The pupils were extremely constricted, and a terrifying sense of crisis surged up!

Almost out of instinct

, Watanabe forcibly withdrew the fist that smashed towards Dugu Lei, and instead smashed a punch into Lin Tian, who suddenly appeared in his face, and at the same time released his skill: "Yan Explosive Fist!! "

A punch with a giant flame slammed into Lin Tian's head!

Seeing this scene,

everyone in Daxia was immediately shocked!

"Damn it! How could Lin Tian appear there! Feng

Sangu forcibly stopped his retreating figure and wanted to support Lin Tian to save him.

Luo Qi also used his displacement skills overdrafted, and rushed to Lin Tian's location with all his strength, wanting to save Lin Tian from Watanabe Killing this boxer!

The rest of the generals of the Daxia team also rushed forward at the first time.


it was too late.

No matter how fast they are, they can't compare to the speed at which Watanabe's killing fist falls!


A punch fell, and a raging fire covered the surroundings.

Just as the flames dispersed, the

Great Xia Generals widened their eyes in despair.

Lin Tian's understatement caught Watanabe's killing fist, tilting his head with a mocking smile, but it was like a terrifying wave smashing on their hearts!


Feng Sangu and Luo stood up and froze, their faces blank.

The generals were also stunned in place, and their brains were blank for a while.

The most shocking

thing is undoubtedly the punch Watanabe kill!

"Nope! You are not Lin Tian! Who are you! Watanabe broke out in a cold sweat, his figure retreated, and he made his own rational analysis and judgment at the first time!

Lin Tian clenched his palm slightly, extinguished the remaining flames in his palm, and then made a friendly joke: "No matter who I am, it can't be your father anyway, guess what?"

"Hahaha, because your dad has already been killed by you!"


Seeing Lin Tian teasing himself like this

, Watanabe killed the murderous machine under his eyes, and rushed forward again!

"Bloody battle body, ten times explosive !!"

The red energy emanating from his body soared again!

Watanabe killed extremely fast, like a blood-red phantom!

Seeing that the other party moved the real thing,

Lin Tian also exerted a little force: "Demon kingization." "


The thick black demon aura instantly shrouded, and

above his head, the sharp horns of the demon king grew!

Lin Tian's palm flipped, and a giant magic qi bomb was generated in his hand!


The terrifying aura was pervasive, and

the huge demonic qi bomb rushed towards the blood-colored figure that rushed up!


The pitch-black magic qi bomb collided with the blood-colored figure

, huge energy escaped, the ground shattered, and

the surrounding rocks collapsed!

Watanabe's body took two steps backwards, and

the red energy on his body seemed to dim a little after this move.

Seeing this, the rest of the crowd were completely sluggish.

"Lin Tian... Can it be comparable to that Watanabe killer?

"Groove! This is also outrageous, right?! "

Although I have long heard that Lin Tian's own combat power is already very strong, he is strong to this extent at the age of eighteen... Or is it a bit of an exaggeration, right?

"Is it possible that Lin Tian's defeat of Fioria, one of the Three Holy Swords, is not a rumor?"


The strong strength shown by Lin Tian shocked the rest of the people on both sides for a while.

After a short period of confusion,

Luo Qi and Feng Sangu stepped forward and wanted to help.

Lin Tian waved his hand at the two and smiled lightly: "Just leave it to me here, you first move General Dugulei to a safe place for treatment, so as not to affect him in the subsequent battle." Feng

Sangu and Luo Qi glanced at each other when they heard this, and felt the powerful power exuded by Lin Tian, so the two no longer hesitated, and immediately stepped forward to quickly drag away Dugu Lei, who had lost consciousness.

"Want to go?!"

"You're all going to die here today!"

"Titan Strike!"

Watanabe's figure suddenly flashed to the three people again at this moment!

With a punch, the fist swelled like a boulder, straight

to Dugu Lei's head!

"The power of Shura!"

Seeing this, Lin Tian also urged the skill again.

The two God of War-level skills were used at the same time, and

Lin Tian transformed into the Asura Demon Lord form!

His body was shrouded in thick black qi, the demon horns above his head exuded an evil aura, his eyes spewed out hell flames, and his skin became red like blood, and his muscles and bones swelled rapidly!

"Roar, roar!!!"

Just an instant later,

Lin Tian had already turned into a terrifying monster with a body size of three meters tall!

The figure suddenly disappeared in place, and then suddenly appeared

, Lin Tian stopped in front of Watanabe to kill, the crimson monster fist rushed straight up to meet Watanabe's killing move, and at the same time once again urged the active attack skill Dementor Strike, laughing: "What for?" I can't beat it, I'll only take the deflated lying on the ground, right? "


The two fists slammed together, and Watanabe's killing figure was knocked out again!

His entire fist also became bloody and blurred under the collision of this blow!

Seeing that Dugu Lei had been pulled into the distance by Feng Sangu and Luo Qi at this time

, Watanabe's murderous face began to become a little ugly, no longer distracted, his murderous eyes began to stare at Lin Tian with full attention: "If you are really Lin Tian... Monsters like you, today, must die!

Lin Tian also responded with a serious face: "I don't know if I die today, but what I can be sure of is... Your dad won't die today, guess why?

"Because your dad has already been killed by you!"


Seeing that Lin Tian was still mocking himself as if he was playing with ease,

Watanabe's murderous anger was pushed to the extreme!

Finding that conventional means could not pose a threat to Lin Tian

, he no longer wasted time and physical strength, clenched his fists violently, opened his mouth and bit his arm viciously: "Bloody Battle Body Mysteries Life Burning!! "

The moment the teeth clenched into the arm

, no blood spurted out, and no obvious external injuries appeared.


, Watanabe's body began to become emaciated, and the whole person's qi and blood rapidly decayed.

At the same time

, on his body, an extremely strong aura rapidly expanded!!


Kicking his feet on the ground, like a cannonball,

Watanabe rushed towards Lin Tian!

Bang bang!!

Fists and feet quickly stagger, trembling and shaking the earth!

After using Life Burning

, Watanabe's killing speed and power increased greatly, and for a while it was comparable to Lin Tian's!

"It's kind of interesting!"

Seeing that in the process of fighting with Watanabe, his imperial cultivation skill "Thousand Chance Divine Transformation" combat experience grew rapidly again, Lin Tian's eyes also lit up, and once again urged another amplification ability.

"Lord of original sin, the power of sin, maximize!!"

The power of colossal evil attached to the body

, and Lin Tian's physical attributes improved, and he once again gained the upper hand!



Seeing this, Watanabe was horrified in his heart!

He immediately retreated with the impact of a collision, and his figure slammed into a boulder, leaving a human-shaped depression, but he did not dare to have the slightest pause and stay, and bit his arm again!

"Life burns !!"

Releasing the mysteries of the bloody battle body

again, Watanabe killed the whole person shrunk again, the skin began to become loose, the hair also became gray, and the whole person directly changed from a middle-aged state to an old man with white hair!

At the same time, the

power around him soared again like a volcano erupting!

"Such a strong ability, can actually release twice in a row? It is estimated that the cost should be irreversible.

"Is this guy already planning to fight hard?" Lin Tian stared at Watanabe Kill, who was burning his life again to gain power, and he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, and his expression became serious.

"The blood of God escapes."

Lin Tian unleashed the Attenuation Skill.

However, the other party seems to have antibodies to this type of skill, and the

effect is not significant, but it is not too bad.

The two sides fought again, and it was still difficult to distinguish for a while.




The entire gambling battlefield

, under the strong confrontation between the two again and again, has been destroyed and reduced to ruins.

Feeling the rapid passage of life force,

Watanabe became anxious in his heart.

In the gap between the chaotic battles,

he clenched his fists again and raised his old and thin arms.

Under his eyes, a hint of hesitation flashed.

"If you use it again, even if you win, you shouldn't live long."

However, after only a moment,


and paranoia overshadowed this hesitation in his eyes.

"For Sakurajima..."

"I'll do anything."

"For Sakurajima !!"


One, two, three!!

"Life burns!"

"Life burns!"

"Life burns !!"

Exhausting all

his life, Watanabe kills his last life energy to drain!!

Moments later

, he was already a pile of bones

, organ failure, heart ulceration, and eyeballs falling off.

However, at the same time,

an icy aura that made Lin Tian's back cool also permeated from above this skin and bones...

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