaining money: 40,100]

The light flashes

, and in your hand, a pitch-black Poké Ball appears!

Lin Tian stretched out his hand and sent it forward.


Coyote dog took a bite and just bit on the cheat ball!

In the next instant, the figure shrank and turned into a shimmer, and the

coyote was sucked into the cheat ball!

The cheat ball landed on the ground, swayed from side to side, and

then smoothly stopped shaking.

[Congratulations, successfully subdued the Coyote (LV8)!]

"Whew! Good risk! Seeing

this, Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind, the members of the law enforcement department who caught up with him were stunned when they saw this scene.

"He, how did he take my coyote dog?!"

"This, what is the situation?!!

One of the members of the Law Enforcement Department exclaimed!

The rest of the members of the Law Enforcement Department saw that their pocket monster was hit by the bullet of the Desert Eagle, and the bloody corpse fell to the ground, and they also showed a shocked look: "He actually killed our pocket monster!"

"Bastard! I can't bear to do such a poisonous attack on such a cute pocket monster!

"Damn, he must be brought to justice!"

The members of the Law Enforcement Department were furious and caught up like crazy!

Lin Tian knew that this place should not stay for a long time, even if the other party did not have a pocket monster to help at present, I am afraid that support personnel would come immediately, so he also ran quickly without looking back!

Plunged into the jungle,

Lin Tiantou ran wildly without looking back.

I don't know how long I ran

, until there was no movement behind him

, Lin Tian gasped and stopped, sat down on the ground, and wiped the cold sweat on his head with a wild beat: "Damn, at the beginning, I became an enemy with the official law enforcement team and the world's largest force Monster Fighting Alliance..."

"I just want to experience the normal game flow, is it so difficult?"

Complaining is complaining,

but Lin Tian also knows that now is far from the time to relax.

Although this jungle is dense and suitable for hiding,

the jungle area is not large.

The large-scale search by the Law Enforcement Department will soon come, and

he will not hide here for long.

At present, if you want to ensure your own safety,

you must shift your position as soon as possible and improve your strength as much as possible!

Stand up and pat the soil on your butt.

"Fortunately, now that there is finally a pocket monster, all kinds of talents and items in the cheat store can come in handy!"

Lin Tian took out the pitch-black cheat poké ball from his pocket, and the relevant attributes of the coyote dog in the poké ball immediately popped out in front of his eyes.

[Monster: Coyote Dog

] [Level: LV8

] [Attribute: Evil] [Personality: Brave] (Brave: Attack increased, speed decreased

) [Life (30/30

)] [Physical Attack: 20 (affects the power of physical attacks)] [Physical defense: 15 (affects the effect of physical defense)



Special Attack: 16 (affects the power and effect of

special skills)] [Special Defense: 14 (affects the resistance effect to special skills

)] [Speed: 13 (affects movement speed, attack speed

)] [Skill: Impact (physics attack), bite (evil special attack

)] [Loyalty: 100 (Cheat Ball Effect)]


This is just the most ordinary coyote dog, and the

combat effectiveness is probably not much different from that of ordinary wolf dogs.

Although it looks weak,

the canine's sense of smell and sensitivity are

still very helpful for Lin Tian to leave the jungle and escape from the encirclement of the law enforcement department.

Lin Tian could only rely on it for the time being.

"Come out! Coyote Dog! With

a low shout,

Lin Tian threw out the cheat spirit ball!

Immediately, a coyote dog appeared!

Since the monster subdued through the cheat ball will maintain absolute loyalty to

Lin Tian, after the coyote dog appeared, it also obediently wagged its tail and

came to Lin Tian excitedly.

Touching the coyote dog's head

, Lin Tian gave an order to the coyote dog: "Dog, help me find a way to leave the jungle and escape from the future town!"


The coyote dog stared, thought

for a moment and called out, and immediately stepped forward to lead the way!


Lin Tian's side, exploring in the jungle.

On the other side, the town of the future.

A large number of members of the Law Enforcement Department appeared, and they had already surrounded and controlled the location of the corpses of Dr. Ohki and a group of coyote wind speed dogs, and began to conduct a scene investigation.

A law enforcement commander wearing white gloves carefully picked up the desert eagle that had fallen to the ground and had emptied its magazine, and asked several members of the law enforcement team next to him: "Is this the terrifying pocket monster you are talking about?"

A member of the Law Enforcement Department who had participated in the previous operation to hunt down Lin Tian immediately stepped forward and nodded, "That's right, captain, it's this monster that killed our monster!" I guess Dr. Ohki was also killed by the murderer with this monster!

When the captain heard this, he frowned and observed the desert eagle in front of him:

"No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a pocket monster..." "

Do you have any other information about this monster?"

After thinking about it, the law enforcement officer replied: "I remember, that annoying person seems to call this monster Desert Eagle, this monster also has a skill called 'headshot', our coyote dog and wind speed dog died on the skill of 'headshot'!" The

captain nodded, carefully recorded this information, and then, put away the Desert Eagle with the evidence bag, and said seriously: "Take it back and let the monster researchers study it properly!"

"Also, block the entire jungle as soon as possible!" Don't let such a heinous criminal escape! "



While the Law Enforcement Department was encircling

the jungle, Lin Tian was also marching quickly in the jungle!

After walking for about ten minutes

, in the grass on the side, there was a sudden noise!

"Is the wild pocket monster going to appear?"

Lin Tian immediately tensed his nerves and hid behind the coyote dog!

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